OK! Magazine Reports:
Around 8:30 a.m. today, Robert Pattinson, the outrageously attractive star of the Twilight series of films, began shooting his new film Remember Me in downtown Manhattan. And all under the loving gaze of a platoon of photographers and dozens of adoring female fans from nearby New York University.
Before the throng of admirers showed up, Robert, dressed in a flannel shirt over a cotton white tee, jeans, black sneakers and carrying a black backpack, Rob ate breakfast outside with some of the cast during morning walkthroughs. "He was breakdancing and joking around," one R-Patts spotter tells OK!.(Gozde: Clears throat... Rob was break dancing? Oh God, please let there be a video! I've been a VERY good girl! Please!) "When lots of people did show up, Rob tried to act unfazed, standing behind some extras and laughing with his male co-stars and a few extras."
The sheer number of looky-loos has made shooting the film difficult for the small crew. "The PAs [Production Assistants] are having trouble moving people out of the shot," one source explains to OK!.
In the scene being shot this morning, Rob walks with a male friend around the corner of a building talking while carrying a coffee and chewing on a straw, which he had been doing during most of the morning.
"The scene is about two friends who are talking about everyday life," one production source reveals to OK!. "It's a romantic drama. Filming's going great so far. Robert's really at ease. He's handling it all really well."
Despite the off and on rain, filming continued and is expected to go on into the night. Luckily for all involved, the shooting is expected to move indoors later today.
"I knew Robert was doing a movie in the city from a magazine that I read," Alexa Davis, 13, tells OK!. "I've seen Twilight like 12 times. I looked online on his fan website and saw that someone saw permits around here so I came by. I've taken a little over hundred pictures today in two hours. My battery is almost dead!"
"I came all the way from Las Vegas for this!" said 26-year-old Patricia Galas. "I've been here since Friday and I leave tomorrow. I like his hair and his music. I really just want to ask him when he's playing next so I can see him live. I've read all the books."
"We were two feet away at one point but we froze because we were so excited and we couldn't take a picture," says Inna Maryasina, 14, who came out with her three friends.
"I really like his glasses," says Shirley Choicer, 15. "He's hot! He seems like a really nice person. If we get to see him I hope to get a picture."
By Laura Lane

Oh how I wish I was in NY!
I second that, Kate!! I'm dying here; it's only a 2 hour train ride for me and I'm stuck home.
patricia galas is my boyfriends cousin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o shit!!!!!!
i fucking cant believe that!!!!!!! haha :DDD
Looks like the crew is actually hindered by all those onlookers... Let's hope that things will mellow down.
Does his character wear glasses?
Breakdancing??? WHAAAAA????
Sounds like some of our Robsessed got to seem him a few minutes ago. Way to go!!!
i hate OK mag...what a bunch of morons..
why must they question the freakin tweens? idiots would definitely get better quotes from a WOMAN not a freakin baby. jesus.
on another note - i would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! to see Rob break dancing!! oh my!! that would be SCRUMPTIOUS!! and i KNOW he CAN!! that crazy sex beast was into rap when he was younger so he HAD to dabble in some break dancing...ah shit..i'd piss my pants if i saw that!!
I mean see him! Oops!
Breakdancing??! OMG, that I must see...
eeewwwwwww...KK....u still sportin' that AVI????!!!!
His smile is contageous! I can't help but grin when I see him smile or laugh :D
P.s. Breakdancing?? I HAVE to see that!!
well, after air guitar, breakdace? How many unkown gifts does he have in store for us?
ok i need to say this - patricia galas is not a teenager :) shes like 26 or something:) and i cant believe she actually likes rob.
when she comes back to vegas i'll write to her and ask about everything:) if she actually had a chance to talk to him. she is very brave and she actually has the guts to go and talk to the guy soo i hope she will tell me something about rob etc :)))
wooooooooo Rob's got some hairy arms...i just LOVE it!!
(halfway through the socialitelife pics...ALL ENLARGED!! YUM!!)
Still sporting the avi!
I'm still curious about the breakdancing...he seems to have trouble walking normally half the time. Hidden talent?
breakdancing .. well i dont believe that :P this must be some misunderstanding or something :P but if its true well that must be hillarious :D
oh it's GOTTA be true!! OK said!!
but it probably it, he said he even had a rap name...so it goes to say he learned a few moves..hehe...wish i could see 'em!
Wow- That one woman came from Las Vegas just to see him, doesn't she know that just makes her look stalkerish?
Looks great...can't wait to see it.
