Pictures from Remember Me Set 06/19/2009


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Suz said...

19 June 2009

My official Date of Death.


Tenneil said...

whats with the fugly shirt?? tee hee...he still is hot as hell...


Chicago girl now in LA said...

The closeup hand-over-mouth shot is FANTASTIC!


Suz said...


I freakin adore you, girl!

Ten. My Mortal Beloved...

Le sigh!

Haystackhair said...

His Royal Hotness has a new shirt! Keep em coming Goz!! Loving the Rob overdose!!!

Jewels64 said...

Awwwww...more happy pictures!!!

Song suggestions anyone?


Kate said...

Yay happy pics for me to take to bed with me!!!! Jules I have a few song suggestions for you but they have nothing to do with Rob pics ;-)LOL night all

Christy P said...

love the hands, too... imagining... hee hee

Tenneil said...

haha Kate ... just what I was thinking... nite girl!! sweet robbie new shirt dreams....

hey Jules!!! love the vid...

Redgie said...

Check out that grin! He looks really happy.

Suz said...




AnnaD said...

I kinda like the new fugly shirt. Maybe it's just the colors of it...either way, he still looks good.

Suz said...

Kate, tucking you in sweetly..

don't forget the choccie on your pillow.

Love u..

Sway til you fall fast asleep.
Pattinson. Bring it (or else!)

; )

TwiHartRK said...

Why do I love the pepaw sweatshirt so much?

Goz and Dani - really appreciate all the great posts from the RM set. Not sure which movie I'm more looking forward to RM or NM??

NM will bring my favorite characters to life - and RM will bring us Rob looking very much like, well, Rob.

Suz said...

You are my Sunshine?

Suz said...


I know, right?

NM will kill us

RM will kill us

Either way.. we are gone baby gone...

Tenneil said...

Jules ... thanks to TS a certain George Michael song comes to mind!! wink wink!!

Suz said...

gee I wouldn't know.. seems like I've been removed from the LadyPorn mailing list.


(taking her marBALLS and going home!)

Tenneil said...

Agreed NM in nov...

RM.. right before Valentines day...

Lucy said...

i also like the fugly shirt. it doesn't look fugly on him. wonder if it is his or costume for rm? maybe he went shopping at thrift shop in nyc?

WinWin said...

Ladies, Good Evening!

The color block shirt is killing me. Yuck. Who's the wardrobe person?

Mrs. Smith! said...

Yes, the shirt is not my favorite but look at that smile! I am LOVING all the happy pictures! hmm.. maybe he likes Ms. Emile!?!?!? They have a make out session on set and now he is ALL SMILES! Wonder whats thats about :)

Anonymous said...

What's with the shirt? It's not a) plaid or b) a solid color t-shirt. It also does not have holes or stains.


Suz said...

haaahaaahaaaa AJ!

rpattzdude said...

hahhahahahaha i am stone dead that man is the dead of me gosh can i smile kill i would be dead hundred times over again

Tenneil said...

bbwwwaaaahhhh AJ...

Stacy said...

How cute!

I love that new shirt - that must be for the film, it's too preppy to be Rob's, lol.

I wonder if he was reacting to the goofy notes in those hand over mouth pics?

Anonymous said...

haha i like the shirt... maybe only because of what it's hiding beneath... sexy abs and the v

Georgie said...

Yeh Stacy, I reckon he and the BG are having a chuckle over the tweenie love notes stuck to the car. BTW hanging out for the next update on your fanfic...

Lisa Serrano said...

HaHa that sweatshirt is sooo 80's.

I wonder if thats wardrobe or Rob likes thriftstores?

Chicago girl still want you to email me -click my name

Anonymous said...

suz: you have so NOT been removed from the lady porn list... and will NEVER be...unless i receive a restraining order directing me to do so ;)


JTSTeamSwiss said...

i see that beautiful smile is in full blown dazzle mode!

having mixed feelings about that striped shirt, though...


VeilsofLight said...

I have seen this sweatshirt before. In my brother's closet back in 1983. Next to the acid-washed pegged jeans and fringe leather jacket. Too funny. That orange is too hideous for words...sorry luv, not exactly your colors.

How does the song go?....."I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked?" Let's adopt that philosophy from here on in, Ok, Luv? The world will just be a happier place.

There is enough suffering in the world and I think we all need to do our part; this includes you, Rob.

Step up.

Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, you have more lives than a house full o'cats. Good thing too...I think you're gonna need 'em in the coming months/years/decades!

The shiteous 80s colorblock sweatshirt returns. I think this rivals the blue cable-knit sweater, cowlneck, and the stripey-neck-cut-out 80s shirt in sheer craptasticness. This shirt makes Rob's shiteous Nikes look like Armani.

In fact, please, bring back the Nikes and the sexpender pants and whatever else he wants to wear...'cause you can't tell me he picked out that fug sweatshirt! Veils, apparently we should just be happy that there are no acid-wash jeans accompanying this particular wardrobe misfire.

AJ, true dat! I'm amazed that Robler is wearing stained, holey shirts for realz in the movie. Maybe that's why this sweatshirt is so incongruous. I'm hoping it's Tyler's brother's old shirt from back in the day...that's why he's wearing it, as an homage.

Marna said...

I'll try to say this without spoilers. From what I have heard about the movie, there is an incident at the end of the movie. This incident actually ocurred in real life in the past. If the end of the movie happens in the past, then I would guess the rest of the movie does too. This could explain the colorblock shirt, maybe for whatever time period they are supposed to be in, that's what people were wearing. Of course if I'm wrong about the movie, then I don't know.

Gemgirl65 said...

Marna, I was thinking that too. Not sure if what I heard about the original script was still true, but if it is, then that's a factor.

Stupid effing x17, puttin' their tags all over the Pretty!

Suz said...


Stacy said...

Marna - I don't know if I can confirm if the movie is in the past, but there is an incident at the end.

Georgie - thanks so much! Glad you are liking the fic. I just updated yesterday, but will update again soon!

Suz said...

Suz <--- looks around.. am I the first to arrive? How embarassing..

Here's your gift Eddie.. their vamp condoms.. USE THEM

Jewels64 said...

Damn! I had to step outside...that party is rockin!!!!

Who knew the Cullens could throw such a bash?

I'm still waiting to kiss the birthday boy....

Anonymous said...

suz: bite...? not lick?

Suz said...

sorry Jewels.. his sexy full lips are wrapped around my neck at the mo..
you know

a lil

Jewels64 said...

Suz! Ya hot beyotch!!! What a party!!!

Jewels64 said...

Well damn Suz...send him my way when you are done!!!

Suz said...

Suz <--- in full blood loss swoon..

Passes the EddieBong ova to Jewels..


Where's the Orange Juice and pretzels? I lost a lot of blood..

Anonymous said...

i told him i would blow...

out the birthday candles tonight

Jewels64 said...

I still have sand in my ass....

Suz said...

yea TS well, I got him Condoms.. for Vamps..


Extra strong for extra hard.... (marble hard)


Suz said...

ohhhh Jewels.. you dirty, filthy lass

Suz said...

Watch her Jewels.. she bogarts!

Jewels64 said...

Honey Hush! I love it when you tell me spread 'em!!!!

Anonymous said...

sssssssss...'ere you go!

TwiHartRK said...

I was wondering where you all ran off too!! Am I next to "neck" with the birthday boy? Please please

Jewels64 said...

Shit! I've got aggressive nipples...My girls just typed me into my blog.....

Suz said...

Twi.. that all depends on that bogarting Wench.. TS

Anonymous said...

alie :)

hey girl!

Suz said...

Jewels.. bwwwaaahhh!

Aggressive nips...

TwiHartRK said...

30? You may need help -that's a LOT of candles!!!!

Jewels64 said...

Alie!!!! The birthday boy is waiting for you... you have no idea how long he's waited for you....

Suz said...

we could be blowing all night Alie

"Oh I think we can handle that"

TwiHartRK said...

Aw come on - he told me I smelled delicious earlier. Such a sweet talker ;)

Suz said...

he told me I was heroin... yum

TwiHartRK said...

*running into those granite arms*

Oh yes, baby dazzle me.

Suz said...

one more hit of this eddiebong and I will tell TS she smells like a fucking dorito.

Anonymous said...

i can blow all night long... no worries

Anonymous said...

suz: doritos rule....

Suz said...

you post #69

you win a whore prize

I mean a door prize

The Peepaw Shirt is yours..


TwiHartRK said...

I just hear sirens - thought it might be Charlie to bust up the party. But it's the fire department.

Suz said...

dang who is eddie sucking on?

