New/Old Pictures from November

The first 2 are new to me so they are probably new to you too :)

He is wearing the same clothes he did in the press junket in November. So they are probably from then...Here are some of the press junket pix:

Thanks to Kate for the pics :)


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the 1st 2 ! I love the ones where hes grabbing his hair ;)

Kathy#1 said...

I love these - thanks Goz. I would hate to have him look at me with that mad look in #5, but then if he smiled... f*ck! I thought it was his lips and long legs that I loved, but now I can totally add the eyes - his eyes are so expressive...

WinWin said...

Thanks Gozde for the daily dose of Rob hotness. Yummy!

RPnKSaddict said...

Haven't seen the first two eiter. You can see how he's filled out since then, in the neck and shoulders..across the chest..hmmm

Gozde- Thanks for all the wonderful Pics.

Babs said...

When he smiles my heart just melts. Sweetest smile in the world.

phosphorus said...

He looks so good that the awful curtains go almost unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

You can see that he has buffed up since then. He must have been working hard at the gym:P He looks good either way though:)

showme said...

Thanks Godze! I hadn't seen those...boy is growing up to be a maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn since then

Gemgirl65 said...

Rob and the piano. More porn for me!

There's just never too much Rob.

Lizalou said...

He's better looking now. If that's possible. If this keeps up, wtf is he going to look like *next* year.


Diane said...

Thx Goz - there can never be enough pix of this guy. Each one has some quality that just melts my heart.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

He looks so young in those! And that's like 8 months ago. That's crazy@

Sophia Z.86 said...

Well, I love the ones with his "concentration face"... adorable!

Anonymous said...

He looks so relaxed and candid in these photos. =)
I'm loving the eyes. They SMOLDER.

Yeah ladies, his physical maturity is just so noticeable. The great thing about his role in the Twilight saga is that his character isn't supposed to age so he can get the whole thing wrapped up in a year so he can move on to bigger and better roles =)

And eventually he's gonna win an oscar! As long as he doesn't change with so many people expecting a lot from him, he'll be great! One can only hope he'll still be as adorkable, cute, and funny and HOT as we know him now.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Sweet Rob pics.

With the number of comments having decreased so much, it begs the question: where are all the posters and their comments? Is the chatroom the reason? Call me disappointed.

albaville said...

As usual I agree with u..mi chiedevo di dove sei, io di Roma e mi chiamo Alba tu?
I think he looks better now, u can see that he worked out a lot sice that...his beautiful eyes and smile are always wonderful as usual....Rob I wish I can meet u once in my life..I'd be happy!:)

RPnKSaddict said...

Chicago- There are still some of us around.Hang in there it will be better.

Lizalou said...

chicago: nope.. no one chats really during the day.

Maybe people are enjoying the summer weather?

Tenneil said...

Thanks Goz for adding to the collection of GREAT Rob pix!!

RPnKSaddict said...

I hope you'll all be here tonight. i'm planning popping in myself. Have a good day.

Kelly said...

What do I love about these pictures.. what don't I love about them.. but seriously.. some of them.. when he appears to be staring off... I'm dying to know what's going through his mind.. just dying to know!!! You can tell he's thinking about something...

Probably just hot pockets...

phosphorus said...

@ Chicago Girl: Don't worry, most of us are still here.

Diane said...

Hi Chi - I'll be here. And at a decent hour *gives California wink (whatever that is)*

Kelly - he's thinking a million thoughts like Hamlet, of course.

showme said...

"He's better looking now. If that's possible. If this keeps up, wtf is he going to look like *next* year.



Hey Chi--we're all still here!
We're only chatting at night anyway...

Oana said...
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Oana said...

Why, I never!
Gozde, honey, I am ashtonished at you!!!
You, of all people!
You, a goddess to the robsessed!

You, applying common wardrobe logic in Robland!

You, who know perfectly well:
1.that Rob had in all likelihood been wearing that same outfit for days...
2.that he probably went to wear it for quite some time afterwards...
3.that he would still be wearing it right now, if he could have his way...

You go and write: "He is wearing the same clothes he did in the press junket in November. So they are probably from then..."

Oh, Gozde! You could have chosen the curtains behind him as the missing link between the pics, but no, you had to go instead and shake our belief system to the core, to pull the rug from under our feet, warp the very laws that govern our robsessed universe!!!

(bursts into hysterics, exits stage)


Jala said...

These are some of my fave Robpics. Talk about expressive face. I didn't know where they were taken, didn't know where to find them. Finally got them. Thanks so much for putting them up, Gozde.

I love lankyRob. I love him buffed up too a la Italy shirtlessRob, but I really hope he doesn't get more buffed.

Anonymous said...

i just love how expressive he is... every shot a totally different face & thought... all of them leaving me a with a smile.

chi: hey :) not everyone is gone...

WinWin said...

I love the blue on him. Thanks Gozde.

Hi everyone!

Kathy#1 said...

Sho, I agree, he just keeps getting better and better. I wonder how we will be able to stand will cause an orgasmic explosion in the universe!

and yes, we are all here still - just trying to get some work done.

Kathy#1 said...
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LovetheLips said...

I never get tired of these pics...his smile...his intense stare....GAH!!! Help me!

WinWin said...

Hi TS! Are you still here?

Dahlia said...

No matter what expression he has he never fails to make my heart stop. Adding these to my favourite Rob pictures! <3

Not Beehive said...
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lostinphilly said...

OMG the first two are f**kawesome! The crooked smile in the first one and the piano (oh, the piano) in the second one makes me just want to push him down on it and you know!!!Phew, too much! Thanks Gozde for the Friday treat.

Not Beehive said...
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Kathy#1 said...

he's probably wondering what all the fuss is about....he just doesn't understand our obsession.

LovetheLips said...

Kathy - you're right...I'm sure he doesn't understand the fuss at all....that's OK...hope he stays humble.

...I was reminded how much I love these pics and had to change my avi...look at me bb!!!

Anonymous said...

Gözde, the reason your blog is better than everyone else's is because you know exactly what the ladies want. ;) xo

Babs said...

I'm from Milan.
Sorry for the delay but I'm at my boyfriend's and have to keep a low profile on my Robsession LOL

Elena said...

I freaking love these pictures! And his eyes are an unbelievable shade of blue here. I love how his eyes change color. :)
And don't even get me started on that smile.

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