Pap Video from June 10th

I love annoyed Rob :)

Thanks to Rocio for the tip :)


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Unknown said...

Good job, Rob!!! I wouldn't have minded if he had slapped that paparazzi. ;)

anna F said...

Is it me or does he sound more english in this video?

His voice is just really sexy I guess... and his laugh...

Dahlia said...

Honestly Rob, you're too nice to be true!! <3

Lizalou said...

I hate how they chase him. It's legal stalking is what it is. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

even when he talks to that pap he sounds nice:)

CullenGal09 said...

Hi guys! Did i miss everyone?

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Liza gal! Hi Stef!

showme said...



"it dudn't mattah. u already got a foto..."

omg, and yes, he's still so gracious

i love this too much for words.

i love this beautiful man.

MandyW said...

He's all trying to be nice but they just keep harassing him.

They need stricter laws regarding the paps. They should not be able to do this to innocent people.

TwiHartRK said...

HAHA - Tell him off with a smile. How is it I keep loving him MORE??

CullenGal09 said...

I hate the stalkarazzi too. They need to give him a break, but they won't.

Maryann said...

You go Rob, you tell them off...and yep he FINALLY tells one off About time! But he manages to be polite about it too.

He does sound more English in here..must be cos his buddy Tom was visiting. You do tend to go back to your "normal accent" when you talk to friends from home, or that is my experience anyways :-D.

Didn't the pap say "stop bumping into me?" WTF then stop CHASING HIM ya dimwit! (the pap that is!).

CullenGal09 said...

Hi KK! My hoodie woobie.

Hi Mandy!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi twi!

MandyW said...

HI CG- How goes it today?

Lizalou said...

Agreed, Sho. The voice makes my head spin.

Lizalou said...

Hi CG!!

CullenGal09 said...

Maryann-say it! The stalkarazzi suck!

MandyW said...

Maryann- I love how the paps are concerned about their rights as individuals, but don't care at all about others.

MandyW said...

HI Liza!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Liza! Hi guys! See-i still visit this site. I'll never leave you guys, or this site.

CullenGal09 said...

I'mm ok-how about y'all? It's TGIF!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Liza, milovely-how's thing's your way,bb?

MandyW said...

CG- I still come here too... I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

CullenGal09 said...

We've gotten this laptop, and set it up today finally, and this is my first blog on it!

CullenGal09 said...


CullenGal09 said...

It's all good.

Lizalou said...

Of course we still visit! We never went anywhere. Yeesh!!!

Hi Mandy! :)

CG: I'm admiring my new avatar and trying not to combust from looking at it!

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-did you leave, dear?

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-did you leave, dear?

sweetdutchie said...

Can you believe these people, he should have pulled a Hugh Grant.:)Rob is just too nice, but I hope he never changes.;)

MandyW said...

CG- I guess some of the ladies are upset about us chatting, and not being on here.

showme said...


i can't stop watching this.

and i feel really guilty ab it

anna F said...

@ liza :
I really love those body parts avatar... they are completely sexy!

CullenGal09 said...

Liza-loves ya-and your new avi! It is pretty hot! ;)

MandyW said...

Liza- I do love your new avitar, Holy Jaw Porn.

CullenGal09 said...

Mandy-it's all good-don't even worry.

Sho-howdy sweetness!

Kathy#1 said...

Liz, agreed. I cannot believe how those paps are right in his face..I don't know why I continue to be amazed - they are truly must get really old really fast. I'm sure Rob is thinking "I'm just f'ing down the street".

MandyW said...

Hi Show- I always feel guilty for watching pap videos, but I can't seem to stop.

Anonymous said...

He's so gracious! Even when annoyed, and his laugh is wonderful to hear. *sigh*..We've seen Sean Penn in action and so many others, Rob is classy..beyond classy.

Kathy#1 said...

Hey Sho, CG...

Lizalou said...

Yeah... his jaw with scruff is my favorite..