Anonymous said...

hahaha the pepaw shirt! fuck yeah! what about what's inside the shirt?

Tenneil said...

Hi ... Suz...MB
Alie... TS... Jewels!!!

happy bday Edward...

Suz said...


all those fucking candles..

108? Dang and I thought I was old!

Suz said...

Ten! Welcome to Edward's bDay bash.

Hope you bought dip!

TwiHartRK said...

AW TS - I'm so jealous. Not only of your blowing skills but I really wanted that sweatshirt. Suz - are there any more?? What else can I win? What do I have to do? I'm great at drinking games. I can totes drink any vamp under the table.

Jewels64 said...

I'm talking on the phone with TS right now and reading the posts and I'm all "who is TS?"

She's all "you stupid bitch, that's me. Step away from the bong..."

Anonymous said...

hey t :)

Tenneil said...

sorry but the peepaw shirt is sooo from 1992.. ewww not my fav

TwiHartRK said...

Hey T!

Suz said...

well Twi.. I think the neutrogena sunscreen is up for grabs.. and maybe the

"You're Rude" letter.

But you have to play 7 minutes in heaven with Edward..

Anonymous said...

jules: ts = thirtysomething.. not two stepping... ego much?

wow...yes, step away from the bong STAT

Tenneil said...

Dip... I have something in mind...

Jewels64 said...

Is that Tenneil? Shit, I can't focus....

Suz said...

Jewels.. you stoned pony!

Edward drained you good?

TwiHartRK said...

LMAO - Jules!! TS you are hilarious. Step away from the dong, I mean bong. Too early for that??

Jewels64 said...

Somebody better sober my happy ass up now!

Jewels64 said...

Dong? WHERE?

Suz said...

ALie.. Dong Bwwwaahhh

Never. you can't make me...

Anonymous said...

alie: dong LMAO! never too early for that love...

Suz said...

I'll take a hit off that please!

TwiHartRK said...

Shit I thought I might get the pea coat. Oh well, come on Edward, let's hit the closet. Thank God Bella has an early curfew.

Tenneil said...

that totes made me think of LONG DUCK DONG...bwwaaaaaahhhh

Suz said...

TS.. take a long, slow, deep pull...

then pass that bitch on...!

Jewels64 said...


TwiHartRK said...

sorry I'll be occupied in the closet w/E for the next 7 minutes or so - getting set up in another room. BRB. Yes, Edward, so impatient!!! God you'd think you weren't gonna live forever.

Suz said...

you want him to pee on your coat?


Anonymous said...

deeeep yes suz

passing the bong.... will never pass the dong.. i'm a selfish bitch like that

Tenneil said...

Wait I think the party started with ts's I WANT YOU SEX???

Suz said...

yea Jewels.. can we play that Smile song???

from that video??

Tenneil said...

Suz.. you gettin SAWWCYY on me now??

Jewels64 said...

Alice just told me that Ellie is on her way. Bitch better have the keys to the NAWTY ROOM!!!

Anonymous said...

alie: enjoy your seven minutes in heaven... he gave me 14... just sayin'

Tenneil said...

TS you minx... you

Jewels64 said...

Suz...I was thinking the same thing!!!

Suz said...

Always Ten.. Alway

If I ain't sawcy..

I ain't

Suz said...

Jewels, totally separated at birth.


Anonymous said...

t: i know it!

btw.. ts STILL means thirtysomething.... geez am in the right place?

Jewels64 said...

Somebody better throw on a booty jam! I wanna grind something fierce!


Anonymous said...

oh hell yeah i'll be a single lady for him... anytime

Tenneil said...

Jules do not say single ladies.. cuz Joe jonas has so ruined that song for me... EWWWW

Suz said...





Got me lookin so crazy right now
Your love's got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your love)
Got me lookin so crazy right now your touch's
Got me lookin so crazy right now
(Your touch)
Got me hoping you page me right now your kiss's
Got me hoping you save me right now
Lookin so crazy your love's got me lookin
Got me lookin so crazy your love

Ellie said...

Hey, the party can start!
I've got the keys and a gift certificate for Edward to get his bouffant back!!!

Hello, lovely ladies!!!

Anonymous said...

ellie :)


Tenneil said...

Suz... OMG THUD!! we are all crazy!!

Suz said...

damn jasper.. quit humping my leg... sheesh

can someone get a paper cut already?

Tenneil said...

Hey Ellie!! mistress... so glad you CAME to play!!

