Robert Pattinson at The Carnival 06/24/2009

How small is Emilie?

Larger, tagged, untagged :))

Source : Twifans, Celebrity Gossip Net

Thanks to everyone that sent in the tips :) I really appreciate them :)


anna F said...

Emily really loooks tiny next to Rob... but it's cute to me~
If I didn't know that she is older, I wouldn't guess from these pictures.

I find the pic of Rob with a basket ball quite funny, almost comical, probably because he is supposed to be so non-sporty.

peeling a fig said...

So many pictures, so often. I feel like I should stop looking so some of the movie will be a surprise.

I assume they are rehearsing, everytime I see those white sheets in their hands...script changes maybe?

I think I prefer Rob hatless, or maybe beanied.

Haystackhair said...

Scruffy Rob, yum. Maybe today it will actually stop raining here in the northeast so they don't need the umbrellas. I want to be Rob's panda too.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Hi ladies!

And hi latebloomer!

Last night, you wrote:

"@Mrs. Robinsane...

I<3 your face so much! You are most def the voice of true wisdom... and I am in total agreement on everything you say.

I know that I can't know who's hitting the sheets with "our" man... and it's a shame that we can't create a "dateline" for him! Imagine if you will his own personal dating screening service? We could take applicants and screen them FOR Rob so that he could be assured of only the highest, quality of character and "intent".

We of course, would be the HBIC of said agency. It would be a raging success, because who wouldn't pay top dollar to get their app submitted, much less approved, to have the chance to become a potential Mrs. Pattinson?"


I would be a devoted employee of such an agency, so long as the stringent applicant screening process allowed for the inclusion of Robsessors themselves, and did not follow the model of radio call-in contests—you know, excluding from participation all employees of the radio station, their competitors, and their advertisers.

*to all others: good luck getting past "Madam" Robinsane*

albaville said...

OMG so many pics of this set and movie..I love them all, rob looks handsome and cool...I love this guy..I'm Robsessed for sure!!

kitty said...

Could this movie have the most outdoor New York scenes ever?!
It sure seems like it!!

Kate said...

Oh holy God it'll take me all day to save this lot!!! Thanks for all the fab pics Goz!!!!

Haystackhair said...

And can I just ask how many plaid shirts there can possibly be in this world? LOL

Babs said...

I find the picture where he has his finger in his mouth so yummy, is it weird?? LOL

Mrs. Smith! said...

Hi Ladies.. All I can say is stubble makes me SWOON! I too prefer him hatless or in a beanie (good god) but he still looks gorgeous as ever. I know a lot of people don't share my opinion but I think Rob and Emile look cute together! If for some weird reason they did get together I think it would be cute but he is bound to end up with one of us Robsessors.. right? lol I love the carnival scene and I am so glad to see all the pics.. SO CUTE! Ahh.. my day can official start!

Anonymous said...

Don't know about you ladies, but to me Rob didn't look too into Emilie in those shots. He just looked business like.
they smile every so often in other shots I've seen, but Geeez...doesn't Rob smile like that at everyone? Just a thought..

KIMMY said...

It seems that Emilie started wearing a plaid shirt too... the black-yellow one under her gray hoodie... I wonder if it's her own clothes or it's the movie costume... and yes, I also like her more and more now, thinking that she does look cute next to RP... especially when she also put on the torn-at-the-knee jeans...

Anonymous said...

I do so love to see Rob smile!

tracyvanhorne said...

I love how he always looks like he's playing air guitar! Do you think that's like his nervous tick or something? So effin cute!

Alexandra said...

I want that panda! Especially if it's Rob who is giving it to me :D

Suz said...


If I am still alive after the
"Summer of Pattz" it will be a miracle and the Vatican should be notified!

The basketball from How To Be to Remember Me... Gahhhhhhh!

Pet73 said...

Mrs. Smith- I share your opinion! Don't throw stones at me, but I never have been very enthusiasic about Kristen. I think Emilie and Rob look good together.

We all wanted an older woman for Rob (take me, take me - waves frantically) - at least, with Emilie he's heading in the right direction :)!

PsympleMind said...

how small is Emilie?:
according to her IMBd biography, Emilie is 5'2"...Rob is 6'1" (or more) so he's got a good 11 inches on her! She's a teeny tiny little thing! :-)

Kathy#1 said...

Wow, she is little.. Ok, the funniest thing here is Rob shooting baskets at the I can really believe that? Wow, that must have been interesting filming...He looks damn hot and schmexy though. Jealouse of Emilie..

albaville said...

She's like me...same height, same weight...I hope Rob likes tiny girls like us...we're so manageable...sounds bad???..sorry!:)

Yvonne said...

Yup, she's under his was just a matter of time :)

Yvonne said...

I think Emilie is adorable, she's very natural looking...and so teeny :)

All this outside shooting, and it's been raining....does not make for good hair days..... :)

Anonymous said...

Awww he won her a panda - I love panda bears

peeling a fig said...

Emilie is thinking: I likey them fingers 'round that coffee cup...