@MandyW hehe its a little bit stalkerish.. well she's my boyfriends cousin and she was always like that.. when she liked some star she was just crazy.. and she always has the guts to go there and actually meet the person :)
ah at least he doesn't have hairy knuckles...i love the 'brows, lashes, stubble, mad sexy man hair, hairy arms.....and the glorious happy trail! (damn, he needs to wear those jeans quite a bit LOWER!)
Agata- well I probably never would have the guts to go and meet him even if I ran into him at some random place. At least these people know what they want.
well, it's deffinitly stalkerish, as much as all those women who went to Vancouver or to Italy though... So she is not alone!
hopefully the size of NY would discourage too many stalkers ^^;;;
I hope that some fans will get to meet him, but in candid moments (down the street, bars or so...). It's not as if you can really meet him on the set, and he needs to concentrate and work.
if i met him in some random place i would faint :)) so you're not alone :)) and thats nice that there are people who are not shy and afraid :) thanks to them we have all the reports from stes etc:)
Then again, when he is enjoying himself in a bar or walking down the streets, do I really want him to be bothered non-stop by fans?
I don't know if there is any ideal situation to meet him and not "intrude" in some way...
yes of course he need to concentrate on his work.. i was just shocked that she likes him and she went to NY to see him:)) i wonder if she had a chance to talk to him:)
and it was funny to read some magazine report and see a familiar name in there :)
Oh dear baby jesus
I went!!! Was across the street from him in Washington Sq park. He's beautiful!!! I miss him already. It's going to be a long summer.
I have to see it again
i think that there is no ideal situation to talk to him.. maybe on some conventions or something like that. but i would rather met gim on the set than bother him when he is out and about somewhere ;-)))))
Win: OMG!!! so did jane!!! I emailed you about it!
winwin... you did???????:D
Win - YAY! So jealous!
Agata > I am not really criticizing this person, so many people did what she did. I'm not really supporting it either. It's just a shame when it disturbs the work to be done...
I'm sort of musing if there is a way to meet an actor and talk to him without intruding either in his work, or in his private moments.
Yes, I did it. My GF insisted and I went. Was suprised we got so close. We stood across the street (narrow street). We only stayed for like 10 minutes. My gf took some pics with her phone. He has such a swagger. Glad I went.
anna f - i know you're not criticizing :)
Win: Did you nearly die? Omg i'm giddy for you!
Win - Yay!!!! I'm so happy you went and saw him!!
Liza, going to check my email. My knees are still shaking.
WinWin, so you did not faint in the end!
KK, he was just as he looked in the pictures. Always caressing hair. So hot. I didn't get anything done yet today. lol
Anna, didn't even eat. My hands and knees still shaking. I didn't puke though, which is good. We watched him do a scene about 4 times and had to get back uptown. Surreal!
WinWin! I'm so glad you go to see him in the flesh. What a treat.
And this article irritates me. You know those photogs would beat a fangurl down to get a pic. Maybe they should make room for fans who want to (respectfully) admrie him??
Win - if you see him again and talk to him...tell him KK think he's a dork. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Still...this is a good day for the Robsessors, isn't it?? :))))))
WinWin> I am wondering about the other onlookers (apart from the papz): younger girls or more mature too?
I agree Twi...step aside paps and let some of the fans get a pic and a smile.
Win - does he look really skinny in person? We were debating that last night, lol!
That's a WIN for WinWin!
oops - admire! Thanks for sharing Win so we can live vicariously through you!
omg, could they have gotten stupider, younger girls to comment?
Sho - Awake now?
Sho - She's not the only one here who saw him today.
And hi, everyone!
By the way, I would question the veracity of some of this article, since he is clearly wearing a grey, not white, t-shirt.
And the break dancing? Say "stripping," and you would have my attention....
Twi, my ass at one point block a papz. lmao.
KK, I would faint if I had to talk to him. Being that close was enough.
ana, missed crowd, 20s and 30s. Not too many papz, not like in the video.
Very fan friendly, they just asked that we stay quiet and no flashes.
What article? I didn't even read the post yet. Let me go check.
Eyewitness reports to come?
yay Win! I was just saying in the other post that I hope you went to see him!
We expect a full detailed report, a minimum of 500 words, double-spaced, by this evening. ;) No pressure though.
I KNOW he'd be really skinny in person. I'd probably be shocked. If I'm wrong, please tell me.
KK, LMAO at the breakdancing vs. walking comment. Ditto sista. If I ever see pics/video of Rob breakdancing, I think that would rival your avi for Dorkiest Rob EVAH.
