Robert Pattinson as Jeff Buckley?


Jeff Buckley Biopic Back on Track for 2010 Release, Possible Leads Include Jared Leto, James Franco and Robert Pattinson

6/4/2009 By Brock Thiessen

As Jeff Buckley fanatics likely already know, a biopic on the late singer-songwriter has been brewing for years. Several attempts have been made — one even by Brad Pitt — but so far Buckley’s mother Mary Guibert has put the kibosh on bringing the Buckley tale to the big screen. (To read a detailed history on the failed biopic check out The Playlist’s post about it here.) However, via a report from the Australian press, it appears the film is back on track and could be out as early as 2010.

According to the report, Orian Williams, who produced the biopic Control, about Joy Division’s Ian Curtis, is onboard for the Buckley film, titled Mystery White Boy, as is screenwriter Ryan Jaffe (The Rocker). The real juice here is that the list of possible actors that may play Buckley, which includes names like Jared Leto, James Franco, Robert Pattinson and James Marsden.

"Whoever gets the part will need a lot of self-discipline because they won't be able to fake it," Guibert said in interview. "It's going to take a phenomenal set of skills."

Guibert also added that she has finally come to terms with the idea of there actually being a biopic done on her late son, saying, "I have finally relented against my deep conviction that films about people should never be made until those people are long dead."

And while all indications now seem to show that the biopic is back on course, the script is apparently nowhere near complete, and the film is still in the very early stages, making that possible 2010 release look pretty tentative.

Video set to Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah (it's not Rob singing :))


Anonymous said...

Rob was made to star in this film! Make it happen!

Suz said...

I've been waiting for this film to be produced for years...

Rob..honey.. kill me sweetly

(in the meantime can you just sing Lover, You Should Have Come Over? --- it's not toooooo late!)

Nikola Six said...

Hallelujah indeed (if he can land the gig that is). And agreed, he was born for this one. Looking at the other names I'm thinking, okay, maybe. Jared Leto could certainly pull it off and James Franco (whom I adore) probably looks the most like Jeff out of the bunch, but damnit...Rob's got the musical chops. He is a musician and yes, he'd have to put a tremendous amount of time into learning all of Buckley's music, but...HE WOULDN'T HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO BE A MUSICIAN as I suspect the others would. I don't know. Are Leto and Franco musicians as well? I really want this one for Rob. And he wants it too (although he thinks it's gonna go to Franco).

A successful film in which he can show off his musical talent, would then establish him as such; a musical talent and his recording career would be...'Houston, we have launch.'

Although when he would film it would be anyone's guess. He's booked through almost the end of 2010 with Unbound Captive, Bel Ami and Breaking Dawn AND...this is a role that would require months and months of preparation. Lots of music to learn here Mr. Pattinson.

Fingers Crossed.



Anna said...

Fingers crossed. Rob would be AMAZING as Jeff Buckley.

But let's not get our hopes up too much; I think James Franco pretty much has the role if he wants it. I saw an interview of him a while back, and apparently the mother had already contacted him about it.

Please just let Rob audition... he would blow their socks off !!!

Sam said...

the first time i heard rob sing i said he sounded like a cross of Damien Rice/Jeff Buckley... hell i forgot the song i first heard.. and now i don't hear Damien at all- but i totally hear Jeff... However once i heard Terry Reid sing- and Rob says he was one of his influences- rob TOTALLY emulates Terry- totally.. Terry is great too.. but listen to terry reid and see what you girls think.. :)

Anonymous said...

James Franco as Jeff Buckley? Maybe I need to go look at some pics a little closer cause I'm not seeing it :) Of course, it could just be I would RATHER it be Rob...he's reminded me of him since I first heard his music. Same melanchoily note to it ((sigh))...

anna F said...

That ticks me off: "the script is apparently nowhere near complete".

Since a good script is the basis for a good movie, we'll see if Rob is still interested afterwards.

It might take a while anyway, since there is no script yet, it seems to be more a concept right now.

Franco would be perfect for the part - Rob himself had said so in an interview I believe. No clue if he can sing, but are we sure it's really needed? I mean, it's about Jeff buckley, so they might want to put his original songs and get the actor to lipsinc.

Then again, if the script is good and Rob manages to land the part, good for him.

Rocio said...


Marj said...

this film has been on and off,maybe waiting for RTP

MandyW said...

I would definitly pay to see a movie that will showcase Rob's singing. More people need to realise how talented he really is.

Gemgirl65 said...

If this actually happens, I will die a thousand deaths. I will...I don't even know. I can't take it.

I still think James Franco looks a lot more like Jeff than Rob does...but can James play the guitar and wail into a song like Rob can? Doubtful.

*sigh* I really don't need more reasons to fall into the Robyss. For realz.

kchambers77 said...

me too suz on waiting for this. all three are great choices. all 3 are great singers. great actors etc.

what a toughie.

Sara said...

