I don't know about Rob but I need more than 24 hours in the day to keep up with him :)
Not that I'm complaining but a girl needs to sleep once in a while :)
So I am leaving you for the day with CUTE Rob:

Thanks to Lion and Lamb Love for the pictures. Check 'em out for more :)

Not that I'm complaining but a girl needs to sleep once in a while :)
So I am leaving you for the day with CUTE Rob:
Thanks to Lion and Lamb Love for the pictures. Check 'em out for more :)
He is SOOO freakin' adorable! I love the tongue in the 5th pic. mmm mmm mm
I'm liking Rob in brown; gorgeous!!!GarnetGurl: lovin' that tongue in #5 also!!!Why do I keep staring at the hair and freckles on his arms - am I sick??
Rob is definetly making the temp rise even more today!!!
Lovely, Gozde!
So sincerely happy and radiant!
And apparently, too many pesky buttons to contend with, on that little brown shirt.... ;)
P.S. To ladies who mentioned problems w/posting comments on my fledgling blog: I think I have corrected the access designations, so you should be able to comment now, if you so desire. Sorry, and thanks!
Oh my, a little bit of tongue and that open mouth...
who'd a thunk brown would look so hot?
This is why your site rocks!!! Your tireless devotion to keep us well and truely Robgasmic and Robsatisfied.
Not as fixated on the tongue as I am on the jeans in the fourth and fifth picture. Today was a stellar robsessing day - thanks Gozde! Can't wait for tomorrow!
ok- had to scroll thru them once more. He's so dang cute!
Every pic I scroll on...I can't help but say "hi" to each one. (picture big cheesy grin and drool) Is that bad?
i ask myself this question every day
-could i get any more robsessed? to which i shamelessly answer..
-YES i could!
and then i remind myself why he is number one on my v-card taking list. (yeah i'm part prude and believe in waiting. yet Rob could change all that with one word)
if that was tmi my apologies ladies ;p
I absolutely love the brown on him. Man, he is something else.
Gozde, YOU are why I come back to this site over and over again. Sure I love Rob and love seeing his wonderfulness ... but Gozde, you totally ROCK! You make it funny and even MORE enjoyable. I always wonder what comments you will come up with and you make me laugh every time! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all that you and Dani do to make this site the BEST!
An apple a day....
Goz, I still love you. Rob, I am already DIED. please stop killing me...on second thought, never stop...how many ways can i die a Rob induced death....THUD
OMG... I went to sleep last night and when I woke up this morning: ka-ching! tons of new pix! How can I keep up with Rob and with Godze. Gozde, my thanks and appreciations go to you. I actually go to your website for 3 reasons:
1. All the best Rob related stuffs can be found here (you're working so hard Gozde, you actually save lots of time wandering around the 'net for us).
2. Gozde's so hilarious labels/comments. I'm looking forward to them as much as a new post. just so you know, i was like ROTFL when reading what you said about your Photoshop skills that everyone was envious of.
3. Ladies' funny comments. I don't just get a good laugh but also some great points as well.
thank you all. you're the reason why i enjoy Rob more and more.
that was more than just CUTE, that was freaking ADORABLE...
couldn't think i could be more robsessed and these pics proved me wrong...WOW
He is soooo Cute!
The little brown shirt, the cargo pants that's falling off, poor Rob, where does he get all these ill-fitting clothes? Then again, that's one reason why we're nuts about him.
And what is trying to tell us with these brand-new outfits? We love the old familiar thriftstore threads. Robbie is growing up and branching out before our very eyes. What a difference from one year ago. The man child is starting to melt away, don't you think? We are truly done for now.
Brown is warm on him.... is there a color he can't turn radiant?
BROWN? OMG!!! He looks chocolately delicious!
WOW! I am LOVING the brown! ok, I will just admit it, I love him and everything! Most of all, I love this movie, he always looks happy since he started filming this movie.. is it just me or is he smiling 90% of the time!?!?!? The only time he looked upset was when the psycho B's attacked him! I swear I haven't been productive in any part of life since this started.. lol!
"Sure. Brown is warm."
What's your favorite color?
Why brown?
Brown is warm.
Ah yes, Rob surely looks warm in brown. :D
LOL babbles, I thought the same! ;)
great minds......love Rob! LOL!
It's great to wake up and find pictures of Rob smiling, they always put me in a good mood.
Thank God I'm not the only one who noticed the tongue, for a moment I thought I had hit the bottom :) You girls keep me sane
Gozde you make everyday a Robmas day, thank you.
How can something brown look so bright?
After totally dramatic Monday (some shit happened, life isn't fair! what can you do..) I came here to cheer myself up and I did!
New set of pics are great... Brown is so warm :) His smile...well I look like the Joker now, my face is starting to hurt!
Officially I am his biggest fan in this part of Europe and well I must confess that this is the first site I check every time I'm on the net... stalking from far away LOL
Goz, God will award you for your hard work but at least you are enjoying in it :D
P.S: loving his boxers (why didn't he lower his pants a bit more?! why didn't they fall to his knees?)
He is so freakin' beautiful, adorable, lovable, I just want to squish him!!
I think ... we should hire and send some SWAT brigade to overpower Rob's bodies (only for a while), and pull the cargo (and b-bs, too ?)down ....
just sayin'
on the second thoughts, we'd better not - Rob without pants would cause the fan crowd explode, those buildings around collapse, the internet blow out and us drop dead like flies
no that's a stupid idea...
All these pictures in one day I can't handle this.
he looks gorgeous of all of the pictures with his adorable smile............
thanks for the wonderful pictures of the most attractive and handsome man on earth
@ margot: Keeping everybody dreaming and guessing is much more fun, anyway.
Goz - these pics leave me breathless....the man never ceases to please does he?
Love that you used these pics in your latest banner....heavenly!
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