New Moon is Going to Break Our Hearts...

Thanks to Laura for sending it in :))


Anonymous said...

It pretty much already does!

Mrs. Spunk Ransom ;) said...


I cannot explain how much I am waiting for this.

Is it November yet?
Is it November yet?
Is it November yet?

Ireland have to wait a whole other week for it! Dammit!

They're going to need ambulances in the cinemas, for the amount of girls that are hyperventilate then faint in excitement!haha!

When are they going to start playing the trailer on t.v?

Corinna Spencer said...

OoooOooO i like this version,

Its breaking my heart that i'm waiting so long. Grrrrrr *snap*

Come on November!!!

Cheers Goz

Babs said...

Edward looks so torn and sad in this poster, I don't know if I'll be able to handle sad Robward...

Suz said...


Robward needs a cuddle.

Haystackhair said...

OMG it is killing me. I have never wished a summer away, but.......

Anonymous said...

*choke* !!sob!! noooo....Edward....don't go....Edward....I love you!

the anticipation is killing me!!

Unknown said...


Best bday pressy EVER this year!

Definitely having a New Moon party lol!


Treasure_7 said...

I know it is going to be so sad to see the break-up. I really just wish that part could be skipped. Oh well at least we will get to see Robward!!

xoRobxo said...

Whoo. new book cover. Nice

Anonymous said...

ohhhh i really like this version...

edward looks so torn and tortured. i must see this alone the first time.......

Angie said...

Wow. That is a heartbreaking poster. Poor Robward. =(

I went to see The Proposal this past weekend because they were playing the NM trailer. I missed out on Twilight in the theaters (eh, I'm a latecomer) so Rob on the big screen is a new thing for me.

I stopped breathing. lol

marie said...

Yep, there will be some definite heartbreaking. The trailer already had me wanting to break down and, I might need a box of tissues when I'm watching the movie.

xoRobxo said...

Angie~I saw the proposal yesterday and sadly they did not show the NM trailor~BOO

monika said...

o_0 rly? eh horrible book cover but I've learned not to expect any great things from those responsible for twilight promo pics/posters.

Yvonne said...

I like this poster better than the other. Funny how just the shift in Edward's face makes the difference.....


Shani said...

This is killing me softly.
*snif snif*

GOROB said...

So that"s why "The Proposal" was a hit! Manipulating the "Twilight" fans to spend money to see a trailer on the big screen! Some one already wrote this would happen and I wish the fans would wise up a little to the ways in which the are being used! Sorry,just had to say this!IMHO

xoRobxo said...

Monika~You must agree that its better than that stupid flower:)

Sophia Z.86 said...

Well, I cried reading the book, imagine watching ROB(ward) leaving...
At least 'till the end he will be shirtless ~ oh boy... and going commando...

Sophia Z.86 said...

How far are we from november?

And from OCTOBER? First Little Ashes will be in Brasil in october!!!

"Rob, gorgeous lover, Brasil is a beautiful tropical country. You could come (uuuuhhhh, YOU COULD COME!) to a Little Ashes premiere here. And take a local girl (MEMEME!) to a date..."

Erin said...

It already breaks my heart! That's why my husband will NEVER be allowed to go to this or see this movie with me (as he will make fun of my bawling!)

Please tell me its November!

Oh yeah...when does this edition come out?

Anonymous said...

Now i feel so obvious the cover thing, but i totally forgot that fact

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