From RadarOnline.com:
We hear rumblings that blonde ingénue Emilie de Ravin has been tapped to star opposite Robert Pattinson in his upcoming drama Remember Me.
Known for her turns on ABC's Lost and the high school noir film Brick, de Ravin will play Pattinson's love interest in Remember Me, about a couple struggling to stay together despite individual family tragedies.
Director Allen Coulter will head up the project, who previously made Ben Affleck's Hollywoodland and directed several episodes of Sex and the City.
Reps for de Ravin declined to comment.
Pre-production begins this month with an expected February 2010 release.
"Pre-production begins this month with an expected February 2010 release. "
How long does preproduction usually last? because they don't have that much time...
Don't know the actress by the way...
Interesting. How old is she? It could work. We shall see.
ooohhh O_O
It still says her reps didn´t confirmmed yet, so better to wait, ut if it is her, she is good, so is could be great!
Awee I like Emilie, she is a cutie!
She is in her 20's but excatly how old I do not know. Will be interesting to see how this one goes. I hope we find out who the female lead is in this movie soon though!
Cool! I like her.
I don't know anything about her but from what you guys have said, it sounds like she is a good fit. Can't wait, though, for any movie with Rob in it!
oh mah gah I love her,that'd be great
Oooh.. ladies.. she's 27-28. ALL HAIL THE OLDER WOMAN COSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!
Oohh... and that means they will make Rob look more mature, I bet. yummy.
Hmm, this could work (although she's a few years older than RP)....
I loved her work on "Lost," and she has the most charming Australian accent (assuming she is able to retain it for the character).
And...she's MARRIED! So no speculation/danger for her and RP!!
holy crow
i don't rem anyone mentioning her
gotta go check her out
I dont know I thought Ally would be a liitle younger looking..more plain..that girl looks to pretty. Are they filming this as Pg 13 or R? anyone know? I think it could easily go either way
LOVE THAT SHE'S OLDER...YES LIZA we can only hope that means rob will be looking mighty mature...
She's very pretty, and a decent actress. Never watched Lost, but I saw her in Brick and she was good. She has that cute vulnerability thing going on, I can see it working well.
On the other hand - a little old to play a 19-year-old! But she doesn't look her age I guess.
it better damn WELL be R
Let's see... rumor has it that the script was tweaked with him in mind... and now there's the possibility of co-starring with a somewhat "Nina" lookalike?
Tallish, blonde.... oh yeah... i think we have a "weiner"... Ha!
Ohh she is HAWT!
Can't wait to see what chemistry they have.
schmexy scenes..
she played in Roswell(the tv series),was one of the aliens, loved that show btw,and The Hills Have Eyes
WOW! She is HOT!
Well Edward Cullen is supposed to be 17 and Rob looks nowhere near 17 y.o. I've always thought he looks more along the lines of 25. So why can't this Emilie pass as a 19 yr old, hrm?
From the photos that I just saw on IMDB, she looks younger than her age.
Man! Talk about a good looking couple scorching the screen!!!!
Can we please get Tom Stu to be cast as his best friend though?
I would be in hormonal heaven with that bit of casting!!!!
Really Mrs. R.
wanna have lunch w/Jennifer Aniston?
ok scratch the tallish comment... she's only 5'2"...
Why all the pigmy women?? Rob hunches too much as it is... let's get him someone a tad taller?
Love that she's older, and I agree, Rob looks older. I dunno much about her, but my friend, who told me about Remember Me and is a movie nerd, has been squeeing since she heard this, lol. And I trust her opinion!
wtf? why am I 'not authorized to access this page'? talking about radaronline now.
This is one rumor I hope is true. Emilie de Ravin is a wonderful actress. She is one of my favorite characters on Lost. I think she would be an excellent choice. :)
Latebloomer - I respectfully disagree. And I resent the 'pigmy women' comment. I am the perfect size to head-butt Rob's new six-pack, and that's the way if should be ;)
Don't know who she is, guess I'll go and google her. She is pretty though.