Sho: I can't stop watching it either. I'm making my roommate watch it now. She's giggling...

showme said...

holy crap people. we're STILL here. sigh

Maryann--ROB told the pap, "stop bumping into people" bc he was walking backwards. you can see the guy he bumped into on the left as he then walks by

(No, i haven't watched this 10 times already)

His very very English voice, and also informal, like everyday, is killing me here.

CullenGal09 said...

Jaw porn rules!

So does Lizas new avi.

Kathy#1 said...

Sho..I'm dying over your avi...I wnat it for my own...

Lizalou said...


That's a pretty foxy g'damned avi you're rocking with, too.


CullenGal09 said...

I haven't watched vid yet. i can see i need to. The jaw scruff is way hot too!

Hi KAth!

Kathy#1 said...

I feel embarrassed for the pap when I hear/see these...I start to get stressed...

showme said...

hey cg, kathy et al

Liza, that AVI is sick. sick i tell ya....

damn....did u steal that off L & L

did y'all see that funny blog some twi mom did where she pretended to be talking to rob at the bar as the 'mystery blonde' and inserted RAOR's sound bites?

it's hysterical

WinWin said...

Poor Rob. I agree still very nice considering how annoying it is. What else is he saying? Can't read the French.

CullenGal09 said...

The accent is always killer!

showme said...

Kathy, that's dirty hoodie woobie cell phone smokin' sexROB LOL

How i like my men...

Lizalou said...


I should make the damned thing larger. I just cropped his jaw from that new outtake and zoomed in.


MandyW said...

Show- I didn't see that one. Is it on Twi- moms site?

CullenGal09 said...


Liza-your avi is sick.

Hi Win! ((waves))

Kathy#1 said...

sho, his fingers around that phone...oh, I want to be the phone...

Kathy#1 said...

I'm going to channel my inner phone right now...!

CullenGal09 said...

Mandy-are y'all talkin about a video on youtube or something?

showme said...

I don't know how to do that Liza. you have to teach me...

damn Mandy. i just looked for it and couldn't find it again. i clicked off of a Tweet.

CullenGal09 said...


showme said...



It was on the RAOR Tweet site

MandyW said...

CG- Show said something about a blog from a twi- mom pretendidg to talk to Rob in a bar.

Kathy#1 said...

I didn't see the blog..where is it? I assume you've see some of the Twitarded blog...that mini-E is hysterical. She had it face down in a tent after a night of drinking...really funny.

WinWin said...

Hi CG. How are you?

MandyW said...

Thanks Show- I'm going to go check it out.

showme said...

and this is the Random Acts of Rob (Best damn porn site on the internet) Tweet:

they alwasy have good stuff

lostinphilly said...

Hi everybody! Happy Friday! I am just lovin'this sexy/cocky/still polite/New York Rob! His accent is making me melt. I do wish that he'd punch one of the stalkerazzi one day, but then, he'd probably still be polite about it!!

CullenGal09 said...

I gotta finish getting this laptop set up with e-mail and all. I'll pop in again maybe later.

Kathy#1 said...

bye CG, see you later.

CullenGal09 said...

Hey win.

Mandy-thanks for that-sounds funny!

MandyW said...

OMG... That was too damn funny.

showme said...

i Know made me chuckle

I love Rob sound bites...

MandyW said...

CG- I see your leaving, good luck with your new computer.

showme said...

the sad thing is, i don't even have to click on the links, bc i know them all by heart....exactly the inflection of his voice, the timbre...

i'm a sad sad case

showme said...

ok, i'm off to do some errands for back later....

MandyW said...

Show- Yeah, Rob sound bites are awesome. He has such a sexy voice,I could listen to him for hours.

Mechevpao said...

I didn´t understand half of their conversation, thanks show for translating it, as usual I need someone to explain things hehehe ;)

I´m surprise how patience he is in this situation, I would have been already insulting the pap and trying to punch him, then break his camera.. but then I would be considered Russell Crowe =P

And kind of pissed off Rob.. is sexy... way sexy

MandyW said...