Anonymous said...

wtf? i thought only jake did the leg hump?

Ellie said...

Did someone say that Rosalie was busting bowls, again??

Ellie said...

Edward, I was a dear and brought you a deer...

TwiHartRK said...

Hey ladies - whew I'm dizzy now. What'd I miss.


Suz said...


Perfect gift.

his hair soo needs height and he needs to be coiffed

or is that boffed?

Ellie said...

SMILE for me, Jules! xo

Just sayin'.

Jewels64 said...

A toast to the birthday boy!!!!

Here's to you Edward Cullen.
No one else can be as hot looking so sullen!
Happy Birthday Vampire Boy!
To this fragile human, you bring me joy!
So you say your seventeen?
Has anyone seen your vampire peen?
So if I may volunteer...
You can take me down like that deer!
Happy Birthday you sweet lion...
I'm just your lamb and I'm dyin....

TwiHartRK said...

Rosalie scares me!!!

Tenneil said...

rob looks like a super hero moron.. in that fugly shirt.. sorry ts...LOL

Suz said...

A fucking deer? Why didnt I think of that!

Ellie said...

Suz, I say boffed.

Here, let me do it.

Suz said...

Oh shit.. maybe that was Jacob dry humping my leg..

Sorry Jasper..

Edward drained me earlier.. I am still not right.

Ellie said...

That was brilliant, Jules.

Puffy hearts to my girl. ♥

TwiHartRK said...

AWW man - Jules has to go and wax poetic. Now I'll never get in his pants. Did you see that drool coming out of his mouth after her toast - or is that venom? Whatevs.

Suz said...

jez. Rosalie is busting bowls..

and dang it was the one with the hot crab dip...

I soooo wanted some of that!


Anonymous said...

alie: don't feed her ego.. she already thought every reference to ts was two steppin

i'm talking to her, she's drunk.. don't do it

Ellie said...

Alie, is that drooly venom or venomy drool?

Suz said...

Jewels, always fucking wins!

Dang it.

(toast.. WIN!)

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jewels64 said...

Rosalie has crabs?

TwiHartRK said...

And Ellie brought deer? Crap. I can't keep up you *crosses arms and sulks* I'm a shitty Robkat.

Oh well, he said I tasted like the sweetest blood that is

Jewels64 said...

That's fucking deep dish pizza Alie....

Gemgirl65 said...

Jewels, that is a beautiful poem. Very fitting for the boy's 90-something 17th birthday. I have tears...I need a hanky.

For the tears, and some other bodily fluids that leaked out, holy shiz.

TwiHartRK said...

Hahahahaha Rosalie has crabs - OH SHIT I forgot about the vamp hearing. I just heard her growl!!

Tenneil said...

niiice jewels...

Ellie said...

My blood tastes like strawberries...

ha, who needs Bella's strawberry hair?

Jewels64 said...

Who spiked the damn punch?!!!

That was so totes cooool!!!!

Suz said...

Alie, not much else matters..

Hey OT a bit..
Tyward... The orange garanamial pants called.. they want their shiteous shirt back.


Jewels64 said...

Sorry Rose...Nice Kitty....

Suz said...

Ellie, I totes slit Bella's ring finger and shoved her in a closet with Jasper..

We good to go...

Tenneil said...

LMAO Suz grananimals...

Tenneil said...

hi Leann!!

TwiHartRK said...

What I taste like pizza?? I did have that for dinner. Hmm. He tastes like Skittles.

Hi Leann! You here for the birthday party or just delivering more pizzas? I'm not sure where the hosts are - Alice is locking Jasper in the basement and Carlisle and Esme are nice enough if you can tear them away from necking in the corner like a couple of high schoolers.

showme said...

ROFLMAO at jewels' poem

Anonymous said...

suz: lmao @ garanimals!

i taste like

he's drunk off of me

Suz said...

Carlise is TOTES getting to 2nd base.

and shhhhhh I have gotten rid of Bella.. Jasper is doing his thang with her bloody finger!

Don't tell Eddie.

showme said...

i see y'all are getting high in here....

Would Edward be down?

hmmmm....not so sure. doesn't strike me as a toker.

Ellie said...

Hahaha, Bella in the closet with Jasper.

Wait! Is this the Arrangement??

MandyW said...

Show- Absolutely

Tenneil said...

Alie tasting the rainbow again??