Leann - Breakdancing Rob is not THE money shot. :))))
I mean is NOW THE money shot...Yikes!
some new pics
Just read the article. They must have caught all the teens. It was kinda lunch hour when I went. Some lady did bust out a twilight book asking everyone for a pen. We were directly across the street from him on the grass in the park. I had heels on and they are all muddy now. We were so in the reflection in the building window right behind him. I hope we didn't disturb him. He was very professional and never looked up at the crowd. My mission was only to admire from afar.
ana, I meant "mixed crowd"
Leann - Just read this comment somewhere...
"I'm picturing him dropping his coffee stirrer and picking it up in the most awkward fashion imaginable and that somehow being interpreted by some sleep-deprived TwiHard who just drove cross-country and woke up on a park bench as breakdancing"
thanks Monika! That calls for a new avi....
WinWin, I am so jealous, I would love to see him. Did you see any of the breakdancing? LOL
Were you close enough to hear him? I'm wondering if he's using an American accent or his own accent for the character.
Congrats Win, so happy for you!!!!
OMG - I just heard from someone who was there that he looked breathtaking - DUH! And that the crowd was "mostly" respectful - minus the fangurls and Twihards (not Twihearts :).
LOL at the breakdancing just being Rob walking -it's his Gumby-esque limbs...
heeheeeee KK! Works for me.
I'm still singing "Disco Stick" only changing the words..."I wanna take a ride on your swizzle stick." Let's just hope it's got a little more girth than that.
Oops, it's a little early for that sort of talk. Right? Wait, I forgot where I was. Not back at work yet, but damn, it's calling!
Of course OUR fangurls were all respectful (and trying just to breathe it sounds like :) So proud of our gals!
Leann - Didn't waste any time changing avis did ya? :D
WinWin, your ass did a good deed. ;-)
@ anna F: That worries me a bit, too. Summit will put up with the fans but other production companies might not want that kind of difficulties and even might refrain from casting him because of all this madness. Budgets are usually rather strict, they won't want any delays caused by fans.
TwiHeart, LOL...I can't wait to see what AJ comes up with on her blog! He makes it waaay too easy.
Was he breathtaking, Win? Huh? Was he? Was he?
Once again Rob turns a grown woman into an adolescent.
Leann, I think KK or someone already started with the Disco Stick talk.
Who else went beside me and janehofstra?
KK, I was very proud of us girls too.
KK, I saw that sweet pic of Rob looking up at the heavens... I heard a mighty chorus of angels singing... and thought..."I must have it. It is mine."
Leann - Negative on starting the Disco Stick comment...that creativity goes to someone else:)
Win, that was me on the other thread! I don't even like Lady GaGa but that damned video makes that song stick in my head like VD sticks to Paris Hilton.
Leann - He's looking at the heavens and thinking "Oh crap...who knows what AJ is going to do with this breakdancing bit on Adorkable Rob."
Leann, the jaw, the hair, the beautiful skin and he's got he swagger to go with it. No words can describe. This is dangerous. It's very addicting.
KK...I cannot stop giggling. I'm just sitting here giggling like a loon for no reason. It's the RobHigh I tell ya.
Win...I am swooning just hearing you talk about it. I really wish the adolescent girl thing would stop already. I have to go be a grown-up now for at least another three hours.
Sorry KK. I've pretty much got shit for brains right now. Can't think straight or rememeber straight. I could have stood there all day.
I better be able to see breakdancing pics. that's all i'm sayin
they better not be pullin' my damn chain
KK and leann, i better see y'all tonight.
I don't think I would have been able to leave if I was there!
Geez Show, would OK mag yank your chain???
"KK, I saw that sweet pic of Rob looking up at the heavens... I heard a mighty chorus of angels singing... and thought..."I must have it. It is mine."
Show, you know I am deficient in all things 'puter-related. Email me later. LOL
Win: you and jane are my idols right now. And you're even pulling diversion tactics in person.
*Liza awards the medal of RP Freedom Honor*
Sho: sing a little tune!
Wow. Just wow.
Leann, I was afraid he would look terribly skinny, but he looks about the same from the pictures. I do have one motherly comment to make - Rob, stop slouching! Maybe it was part of the role.
LOL Leann
Winn....i need you in chat tonight. you hear me?????
this must happen...
I have spoken. LOL
Win - Understood. Just breathe in and out, babe. :)
Thanks Kate. I was asking everyone here to talk me out of going. Glad I went.
OMG Win!!!!
