From MTV.com contains mild spoilers:
UNIVERSAL CITY, California — It's one of the most anticipated films of 2009 and already has hundreds of fan sites devoted to it. Now, the stars of "New Moon" are revealing details about key scenes from the flick that will surprise even the most die-hard fans.
"There's definitely a difference in scale," marveled Robert Pattinson when we caught up with him recently. "I liked doing 'Twilight,' but it felt very much like an indie movie — and ['New Moon'] definitely feels like it's a big movie."
"Kristen [Stewart] and Taylor [Lautner] had to lobby to get this one scene in the film that wasn't originally in — and I am forever indebted to them for that," revealed Mike Welch, citing a beloved moment from Stephenie Meyer's "New Moon" novel. "There's a scene that's in the book, the three-way date between Jacob and Bella and Mike, where Mike ends up getting sick, and it's just very awkward."
As for how physically ill Welch's Mike Newton gets in the comic-relief scene, he said we shouldn't expect projectile vomit or anything. "We're talking a little bit," he laughed. "A little sick."
"We did a lot of improv on set," Lautner said. "We'd just be in a random forest and, after Jacob transforms [into a wolf], he all of a sudden becomes very agile, and I wanted to show that, because pre-transformation, he's clumsy. But as soon as he transforms, he's agile. So we'd be in a random forest, and I'd be looking around going, 'What can I do to show Jacob's agility in here?'
"Sometimes [director] Chris [Weitz] would be like, 'No, Taylor, we don't want you getting hurt, spraining an ankle,' " Lautner recalled. "But I was like, 'Well, how about I just jump off that and then jump through this?' And he was like, 'All right, give it a shot.' "
The immensely popular "New Moon" trailer gives us a peek at Lautner's athleticism. It also gives us our first look at the infamous birthday scene — a moment that actor Jackson Rathbone had been eager to shoot ever since he landed the role of anguished vampire Jasper Hale.
"He unleashed the madness; it was crazy," Peter Facinelli remembered of the day when Rathbone finally got to display his inner animal and attack Kristen Stewart's Bella. "It took me and Kellan — non-acting — to hold him back."
Elizabeth Reaser also got knocked over during the violent take. "Jasper, played by Jackson Rathbone, kinda loses it when Bella cuts herself," Kellan Lutz recalled. "It's fun to work with your friends and see a side of them that you really don't expect. That's where the acting comes into play. Jackson did an amazing job portraying that scene, and it was fun being my character to try and stop him."
Speaking of favorite scenes, Greene also got to shoot hers — a high-octane moment where Alice Cullen steals a yellow Porsche in Italy. "It was really fun. I worked with a stuntman before actually driving it and learned how to do a bunch of unnecessary things that were fun, like fishtailing, and he was gonna teach me drifting," Greene laughed. "I drove it in a scene and came about 2 inches from the wall!"
"I hate you," a jealous Lutz joked.
"I know," Greene said. "Oh, my gosh — everyone does right now!"
"[The whole film] looks completely different, so it'll be interesting," Pattinson said, looking forward to the November 20 "New Moon" release. "I'm very curious to see what it looks like."
Thanks to MTV.com for the article and Corrina for the picture.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 798 Newer› Newest»(= "i hate you" - kellan<3
P.S. adjusting pants/junkage...
Wow, it's so rare to see or read Twilight related interviews that talk to Elizabeth Reaser. That was nice.
AirGuitar Rob banner's back. YESSSSSS!
A/LA: my thoughts exactly! Air guitar Rob!
I would love to see photos of Rob in NYC playing AirGuitar.
(for any potential lurkers out there youknowwhoi'mtalkinabout&thatmeansyoubabe)
ahhh A/L.A. you speak for zillion
Um, I'm not ashamed that I squeed a bit when I read this.
NM is gonna put Twilight to shame - sounds like they really stuck to the book and I think it will look loads better.
And KS just earned some bonus points for getting that three way date scene in!
Love,love,love the banner:))))
...and November can't come fast enuff.
Dear God, what is he going to do with that hand???????
I agree Suz,Squeeeeeee- oh and in reference to his adjusting pants/junkage, the movie is not the only thing that looks really big (that's what she said)!!!Thud is right!!!
