Either Tyler Roth (Rob's character in Remember Me) dresses like Robert Pattinson or these are rehearsal pictures :)

It really should be illegal to look this good!

Thanks to SplashNewsOnline and Mr. Pattinson.com for the pictures. Check them out for more :)
good god i want to be that coffee stirrer...
he's wearing a grey shirt? that is my favorite color on rob.
HOLY HALE! Srsly, when I see pics like this, it makes me want to slap my dh and say WHY CAN'T YOU LOOK LIKE THIS??? GAH!
Thanks a MILL for posting dearest Gozde!
hmm its really weird... is he wearing his own clothes???
It's xmas in June!
yeah, these are totally different clothes than in the previous post.. and shoes too..
hmm... *mystified
i'm seriously laughing out loud at the coffee dribble down the front of his shirt
"i'm such a sex symbol, right?"
haha yes you are rob!!
*show taps arm, pulls rubber tie around top*
Mainline me, bitch.....
*leans back into couch with toothpicks on eyelids*
The colors in that flannel are so perfect on him....god, he looks amazing.....
TS...I noticed the little stain on the shirt too....he is such a hot mess.
-the black pants/jacket him off set
-gray shirt/plaid/jeans him in character
"let is all go. Bagel crumbs" LOL
yvonne...we missed u....email me or liza! LovetheLips is askin' for u
Sho: too late, I already did... gotta find someone who's lucid.
Oh, euphoria! Just sucks when you crash...
show....I have SO missed you guys....summer vacation is here and kids are out of school....sux, no time for me it seems....
Ok, he looks so damn good in these pics...LOVE his smile..he is so hot...Thanks Goz!
I bet I have a lot of catching up to do! I see you have a new name....uh oh....drama?
Im going to shoot you an email. '
Sho: mibbit?
hahaha thirtysomething..I want to be that coffee stirrer...so true..
Liza....ok :)
I'm gonna be in n out today....family visiting, kids want to do stuff...blech....soo busy.
This may be the best pic ever....
Yvonne: u've got mail, chica
is that guy next to him Aidan?
Is the guy with him (with the back pack and coffee) playing the "friend" role?
God, he kills me! No-one should be so irresistable... "thud" is about right
Hey Liza, Sho..love the new pics...yum...you will have tell me, right or left..hahahaha
Yvonne..where have you been?
Liza...got it, thanks :) Will you be there tonight?
Yvonne: I'm sure we will.
hey kathy!!
Kathy, the kids are out of school, and every day we have been running around....it's fun, but it seems like I don't have any time for myself....it's going to be a LONG summer!
It's funny, I miss a few days here and it feels like forever!
yes Xo
i was asking that in the other thread? who is the actor
YVONNE! missed u too. yes, some drama LOL
hey cg...emailed u
and the bald guy is director Allen Coulter. found his pic on imdb.
Seriously I have to post again.. there is not a chance I am going to make it through today!
p.s. loving the banner :D
woweee, what a good monday morning,so cuteeeee
no monika. not aidan
mystery actor best friend
ok, mibbit liza
It should be illegal to look this good. He looks about perfect in these, IMO, with just a little scruff and great hair.
Altho, I am surprised they didn't get the Edward color out of it.
Lainey is a fucking dingbat. She doles out criticism by the truckload. I'd like to take a look at her husband and highlight his flaws with a sharpie.
I never wanted to be a coffee cup so bad in my friggin life.
well, I have to go .....kids want to got o the beach....I will stop by later to "chat" :)
Have a great day <3
Well, happy monday to me. He looks so goooooooooodddddddddd!
i'm on liza
inspiration for an avi change :)
hi yvonne :) he IS a hot mess
Imagunnadiedead from the coffee cup and stirrer! *thud* remids me-need coffee! BRB
ok, Liza....I can't leave without saying something about that post!!! LMAO!!!
