An EW Exclusive

Attention Team Jacob: Little, Brown has revealed their cover for the movie tie-in edition of New Moon, which features an exclusive image from the Twilight franchise's second film. Taylor Lautner fans should certainly pick up more than a few copies (Those arms! That smoldering stare! Remember, he's only 17!). As for Team Edward...well, at least the image proves that the moon is not, in fact, made of green cheese.
Ohhhh, I soooooo can't wait for this movie.
I like this image, and I am so not team Jackob lol.
Infact even though I am biased (and I am!) it shows that yes this is Jacob's time to shine but yet Edward was never out of the picture...he is always present, lurking in the background only to return stronger than ever! Jacob never really stood a chance...
I don't really like this cover. Yes Jacob was a big part of New Moon, but Bella's heart always belonged to Edward and I don't think this cover portrays that well. Taylor does look super hot tho.
lol..Jacob and Taylor from now on will be known as Little Brown. lol
loves it...
Oooh I actually like this better than the original even though I'm soo not Team Jacob. I think this reflects the story much more than the first picture.
Where's Edward? I don't like it lol.
Oh nevermind. I see Edward looking scary in the moon. I don't like it lol.
I don't think Jake ever got to stand like that with Bella...
the book made me cry my eyes out!
Dang Jacob looks so happy and into it. while bella really looks uncomfortable.
oh WOW. I didn't notice Edward in the background.
he looks really scary.
ugh. robward's eyes r scary
I don't like at all. I hate the dog. He can't pull the smoldering look at all. He is just a well trained puppy.
omg, i could watch him smack that gum all day
Excuse me I need to go wash my eyes...
@haystackhair,I soo can wait for this movie lol
OMG< this is hysterical!
I think i fall somewhere betw the "Empathizer" and "Nympho" ROFLMAO
@Jaime, yeah he does look super...super photoshopped lol imo his face look ridiculous
Oh ladies:
My urge to deconstruct this book cover is stronger than Jasper's need to ravage leaky little Bella's paper cut....
Book covers undergo multiple rounds of scrutiny before they are ultimately approved; all of the cover elements and imagery are extremely deliberate.
So then why is ultra-pale Edward looking so dusty? Did they feel compelled to apply the leftover contouring makeup from Abgate?
And am I the ONLY one who sees something terribly phallic in the way they have shaded the perimeters of poor Edward's nose??
Awww come on Monica. I think NM will be lots of Bella and Edward love, so I can close my eyes for the Jacob stuff. LOL
oops! monika!!! sorry!
I do not like it. I think it misrepresents the book.
1) Jacob and Bella seem to be standing in or behind a steaming pile of dung...
2) Gollum, aka Smeagol, has a cameo in the lower left hand corner... (someone on the imdb board noticed this.. eagle eye!)
3) Cover Bella's body and you can see her head/face seem to be saying, "Ooh, Jacob, nice!" and cover her head and her body is all like, "Hell no."
4) The two actors do look very nice, Bella is wearing much less clothing than usual, and the poster is STILL able to give off the default creepy stalker vibe.
I know, I know. I actually am dying to see the movie. But the posters... ugh.
However, I do dislike how they keep making this out in the media to be such a romance between Bella and Jacob- she NEVER really wanted him, she was just settling for him. And they better have the line in the movie where she sees him in Italy and thinks "and I knew I would never want anyone but him (Edward), no matter how long I lived" That says it right there. And even Kristin said the sad thing is Bella doesn't even know it's a triangle, because it isn't for her.
someone got a robsessor good at work
@haystackhair, yeah they're blowing this relationship between B and J out of proportion, as if it was more than it actually was.
yeah, What IS with those gollum like people at the bottom? are they supp to be the wolf-pack?
thought People were the mag that was at least a bit reliable?
I think the cover looks fine. Kris showed the right amount of conflicting emotions. And Edward looks like Edward. The photo shopping was done in another Edward pic from Twilight. No big deal if they want to enhance Edward. Rob is not a vampire,his not marbleized, and his eyes dosn't glow. LMAO This is not RM were Rob is pretty much playing himself. LOL
I love Jacob but this picture just gets my hackles up because I'm team Edward all the way.
I know, I know, it's Jacob's time to shine but that's how I feel
Now to reality, Jacob looks hot and Edward looks scary...It is a great picture
I hate it! But the reason why is pointless...just hate it nuff said
Good God Monika. You KNOW it's not true if it's said he left holding hands with someone. yeah right.
I hated the photoshopping for the Twilight posters and such. I bought the Borders deluxe version of the DVD because it didn't have his scary face on it lol. I mean seriously, when does Edward ever look like that in the movies? Never lol.
I don't mind that it's Jacob with Bella on the book but being a team Edward girl I wish it was Edward lol.
It doesn't matter much to me either way though since I'm not buying the book. :)
I like it.
It has a lot of the same emotion that the book does.
Kristen and Taylor look incredible.
Well done.
i dont understand why all the fuss, it's a freaking book cover.
edward cullen is in the background, like he is in most of the book - in her thoughts.
i already have my books, like most of you and i am not planning to buy it again.
about the people magazine, that is all old gossip and they are just getting to it.
New pics from today on Socialite Life
OK, is it wrong that my DH just left to go get me medicine for a UTI, and I ran up here to check Robsessed??LMAO!!! You know you'd do it too!!!!
haystack, you're my kinda girl. lol
Stacy, thanks for the new photos. : )
I don't like it. I think it misrepresents the Jacob/Bella relationship.
