Rob Out and About - June 10th 2009

Sighting report from OK! Magazine, pictures from

star Robert Pattinson may be one of the most — if not the most — sought-after actor by both photographers and fans, but that doesn't mean the 23-year-old hunk is going to hide out behind the gates of some walled-in compound. In fact, R-Patts loves hanging out with his friends — and he isn't going to let stardom stop him.

Around 11:15pm on Wednesday night, Robert and a group of pals, including good friend, actor Tom Sturridge, his Twilight mom Elizabeth Reaser and actress Eva Mendes, were all enjoying themselves at NYC's Bowery Bar, throwing back a few Peroni beers and nibbling on pizza between trips outside to enjoy an occasional smoke. These four were also joined by three others, a blonde woman and two guy friends.

Despite partying with the sexy Twilight star, one witness tells OK! that Eva appeared to have her eyes set on Sturridge. "They were chatting non-stop and laughing the whole time," says the source.

Rob, dressed in a black hoodie and matching hat, got up from his table on the bar's patio several times to take some phone calls. According to another partier, he spent a good deal of the night chatting with Elizabeth, who celebrates her 34th birthday on June 15.

One insider at the bar overheard Rob joking to the blonde woman in their group that having a British accent gets you points with American girls — yeah, because being the super-hot star of a wildly popular movie franchise doesn't get you anywhere...

Just before 1am, it was time for Eva to make her exit. "She hugged and kissed everyone goodbye and left," says one bargoer.

The rest of the group lingered for another 30 minutes, finally leaving around 1:30am.
"As they were walking out, the girls were joking that they'll pretend to be Rob's publicist if people were outside," one insider tells OK!.

Lucky for him, there was only one photographer waiting outside, so he was able to slip into a cab by himself without having to fight off a throng of paparazzi.

Thanks to Rocio, Nikki and Mechevpao for the tips :)


Tess said...

Hello Gozde!

I know he still gets photographed on the NYC, but it's nothing like the madness he encounters in LA.

anna F said...

It seems NY is a much more friendly place for actors! Glad its reputation seems to be true.

I had actually expected that in Vancouver, but had been disapointed. Then again, it was not VC, it was all the fans suddenly going there for vacations...

Anna said...

I'm so glad he can hang out with friends in peace!

So, Eva Mendes, cougar crush on TomStu, eh? Can't blame the girl ;)

(just joking... hope it doesn't start any rumours... I can already see the new L&S cover: "Drama in NYC! Eva Mendes, TomStu and RPattz in HOT ménage à trois!!!")

Georgie said...

"...overheard Rob joking to the blonde woman in their group that having a British accent gets you points with American girls — yeah, because being the super-hot star of a wildly popular movie franchise doesn't get you anywhere..."


Georgie said...


rpattzdude said...

OME! fucking detalied that article was, leave him alone! damned he must be the most wanted on all the mags and paps list! shaking my head all the time

its quite cool that there hasnt been so many pics of him while he is in NYC. or is it just me who are a little happy, even if i wish they could take much less pics of him ?

Rhonda said...

Eva & TomStu. He could certainly do worse *cough*SiennaMiller*cough*. She is gorgeous! Glad Rob is able to relax & party a bit. Why not share a cab with Tom, tho? Guess they are not bunking together. I just imagine them having sleepovers. LOL!

bimbambom said...

His old phone is back!

Lizalou said...

OOh.... not happy they're disclosing locations. Hmm

Lizalou said...

Morning everyone, btw :)

He's looking ever so nice and scruffy. And hanging out with the older gals...very nice indeed!

Suz said...

I love NYward

Eva. you better step OFF

I'm telling Jules!

Maryann said...

How many mobiles does he have? LOL.

albaville said...

I'm 34 too! so maybe I've a chance..he was talking a lot with his Twilight mum that is turning my age..ah aha ahh..anyway is not so cool to have all this detalis on his free,friendly night...the paps are discovering his places more and more everyday..
and also how old is Eva Mendes?

Anonymous said...

Hust wait UNTIL I get to the Big Apple in a few weeks....HA!

Everyone else gets a photo w/our hunky Rob and I want one too....that is of course if I can find him!

Suz said...

The 2 concerts Rob has rumored to have attended so far in NYC..

David Byrne
The Decemberists.

Rob.. did you get my memo about Wxpn?

Ahhhhhh... so sweet

Anonymous said...

OMG i know BIMBAMBOM... i was just noticing how the old phone was back! i luv that crappy phone.

Anonymous said...

haha he is using two different phones in these pics... maybe one is for work and the other for pleasure.

eva mendes and elizabeth reaser are hot chicks...these boys know what they're doing. and they are both 33ish...which just makes me have a big ole grin :D

kchambers77 said...

oooh he likes the decemberists? damn i want to have a beer with him and pick his brain and write a parody song.

Pet73 said...

Oh, he is soooo handsome! Although paparazzi (?) pics - it's so good to see him again.

Ah, the iphone is still there.

showme said...

awwwwwww....chokes up...

'that's mah boy'

Hmmmm who's he talking to stacy?


Melanie said...

I can't stop staring at his fingers. Oh my....

Loisada said...

Rob and Eva.... why didn't I think of that?! Did we just cast the perfect George and Gracie???!

WinWin said...

Thanks Gozde for the new banner and this update. GRRR! I work down the block from Radio City and I was downtown by Little Italy last night. I missed him twice, was at wrong place at wrong time.

marya said...

i love how he has two cell phones...hahaha so funny

WinWin said...