Bye Show- I actualy have to go too. I've just been putting off leaving, I always spend to much time on here with you ladies.

CullenGal09 said...

Later Kath! Hehe.....;)

Kathy#1 said...

bye Sho - see you later..

MandyW said...

Hi Mech, You get here just as I'm leaving but talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome! He's so civil, even when he's being stern with the pap! He can do no wrong!

CullenGal09 said...

Mechav! My friend! What's up!

Bye 'Sho-later, tater! Hehe

Bye Liza, Mandy.

Lizalou said...

This new banner is going to be the death of me!!!


Gemgirl65 said...

Yay, this is the vid I was trying to find eariler. I saw it on TMZ last night. I think this is the first time I've seen Rob get in the face of these guys...makes me wonder what's next? He's still laughing about the madness for now. But one of these days he'll go all Yosemite Sam, "POW! Right in the kisser!"

WinWin said...

Hi show, Mech and Liza. Did I miss anyone? I feel like I haven't spoken to you guys in days.

WinWin said...

HI Leann (waves), ITA. I was a little nervous seeing this. Yeah, good for Rob for sticking up against the papz, but I hope this doesn't change him too much.

Kathy#1 said...

Liz, agree on the banner..OMG..this one has to be the HOTEST one yet.. that pic to the far left of him zipping the jacket...his jeans..his...his...ahem...jeans.

Lizalou said...

*Sweating profusely from gawking at the new banner*

Hi Win!!

Mechevpao said...

Hi GullenGal, how are you doing girl? :)
Mandy, you left?.. see you soon
Hi WinWin
Leann, how are you?

Lizalou said...


It's our dream banner, gurl! Scruffy, delicious Rob!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Win, Mechev, Kathy, Liza! Anyone else who is on!

I'm doing well thanks! Leaving in about half an hour for the weekend, so keep it clean while I'm away, ladies.

*tries to fake stern glare*


zzita said...

pls sy write down what they are talking about cuz im bad in english and i dont understand :]

Suz said...

Even mildly annoyed he is soo fucking polite.

I PUFFY HEART him sooo

Gemgirl65 said...

I know Liza, I know...dirty, smelly, filthy little cigarette-smoking piglet.

Come to mama!!!!

Mechevpao said...

Leann, we will miss you..
Keep it clean?.. never! hehee

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Suz! How you been bb? I know...he is still sooo RobArt deep down, doncha know. :)

Lizalou said...


YES!! SUEY!!!!

WinWin said...

Liza, just checked out banner. It's too hot. He does make smoking so sexy and that damn jacket is too hot.

Anonymous said...

wow. i love this dude. polite to absolutely everyone.

Gemgirl65 said...

I actually might be on tomorrow a.m. while my bud is getting her roots touched up at the salon. Can't stay away from the Robsession you know! I start getting DTs.

Lizalou said...

Between his voice on this pap video, the banner and my avi, there's no hope for getting any work accomplished this afternoon.
I'm finished. Kaput.

WinWin said...

Hi Suz,

It sounds like an British accent with NY attitude. I was really hoping he'd be left alone.

WinWin said...

I don't get how ET refers to this as punking the papz?

Gemgirl65 said...

Sueeeey!!! LMAO Liza!

Hi TS! Whatchoo doin' girl? Of course our boy is polite, his mama brought him up right. Ooh, that rhymes! Inside of course he is thinking, "You fucking idiot piece of human excrement. Get the fuck out of my way before I flatten you like a piece of gum under my shoe."

Instead he just giggles and is glad he just had 6 Heinies at the bar so he can deal with this idiot.

Anonymous said...

I thought the fact that he seemed genuinely stressed about the pap bumping into people was sweet. He laughs about himself but he's completely serious like "Stop bumping into people"!

Kathy#1 said...

Hey Leann, Mech.. what about that hot banner, huh? Leann, what will we do all weekend without you?

Kathy#1 said...

