Rob Giving The Finger? More from 06/22/2009

Is he very subtly giving the finger to the papz? Oh, I think so :))

Thanks to X17Online (check 'em out for more) and showme :))


Kathy#1 said...

Ok, I def think he is giving the paps the finger...because he is laughing in the picture. Hahahaha, good for him. And what a hot finger that is, too. That girl in the pic with his is cute...just his type. LOL. Lucky her. Let the gossip begin..hopefully not.

These are such good and hot pics of him...I'm jealous..I want to be there hangin with him...or doin something else with him. :-)

Haystackhair said...

just saw that. LOL.He should flip them off!!!

Hannah said...

OH facial scruff... How I love thee..

Gozde said...

I miss the blog .) Vacation sucks :P Yeah right!

All right gals, I'm off to have a cold beer and relax. These slow internet cafe connections are going to be the death of me! Uploading those pics took a life time :))



Yvonne said...

Enjoy your vacation Gozde....we will be right here waiting for you when you get back! :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I love the Rob-soulful-look.

Kathy, I think the girl in the skirt is definitely his type--she looks intelligent and is very good looking... Honestly, I don't think he has a physical "type." His past girlfriends: Katie Leung and Nina Schubert couldn't be more unalike physically.

GOZDE~YOU'RE THE BEST! (yes, I'm shouting!).

Yvonne said...

He looks REALLY good in that color green....I'd like to see him in a shirt that is all that pretty with his hair ....are you listening Rob? Get a green shirt...please :)

Hannah said...

Gozde enjoy your vacation!! Thank you for still taking time to feed our addiction while you're away!


Kathy#1 said...

Goz, enjoy your vacation and thanks for taking the time to post these wonderful pics.

I just love his long eyelashes..can see them well in these pics..yum.

CG - You are right. She looks intelligent and beautiful..wish I were her!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing.. He really can pull just about anything off!

Kathy#1 said...

LOVE his little hoodie woobie!

Someone needs to find out who the girls are...I know one of you out there can do it!

Stacy said...

He is def giving the paps the finger - I thought that when I saw it earlier. LOVE IT.

I have to ask ... what was the weather in NYC like last night? I know they aren't necessarily filming a summer scene, so I get the layers of clothes but ... does the guy get hot? I never see him sweating in these get ups.

Clarissa said...

he definitely gave the finger.

i love him.

who's the chick, and why is she wearing a pink cowboy hat and pleather red vest?

just curious.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put it past Rob to flip off the paps. I thought he was shooting the bird in the first set of pics of him walking around SoHo.

I love the eye contact he makes with the co-star where he's got his head tilted....very sexy!!

albaville said...


sj said...

He is killing me with that Yankees hat! I'm a rabid Red Sox fan and Rob in the hat of my mortal enemy makes me want to cry! If he were reading my blog, he'd know... Sox hat dude, Sox hat!!

showme said...

omg........those pics big are amazing....

i am IN LOVE with the new hoodie. those profile pics? DAMN!

Like i said, i would give anything to be in a pic with rob like that girl...and i would love that pic til the day i died. they'd have to bury me with it ROFLMAO

showme said...


showme said...



damn you LOL

phosphorus said...

Aaah, and what a beautiful finger that is.

@ Chicago Girl: Didn't he say in interviews that he doesn't have "a type" but is drawn to strong women and likes self confidence? And I think he also said he likes the smart and the crazy ones.

Suz said...


Can someone send me pic #9 untagged.

I need to wallpaper my entire house.

Holy Fuk!

Meeno said...

I saw Chris Cooper on this set of pictures . . . yey! I like him.

Pet73 said...

Love Robert giving the f*ing paps the finger! It's worse enough that they obviously are there with the "approval" of Summit. But I hate them disturbing Rob during filming.

I wonder, how he likes working with Chris Cooper and Pierce Brosnan and especially Allen Coulter. I'm so much looking forward to his first interviews after finishing this movie, to hear something about his expierence and impressions during filming.