Glad he wasn't disturbed and photographed all over town. I want to be that cabbie so bad.

Gemgirl65 said...

TomStu and Eva Mendes??? The mind boggles....

Yeah Rob, it's just the accent that gets you American chicks. You're so cute and clueless...that's why we heart you.

Actually he's partly right...LOL!

Suz said...

Win.. would you park and do some neckin?

Anonymous said...

rob: you're right... the accent doesn't hurt dude.

Sam said...

ooooo thank the lord- a recent pic.. i was about to spontaneously combust...
Hell i might anyway..

Yvonne said...

Eva and TomStu...weird. But look at the source....

leann, suz, TS!,sam,win,....nice to see you all :)

Yvonne said...

leann, so true, as usual, a bit clueless, our Rob...

Anonymous said...

'sup yvonne? you been hiding out...?

tomstu needs a little lovin' too... haha

Kelli said...

i'm so glad i'm not the only one that noticed his phone. why do these things stick out to me? he looks hot as always.

Mechevpao said...

At least the are not talking the same old stuff, beyond those source´s detail about who was seen speaking to whom, or actual bits of their conversation, which I never believe from this kind of mags, it is great to see the people he hangs out, Eva Mendez and Elizabeth Raser are great women, and it is good to see Rob still hanging out with his NM cast when ever he can.

Marj said...

mmm, even if he didnot talk ,he would get the ladies hes so dam cute,move east ROBERT

Smitten_Vixen said...

Vancouver is a very friendly place... the problem was the exodus of FANS flying there from god knows where...

But i hate to burst your bubble about NEW YORK. The reason we don't hear too much is because nyc is huge AND Rob is being smart this time... someone posted Rob's hotel on Twitter for the world to see... people started flocking there and he moved.When Rob was in Vanc there were many who kept his hotel a secret... but within 3 days NYC knew where the boy was!!!

Ana73 said...

great the rumors will start now that he is after elizabeth reaser, LOL.

glad that he is having fun in new york with one of his BF :)

Mechevpao said...

There are more pics at RP Daily LJ

TwiHartRK said...

Oh Rob bb, it's not just the voice, and certainly not the celebrity - it's so much more. But something tells me you, and the "blonde woman" know this...

Cougar71 said...

I'm not saying this is the reason why he has a different phone in these particular pix, but if memory serves, people that live in other countries (not that he's actually been home in forever) need to have a separate phone to make overseas calls.

Let's remember ladies, that just because he is seen with a woman/women, doesn't mean anything except that he is a likable guy and has male and female friends. That goes for TomStu as well. That's all Rob needs, more rumors about his love life. lol

TwiHartRK said...

C71 - you're so right. I trust the peeps here to keep a cool head about this. No one is gonna start rumors or believe them.

I was just saying no one is immune to his charms, and he has to be somewhat aware of that.

RPnKSaddict said...

ahhh a's bitter sweet. I always love seeing him,but that means so have the paps.
At least it was only one and not a mobbing.

Win- There's still hope.....keep following the Robbuzzz.

RPnKSaddict said...

LOl ... the phone..I know are we Robsessed much.

(waves to all) Have a great Rob day ladies.

TwiHartRK said...

Win- you can be the cabbie - I want to be the phone. He could push my buttons for me...

Anonymous said...

Are there pictures or proof that Rob was at the Decemberists concert last night??? I was there and if he was there too I would die -- and be so mad that I didn't know we were in the same room!!!

Cougar71 said...

I wish the guy would get some new clothes! lol He looked so nice in that black short sleeved shirt in Cannes (presumably a birthday present). I understand that if he got more clothes he would have to either get bigger luggage, or get rid of some of the clothes he has. I opt for option 2. I still love him madly, but baby needs some new trousers!

Loisada said...

What's the deal with the mismatched buttons lately? Love how he doesn't waste any time or effort on his look on his down time, but want to just grab that baby and rebutton it for him!

Anonymous said...

I just realized I love Rob's profile the most :)) **sigh***

what am I saying I love him whichever angle

anna F said...

@ Smitten_Vixen

I totally believe you about Vancouver. I have thought the same: that it's all the stalkers going on vacation to VC that made a much bigger hoopla than normally. Look also at what happened in Italy.

It's nice to see that he can hide better in NY, probably because it's bigger too. But twitter is deffintly the DEVIL! even New yorkers are not immune to that...

Babs said...

Paps are the same everywhere but it looks like his public life is a bit less stressful in NY for the moment, no stories of stalking so far

Anonymous said...

He looks more relaxed and I think I actually saw a smile! About tme, I was feeling Robsmile deprived.

Sounds like a good night. Maybe he has one phone for friends, one for family or you get call waiting on Cells? Just asking, I have a Cell and have it turned off most of the time. When I'm out I never want to be found. I turn it on only when I need to make a call.

London2LA said...

iPhones don't call out of the U.S. I don't think (if his originated in the U.S., which I'm sure it does) so he needs his old phone to call England and get texts (from his Mummy) from England.

What is with the wrongly buttoned shirt?? Isn't this the third time now that he's done it?

RPattzFanNJ said...

Did anyone notice the Lion King add on top of the cab? "The lion and the lamb.." How funny is that. I had an urge to drive into NYC on Thursday to do an errand, and do a little downtown Rob sightings. There are so many people on the sidewalks and driving, that he can easily hide in plain sight. Enjoy NY, Rob! I could totally see you living in the village. Maybe move East?

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