Keep it clean...bwahahahahahaha...not possible with this group and hot Rob.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, Win, according to TMZ *snort* Rob was in this guy's face, jostling him and hitting the camera. Not hard, I'm sure...but deliberately getting too close for the guy to get his shot.

I put a TMZ transcript on the thread below with the other video. You know TMZ, they actually caption the video in case you can't hear what's being said. They assume we're all as idiotic as they are. And maybe we are....LOL

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh Kathy, I KNOW what you'll all be doing without me this weekend, and I hate to see how sweater-beat Rob is going to look by the time I get back to scrape up the leftovers!

Gemgirl65 said...

I have the whole thing on video...I thought Rob was saying "Stop bumping into people" as he was jostling into the guy himself...maybe I'm wrong about that. That would certainly give a whole spin to what actually happened. Now I'm wondering....?

WinWin said...

Thanks Leann. Going to check it out.

Suz said...

Leann my luv! Missing you gurl..

and RobArt is always a class act..

I love him so...

Win! Keeps those piranha fukpaps away from our boy until I can get up into the city and give ya a hand.


Mechevpao said...

WHAT?? he was bumping the camera.. now Rob is being accuse of aggressiveness with the pap??... F*ck the papz!!!

WinWin said...

Leann, I can't find it. Which thread? Thanks honey.

Anonymous said...

hey leann :)

a weekend without rob... i'm sorry. whatever will you do with your time?

and it is rob that says stop bumping into people as he is the one doing the bumping...haha brilliant

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, I hope these pap encounters don't turn bad - they are already bad but those jerks can really be as**holes..I feel very protective of him...him who shall be hot...

Gemgirl65 said...

I thought so too TS...which I thought was pretty damned funny! But now Show has me wondering? Maybe he was actually telling the guy to watch out for innocent pedestirans? Like I a whole different spin depending what really happened! I mean, I know Rob is capable of a little smartassery. I'm so down with that. LOL

Suz bb I miss you too! I will be around bugging the hell out of everyone again per usual next week. :)

In the meantime TS, I will drink myself into oblivion on fine wine. Toasting Rob's fineness the whole time!

WinWin said...

Suz, patiently waiting for your assistance. I really hate the papz. But worried about it getting more aggressive. Anyone remember what happened to Heath, don't want the papz to get that out of hand with our Rob.

Maryann said...

So Rob's asking the paps to stop bumping into ppl. ah..Showme thanks for telling me who said what :-D. It was hard to hear sometimes!

Tenneil said...

Me kind of likey pissy Rob..

Wish they'd leave him alone... I mean is video really needed.. nothing that couldnt of been said with a photo... Itsnt it enough he has the paps in his face with a camera??

TS~ the man is f*cking brilliant indeed

WinWin said...

Ten!!! (waves) How are you?

Tenneil said...

Hey ...
MB..I'll do what ever it takes to make you safe again...

Leann... Winwin!! hey girls!!

Tenneil said...

Good Win... how are you?? busy but what else is new!!

Anonymous said...

So paparazzi are pests regardless of city. I love the way he dealt with the guy. ♥ Rob.

Suz said...

ahhhh Ten.. My mortal beloved..

did you break up with me and leave me sobbing in the woods?

Anonymous said...

oh leann... i hope it is smartassery and not the photog being a clumsy jackass with innocent bystanders.

i too will be drinking tonight... i'll raise my glass to you in a toast to rob and all his fineness

hey win :)

anna F said...

I wonder if he knew he was being filmed...
there are cameras that film.

whatever, he sort of kept his cool and dealt with the situation. I hope that it won't fuel more papz to try to get a rise out of him.

Suz said...

Ahh that's better Ten..

I was skerred..

Dont you love fiesty Rob...

Next is fistycuffs...

WinWin said...

Show, where's your breakdown of waht was said? I don't see it?

Anonymous said...

'sup t! suz!! :)

has the party started early around this joint? sadly... i'm still @ work (being very productive as you can see)... pfffft

Kathy#1 said...