Did your heart beat too fast? OMG i wouldn't survive, I don't want to meet Rob, not until my robsession dies down (which is not likely to happen soon)but God how I'd love to have a glimpse of him somewhere, like I see him but he doesn't see me.
I'm so happy for you Win!!!!omg!
LOL Win! My mama always told me the same thing..."stand up straight." She also told me to walk with my feet straight ahead, and not pointed outward like a duck. Stand up straight and don't walk like a duck.
She didn't say anything about not walking like Gumby though.
Will share photos when my gf manages to get them off her phone. I was thinking about you gals the whole time.
Love you, Rob, but you've got to quit the smoking. In 10 years, it will age your good looks on the outside and destroy your body inside. Please! We love you too much to stand by and watch you shorten your life. *Stepping off of soapbox*
Leann, LOL. I walk like a duck all the time and my dh points it out constantly.
Did I tell you about his sexy swagger???? I can't get it out of my head.
OMG-and the HQ pics that have just been posted too-bloody hell. This is gunna be a loooonnnng day people. *sigh, then thud*
Hi everyone, BTW! LOL
Popping in amidst the chaos that is Monday and housecleaning. *sighs again*
I gotta agree, Chicago girl. He looks schmexy smoking, but both my parents smoked for years and had tons of trouble breathing later in life. It's not worth it! And does he really want that beaufiful mouth full of vertical smoker's lines?
*shudders at thought!*
Plus I'm allergic to smoke and would probably gag at how his clothes and hair smell. I know he wouldn't want to offend me that way. ;)
Oh God no Win NEVER let anyone talk you out of something like that especially when you're so close and not 3,000 miles away (like me). You'd nver forgive yourself!!
riddle, still weak in the knees.
ladies, i've decided that he is an alien out to destroy all women on earth.
I have to get some work done. will check in soon.
WIN!!!! OMFG!!! I just skimmed back over comments-holy CRAP. You were there-saw him-up close?!? Lucky wench! ;)
You are my hero, the wind beneath my wings.
OMG Win...please do not tell me about the sexy swagger any longer. I am already late late late getting back to work. (I'm in outside sales so no one knows but still!!!)
I guess Edward wasn't allowed to have a sexy swagger...too much inner turmoil and pathos.
I will really die watching this movie. It's just like watching Rob. And then...never mind.
Hi CG! Bye CG! Off to make a livin', sigh...
Win-(bows humbly)-you are the beeeeyyyaaathch officially today. You are one badass Robsessor-lucky heifer. LOL
Leann-true that-i wanna BE that cig.
Leann. lol, yeah, Edward had to do that irritating human walk.
Leann-LOL-go get some work done, darlin. Catchh your act.....later!
Win-GAH-i really love/hate you right now. DAmn!
Win-never fear though-you're def still my hero though after this. Daaaayyyyuuum!
Sho prob shite a frizbee when she heard-LOL.
LIza too!
Hi CG- Whats up?
Win-how DID you keep from squeeeing incoherently the whole time or mumbling and babbling like an idiot?!? Enquiring minds wanna know!
OK, now that I got the "health warning" out of my system and read the comments, I see that our Robsessed sista actually was THERE!
I'm so proud of you for going. You can't lead a life of regret (that's the excuse I use for stepping out of the norm...works every time)...
Now, please...details! I think he's photographing a bit fuller...does he still look thin in person?
Damn. Think Win left. Everyone has looks like.
Anybody still around?!? Win?!?!?!?
I am- I just told you hello
Mandy! Mandy girl! Howdy. Apologies. I am still reeling from the feeling of living vicariously through Win and her experience.
Aren't we all... We are over chatting right now if you want to join us
Hi again Mandy. Sorry about that again too. Was a little slow on the uptake fro the aforementioned reason! LOL
Hi Chigirl!
Where?!? With Sho and Liza?!?
Just say where-i'll make a few minutes-this is too good. LOL
Hello?!? Mandy?!?
Hey, Chicago!
Thanks Leann for the support on the smoking issue. It drives me crazy to see someone I love (even from afar) harm themselves. I know what you mean about your parents. My father was a Marlboro man and I think I spent part of my childhood inhaling second-hand smoke. :( Whenever I'm near any now, I still actually get a high.
And, the slouching, Rob, your height is one of the biggest turn-ons. Stop it, please!
Now I'm sounding like his mother, which I admit I am old enough to be (and generally even look like Clare a bit). I'll take the heat though, if he listens.
Clare, if you are reading this, I hope you are sending Rob corrective emails.