Maybe CH was full of energy during filming of Twilight and he got/gets along with the Twilight cast very well, but there are much better directors and a lot of expierenced actors out there for Rob to learn as much as he can. Selfish as I am, Rob being a successful actor on his own (and not for one movie series) ist the most important thing!

Stacy said...

I could not agree more:)

Babs said...

omg he's too hot! I don't know why but when he runs his fingers through his hair my panties melt :) He turns the most normal gesture into something sexy.
I'm in Rob overload :)

Mechevpao said...

Pet, I agree with you!
Thanks Goz for the updating, enjoy vacation...

And god!!... I hate the paps!! in that video we can see how hideous they are, what part of kill the flashes they don´t understand?? they are taking pics while the scene is being film, they are making this movie waist time and money to get a right shot without them or their fucking flashes, and I´m not even counting the crazy fans..

Seriously if a i see a good performance from Rob, knowing all the madness he went through to shoot the movie, I don’t care what the critics will say, I´ll know that if I like what he did, he did it with the double effort than any other actor has to indure.

tracyvanhorne said...

Hot damn he's fine! Hey are those vans... more skate shoes? They don't look like the black circa's he's been wearing...

MADEinPARIS said...

The guy in the white hoodie jacket and yellow tee was Rob's double (Paul Darnell) in Twilight.

P.S. ROB is HOT as usual. LOL

domisgone said...

I hate watching these videos these paps take!


Loisada said...

Watermarks across those puckered up freshly licked lips... blasphemy!

That's the 2nd time I've seen a shot of him flipping goff a papz subtly. Have a feeling the day he gets truly ticked off will be a fierce sight to behold. Let it out, Rob, let it all out!

ROB PATTINSON for Dummies said...


seriously, Emilie looks, i dont know, uhh just not real compatible
with Rob...

HOPE he hooks up with one of the minor role girls...
they are both more natural looking

LisainAZ said...

I don't think Kristen has to worry about Emile but maybe that dark haired girl. She's beautiful! (not that I believe that Rob and Kristen are together because I don't).

I love the picture of Rob flipping off the paparazzi!

Unknown said...

Yes, that's definitely the finger...and what a lovely bird it is! ;-D

Doreen said...

Oh no doubt, he's giving the picture taker the finger. You go, Rob!!! LOL

Shani said...

Rob does give great finger.LOL

Anonymous said...

who's the brunette? she's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

haha I love these pics.
Has anyone else noticed that his wardrobe for this movie is basically the his everyday wardrobe? The majority of these pics look like normal papparazzi pics.
Maybe they couldn't afford a new wardrobe? lol

Ripley said...

Rob makes scruffy look soooo good. But anything he wears (or doesn't :)) is fine with me.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Jesus Mary and Joseph....

Treasure_7 said...

Def giving them the finger...he's so adorable!!

RPnKSaddict said...

Rob flippin the bird to the papz..right on. He kept putting the hoodie over his head to. I think he was trying to make it diffacult for them to photograph him.
I loved the pic with his head tilted to side and his thumb on his lips...ooohhh myyyy...

Rhonda said...

Nice tush on the blonde! And the scruff is just lovely. So many colors in that beard. MMMMMmmmmm!

Treasure_7 said...

He looks good! Can't wait till this movie comes out!

Unknown said...

Who is that gorgeous brunette ? :) Someone find out pretty please!

@Chicago Girl - He went out with Katie Leung, i thought that was just a rumour ?

phosphorus said...

I don't know if he did. Perhaps people assumed they dated because of the additional material on the GoF-DVD. He was filmed kissing Katie Leung on her cheek when all of them were going to the set.

Kalanie said...

I love these pictures. I could look at him all day long, very sexy. I haven't read the script, not sure about cowboy hats.

I am soooo happy he's working on this film and he has a chance to work with veteran actors that are older then him.

I am conflicted, love Twilight and am eager to see the remaining books made into movies, but I can't wait until he can completely get from under the franchise and work on different projects.

Marj said...

that dark haired lady has a ash greene look,hope hes having fun with this movie. GOZDE have a great vacation. been twittering so much lately.

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