From Variety.com:
Summit Entertainment has set Emilie de Ravin ("Lost"), Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper to star alongside Robert Pattinson in "Remember Me," the Allen Coulter-directed drama that begins production in New York on June 15.
Lena Olin is negotiating to join the cast.
Pattinson plays a young man whose brother's suicide has split up his parents (Brosnan and Olin) and left him sleepwalking through life. (Gozde: All together now: awwwww!) De Ravin will play a young woman who, after watching her mother get killed before her eyes, seizes life to its fullest. Cooper is being courted to play her father.(Gozde: Oh this movie is gonna be so sad)
Will Fetters penned the script, with a rewrite by Jenny Lumet ("Rachel Getting Married"). Nick Osborne and Trevor Engelson are producing through their Underground Films banner.
De Ravin next will be seen in the Michael Mann-directed "Public Enemies."
Brosnan just completed the Roman Polanski-directed "The Ghost" and is shooting the Chris Columbus-helmed "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief."
Thanks to Susan and Kespax for the tips ;)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 912 Newer› Newest»I'm so glad Rob is working on other projects, but honestly, I'm really scared now. Pierce Brosnan is such a terrible actor. That does not bode well for this movie...
omg! pierce brosnan...wow...
this movie is gonna be good!
i can tell from now...im sooo excited about it!
i hope pictures come soon!
Where in NYC will they be filming???
by the way, I really do not want to offend anyone on here with my comment on pierce brosnan. that was not my intention :)
in any case, i'm glad there's gonna be another rob movie. good opportunity for him to broaden his (already great) acting skills :D
if what you say in the summary of the movie is true, they have already changed aspects of the original script...hope they don't change it too much more...some of the irony could get lost.
Pierce Brosnan should be great as his father......
Wow... that's a seriously heavy-weight cast! I love Chris Cooper :)
Poupette: Brosnan can be good occasionally. And he won't hurt the movie at the box-office, which let's face it, will matter because it will be Rob's first test in a non-Twi movie.
Anyway, I'm pretty impressed with this movie, on paper at least. They're obviously trying to make it good, not just a star vehicle for Rob. Yay!!
Wow... so many good people for Rob to watch and learn from... esp Chris Cooper!(American Beauty, Breach) Pierce Brosnan has had his ups and downs... but overall, he can still deliver a good performance with the right material.
Lena Olin has been around for quite some time... she was in the latter half of The Reader if you'd like to see the energy she if capable of.
Emilie De Ravin hopefully will provide a suitable love interest for Rob... she is lovely to look at... and no doubt will be a better on-screen kisser than "others" have been.
Rob is being given good co-stars, a script he likes, and a chance to prove himself outside the TL franchise. Make the most of it, Mr. Pattinson. We're wishing you all the best!
I was not expecting such a casting for the movie! that's a good sign I think.
I'm also glad that they are starting the shoot soon, it's nice to know things are moving forward, and it's just that -as usual- summit had let us hanging.
I am actually really excited with the rewrite! The original script, though good, would have hit us Americans a bit too hard I think.
The cast...total WIN
lilone.. it's still gonna hurt.
I hope it turns out to be a good movie and, most important, a good chance for Rob to undertake a constructive experience for his career.
Chris Cooper is amazing. I'm excited!
This sound so good! Chris and Lena are great! Pierce is good sometimes, but I can imagine him being Robs dad though. They did good with the casting, better than I though actually. Im happy that Rob get to work with actors like this, I really looking forward seeing this movie and see more of Robs acting range:)
Love Cooper and Olin, Emelie is a surprise choice have only seen her in Lost - she was adequate and some other teen thing where she was a good bitch.
But oh I'm with poupette I find Brosnan a huge turn off, he makes me cringe - hope he can bring something better than the things I have seen him do, he really annoys me. But he's popular I guess
OMG people!! This movie is going to be the death of me. I love drama! I am so curious at the minute to see how Rob is going to play this character. I love the story line. It's the first time I heard of brother suicide...My goodness. I'll be waiting for this movie. And the cast WOW!! I feel that the end is going to be excruciating!