Emilie de Ravin is 27.
Only 4 years difference, and I think Rob looks 25, anyway.
Littlebear, I'm lmao at your last comment!
Hahahaa, LateBloomer.. true she is very tiny, there are taller actresses out there, but he ends working with shorter.. and yes shi is in her late 20´s.. and she has worked really well in hte role shi is been, I watched her in Roswell and Lost; if it is true she is playing in RM, I think she will be good in it..
I´m wondering if in hte script they are changing the ages of the character a bit..
After reading all the comments and looking her up I think they would make a good couple in this movie.
As far as being short goes, most women are going to be shorter than Rob.
The girl from Roswell? Ya, she's cute. Precious accent. But let's ask the REAL question here: Is this bitch...I mean, girl....single?!!
Aaand, I'm reading the comments and it appears that she's married. Ok, good. I mean....oh. *casual shrug*
Well, they have my blessing. Proceed.... ;)
Sarah- LMAO
If she's single then by all means, lets hope this happens.
sarahbella she's married to Josh Janowicz
Wow I'd love that so much! Seems like I see Emilie in every fandom I go into lol. From roswell to Lost (which I just quit watching a few episodes before the season finale) and now maybe she will work with robert?
She's a good actress and she's very cute (and has beautiful eyes). But she'll look sooo tiny standing beside Robert ;)
hmmm, I like the idea. Hope it's true. Can't wait for Robdrama!!!
hahahha Showme,you killed me. You went to check if she's married. You're unbelievable, but I like the way you are :)
OH CRAP, I CANT STAND HER ACTING... she always comes off as the blonde version of betty boop, she looks like betty boop for that matter. everytime her scenes on lost came on, i would mute. she is always the gratuitous hot chick... oh well, at least rob has depth....
we know our Rob..he does NOT care if his co-star has a bf!...married?..pffft!!
could not wait for him to do an adult film-drama-..
love the idea of older than teen looking Rob (and acting ... I said *acting*)
RIDDLE! It wasn't me! someone else said it...it was MRS ROBINSANE
i was just responding by chuckling LOL
oh showme sorry dear :))
LOL riddle....s'ok....hehe
I read the original screenplay by will fetters....if it doesn't get changed too much, Rob is perfect for the part of Tyler, Ally is a brunette, and bring your kleenex...it's a weeper
molly..a box of kleenex.
reading the script...the character is Robert. Could not wait..
i can't find any acting clips of this broad besides santa's slay...
never seen her ONCE. never watched lost. haven't seen brick....
it is going to be so RPattz, down to the chain smoking and the white tee shirts.....it sounds like the part was made for him....
can anyone send my link or the screenplay of Remember me alltogether with the spoiler ending ? plzzzz
Ooohhh, hope this one is true, I love her. She was great as Claire.
margot,if anyone has it I'd like that emailed to me too or at least the ending twist,I'm dying to know what happens,no longer care about getting spoiled. pretty please?
The character in Remember Me is a New Yorker...I love her - love lost - her character is in her early 20's and believable. She wasn't who I was picturing but she could work.
No spoilers please - thanks!!!!
monika, of course I'll send it to you (btw ... high time for ya to make up some email for yar profile)...
as soo as ... anybody BE AS KIND AS TO SEND ME "REMEMBER ME" screenplay !!
please, please :D
margo..the link is above your post.
Oh, I liked her in Roswell and Beastmaster before that, girl's got spunk! And really pretty in a different way...wonder if she'll go brunette for the role? Not that it matters. And I like that she's short so I can see where I'd come up to next to Rob (:
yep thank you verrrry much
I was just reading thoroughly what they say - it's an excerpt from the review I assume - somebody here sometime ago had the actuall screenplay
thx :))))))))
I saw her play on Roswell in the 90's befpre she was on Lost. Any one else remember this.