Hey ladies!!! so i havent had internet all day and have been severely Rob deprived! anything good while i was gone???
whatup pattzy? check ur email...
Even from the trailor of NM, I knew it was going to be better then Twilight. The fact that the cast is saying it just makes me more impatient for November.
Hey Mandy!! ;p
I just emailed you
Liza- I'll go check it now.
Thank god for spiolers like this.Amen!
I'm a spoiler junkie.
Yay New Moon!
RPaddict: I emailed u earlier today I think.
where did everyone go???
I thought this was the place to robsess about rob!!! It is to bad for Godze and Dani, they work very hard to keep this blog the way it is and it is my favorite one. I have been lurking here since feb 09, but it looks like everyone is going somewhere else now to talk!
That wasn't too much of a spoiler....just some good news!!
This looks like it's going to be amazing....I read what Chris Weitz said about the movie, how the color and lighting will differ from Twilight...I think he sounds very artistic and creative. I'm really looking forward to this :)
Yvonne, i agree. I think new moon is going to be so much better. I can not wait till november!!!
Yvonne: chat chat chat!!! ;p
Lizalou - check ur email...need help
Just got home and I'm jumping on before everybody splits again (I hope.) I know the new chat room is billed as for "late night talk," but when everyone was there last night, we still had 3 hours of daylight left. Hadn't even had dinner yet, etc. I'm a victim of my time zone.
Hey Diane!
Are you going to join in?
Well Diane, it might be just you and me. I finally decided to step into the light again and stop lurking and everyone is now going to a private chatroom. What is now the purpose of robsessed??? I wish they didn't do this!!
No, I've got some non-dirty issues (honest!) I'd like to talk about, and I'd feel bad taking that away from the site that was so lovingly built for that purpose. Just hope I won't be talking to myself (cause I do enough of that already.)
Does anyone else in this blog has problem to control the libido??
I mean why do people have to be crass on this blog!!! Can't they just talk about Rob without offending people (I am not sure how peope got offended in the first place) I sure was not, but I seem to be roaming this blog by myself.
I've had trouble with my libido ever since a certain R.T. Pattinson came on the scene.
Hi sweetdutchie!
We kind of got in trouble the other night for posting comments that were considered too crude for this blog...so out of respect for Goz & Dani, some of us have opted to chat outside the blog later at night EST.
We are definitely not bailing on Goz...we're doing this out of respect for her...
Come join in! Click on Lizalou's profile for an invite/link...
"Rob, gorgeous lover, I will be waiting for you in Rio de Janeiro tomorrow ~~ pretty close to Isle
Esme, honey. It will be hot hot hot there with both of us naked in that water, under the sunlight, under the moonlight... oh yeap! Come babe come..."
Thanks love the lips, I will do that. But I really like it here, too!!
Crass can be fun, but we know there may be younger fans on the site who don't need to hear the old folks getting raunchy. And we wouldn't want to scare them away. The more fans Rob has, the better.
I'm sure that's why they came up with the chat room - to take the pressure off of Goz and Dani. Just hope some folks will stay around and give some hits to them.
Jeez, girls, I just read your comments. Sorry for my love notes to Rob... Damn, should I delete them?
Nah, that was just PG13, Soph.
I tried to join the chat and it says I need a password.
Sophia, I am actually waiting for him here in Maryland. We both on the east coast and it would only be a couple of hours car ride. So, I am closer lol.
And NOW I GOT why the "older" (older on the blog) girls are not around anymore everynight...
I really wonder how the ending will turn out. They said it won't be what we expect. I hope it comes close to the book.
Twilight bummed me out a bit bc it was missing some stuff that I thought shoulda been in the movie that was in the book. Ya know?
Hi Diane!
Hallo girls.. we aren't abandoning Gozde and Dani.. we compulsively check in :P
But if you want an invite/password email me for the no-holds-barred chat.
why do people think people are abandoning the blog? No one is. Some people weren't around earlier today because some people also have daytime stuffs to get done!
I am addicted to this here blog. Lurve it, and lurve all of you.
Liza, I emailed you...
Diane, thanks!
Sweet! It seems that everyone around here is waiting for a miracle called 'Rob in person'...
Diane- what did you want to talk about? Was it the trailer?