I know I should not be judging quickly but I see Rob better in these kind of movies. Seriousely I think he would be awesome for movies like "the beat that my heart skipped" (de battre mon coeur s'est arrété), or "PARIS" by Klapisch (sorry for those who don't know these movies, they are French, that's the best exemple that I could find to express my idea of Rob acting genre)
Goodluck Rob we're with you!!
OH and Hello ladies. I'm missing you, I'm not spending too much time on the blog cause I'm trying to enjoy my last weeks in England :))
i think they have the plot of the film a little mixed up, his brother doesnt commit suicide, he dies (i dont want to ruin the plot, so i wont say how he dies).
Im really happy they cast Olin, i loved her in Alias, i think she will be great!!
Chris is kinda schmexy, too.
Not sure how I feel about the suicide change..
WOW, some people really love hating on Rob: and article from E online (UK I think) compares shia Labeuf to Rob and tears him down...
I'm sure she is just wh*ring for hits, so I wonder if I should give the link (especially since you can read the text on a lot of other pattinson fansite and Imdb).
Actually, here is the imdb link:
I agree with the comment, and wonder why they feel the need to compare him to reknown actors (james Franco, Shia) who have been in the business for years.
As always, I will not go comment either on the site since I don't feel the need to feed her with comments that she will only laugh at - even if her article is pretty laughable in an annoying way.
oh riddle, you're leaving? :((
I agree that I can see Rob doing really well in roles like that. He needs to stop playing weirdos, because I'm not sure he's that great at it :p
I read the E Online thing. It's just stupid. AS IF Rob could be compared to established movie stars who've been around Hollywood for years. Rob is all about potential... we'll see who has the last laugh :)
oh Man, cut him some slack! I won't go reading it. He hasn't been filming for a long time now, apart from New Moon. I'm sure he's going to show his guts in this movie. I won't read E online, any critics at the moment are irrelevant, there's no recent movie of his out at the moment. I feel like with New Moon, Remember Me and all the movies coming, Rob is taking a new better start and we're gonna feel it.
GO ROB, we'll be in the theaters!!
Hi LB and riddle!
OH, is riddle coming back home?
Well LB, I love your "the last laugh" comment. I have seen the 1st transformer movie one boring afternoon and don't plan on seeing the second for sure -_-; And it's not Shia's fault, it's the topic LOL.
That's also what I think, I want to see him playing more normal characters too.
I'm not sure about Edward... But don't want to juge on a 30 sec teaser! We don't even know if the scenes will be in the final cut anyway.
And I wonder if I had not pictured something that doesn't really match the book words while reading, making my own fantasy. I saw a passionate breakup in my head, and I read someone saying how the teaser was so faithful to SM description as Edward being like dead - I guess I had let my imagination run loose while reading^^;;;
hi LB and Anna F :)
yeah I'm leaving in 2 weeks, maybe coming back in end of June to travel around. I'm going back to ma douce France :)
I'm glad you agree with roles I suggested, although I knew you would ;)
Now I really have to go, I'm happy I heard such great news about Remember Me. I'm very happy with the cast.
Our boy has something precious I tell you. I beleive in him!
Have a lovely sunny day robsessors :)) (yes, it's sunny in England!!!)
Man what a great cast. Chris Cooper is one of the best actors working now. Excellent choice. And Emelie is just otherworldly beautiful. Those two might just melt the film reel.
oh well... enjoy summer-y England while you can, riddle! I think I'm stuck here for ever, so, say hi to our douce France for me :)
anna, I'm not so sure about Edward either... as I remember, in the book he looked completely impassive/expressionless as he was breaking up with her, and I actually thought he looked too tortured in the trailer? If that makes sense? This also goes with my feeling that Rob tends to overplay a bit. Which is why I'd like to see him play a 'normal' character for once.