I hate that Franco pretty much has this in the bag because of his face.
Sure he's also a great actor, but the music is the main factor of Buckley's life.
I love James so much, don't get me wrong <3
but I think Rob would do amazingly well in this role.
His musical abilities are out of this world (that voice!) and he has the ability to slip into any given character in a film. Utterly versatile and a whole lotta potential, I think a film like this could give him some credibility with the non twilight world.
Although, it kind of bugs me that a whole bunch of 12 yr olds will be all over Buckley if he gets this role because of Rob and his fanbase.
I feel so protective over his music, it properly hits me with the emotion he conveys.

Sara said...

Anna- I heard Buckley's mother wanted the chosen actor to have a great voice and to sing all the songs themself. This then makes me hope for Rob all the more, his voice is soulful enough to give it a go. What do you think?

Sara said...

Oh, just to tease you, imagine Rob singing Lilac Wine!
I think my overies would explode...

anna F said...

OKI, just before going to bed:

I read somewhere that Franco plays also the guitare by the way, so it might be like an even competition...

I think Rob's current fanbase (as it is seen by the media) would be a problem indeeed. If it's a tribute to a singer, the main focus/draw should not be the actor playing him.
James Franco also has a big credibility compared to Rob too.
I don't expect too much.

But since there is no script right now, and it might take a while to get the mother to agree on the final script, the casting could be taking place in a while. So the situation could be different.

About the script: I have some doubts because it seems that it needs to be greenlighted by the mom, so is it going to be truthfull / daring? I mean that a mom might not want to unveil certain parts of her son's life in the movie and it could end up being uninteresting. But I don't know her, so maybe not~

But well, Rob is supposed to be working on some music right now (for a soundtrack?), so something to look forward there musicwise! And those would be songs he (co)wrote!

-sorry that was long, goodnight ladies!-

Melanie said...

He'd make a great Jeff Buckley. I loved the video--great job!

Nikola Six said...

Hmmm...well, if they're going to cast for the asthetics of it, then they'll probably go with Franco as he does resemble Jeff more than Rob. But if they're going for authenticity, doesn't it stand to reason that they'd want an actor who is also a musician? Someone who could slip into this role like a second skin? Rob wouldn't have to take a year learning how to sing, play and perform in front of a crowd. He'd just have to learn Jeff's music. Yes, they could hire someone to fake it, but why when they've got an actor who can actually perform it?

Authenticity is the key to these types of performances and the greatest ones were by those actors who could actually perform musically; Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner's Daughter, Val Kilmer in The Doors, Jamie Foxx in Ray, Joaquin Pheonix and Reese Witherspoon in Walk The Line. As good as Jessica Lange was as Patsy Cline and Angela Bassett as Tina Turner, their performances weren't as credible as the others because the singing was dubbed.

As for Rob's credibility...yeah, at the moment he's still seen as "the Twilight guy", but let's see where we are 18 months from now after Remember Me and Unbound Captive. If those two films are box office hits (along with the 'sure bet' of the Twilight franchise), Rob will then be seen as one of the most bankable actors in the world. Much more so than Jared Leto or James Franco. And let's face it, producers want to hire those actors that are gonna put butts in seats.

I wondered if maybe Rob was a bit too young for the role as Jeff was 31 when he died and both Leto and Franco are in their early 30's now. But no, Rob is incredibly mature for his age and could easily play 30. And with no script and the mother's hesitancy anyway, hopefully this thing is another couple of years off at least. More than enough time for Rob to finish his current commitments and get himself ready.

I want this so badly for him. If he can get this role and pull it off, he will then be seen as a "legitmate" musical performer and not just another actor who dabbles in music; ie; Johnny Depp and Russell Crowe. They may be good (don't know, never heard them) but they haven't got much credibility as legitimate musicians.

Rob, I know you're using up alot of that luck that you were willing to wait for, but hopefully there's enough left to get you this role. If I was religious babe, I'd light a candle for you.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure James Franco can play guitar. Not sure how expert he is at it, though.

crazy said...

Wow, that performance was beautiful! I sure think Rob should get this role. He would do it justice.

el said...

i'll have to go with James Franco, Rob's singing voice is similar to Jeff Buckley's style but imo he looks too young to play him. James Marsden has a great singing voice but he's more showtune-ish and i don't think he has the star power yet to pull off a leading role in a biopic.

to Sara: i understand how you feel about feeling protective of Jeff Buckley's music, we already saw it happen with Muse when they were featured in the Twilight soundtrack.

Stella said...

love and adore Jeff buckley..
love and adore Rob..this would be so cool! I'm waitng for this movie for so long and Rob playing Jeff??
just perfect!!

Celtibera said...

You know I've always thought his voice had something Jeff Buckley-ish about it? :) Apparently, I wasn't the only one to notice.

Yolanda said...

As far as the looks is concerned, I think James Franco is the one that looks most like Jeff Buckley, but I don't know if he is a lot into music as Jared Leto and Robert Pattinson... Anyway, it seems that he is going to be quite busy for the next few months, all those projects coming out...

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