*Yvonne is standing on the chair clapping*
Bye Yvonne! Loves ya sweetness!
bye Yvonne!
btw, kathy, i don't think he's hanging either way LOL
think he's in the middle
AMEN LIZA on Lainey. that ho
hi TS....how r u bb?
bye yvonne! pop in later!
see you all later
The insolent beyatch had the nerve to criticize his profile. My GOD! Has she seen my avi???? that JAW?! the chin?! the forehead?!
Headcheck needed.
OK. Im back. Got my coffee-im READY!
Gah-these pics are awesome-the profile one-the ones in his shades-CRAP!
I can't see the peen, sorry.
Lainey is a fool!
HI SHO!!!! (waves and hugs)
"Well, filming has begun. These are just some early shots. I'm sure there will be more throughout the day. If I was guessing, it looks like they're getting ready to film the scene where Aidan and Tyler walk to class? I don't know."
They ARE filming around NYU...due to protection of the intergrity of the film. I took down the location
But .... it IS the College scenes they are doing. OBVIOUSLY."
so it's the college scenes and that blue shirted actor is aidan
gotta find out who he is
These pics are magnificent. Rob never ceases to look lovely. What a gorgeous tall drink of British goodness he is! ;)
why doesn't ANYONE KNOW who the Aidan actor is? it's not even up on Rem Me blog yet
Lainey can go to hell....she's obv blind.
Liza-Can't see the peen-LOL
Its in the jeans, sweetie! ;)
Sho-you're better that damn Nancy Drew bb. Way to go.
Sho-Laimey is a jealous, bitter wench!
These pics were a real treat to wake up to. Rob always is....hehe.
PS:grey is just a perfect color for him!!!
ok, why do none of the gossip sites know who Aidan is?
Did this actor just fall from the sky? Has TedC been holding him in his basement filled with malicious rumors and torture devices? wth
CG: i wasn't on the peen hunt, SHO was.
Altho.. I think tonight is ripe for some d*ck dancing, eh?
You guys are on it today. Well done.
So Addicted by Saving Abel.
Need to play that now.
showme,and what about his little sis? we don't even know who plays her grr
yeah, i got over my alien, big nose blues fast this morning didn't I? ROFLMAO
yeah monika....we need the damn CIA on this case....
Liza-LOL-yes, tonight looks very favorable for the "dance"! Hehe
Sho-calm down-imm sure Teddy hasnt got him! LOL
Liza - yes, Addicted!
Sho: yeah if you were still on that kick today.. i'd have to lump you in with Lainey
Hi MON!!!! (waves)
Sho-glad you're better today-LOL
It kinda feels like my birthday and Christmas altogether...*sigh* *drool*
Oh gawd, Stacy, that pic that you linked is gorgeous...look at his long lashes...ahhhh
Liza-LOL-i hear you-Sho was getting very feisty! LOL!!!
Hey CG.. yes it IS in the jeans...yum
Doesn't it though?!? HEY MARYANN!!!
Christmas in June indeed. i was going into Rob pic withdrawal.
Aaaaaaaaaa.. I'm ovulating.. My southern part's weeping..
Looking Good Rob
Hey what happened to TomStu..thought he was the friend in this.
Edward+Robert=Tyler Roth
he's a bit of both on these pics,but more Rob, less Eddie.
He looks absolutely scrumdelicious and so natural in these-loving it.
niahid, lol, that's such I perfect description of my pain!
Naiad-Bahahaha! Ithink they have that effect on us all.
HI KATH!!!! (waves) Hey sweetie!
WIN!!! HEY!!!
Here Lies Suz
Deader that dead
Cause of Death: NYC PATZCRACK!
Ohhhh it fucking hurt sooooo good!
you're right Kathy, these pics are my favourite of the last period..
I had Rob here in Italy(i was an extra for New Moon) but he was too Edward but here is Rob, pure sexyness..my god i'm not gonna sleep tonight and its already very very hot in Rome :))
that coffee stirrer in his mouth!! with anyone else it would have probably looked gross!! but rob is so adorable!
Oh My.... *thud*
Shall we all just lay here together on the floor and recover... ?