(God, I need to stop bashing him! Rob, I think you're incredibly talented! I just talk/think too much, don't pay attention ;)
This made my day last night
haven't read the comments, but last nite Kepsax pointed out that both his parents are English, therefore, Rob could conceivably keep his english accent...
which would be even MORE of a shattered death this movie would bring
Anna F
the impression I had from the book is that Edward is cold and distant while leaving, there are very few short moments when he shows agony in his eyes. I loved what I saw from Rob in the trailer, you can feel that he's putting himself together to do it, you can see an edge of agony while he's saying those words and staring at the ground or at nothing but not her eyes, and in the meantime he's cold. The passion that WE felt I think comes from the fact that WE knew why he's doing that, but not Bella. For Bella he was cold and distant, she saw no real hesitation, that's why she can't really protest in the right way.
Moreover, I'm glad that Edward and Bella seemed so close in the shots at the Cullens'. I was so afraid they were going to play it as in Twilight when we only felt the difficulty of them being close to each other. But in the trailer, what I saw was awesome, he touches her elbow, she strokes gently his shirt when talking to Alice. I reallly saw them as a couple like in the book.
Really I trust him for this part I think he understands Edward really well. I think concerning Edward the reader is a bit biased, because he/she is influenced by Bella's perspective and in the meantime having his/her own idea of Edward (from midnight sun, the movie and the fantisies :))
GOD i really need to leave now. see you ladies!!!
oh my gosh showme thanks for the info.
OMG OMG OMG OMG: English accent is comming ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ok I'm off for real now. really. I promise
oh yeah, that stupid shia/franco etc article...
wthell? how can u compare actors who've done a bunch of major motion pictures to a guy who had 1 major film as an adult...
Laughmyfreakinass off
We WILL DEF have the last laugh on that one, as soon as they major release a film he's been in that's not Twi series
They'll see EXACTLY what type of draw he has....
I'm so glad everyone else is as excited about Chris Cooper as me! And this leads gravitas to the movie!
Oh, and i guess Rob's not on a plane last night...no pap pics this morning...that simply couldn't be possible if said occurence had happened.
I don't imagine he'd be too bothered about not being seen as some major Hollywood player. He seems to choose roles because they interest him and are well written, rather than because he wants to be some huge star. After all, he saw Twilight as more of an indie thing, especially as Kristen and Catherine were on board.
It will be interesting to see how Remember Me pans out. I'm surprised by the Pierce Brosnan casting, but Emilie De Ravin seems like a good choice (I'm so glad it wasn't Emmy Rossum!).
i think he would care a lot about being denegrated...
it was the TONE of that article...
showme: Lena Olin is actually swedish, like me:) But she can surely talk with a british accent I think. But they will probably talk in an american accent because it's in NYC.
ohh stef...interesting...
yeah, that will be interesting to see...
a MAJOR part of me would LOVE to have a whole movie of him talking in English accent, but maybe not this one....sigh...moan...
he said he'd be talking american in it awhile back, but that could have changed with casting changes.
like I said, that woman was simply enjoying herself putting him down... that tone was the problem, not the content since pretty much everyone would agree on it.
On a side note:
"As for the under-30 set, Shia LaBeouf has way more power than Pattz. Factoring in every type of movie budget, from indie to blockbuster, LaBeouf scores a 226 of 300, compared with Zefron's 206, James Franco's 183—and Pattinson's 174. And just in case you're wondering if Ulmer's research is outdated, these numbers came out last month."
if you think about the fact that he has only played in ONE not so great blockbuster in the US, I think his score is pretty good ^_^
That's EXACTLY what i was thinking Anna...
"if you think about the fact that he has only played in ONE not so great blockbuster in the US, I think his score is pretty good ^_^"
btw, if anyone hasn't seen Rose's outstanding Where's Oregano, Part Deux...go watch it now...
it will set your day off RIGHT as long as you don't pee your pants
and this one:
I'm so excited for this film.