Ten, I totally's hard to imagine cameras of all sorts being shoved in your face all the time, every day. I think Rob is handling it quite well and still worried about other people.

Diane said...

Rob is always, always unique and refreshing. It may be hard to figure out exactly what went down with the papz, but you can't deny remains irresistible throughout.

Kathy#1 said...

Diane, love the avi.

Kathy#1 said...

Hi A/LA!

cullenluv said...

Yea for Robby!!!

Diane said...

Thanks, Kathy. Teeny Roblet in his red hoodiewoobie was getting followed by little squeeeing, bediapered girl babies, and I was afraid he'd get upset, so I put him somewhere safe, and got out his fine grownup self.

WinWin said...

I think the camera man walking backwards did bump or almost bump into someone walking the other way. I'm just worrying about.

Tenneil said...


what can I say... me too...

Hey TS.. cant wait BB

Hey Kathy... he handles it all with grace!! iam amazed

Kathy#1 said...

Ten, you are so right..he does handle it well. I worry, tho, if they keep this up constantly for the rest of his life. I could see him going underground to escape.

Kathy#1 said...

Diane, love tiny rob hoodie woobie...

Tenneil said...

Kathy~ I would be okay with that... just as long as it was with me!!! wink wink!!

Kathy#1 said...

Ya know..I am dying to know what his sisters must think of all this. It would be weird if my brother all of a sudden was the hottest guy in the world!

WinWin said...

I feel really stupid about worry about him with papz. I guess it's part of being protective over him.

Anyway, heading home. Will try to catch you ladies tonight with drink in hand. hug and kisses!

Kathy#1 said...

Ten, good point..LMAO!

Kathy#1 said...

Ten, he looks so vulnerable in your avi...mwahahahhaha...

WinWin said...

Diane, just noticed, no little robbie in red hoodie. Love new avi.

Leann, have a good trip!

Stacy said...

:) I feel guilty for watching, but I love that he stood up to the pap. It's nice to see him have a little fire.

Kathy#1 said...

Leann, have a great time this weekend..see you next week.

Diane said...

Me, too, Kathy. I wonder what his sisters say. He's already claimed that his mom "still thinks he's an idiot." Wonder if there are any family pix of "Claudia." LOL

Lizalou said...

I just have to post to see my avi.

Hi ladies ;p

This jaw does really bad things to me.

Kathy#1 said...

Diane, I can't imagine that his parents are rethinking some of their opinions...even if it is their own son and they know all his flaws (wow, did I just insinuate any flaws???) Well any of their perceived flaws. I think as he makes good decisions on movies, that will change in time. It's hysterical that he says they think he's an idiot...kind of channeling Art in HTB!

Kathy#1 said...

I mean "aren't" rethinking...

Gemgirl65 said...

Damn, gotta go...I am so late too!! BFF will kill me...we have dinner reservations! go speed racer go....

have a great weekend ladies! See you soon :)

Lizalou said...

Bye Leann!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Oh, lovely, gentlemanly, faintly cocky Rob—the rubber-banded claws come out!

*lobster claws*

K. said...

Oh my, I just love his laugh, so cute:)

Diane said...

Well, no celebrity gets treated as such by his own family, but it does call up visions of Art trying to hug his mom - LOL.

showme said...

wohoo. lots of peeps on

Diane said...

Hi, Show - where is KK, btw? I sent her an email.

Kathy#1 said...

Have to leave for awhile..see you guys later this evening...sho, CG, Liz, and the rest.

showme said...

hey diane
i dunno...was wondering that too

i'm on chat btw

Kathy#1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah said...

That paparazzo is a douche.

Rob, the gentleman in all situations as usual.

monika said...

BTW: Can't wait until Fall. It sounds like VF Cover is not the only one we'll get to see Rob on. GQ Anyone? That's what we hear! robpattznews

CullenGal09 said...

OMG!!! I just watched this over several times-Rob is pissed!

CullenGal09 said...