Rob did describe Tyler Roth as being very similar to himself so if he dresses like Rob would normally do this doesn't surprise me one bit lol.
He's just eye candy to the 100th power-dman.
I mean-damn-oops-ha
Alba..you lucky b**ch...getting to be an extra in NM. Did you get any pics?
those pics of him with a backpack,think he's in his movie clothes there.
Ok, it's only morning, I have a ton of work to get done here..and I can only keep looking at these pics..I'm done for....thud..
KAt-hello! LOL-i think we all are still recovering!
And the first one... hand porn AND mouth porn... I feel so spoilt today..
Oh crist on a cracker..
I have a meeting in NYC tomorrow..how the mutherfuk am I going to stay away from that area of the city???
Kath-LOL-you'll get it together, sweetie. I have faith. ;)
Kath-LOL-you'll get it together, sweetie. I have faith. ;)
SUZ!!!! What up! LOL!!! You must stay away-that's the mantra, SUZ-hehe.
He's so irresistable it's not even fair-dayyyyuuummm!
These pics are tearing me up-on the one hand-it gets my day started off right with some Rob goodness-but then i'll want to keep looking at them-so-CRAP!
dude my meeting is like a block away.. I am soooooo not staying away.
I will, however exhibit proper class and crass.
Then I will die. Again
Hey-did everyone leave?!? Was there another post?
Suz, don't stay away...go over there..get pics..hell get laid...then report back
SUZ! LOL Please do. Comport yourself as the lady i KNOW you are.....;)
Kath-LOL!!! Report back hell-CALL MEEEE!!!
Oh crap. It's about to storm bad here. Better go for now. Need some breakfast anyhow. Damn-it sucks to be human sometimes-LOL
Hey sho..I seem to be obsessed with that hangin' thang...
kat :) lovin you avi girl... and yes we should all recover together
there is a collective sigh across the universe since these pics posted.
suz: if you see him... i better get a sext!
I'll catch you guys later. SUZ-great to talk to you! Take care gal. Have a safe trip to NYC! Stay in touch.
bye CG - see you later...
Thirtysomething-hey!!! Hi and bye, sweetie. Motherbitchin storm comin-gotta go for now. Hope to catch you later. LOL, BTW!
Kath-hope you will be on-LATER....
LOVES YA SWEETNESS!!! (thanks again for the assist last night, hon.)
OK-really gone this time. Gotta go. Bye guys-Robsess on, and catch you later, I hope! ;)
Bye, CG sorry I missed you again.
Suz, you are my hero. I'm trying my hardest not to head down there during lunch, might never come back. Maybe will drag friend downtown for drink after work and casually see if they are still around.
30, what's up girl???
ooooh i LOVE me some Robler!!
i went through withdrawal and now it's a f'kin HAPPY MONDAY!!
it's about time they started shooting...i was jonesin'...BAD!!
i saw those pics and had to go out for a smoke break just to compose myself!!
SUZ you can't stay away you owe it to Rob to show up!!!!
It's fate that you have a meeting so near there tomorrow!!!! You HAVE to go!!
hey cg! see you later...
hey win... howyoudoin'???
@kathy, I only had pic of me and friends with red hoodies doing the Volturi but we couldnt take pics on the set while working!
it was so cool to see Rob so close(just few meters) shirtless and embarassed to do that scene, so sweet..the fans were crazy and screaming all the time..extras like me were cool but looking at Rob all the time :)) I was missing him so much after those days..
I would like to thank the paparazzi for the wonderful photos he is so gorgeous and so adorable.
i've been watching the new picks for 45mins now...
These are awesome, The Nikes are back- yay!
Mandy: jane is 5 feet from him right now!
Lizalou..send me the password..
and tell me about Jane...!
Love all these new pics, that coffee stirrer in his mouth should be any one of my body parts. Seriously.
If those really are his clothes for the movie, I bet he takes them all & we see him wearing them all the time.
He still has his Edward eyebrows, I wonder if that's on purpose?
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