I know Rob will do the subject matter justice.
oh yeah, the lip insurance one is funny, esp when the operator goes to get all her friends LOL
Let the gossip begin:
Emelie is a cuter version of Robs ex, Nina. I don't think she married to Josh anymore.
WOW it's going to be HOT HOT love scenes!!
Emilie has said that she is still hapily married...
that is horrible thin to say, but what a shame..
I like her much better than Kristen. Plus she is older :D
well, some new gossip when they have met like... yesterday!
Are gossip sites this desperate? YES I guess!
they were separated once,,,then she claimed that she is happily married. who knows if it was only yesterday or months ago?
it's a tough business for young or old actors to have a long stable relationships...especially if the other half is constantly busy with work.
according to josh imbd..his last gig was 2008?
Kind of reminds me of Garden State... Seems like it's going to be a good movie.
I agree, Showme, that I was super excited when I heard all the great news about "Remember Me" last night!
I don't pay attention to articles like the E! article about Rob's power in Hollywood. We all know he is a risk right now because he hasn't done any major roles besides Twilight, but we also see the potential in him. Unfortunately, no matter how well he does in "Remember Me" there will be those who will simply want to knock him down rather than admit that he has skills.
I think Rob has a way to go as a actor, but he seems committed to becoming the best actor he can be. I'm really excited for him to work with Chris Cooper because Chris is a phenomenal method actor and a true veteran of the craft. Rob will learn a lot from him.
As for the lead female...she is quite beautiful. There will be rumors, of course...being married means nothing when it comes to celebrity and rumors.
Oh boy ~ I am going to cry in this one... And in NM, when he leaves... Rob will make us cry a lot...
Boxes of kleenex for everybody!
BTW ~ he is so so soooo yummy in this pic... OMG!
Showme - At least he wasn't on a plane as you had feared last night. I'm betting that Rob is going to hole himself up and begin getting into character. This sounds like an intense role, and he is kind of "methody" when it comes to preparing himself. Over a month to first get into Edward? He's totally building his character right now. That is so yay! for us because he'll be that much better in the film. Plus, I assume the cast will come together beforehand (especially Emelie so they can begin to build some chemistry) to prep together.
I cant wait!!! this is going to amazing... I do believe..
Yes Ellie Rob is going to do great with the subject matter...
Hey Suz~ MB...
KK, Sho... morning ladies!!
Hello my lovelies!
KK, as always, I agree on both accounts. I think that Rob is still considered a risk as an actor, and he does have something to prove, but I don't think that bothers him. However, his films sold well at Cannes, and the cat that the Remember Me script was tweaked for him, not to mention his other opportunities, shows to be that a lot of Hollywood thinks he has potential as an actor.
Remember Me is going to be a great chance to show his range, and it looks like he's going to have some great people to learn from. And I think it says a lot about his character and intentions that he took a supporting role in Unbound Captives.
Totally agree about the holing up and getting into character, too.
Good morning everyone!
I am so excited. James Bond will play dad. I love Lena Olin. And so happy about Emilie De Ravin. I just happy to see him with another costar. So Where's Waldo? In NYC or LA?
OK, that's supposed to be THE FACT, not the cat!
As far as we know, NYC. A false twitter, imagine that!
Stacy, your avatar, he kinda looks like those posters at the hair salon. lmao.
Stacy, that's funny, false twit.
I hope he gets let alone. I would think he would stay to prep script with costar. I wanna do cartwheels because they didn't pick Emma Rossum. She would not have pulled this role off. Emelie has this vulnerability about her that would work.
I bet summit leak his whereabouts for publicity. They must have shut the valve to let him get to work.
KK, ITA. He hasn't done enough films yet. For someone with one (not sure if they count harry potter) film, I thinks it's pretty damn good. People see what they wanna see.
Hey Winwin... morning ... I am out tho... see you on the flip side!!
hey girlies...
win, KK, Tennie, stace....