Jewels64 said...

Mike Newton just came onto me....

Stacy said...

Hey sho!

LMAO ... Edward as a toker. That would be funny to see.

Gemgirl65 said...

Hell Twi, did Bella eat up all the pizzas already? Dayum. I only brought wine, imagine that!

*waves at Tenneil, Jewels, Suz...who am I missing?*

"rosalie has crabs" love it. Wonder if Emmett knows?

MandyW said...

Edward is too conservative to be into drugs.

Suz said...

I taste like salt and vinegar chips!? Whhaa?

Eddie likey?

Anonymous said...

how you likin' the rain jules?

Jewels64 said...

Jessica fucking Stanley is giving me the stink eye...

Stacy said...

Edward would be the one to go all freak on leash when he's high, tho.

DD said...

Stacy - I don't think Edward would "approve" of toking OL

TwiHartRK said...

I thought Bella had to get home - it's past her curfew...

Edward doesn't breath so he can't get high. He normally just uses it as a vase...but you know you only turn 17 once, um nevermind.

Ellie said...

Stacy, still loving your story!!

Want a Bloody Mary???


showme said...

yeah stace

i would LOVE to see Edward high...

*High Edward*

"tehehe, hey Bella, you said 'i'm hot.'"

MandyW said...

Stacy- LMAO

Yeah he would.

Suz said...

Mandy Edward does his own brand of Heroin. It's called


Gemgirl65 said...

Ellie...TS...Show...holee shiz, I AM gonna have to order more pizza!
What's the punch spiked with? *taking orders for a juice run*

Ellie said...

Me, Leann! Hi! :)

Stacy said...

DD- No prolly not!

Ellie - thanks so much. Glad you are still liking it.

I'm always down for a bloody mary:)

Suz said...

sheesh we have to splain??

It's not a bong




Stacy said...

LMAO Sho. That would be pretty funny!

CullenGal09 said...

I thought vampires Just Say No?!?
Imagunnadiedead over the pics-thanks for Christmas in June GOZDE!

MandyW said...

A bloody Mary... hell yeah.

TwiHartRK said...

Jewels - don't worry Love. Edward is so sick of her inner dialogue she's gonna get the boot sooner.

Have you seen the bouncer?? HUGE - I think his name is Demetri...

showme said...

ROFLMAO stacy....

Bella with Edward on a leash....

"NO EDWARD! DAMN! I said no sniffing other girls' butts tonight!"

Anonymous said...

hey leann: you gotta get some of this juice...

and hell yeah order more pizza.. we're all gonna have the munchies

can you get some brownies too?

Jewels64 said...

I'm gonna rip Jessica's extensions out if she doesn't back off....

Suz said...

better get some more dip..



Shani said...

Edward is to uptight to get high. Although, it would loosen him up some.

DD said...

Thanks for splaining Suz - In that case Hell Yes pass that Dong LOL

MandyW said...

CullenGal- These vamps can say no to humans, drugs should be no prob.

Stacy said...

Show - that would be entertaining for sure!

Suz said...

Newtown is all over your shizz tonight Jewels..

Jessica is sending eye daggers..

as if.

Shani said...

Show- LMAO

Suz said...

you should totes stick your tongue down his throat just to piss her off.


showme said...

I'm down for pizza and a long island iced tea

Jewels64 said...


Gemgirl65 said...

Jewels, use your powers of persuasion to get those two together already...Edward's getting cold waiting for you.

Oh wait, he's already sub-zero, never mind.

Speaking of which, time for me to "grab a cold one" myself!

Jewels64 said...

Somebody better call the animal control department...there are a bunch of mangy mutts at the back door....

Suz said...

where the frig is Alice, isn't SHE meant to be hostessing this shin dig?

I need a drink!

Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, you would stick your tongue in Newton? For realz? Good, I'll keep Edward company while you're otherwise engaged.

Jewels64 said...

This party is getting out of control.

I told Alice the twinkle lights were like a fucking beacon....

Suz said...

Jewels bwwwwaaahhhh

you got that right..

some even got in!


Ellie said...

Damn, Jake's crashing the party?

Gemgirl65 said...

Pizza, long-island for Show...check...ellie is already in the punch, check...Suz is smoking Mike's dong? ...check...

Anonymous said...

quick someone get the e collars

for the dogs.. that is no reference to collar edward wears for me

Ellie said...

Who let the dogs IN?

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