Glad that you added the warning about spoilers,sometimes I just copy and paste and don't read all of the comments. I don't want to ruin the movie experience, so I think I'll skip it.Thanks anyway.
*sheesh...Suz HATES me*
Hi Mrs R- how are you today?
i really really really want rob to be good in this movie, to squelch all his critics
Showme- I'm now following you on twitter.
Mrs. R.
Hi guys you are all awsome :)))))))))
thank you ALL
@ wanabRPsmom THANK you - you were the quickest, I've got it
monika ? in my profile there is mail link - if you want me to forward the goodie to ya... know what to do
Thank you...I feel slightly placated.
margo,,ENJOY..but remember this is just a story of love;)
Hi MandyW!
I just read your profile...and I concur w/your fondness for Moulin Rouge—although I cannot really rewatch it, because for some reason, the first time, I bawled throughout....
I also saw that you are a Stephen King fan. I grew up not far from where he lives, and when I was about 12, I went to a (sparsely attended, believe it or not) book signing at the Bangor Mall. And in my (paperback, and well-worn—I wasn't too savvy about collectibles!) copy of Salem's Lot, he wrote (after telling him that I wanted to be an author, too):
[Mrs. R.'s first name]: Best wishes...and remember, they only come out at night.
*not sure why Mrs. R's parents let her read such racy books at this tender age*
ok, hmmm...maybe, I guess we'll have to see. I need to google her before I make up my mind. But older and married def. works for me.
Mrs. R
I bawled during Moulin Rouge too, my husband thought I was nuts.(Still does)
You are very lucky to have Stephen Kings autograph, I wish I did.
it's late here 1:14am ... gotta switch from vertical to horizontal ...
nite nite ladies, have naughty and nice Robdreams when your bedtime comes, wish me the same :)))))
Bye Margot...Of course I wish you sweet Rob dreams.
One of my uncles had Stephen King as a high school English teacher, while he was writing Carrie. And he would read excerpts to the class!
Oh- I love Emilie's "Claire" character on Lost. She's very cute/pretty and has the cute Austrailian accent to go along with her looks, though don't know if that's real or not? I like this choice, if this is true. I was worried they'd pick someone like Megan Fox, or other tabloid fodder females.
I will say though, just because she's married, won't necessarily make her off limits to the rumors.
Good night, margot!
And I'm off as well—good night, MandyW!
Good night, Robsessional Guard!
Good night, Suz!
*lays conciliatory square of chocolate upon Suz's pillow*
Mrs. R
I've aways wondered what the his students thought of they're teacher becoming a superstar author. That is way cool.
Good night Mrs. R
I'll wish you sweet Rob dreams too, if you want. Nice chatting with you.
Oh, I really liked her on Lost. She has beautiful skin, very pretty girl. And she does look young for her age. They should be well-matched. Wonder if they'll both be faking an American accent for this one?
i think she looks very young for her age too.
i've never seen her in ANYTHING, but i trust your opinion!
Showme- I foud you on twitter and am now one of your followers.
ah ok..you're amanda! cool...i'll follow u
Ohh she has faked american accent for the series Roswell, even though I don´t remember it very well, I thought she was a american faking australian accent in Lost hahaa
I think both character are New Yorkers, so they will have to fake their accents
i wish i had SEEN her in something. i'm not a fan or Lost or Roswell or anything she's ever done...
About Remember Me
Yes, the script is VERY good. It was on the 2008 Black List (I think that's what they called it) of the 10 best scripts.
Yes, the twist is ... a big one.
Yes, the writer was taken enough with Rob (and he with the script, I suppose) that the character was tweaked a lot and has picked up a lot of Rob's mannerisms, etc., so it's going to be a characterization of Rob, in a way.
And I really feel like this could be the move that sets him apart. The potential is there - all depends on the finished product.
WOW THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP ON THE MOVIE SCRIPT... FORTUNATLY FOR ME, I WONT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF WATCHING THE FILM... there are those that will not have a problem with it. i cant watch this for personal reasons.