Well-i like it, and then i don't. It's a cool pic and all, Jacob and Bella look cool, very true to book and movie, and the Robward "moon" is def an eye catcher! He looks positively DANGEROUS-love it. It just doesn't quite do it for me though overall, though. Something is just not quite right with it. Hope they come up with something a little better for the actual movie poster. Edward is Bellas intended, despite his leaving and all-Jacob just isnt. That's not portrayed in thiss pic at all. It's confusing. Back to drawing board guys!
Ha, that freakin funny, gollum indeed.
The more I re-read the books, the more I actually kind of wanted Edward to run off and have vampy fun with the Denali girls - he IS too good for Bella who really pisses me off quite a bit on re-reads stupid teen girl does belong with stupid teen/wolf boy.
If Edward dumped me in the woods I would have clung to his leg & never let go, I would have bitten myself and bled allover him.
Here are my thoughts:
It's a book tie in, not the movie poster. Not too big of a deal, IMO.
First, Bella looks miserable and like she's holding Jacob at pay.
Jacob looks like he's clinging to her, knowing that he has no real hold.
Edward looms over them as the reminder of why she will never truly love Jacob.
It think it fits alright.
Oh and am convinced there will be boos in theatres when Jacob drools over Bella, and standing ovations when Edward returns.
And hot damn - I need to do some serious work stuff, and the yummy, yummy morning photos are just killing me, I want to go home sick and just drool over my computer.
Mrs. Robinsane I noticed that about Edward's nose - in fact it is now the only thing I notice about that picture.
That, and how beautiful KStew's profile is.
Is TayTay in the picture??
So we discover the man in the moon looks a lot like Robert Pattinson (only with a nose that's been contoured by some cosmic cosmetician, which we all know would not be necessary with Rob as his nose is as perfect as the rest of him) and the same week NASA announces their intention of returning to the moon. Coincidence?
I think not.
I think this poster is great. It is a complete exaggeration of Jacob and Bella's relationship in NM, but it looks good
Krung- lol re: 2) Gollum, aka Smeagol, has a cameo in the lower left hand corner... (someone on the imdb board noticed this.. eagle eye!)
I thought 'who the hell is the zombie' when I first looked at the poster, but I like the Smeagol ref. better.
Win, I knew we were all equally Robsessed!! LMAO!!! Obviously DH is asleep now with many thanks from his devoted wife. hehehehe
I don't like it either. The pic is really very nice but it's confusing and gives the wrong impression. I think a book cover should give an overall idea of what a book is about. And THIS is not what I understood when I read NM. It looks like J&B are a couple which they never were. I don't really get the jacob time to shine to be honest. Sure he's more present in the book, if that's what it means I agree. But as far as I'm concerned Edward is present throughout the book through Bella's thoughts and actions and that's where bella's heart is.
Why are so many people seeing NM as a love triangle when the main character in it never really consider it a triangle?
Oh well, I'm waiting for the movie to come out to breath in relief hopefully. Anyway nice pic and cover but not the one that I'd have chosen if I wanted to stay true to the book. jmo.
*pats her traditional black & red NM books affectionaly* lol
I see dead people. In the background around B & J's legs. What the Forks? Are those werewolves or vamps?
And why is Edward mooning us?
I am not a Jacob fan as I may have mentioned once or twice before?!! The whole J & B thing leaves me cold. I would probably snooze thru that part of the movie if it were not for the fact that those 'crafty Summit guys' have put Rob into some of the scenes.
I couldn't care less if Taylor becomes the next big/little Twilight heartthrob. If all the teenies suddenly start chasing and screaming at him, instead of Rob,then it can only be a good thing.
Rob will still have a loyal fan base if this site, and a few of the other ones I have visited, is anything to go on. More importantly he may get more privacy and less pressure.
That could only be a good thing!!
Okay!! So I forgot to mention the most important bit for me...a chance to shine in movies NOT Twilight related.
Well. I am not bothered by the book cover because IMO, it is Summit’s marketing way of creating buzz for the movie. As long as they stay true to the saga, and make it abundantly clear that EDWARD is Bella’s choice, and that any feelings she might have for Jacob pales when compared to her feelings for EDWARD, I will not have a problem with the movie. I feel somewhat assured by Kristine’s statements to Entertainment tonight that there is no triangle in Bella’s mind, that the ‘powers that be’ are on the right track when it comes to the movie.
I personally never brought Bella’s “feelings” for Jacob. IMO her feelings, for lack of a better word, is nothing more than transference. Jacob threw Bella a life line when her world collapsed around her, she grabbed it, became dependent upon him and turned him into more than he is.
I do not plan on buying the book because I already own the Twilight saga in hardcover. They are not going to make a extra dime on me. LOL
Looks awesome! But why is my head always saying "I can't believe it's not butter?" hahahaha!
Edward's still the ONE for for jacob..he's only the sun,the safe zone..maybe it's Jake's tym to shine but you can't 4get who's the SPARKLING one don't u??..ah well TEAM EDWARD is still the best.
Went to see Transformers tonight and got to see the New Moon trailer on the big screne. I can't tell you how hot Robward is on the big screne. I was trying not to squeel when the music started and I knew what it was.
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