Yeah, i know what you mean, wowie. But I think new moon will be better. Visual for sure, story wise i am not sure. They still have the same screen writer, but a different director and that makes me more optimistic.
Can't wait.....THUD!
Thank you, A/LA. YES! I was still in NY when it came out so I probably misses a lot of the discussion. Oddly, it's not the character aspects that I have a problem with, although that's what first worried us when the helm went to a man. It's actually the stuff that are supposed to be CW's strengths that disappointed me! For instance, after seeing the real wolves in TWI, the NM one looked like a cartoon. You could probably have your picture taken at Disneyland with the Jacob-wolf.
Rob Lover: check ur email
A'right! Now EVERYBODY is emailing Lizalou and talking dirty somewhere else...
I told Stacy- I think the wolf looks cute and cuddly. And too small!
And I have never seen Chris w movies, so I don't now what to expect
A/LA, I saw the golden compass, CW directed that one and I really liked it. So, I think there is big hope for new moon!!
They still have time to work on it in post, so I hope they do. I was just as glad to see they abandoned the whole 8-foot tall wolves and guys. Never saw the point to it in the first place.
Yes, the fact that Chris was touted as a special effects whiz had me expecting problems with other aspects of the film, not the wolves.
The other scene that instantly made me want to shout "continuity!" was when Jasper flies across the room. Maybe, it's just cause I've been a film buff for a lot longer than I've been in to Twi or Rob. The attack looks great, Rob's reaction looks great, what doesn't is the shot with Jasper sailing towards the viewer while everyone else just stares at the far wall.
That action would have humans whipping their heads around to follow Jasper. Vampires? With their speedy reflexes would be even faster. It looked really dumb to me.
i agree not too much of spoilers but kind of behind the scenes of what they are thinking when the did different scenes.
i cant wait...
oh, and the wolf is way better in the preview than what they showed in twilight movie, just my opinion :)
Well, I have issues with the trailer, but I think that iot looks WAY better than Twilight, and I am excited to see it, so there. :)
I never saw anything from him, i guess... dunno what to expect... OH, yeap, i know: SHIRTLESS ROB!
Diane said...
"They still have time to work on it in post, so I hope they do. I was just as glad to see they abandoned the whole 8-foot tall wolves and guys. Never saw the point to it in the first place."
Hmm... I wanted them to look taller. Point being this is a story about vampires and werewolves, so lets get in some more fantastical elements. Jacob looks short, so to me he looks less threatening than he seems in the book.
Yep, you can't beat shirtless Rob!!
Hi guys! Anybody still on?!? Hi liza!
Hi LA!
Hi Sophia! ((waves))
There was just never any way to make them all bigger - no unless the Indians wore elevator moccasins. Jacob has muscles but he doesn't look much bigger than my teeny Roblet.
A/LA: yeah i agree with you but EVERYONE wanted to keep Taylor so that is who they have. The book made him sound like this big indian kid from the rez.
so we just have to get used to taylor but he has got built since twilight but he cant actually get taller.
elevator moccasins omg hahahahha
Anybody there?!? Anyone?!?
oh did anyone notice the makeup of kristen when she sees laurent in the meadow she looks really different than the rest of the trailer? or is it just me?
Bueller? Anyone?
Diane-hi! Elevator moccasins-bahaha.
Hey, Cullen! *smile*
I was leaving when I saw that some people came back. I thought everyone was in the chat-room talking rob/dirty...
Hi Ana! Yeah-it is a bit different, maybe.
hehehe, I like to talk Rob/alittle/dirty in HERE!
I know Ana.... I think this NM movie is his acting test (for me at least)
Hi Soph! I know! I wanted to check in with 'em, but couldn't remember my password! :o
How are you, by the way?
please come talk to us
cullengal: and yes i have looked at the trailer quite a few times so i am glad that someone else noticed.
Soph-yeah. Me too! ;)
Rob makes you feel dirrrrrty....;)
This is totally of the subject, but I just found out some info about Paris Hilton. She broke up with her current boyfriend and she could be setting her sight on Rob Pattinson!!! I know we are not allowed to say her name or visit her site (godze calls her laimey!!)But I actually agree with her on this what she has posted on her website!!! And I know I should not visit her website, which I did not. I found out via twitter (RPattzNews) I am praying that this will never happen (rob dating paris hilton, that is)
ShoME!!! HELP!!! What's the password?!?