THANK GOD Rob is holed up in a hotel gettin' his method on...much, much safer..
i was really freaked out about 'that which cannot be spoken of' last night...damn those girls for clueing me in on that.
I agree, KK, that he has a long way to go in the acting dept, definitely. it was, however, making generalized box office draw comparisons with established actors that got my hair standing up...it was such stupid.
Regardless of his acting, that boy is gonna have MAJOR box office draw for years to come...i bet rem me will be sold out for a week!
but i have every faith that he will also develop nicely as an actor...he has so much depth of feeling and creativity.
Well, I a happy to hear that it was a false twitt about the LA flight (that's what you meant ladies, right?).
it seems like Rpatznews retwitts whatever news, so it would not be this hard to send false signals in the end...
Ten, honey! How are you? I can't remember the last time we chatted.
KK, you are right, E online is looking for hits (which is why I did not give the direct link to it but to a place that reposted the thing). It's quite tiring to have all those people saturating the web-news market with pseudo-interesting/subversive articles, and it tires fans and non-fans as well!
anna f, so right about e! wanting hits. I went thinking I needed to vote for our boy! lmao
I'm out for a little. Gotta get some work done. Love ya and see ya later!
good morning twitters!
Rob is in LA? he eh..
Hello! Yeah, I think it was a false twit, since we've not seen him at the airport. I agree, I think he's likely working to get ready to film and yeah, I think he has a lot to learn, but loads of potential. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does with Remember Me.
About Summit, I absolutely think they leak his whereabouts for publicity, and frankly, I think they are using the whole R/K deal for it too, whatever is going on. I don't think they mind it being discussed everywhere at all.
ok, the jonas bros do nothing for me, i don't even know what they sing...but this shit is funny
I think Rob will be superb in this movie - all angsty and sad. It will break our hearts, I'm sure. I'm very glad they are not just putting together a star vehicle for him and actually putting good actors and a good script together. The only drawback will be that we will have to share him - however, the others could not match our obsessed and dedication.haha. :-)
No, I don't think he's in LA. We heard he was heading there last night, but no airport pics or anything, so we're assuming the tweet was wrong.
Hello ladies!!
Do we know if our Rob is still in NYC? I can't find anything on twitter.
RP MOM....damn those false twitterers!
Woops...pot calling kettle LOL
i wouldn't be surprised of that either stacy...about summit. money is king.
i'm now completely boycotting Ted C. he has pissed me off for far too long. and he's just gone over the line now...
i won't click on his site anymore.
Oh, nevermind, I just read all the comments. Well if it was a false twitter - twasn't me! ;p
Stacy: I agree that Summit is leaking and using the R/K thing.
Also, everyone was so amped up about Weinstein talking Rob up and the gangster movie... Weinstein doesn't give two shits about Rob, he just sees dollar signs. He's a business man and a very successful one at that. Rob could be the worst actor on the planet and a total douche and Harvey would have said the same damned thing.
Everyone in Hollywood is rubbing their hands together right now, seeing how much money they can make off of him.
We think he's still in NYC
What now? The whole "does Robsten have the greenlight" and insinuating other hook-ups?
Agree completely about Winstein
Re the Summit thing: yes, I think they are using it to their advantage, and if they are pressuring them to keep it a secret, it very well may be because they want the rumor mill going for the publicity. Wouldn't be surprised!
no, stacy, his tweets about 'a twilight actor swings both ways'...
i'm sure it will be kristen...and i could care less, honestly, but the fact that now he has nothing to talk about and so he's gonna start something about someone being bi...
ugh ugh disgusting.
Oh, hell.. for anyone who was around last night during the Personal Jesus euphoria/insanity/orgy
I had this horrible thought after going to bed:
Rob was in Chicago (at the mall the same night as ME) two weeks after RomeRob.
TWO weeks after RomeRob! And I didn't know who the hell he was nor did I care. I was just annoyed at the masses of teenyboppers and helicopters hovering over the parking lot.
Liza, also agree about Weinstein...LOL..he's prob never even seen anything rob's done!
