Rob on Entertainment Tonight...Tonight


Anonymous said...

I can totally see Rob being a prankster!!

Anonymous said...


what has that boy done NOW?

i can't wait to get my ass home after work and check it out...

i hope he never changes..I LOVE FUN ROB!!

Maryann said...

I gotta wait until this is up tomorrow online, again I rely on THIS blog to let me see it lol. What would I do without this site?? I'd be lost...literally!

Rob as a prankster..yep I can see that big time lol.

Kathy#1 said...

I think it's hysterical that he's pulling that s**t..he is priceless - hey like an American Express commercial....! And the paps deserve it.

lostinphilly said...

Caannot wait for this one; this should be priceless! Go Rob!!!

Lizalou said...

Hmmmmm... there should be a copyright for this...

anna F said...

well, there is this video of Rob happy with a papz in NY:

Some wonder if it's that one that they want to show on ET... it would be sort of lame, then agin, it's very short, maybe there is a longer version.

side note: HAPPY ROB IS GOOD! NY seems to be good for him!!!

Mechevpao said...

at spunk ranson they have posted a tmz video of him, running the pap, he seems he was having fum last night :)

Mechevpao said...

Anna, thanks that is the video!! :)

anna F said...

So you believe it's that one too?

We'll see tomorow on the web I guess ^_^

*still on happy cloud*

LovetheLips said...

I agree with annaF -

Happy Rob IS good! :)))) to see him so relaxed in that vid...

Mechevpao said...

Maybe on ET they will show more of the dialogue to the pap, and Rob running him, or the pap falling on his back for running backwards haahaha

LovetheLips said...

yes Mech - the papz do tend to fall over a lot when chasing Rob, don't they?

Suz said...

OK who saw this and what did Pun'kd Pattinson Pull?

Our local station ran a fundraiser instead of ET tonight... why I oughta!

RPnKSaddict said...

It's just the same vid that's been online all day, all they said was that yes it was true that Rob punked the paps. Not a big deal. That's all they showed when I watched.
They suck me in everytime..

RPnKSaddict said...

It just looked like he was going to trip the camera man.

He looked like he was having fun so I guess that was worth it.

Noe said...

ha prankster rob? interesting. it's probably witty pranks that the average person won't find too amusing until the meaning behind why its so hilarious is enlightened on them.

RPnKSaddict said...

If you want to see the video ran on ET it's on

Anonymous said...

TMZ has a longer version where Rob tells the photog to "Go Away"

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