He was nice sort of, but he was def not happy-:p

showme said...

ohhhhhhhhhhh monika

GQ again...woot!

CullenGal09 said...

I saw a little Robbie irritation there. Woo! The pap totally asked for it though. I love it when he sort of runs at him, and is like-"is this too close"?!?

CullenGal09 said...

Sho-Rob was ticked in this vid! Noone noticed?!?

marya said...

heyy monika! im soooo sorry about cristiano! haha not!
sorry couldnt help myself...

gosh this video has made me fall in love with rob even more...if that was even possible...

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Rob is so funny even when he's mad at the photographer he's still nice!! LOL

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CullenGal09 said...

He was pretty calm and all-but he was mad. HE def wanted to be left alone.

Diane said...

VF AND another GQ? Be still, my heart.

Suz said...

Cg.. everyone noticed...

still as classy as ever..

The paps nearly knocked down a that Rob schooled him...

Delivering a Fuck You with a smile...

atta boy.

CullenGal09 said...

He is very cute-even mad, but that pap needed to leave him alone-he was getting very bored with him for sure.

Diane said...

Nobody does it better.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, slightly OT..Peter is asking for help to win a bet, get 500,000 twitter followers by midnight of sunday

CullenGal09 said...

Hey Suzy Q! What up sweetie!

OMG! Can't get over it. I've just not seen Robbie like that before until now. It's kind of cool to see himm fight back a little in this type sitch. Well played.

Diane said...

Just did, Cute. Always happy to help out a Cullen.

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-i'm gunna e-mail you later. Let's stay in touch, sug.

Hi Marya! Long time no see! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

Are we sure about the PF twitter thing?!?

Suz said...

Hello CG

Yes it is high time SirSexy realizes he doesn't have to take the papparatwats...


They make me anxious...

still overall NYC seems better that LA, so far.

CullenGal09 said...

Hi cute.

Hey Diane!

monika said...

@marya,oh lol don't even get me started on this,I tolerated his flaws as long as he was a Utd player,but now I'm so over that greasy cheating lying self-obsessed cocky ladyboy,let him go to Real Madrid if it's his dream,good luck and good riddance I say.;p

Diane said...

Hi CG - No, you can never be sure about Twitter, but I figure just in case.

CullenGal09 said...


Amen to that.

Let's hope so.

If John Lennon could find some anonymity in NYC, perhaps Rob can too-for a brief time, anyway.

Diane said...

Hey Monika - I replied to one of your posts on the bottom of another thread.

CullenGal09 said...

Good for Rob though-seriously. The world needs to know our boy has some bollocks! Scuse me-no, that our MAN does-;)

Tiffany said...

I HEART HIM SO HARD Right now!!!
Im glad he is starting to stick up for himself now. LOVE HIM!

CullenGal09 said...

Well-i better pop out again for now. Just watched that vid several times-can't get over it! Damn. Pissed Rob. Love it.

CullenGal09 said...

See you guys again soon, i hope. Loves y'all. Robsess on, and stay cool.

marya said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marya said...

monika- oh come on dont be so harsh...the guy just needed a change lol
omg! did u hear about paris hilton hooking up with him in LA? that girl is a serious slut! i mean she broke up w her boyfriend like a day ago? haha i do envy her for this one...cristiano is one fine piece of ass i must admit...but not with ebola! lol
hope he doesnt bring her to spain with him...that shall be the death of me! gah!
aanyways sorry for going off topic hahaha

Mochachino said...

I'm constantly impressed by the way rob deals with these people. He's a class act, but definitely spicy :)

Best line..."You think this is too close?!"

Why do I keep wanting to watch this? A pap video, arghh. Spicy rob=HOT

Glad to see NYC seems a bit more chill though :)

Diane said...

Why he's perfect for Edward. You just know he wants to go all vampire on this guy's ass, but he manages to stay a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

The PF twitter, and FB are legit, they are all linked to his official fan site

showme said...

this is hysterical

compilation video of fan reactions to NM trailer

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