More Rob from the Set 06/19/2009



Photo Credit: INF


Anonymous said...

the last photo makes him look like he's got some sort of freaky bird neck!

Does that woman even know she is in the presence of physical greatness? Look at the look on her face!

I'd be drooling all over myself...

showme said...

i can see more feet, esp his crazy pigeon toed walk in the first one..

look at that cute big toe all stuck up. I think stacy is right, he must be pidgeon toed or something ROFLMAO


Eli Brazil said...

Rob doesn't have beautiful legs, they are white and thin!
But I want it! :D

Pet73 said...

Acctually like his naked legs better when he's standing - highlights his tall and slender figure.

BTW, did you notice the CD in his hand? Movie Soundtrack anybody?

lostinphilly said...

Lovin those legs! Now we have leg and foot porn. There's only one part left we haven't seen (LOL) yet! Mind in the gutter again, gota stop this! Lovin "Pigeon-Toed Rob", it just adds more to his adorkable-ness! Swoon....

Tenneil said...


Suz said...

I want to clean his




with my...

monika said...

'Emilie de Ravin is a dead woman'

lolz poor her, POOR her.

Anonymous said...

i'm really loving seeing rob bare footed in the sand

damn i knew he had big feet buuuuut look at the size of those shoes...ummm yeah

Unknown said...

i love him in blue!

Anonymous said...

Hey ladies,
here's a pic of how to keep Rob safe:
Get him a Rob-Mobile!

Unknown said...

and his legs.. i cant stop looking at them :D

and i've got great link - 10 things that rob should never do

awesome :))))

Unknown said...

the rob mobile ahaha greatttttt!!! :)))))

showme said...

monika, i asked Goz to post that on Tweet............


can u imagine?

Hello, I Love You! said...

First picture reminds meof a toddler standing in sand for the first time.

Look closer in Twilight he walks pigeon-toed. One of the first things I noticed. (scene walking away from Bella near lockers at school and at hospital.

so adorkable!!

Alexandra said...

haha his legs are so pale... living in the UK for an extended period of time does that to you.

By the way has anyone heard about this?;title=Russell+Beale+%26+Twilight+Star+in+Deathtrap%3F%3F%3F

If it's true I need front row seat tickets like NOW lol

Anna said...

Seems to me there's a bit of a poultry theme going on tonight:

* Rob's bird neck

* Rob's pigeon-toed walk

* Rob's chicken legs

--> What is wrong with us that it all makes us love him even more?!!

Anna said...

Alexandra - I saw that. I dare not hope for it to be true. I would die. And then, I'd be like, dead.

Alexandra said...

Same here LittleBear I would probably just sit there hyperventilating throughout the whole play!

But I don't think it would be a good idea for him to do something like that even though I really want him to. Imagine, him on stage, no security, very easy access for crazies = disaster.

Anna said...

Alexandra - I don't know, it would be in a year's time, maybe the craziness would have died down a bit... fingers crossed... I think it would be great for him to go back to London for a bit. And I'm not just being selfish saying that :)

showme said...





If i have to pay 1000 bucks to a ticket scalper, i WILL be in the first row

omg, he's not ready for theater

no no no no
yessssss i want to see him
but nooooooooooooo scared for him

ohdearGod. i'm hyperventilating

holy shit

someone help me.

Alexandra said...

OK showme deep breaths!

stay calm... drink some water...

Who am I kidding I'm freaking out as well! haha

Anna said...

LOL @ showme!

Pretty much my exact feelings when I first heard about it :)))

Alexandra said...

Yeah LittleBear I'm hoping that some of the craziness will die down by then. But this is supposed to be scheduled for September 2010 and I don't think BD will have come out by then so the Twilight hype will still be in full force...

showme said...

Alex and LittleBear....

i am jittzpattzing all over the place....

this is just TOOOOOO amazing to be true..

*showme already booking her flight and hotel stay in London for Sept 2010*

Anna said...

well, worst-case scenario the Robsessional Squad would have to show up to every performance to keep the crazy fangirls in check...

Alexandra said...

LOL lucky that I live over here so I don't have to book anything except a ticket! Those aren't on sale yet right?

Alexandra said...

I volunteer LittleBear! :D

Alexandra said...

Then again maybe the craziness wouldn't be TOO bad... I saw Orlando Bloom in a play a few years ago and it was fine... but he has nothing on Rob!

Anna said...

I highly doubt there are tickets yet, given that the news isn't even official right now. Of course, if it does happen, all the performances will be sold out in about 3.8 seconds...

(but I don't care. I'll get my hand on one of those babies, if I have to sell my first-born child to get it.)

Nikola Six said...

Sorry. But I cannot imagine any theatre producer casting him while he's still in the shit storm known as Twilight mania. The minute he stepped foot on stage there would be pandemonium and the out of control fans would disrupt the production...every goddamn night. And could you even imagine the madness at the stagedoor? No. It would dangerous at this point in time -both for himself and the fans- to put him in ANY situation where they could have such easy access to him.

Sorry Rob. No theatre until the insanity dies down. Which I figure will be maybe, maybe sometime in 2012 (3 years from now) when the DVD for Breaking Dawn hits the stores.

All of this has got to go away first and let's face it, with just one Twilight film under his belt, the madness has only just begun.

You stay away from the theatre. You hear me kid?



Alexandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexandra said...

I agree Nikola. But damn it I want to see him! :D

Anna said...