I WILL HATE LIKE HELL TO MISS THIS ROB MOVIE... i just cant go there...
so i dont care who stars in it... i'm quite sure rob will knock it out of the park... i do think some rob fans, may be pissed, cause you know, it may not necessarily be what they had in mind.
Showme- yeah I need some followers.
anyone coming in here who just wants to talk, jump up to the top thread...
Trust me, I have some very personal reasons why it's going to be hard for me too, but I'm going to watch it. I think it will be too good to miss:)
she has a dog named...'Bella' lolz
I'm very interested in reading the entire screenplay as well. I don't mind knowing at all before I see the film. Not sure what I think of this actress but when I googled her, I got a nude pose. :(
I do like that she is older and married. I'd like to see Rob with someone even older, hehehhe.
Oh no, please tell me that she is stupid and doesn't have big boobs...
your brave... i will have to pass, you let me know then, if it was worth going thru.
Hmmm, not too sure, being an Aussie I detest the accent they make her speak with on Lost - it's exaggerated and whiney. A lot of the Aussie accents on that show are so fake and atrocious, especially Claire's Mum - hideous fake accent.
But she's cute and feisty and she was a ballerina at THE most prestigious Oz ballet school, and I'm really hoping for some artsy/musical stuff in this movie - ie Rob being a music student playing the piano etc.
Aussie girls rock, I'm kind of hoping the might get an Aussie - and Hugh etc drag him here.
I like Abbie Cornish - she's in the new keats movie.
I'm thinking i may want to read the screenplay. I usually don't go to see sad movies (I believe it will be) and this way i am prepared. I don't want to cry while watching Rob :(
I like Emilie and she is a great choice. Her first big role was on the CW's ROSWEL(that alien show) back in the day. It was a good show and she brought her bitch game so good I hated her. Then her next big role was in LOST and I still hated her at the beginning.I did get over it...LOL She definitely knows how to bring the emotion and depth needed for that role. As well as be that "inspiration" like Rob said.
If this is right, Summit did very good. A plus....
Hey, I mostly lurk around here, but would someone mind emailing me the link to the script, too? My email is on my profile page. Thanks. :)
Cast from Variety
From Variety --
De Ravin, Brosnan, Cooper join 'Me'
Robert Pattinson stars in Summit drama
Summit Entertainment has set Emilie de Ravin ("Lost"), Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper to star alongside Robert Pattinson in "Remember Me," the Allen Coulter-directed drama that begins production in New York on June 15.
Lena Olin is negotiating to join the cast.
Pattinson plays a young man whose brother's suicide has split up his parents (Brosnan and Olin) and left him sleepwalking through life. De Ravin will play a young woman who, after watching her mother get killed before her eyes, seizes life to its fullest. Cooper is being courted to play her father.
Will Fetters penned the script, with a rewrite by Jenny Lumet ("Rachel Getting Married"). Nick Osborne and Trevor Engelson are producing through their Underground Films banner.
De Ravin next will be seen in the Michael Mann-directed "Public Enemies."
Brosnan just completed the Roman Polanski-directed "The Ghost" and is shooting the Chris Columbus-helmed "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief."
I dislike Brosnan, hope he's not in it.
okay so looks like they rewrote the plot... so that old script with surprize ending doesnt apply huh?
ay a short 27 y/o Australian girl, I thoroughly approve!
I read on Wiki she separated after 6 months of marriage but they got back together.
Hooray! Finally a married co-star for Rob! I love her on LOST and missed her being on it this past season; so I'm so glad she'll be playing opposite Rob. She's so cute and looks much younger than she is so she can pull off being 19 in this movie. I'm hoping this movie is good cause this will be a very different character for Rob to portray. Will he use an American or British accent and will she use her Australian accent, I wonder.
I like her in lost she is so cute and good actress
LOVE her! only seen her on lost though. she reminds me a bit of zooey deschanel, who i love.
Could someone send me a copy of the remember me script please?
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