I wonder if they'll edit the film to make it look like Rob is a better basketball player than he actually is. Or if they'll just show him being goofy and hopeless at it.

Hansom Ransom said...

I cannot wait for this movie.

cathysue said...

*jumps up and down*
win a panda for me rob. *pouts* lol

i wonder if they are doing the new york accent thing or just a plain american one. and emilie is a cutie.

RPnKSaddict said...

The panda bear is as big as Emilie is,I love the pic where she's resting her chin on the bear, it's cute.
I bet Rob loves the fact that he can be casual and not have to shave, he hates that about Edward being such prettyboy.

Love the Scruff..I just want to run my hand over his jaw...

Don't worry Rob only in my dreams, I'd never invade your space.

Hannah said...

PsympleMind -"he's got a good 11 inches" My mind went everywhere there.. dont do that to me!! LOL!

RPaddict - Long live the scruff!! I was so upset it disappeared for so long over NM filming :/ But now.. All is right with the world again :D

monika said...

EW outtake pic in colour

Divinesally said...

Us petite girls are the shizz! They do look cute together, for the movie...if he thought Kris was "little" at 5'5" wonder what he thinks about Emilie at 5'2". lol

November and February are me and my dh's respective birth months , so lots to look forward to in those months. Yipeee!

Divinesally said...

it's the jaw, lmao!
love her clothes! I would so wear that.

monika said...

'who was the best movie vampire of all time' poll on splashnews,guess who's winning hehe

CullenGal09 said...

Awwwwwww.....the pics with the panda are too cute. Em is tiny-but not as little as me I bet! ;) LOL

Loved her in LOST-will be interesting to see her in this with Rob. This movie looks like it will be so amazing. Can't wait!

Oh, and one last thing-that damn basaball hat is seriously turning me on......hehe. GO YANKEES! LOL

Nikola Six said...

In reference to the lad's basketball skills (and this isn't giving anything away), keep in mind
(and this isn't giving anything away either as Rob has already gone on record with this), Tyler is based very much on Rob himself.
His basketball "skills" remain very much "intact." hee hee

As for pairing him up with older actresses...
You're going to see this happen quite a bit with Rob and that's because of his mature looks. Emilie's got nearly 5 years on him and they pair up beautifully. When Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner first came on the scene in their mid-late 20's, because of their mature looks, they were paired up with actresses who had up to 10 years on them; Sigourney Weaver, Diane Keaton, Susan Sarandon. Believe me, it's a compliment to Rob that Hollywood thinks he can hold his own against leading ladies who are older than him. Case in point, does Zak Effron really look like he could pair up with an actress closing in on 30? No he cannot which is why until he matures a little, his roles and co-stars will be limited. Hell, I think they could pair Rob up with Jennifer Anniston or Halle Berry in a younger man/older woman love story and those girls have got about 20 years on him. Yup, because of his mature looks, his choice of leading ladies will change from late teens to early
40's. That's alot of scripts to choose from.

And like Emilie, I'm a little thing too, although I've got a whole half an inch on her and strangely, I've never dated a guy shorter than 5'11". In fact, most were 6'1" or taller. Don't why little girls and tall boys navigate towards one another, but often times, they do.

Everyone have a lovely day.


rpattzgirl survived Rob! said...

As a tiny gal, we love the tall lean guys..hmm..just like Rob..
They are going to be awesome together in the this movie..
I love scruffy Rob, clean shaved Rob, bloody Rob boils my blood, and wet Rob, there are no words.

Maryann said...

I used to be tiny...I am actually petite built too but er..then I gained now all that petiteness is hidden by stupid lbs lol

Yvonne said...

Nik, as usual, I totally agree :0
Rob has sucha mature look, especially with the scruff, his possibilities for onscreen love interests are endless...I've thought the same thing, I would love to see him with someone a little more mature...I keep saying Claire Daines, because I think she is a phenomenal actress, but even Diane Lane....I'm sure there are many....the whole "cougar" notion is hot right now...he could def. do a movie like that! Cuz srsly, he really doesn't pass for 17....we are just forgiving because we love him.

Meeno said...

Geeez, with the pappz taking ALL the shots of ALL the scenes, we virtually can see the Remember Me movie already! No wonder director Crhis Weitz blockaded his film sets . . .

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Oh Yvonne:

RP and...Diane Lane? Why did you have to go there?

*Mrs. R rips current, useless sheet of paper from typewriter; reinserts fresh, promising sheet; impatiently cranks down page; bangs on keys—

an original screenplay
by Mrs. Robinsane*

xoRobxo said...

Love the way Emilie's looking at Rob 12 photo down.

Laniey has the photos from the actual shoot, these I surpose are rehersal.

She can be funny.... the first line she writes is (straight from the movie ghost):

"Emilie, you in danger girl"

and then refers to the tabloids and Robs fan plotting her demise. Although I have to disagree with her her take on the Twilight fans and their obsession with Edward and Bella. Maybe the tweens feel that way... BUT NOT the fab Robsessed fans ... who don't care about that shit and love Rob for Rob not Edward

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