SweetD-perish the thought! EEEWWWWW.
Damn... Sho puts me up to this and now i'm the queen of dirty talk!! yeesh!
He can't get Ebola!
Hi Show!
I'm typoing all over the place in here - I'd never be able to keep up in a chat room! Besides, I have the teeny Roblet to consider. He does go everywhere with me, and he's just too young to hear all the dirrrrty, wrong ideas we're going to love him for later.
LIZA!!!! HELP!!!! Want to visit chatrrom but don't know the passwrod....911!!! :0
Cullen,I am cold! Winter is close here. I need some hot Rob around...
And you?
yeah i read the too about paris. i hope NOT, maybe she will go back to that madden brother (cant remember his name).
Diane, as the thread bully, i demand you at least drop in and say hello
Damn the Roblet
Yeah-know waht you mean Soph-it's summer here-and things are heatin' up, but still likin' some hot Rob!!! ;)
Got hot with hubby last night-hehe-Italian style-;)
I know-TMI. LOL
Afterall, who is worse with the dirty talk? Liza or Showme? showme says it is her...
CG: email me
ShoMe-HELPPPP!!!! Need password-want to pop in with you guys....help a sis out. I'm still VIP right?!? ;p
Diane, love little roblet!! LOL
sophia where are you that it's getting cold??? i am sweating while blogging its cooled off to 88 right now and it's 8pm, i am in the southwest.
Cullen, 'Italian style'???
Damn! where is that half-italian BF when I need him to explain me some?
Soph-think it's a tie....bwahahaha.
Liza! Thank you. I will. Hang on.
Sophia!!! Pubessessor!!!
Ana, believe or not I am in Rio de Janeiro tonight... and it is cold for a brazilian...
Liza is WAY worse than me.
believe me
i thought that is was always warm there?
Bullshit, Sho.. ur the queen of raunch. You dirty bird
Oh the Rob lobster makes me happy! w00t!
Sho, would you be so kind as to check your email?
Soph! Italian style-yeah....;)
Liza and Sho-LOL!!! Pubsessor?!? Bahahaha.
Liza, why did you have to remind me of his pubic hair???
Liza-check your e-mail, sweet pea.
Oh, and by the way-Rob lobster-YUM!!! LOL
liza, i tried emailing you. Did you get it?
Girls, I have to see what my dog wants... he is barking and I don´t want anyone coming here to complain... damn dog...
Sophia-dog barking-oh oh.
SweetD-how are ya?!?
wow... just wow
Welcome to Robsessors after dark-LOL
yes Diane
Suz-my lovely! How the hell are ya?!?
Ana, not always. It is windy and rainning today. Totally unlike Rio... will get better by the weekend, I hope.
Hey babygurl... what's shakin?
Sweetdutchie: you've got mail
Sophia: I had to remind you of the pubes!!! you're the pubes girl! happy trail! :p
CG, I am fine, thanks!! Love it here!!
CG: you too
Really off now. See ya girls!
Liza, thanks!
I'm back sorry-Suz! How are you!
Suz-i'm pretty well. a little tired, but ok. how's things been?!?
good cg, how you've been?
damn... is that a shirtless pic of rob i had not seen yet? i believe it is.
hello all :)
suz! :)
These gals have been keepin me busy-naughty girls. LOL
Sho has started her own after hours naughty talk blog site chatrrom-LOL
They're a riot!
Hang on-BRB
Suz ~ MB....
TS.. hey girl!!!
everyone else good evening
TS!! So happy to see you!
pube talk?
Isn't there a chat room for that..
just sayin'
'sup t? it's kinda quiet in here tonight...
what's with this chatting about a chat? weird.
CG Naughty talk is good...
I am happy to see everyone is finding their own little niches in RobDom.
Its a beautiful thing.
Proper Crassness and all
TS~ what to make some noise girl!!?
SUZ~ hey girlie!! me love you long time!!
suz: lovin' on your fucking artvatar... haha
no that is what I'm talking about...
yea. well as you know..
my artvatar fucking OWNS me
Suz~ the avatar Art and a harmonica... = pure win!!!