Hello KK~How's your very-short MN summer coming along?
Chicago - It's been really beautiful. How the heck are you???
I don't think the slouching is part of the role - he slouches, lol!
Just saw this:
Bad fans...please don't do this
@ Chicago Girl: Not to mention that the complexion of most smokers looks a bit ashen. His skin is pretty good it would be to bad if he ruined it. Unfortunately smoking is an addiction and a habit that is hard to kick. Smoking is fun, you know. I quitted smoking in 1993. I still miss it sometimes.
I'm quitting after my books are done...seriously, though I'm only been a half a pack - 3/4 pack a day smoker.
saw it too KK... it seems NY is not that different than Vancouver.
WinWin seem to have been lucky that there were not too many people when she went, but it looks crazy there.
Anna - And it's just going to get worse, I'm afraid :(
Hopefully there will be many "inside" scenes and not too much required to be shot outside.
Or do campus close down in the summer in the US? they do here, so with summer beginning, they could close the set -if it works like in France.
@ KK: I didn't smoke that much, either. Did it for about 14 years and only towards the end it was nearly 15-19 fags a day. To get over the addiction to nicotine doesn't take that long, resisting the fun is much harder. You'll always be an ex-smoker.
Back for a second.
KK, I saw the outside his trailer. Now I would not have been able to that, hang outside his trailer. After this, I think they will close the set off more. Crap.
Chi Girl, thanks for the encouragement. I might have to go and admire from afar again.
CG, I had my heels in the mud and grass and was afraid of falling, maybe that's how I keep from squeeing. LOL. It would be bad if I feel in the mud. So totally me though.
Win- I know your gone right now. Thanks for having the nerve to go see our boy at work. He was looking to sexy and you said he had swagger. Girl, when you get back you better tell us about it. That much of RP power should be a felony in all 50 states.LOL
Phosphorus - Well said. It's been about 16 steady years for me. The toughest to give up will be smokes while driving. Not looking forward to that at all.
Win your back. So tell about the swagger that had you in awww.
I'm out for a while! Continue celebrating the Robsessed Rob sightings! Seems like a good start to the next few months! :)))))
Bye KK!
OK! this does not look good at all:
I know it's layne gossip, but look at the pics, a fan trying to hug (strangle) him -_-
@ KK: I hardly ever smoked in the car. The hardest moment not to smoke is when you're drinking alcohol. Hopefully most of your friends don't smoke, then. Especially at the beginning it is very hard to be around smokers. And you'll probably dream about it. I did and I know other people who did, too.
Some people say that after they gave up smoking their sense of smell and taste got better. I didn't notice any difference, mine were always pretty good. My best friend (who never smoked) used to say that I never smelled of smoke like other smokers.
We were across from the shoot, but that was at his trailer? They should have had better security there.
@ anna F: That's terrible. He must have hated it. If this frenzy doesn't stop they'll have to ban fans from the set.
@ WinWin
well, it was only the 1st day, maybe they'll learn from today's mistakes and to things better tomorow (wherever the shoot takes place).
I'm sure that they thought that NY is used to celeb and that there would be only mild disturbance. It seems to be easier for him to go around and enjoy himself in private, but the movie making process seems to draw as many people as in Vancouver LOL
@ phosphorus
While I am really happy that some robsessed fans got to see him (and I had no doubt that they would behave perfectly), it looks like it might be better to close the sets (if it's even possible, it's a public street!).
@ anna F: Well, it's the ghosts they called for last year with all the tv interviews on set to hype the film.
Perhaps Summit has to ask Rob for an official statement addressed at those mad fans (something like let me do my work, please, and stay away from the set so it'll be a fine movie), and close the set completely. The latter would mean that all his fans are "punished", not getting a glimpse at all, but if Summit was clever they'd regularly publish stills from the set (and perhaps some snapshots of Rob).
KK~My friends who quit always had a bag of hard candy in the car with them...something to suck on. You always have to replace one habit with another.
I'm guessing that most everybody here has some addiction in addition to Rob...me included (I'm a "stuff" person, have lots of it).
Phosphorus~Good publicity ideas!
@ Chicago Girl: Let's take over their press department. [Personally, I think I should be his publicist. :-)]
As for the hard candy: I used peppermint drops at the beginning. The thing is, you don't look as cool with peppermint drops as with a cigarette when you're in a pub or a club and you can always chat up people, asking for a light.
We'd make a good team. As to the hard candy, I'm a LEMONHEAD person myself!
Why can't I be in New York today?
Jeez, this is so not fair!!
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