Alexandra - neither do I, I was selling my imaginary future offspring :)

Nikola - I think he might have been cast a while back, I remember an interview a couple of months ago, Rob said he was considering working with David Pugh (who's the producer or something). Maybe they'll change their mind in view of the recent craziness, though.

Anna said...

Off to bed, hoping for happy RobDreams - bye ladies!

Alexandra said...

Night LittleBear! Happy Rob dreams!

showme said...

2010...........Rob on stage in 2010

I think they here cash registers personally.....

that's all anyone cares about anyway in that business....

*showme wants to see Rob onstage REALLY REALLY badly*

*but is also REALLY REALLY scared for him*

my normal feelings concerning him. sigh. nothing changes

And no, tix don't go on sale til after subscriptions campaigns in the fall of the year before. I worked for major national theater for years. Unless it's diff in England, but i don't think so.

Alexandra said...

showme - so I don't have to keep checking the net every 10 seconds until at least September this year? That's good. I just know that if this is true then all the shows will be sold out within 2.3 seconds of the tickets going on sale... and I want one!

Nikola Six said...


Don't get me wrong. I'd love nothing more than to see him work on the stage and if he ever does, I'll move heaven and earth to be there.

But things have obviously changed for him since this project was first talked about. I'm telling you, if he attempts this in the middle of all of this madness it will be a nightmare. He won't even be able to do his job. And someone could get hurt.

He's becoming the biggest star in the world and theatre work is just going to have to wait until some calm and order have been restored to his life. And it will. Eventually. No one can stay this hot forever. Everyone eventually cools off. Also...

Theatre acting is a very different animal than film acting. It's a different set of muscles and it takes training to develop them. More than a few movie stars have attempted the stage (Michelle Pfiffer, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington) only to fall flat on their faces. And Rob has no formal training as an actor. He's learned on the job in front of a camera. Yeah, he did a couple of roles in an ameteur theatre club, but that's not the same as a couple of years in a drama school.

Sweetie...spend your twenties learning what you're doing. Then perhaps in your thirties you can take some of that experience with you to the stage and hopefully your star presence will carry you through.

Stage acting is the pinnacle and only a handful can truly do it.


monika said...

well Radcliffe did good with Equus and he's actually a shitty actor imo.

doubt anyone would cause any drama in the theatre unless they wanted their asses kicked out/arrested(nothing like that happened with Dan and Equus)

AnnaD said...

Seeing Rob's legs for the first is like finding out Santa isn't real. It's a shock at first and you don't know what to say, but then it's like, Eh, whatever.

Nikola Six said...

True, Daniel Radcliffe did well in London. I heard it didn't translate so well when they brough it to Broadway. And I'm not saying that Rob wouldn't do well in a stage production if he tackled one tomorrow. He might be fabulous. But he was then he would be that very rare bird; an actor who can act on the stage without professional training.

As for fans distrupting a stage performance...
Ask Hugh Jackman about his experience on Broadway with The Boy From OZ; people screaming out his name and when he went to kiss his male co-star (yeah, he went gay on Broadway), people yelling out..."don't do it Wolverine." Hugh laughed about it but it was annoying and disruptive to what they were trying to accomplish up there on that stage. And Hugh Jackman has never had near the hysteria surrounding him that Rob does...and will continue to have for the next three years or so.

I think Rob needs to wait, but that is just my opinion and that don't make it right. Just mine.


Anonymous said...

SOMEOBODY PUT THIS GUY IN A KILT! He loves plaid and has great legs.


Sara said...

Nik, I love reading your comments.
You are always so rational and logical and you can write down exactly what I'm thiking, in such better terms.
Agree with you wholeheartedly and love reading the comments ;)

Sara said...

AJ, don't get me exicted!
Now all we need is a gust of wind...

Anonymous said...

Aye Sara! *said in my best Scottish accent* A good gale would be a must!

Diane said...

Wow, something I wasn't sure I'd live to see - Rob in shorts. Of course, I'd already seen his legs in LA and knew they were as perfect as the rest of him. I remember when Paul Newman was really gorgeous and then I saw a pic of him at the beach. What a downer! Just two toothpicks with no muscles, no calves, and they were just as white as Rob's without the excuse of being British! Love the big toe action. Let's hear it for Rob and his adorable digits!

Gemgirl65 said...

Uuummmm, did no one see the Goblet of Fire? Robric was wearing shorts in that film. I like his legs. They're actually not nearly as skinny as the rest of him. He's bottom heavy like a girl, really! Seems to happen with British guys...Hugh Grant springs to mind.

I don't see Rob doing theater yet either. IA with Nik, the pandemonium would be too much. I'm actually really curious to see what will happen when NM comes out, because frankly I think it's going to break records. Fans standing in line days to see it...seeing it dozens of's going to be absolutely insane. If they'll do that to watch Rob on the big screen, imagine the madness of trying to see him LIVE in a theater? Won't work.

Georgie said...

Alexandra thanks for posting that link. Rob in a theatre production would be awesome. That's where he cut his acting teeth (as probably most actors do LOL). I wondered why he wasn't invited to attend the Tony awards the other week, which were held the same time as Rob was in NYC. He would have added some glamour...but then again maybe a distraction from the other luminaries there.

Georgie said...


Babs said...

I love beach Rob! walking down the beach without shoes, enjoying the sun, I wish he could do that in his real life without being mobbed.

heather said...

those pants make him look gay haha but foreal hes hair gets on my nerves ugh!!!

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