SUZ!!!! Sweetie!!! 911!!!! Rob has a stalker-needs help.
t: what what!? makes some noise. do it.
you know what a harmoniwhore I am.. lol
Oh, apologies-hey Tenneil!
Hey thirtysomething!
cg: what are you saying girl?
Suz-your avi rules as always-but did you hear?!? Seriously Rob has a for real stalker!
Its not stalking cg... it's research
sorry... shoulda said hi first. hi cg :)
now what about a stalker?
guys-i'm serius! Some crazy bitch has followed Rob from VC to NYC-she's following him!
Okay i just watched the new moon trailer... when Edward takes bella face with his hands and kisses her.... HAWT... I so would like to give Kristen a few tips tho...
just sayin
CG i am sure he has about a billion stalkers at the mo
Hell, I fight the urge every afternoon to hop on a train to NYC to find his sweet azz
Cullengal : where did you hear this???
cg: where are you getting this info? please don't say casablanca, please don't say casablanca
Really-this is genuine. They're discussing on the chatrrom. It's on Laimey's site, and was in some other places-there are pics!
CG. I am sure she is nutso..but he will be fine.
Hard to find 1 person in the sea of people that is manhattan
(she keeps telling herself)
Suz-true, but this is kind of weird. She's some craggy faced heifer. Ewwwww!!! Plus, Paris is supposed to have broken up with her BF, and she may be after Rob too! Dear lord. It vexes me.
t: thank you on the pointers for kstew. could you tell her to be bella not kristen for like five minutes...?
just sayin'
Just popped in for a brief hello ladies.... and the first thing I see.. *THUD*.. the man and his almost trousers
can we not gossip tonight.. and just talk about Rob's Jaw all night?
I could give a ratz azz what lainey reports
and what happens in the chat room..
should stay in the chat room..
(live vegas)
lol Suz...
Stalking rob... well someone has a little time on her hands... and what is she going to do when she finds him... you think that hes going to want to be near that???
Kelly, need help off the floor? ;)
Kelly you sexy bitch!
Suz-thanks. Yeah-big ass bodyguards and all-i just don't want him getting hurt-that's all-seriouosly. I mean, we joke, and all, and if we ran into him, well, you know, but we'd never hurt him pr STALk stalk him. you know.
Suz-point taken. Thank you for that. It's all good now. sorrry!
How are all of you lovly ladies tonight??
Hey Kelly... *waves franctically*
Suz, adjusting pants/junkage..**pant** **pant**. Love those Italy pictures, they never get old. Nice article too.
kelly! :)
what's up girl?
Rob's jaw-dear lord. Could go on about that all night-hehe.
yea..pray for him CG. and for the misguided fool who took the red eye to find him...
(I'd only take an hour train ride, so NOT that much of a stalker!)
Hi Kelly!
Oh, LOVE LOVE air guitar Rob, too. I LOVE the banner Goz...thanks!
no doubt on the gossip....gah it make my head hurt and i'd rather gouge my fucking eyes out.
Kathy.. panting over pants..
Gotta say I'm GA-GA for the new banner! Go air-guitar Rob!!
Tru dat TS Tru dat....
Marna, his hands...gahhhh...I can think of a thing or two for him to do with those hands...
What happens on the blog stays on the blog.. words to live by
TS.. c'mere I will hold you.
Suz-i have missed y ou, my madcap! Loves ya babe!
Oh, by the by, finally got HTB in postie!!!! Sqeeee!!! Got it last week-LOVE IT!!! What a movie. Think of you whenever i see it! You are Art's main girl, of course. LOL
Hey Chi.... how you doin??
Chi Town
Hells yea
it's almost like old times around here...
We need the RK's!
Hi KAth!
Hi Chi girl!
hey kathy :)
chicago!!! i haven't seen you in FOREVER. how the heck are you?
t: although i would never be able to see rob again... tough call
Suz... love... how are you tonight...
Suz <--- bows to CG
you know that's right.
Kath-the hands -oh hell yeah. ;)
Liz..are you the one I should e-mail to get info on the chat room you guys are setting up? I think sho told me that.
Kelly.. Suz is happy to see YOU!
suz: thanks for the lovin'...
What are we talking about tonight.. too much to read
Suz-you know you're the best, gal! Your my road dog, chick! ;)
Loves you right back milady!
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