Did he say one half of R/K or a Twilight actor? I've thought that about K for awhile, but yeah, Ted is nothing but a gossip mongering fool.
He's a pig.
oh Liza....
that is a travesty that can NEVER be undone...
best not to live in regret....
ahhhh...RomeRob...PersonalJesus...I Want All of Rob...brb LOL
Ted C. is just like everyone else in Hollywoodlalaland... trying to make a buck at someone else's expense w/o regard as to how his actions might actually affect that person's life.
he just said "Twilight" star not R/K...
Ahh, well I'd say K or Nikki, then. But it's obvious by Ted's last couple of columns that he knows nothing more about them then what everyone else has put together, and he's already covering his ass in case he's wrong or they don't "come out."
And, like I said last night, he will be THE FIRST to start the rumors of "lovers quarrels" and "trouble in paradise" on the Eclipse set.
stacy, i don't think i've ever heard why you think that. Leann has said something about that too.
the only thing i can see is her hanging all over Nikki thing...
But that just seemed like a girl crush to me. I get girl crushes once every couple of years...LOL
Right now, Leann is my girl crush...wink, wink Leann...
But that doesn't mean i want to go muff divin'....hella naw...ROFLMAO
Um, she just gives that vibe off to me. Just a gut feeling, I guess, lol.
But I have heard that about her in the past - who knows if it's true or not.
That's probably a transfer from Jodie Foster vibe....LOL
you, jane and I are amassing quite the little group of followers on twitter ;p
*Liza wonders WHY she mentioned Personal Jesus so early in the day... this does not bode well for work*
I KNOW Liza...it's so funny.
they're so pumped. it's like all of the sudden, they see we're an undiscovered group into Rob and they attack us....LOL
once he's out and about again, we'll have to go all "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" on their asses
i know, Liza. that was just mean....
Perhaps you should get "Closer" to the "Personal Jesus"
LOL Stacy
this one is now one of my faves too.....LOVES IT
'Morning everyone. I seem to be missing out on stuff. Either trying to get to the end of mammoth 1500+ posts and finding everyone gone by the time I get there or just being busy elsewhere. But today I seem to be in the here and now.
Someone tell me what I missed out on last night - Personal Jesus euphoria/insanity/orgy? What was that about?
And false tweets of Rob flying to LA? Maybe someone else had the same idea as you, Lizalou and fellow freedom twitterers?
i want closer to be substituted for personal jesus in the RomeRob montage. Now that's what i'm talking about...;p
Hey girl.. this is how you start your day off right.. with a little personal jesus ;p
oh, and this one...
I Want Candy
i really like the candy analogy...
Hey jala...
last night we were just taunting each other with Rob videos, porning him out...while we collectively Pattzjizzed...is that right? LOL>...i can't remem the exact word...
Oh, someone posted a link to that a few weeks ago and I watched it and watched it and watched it...
But so early in the morning, Liza?
I'm leaving the country in 4 days with a whole family in tow and I have done virtually nothing to get ready yet. Robsessing will be the death of me.
We should drop some bombs on twitter today...
Brosnan is a horrible actor.
At least, I´ll be watching Rob most of the time.
I can't get through that video in one go. I have to watch it in increments and stop to catch my breath every so often. I think I make it about 10-15 seconds before I get lightheaded.
Might have to invest in an oxygen mask just to get the entire viewing in at some point.
And I'm going to be in NYC and Rob's going to be there too and I'll be pretending to do this and that when all the time I'll just be thinking, "I wonder if he's nearby? I wonder where he is? I wonder if I might bump into him by accident?"
btw, in that I Want Candy video, there're several clips of him in some video that says "Premiere" at the top...i've looked for it and can't find it..
he rivals ROMEROB in that video...i must find it
does anyone know?
sho - that Candyman vid is REAL eye candy!
bomb #1 was just detonated, Sho. Let's see if we have any casualties.
ahh, she already did it!
Liza has itchy twitter fingers...
she's become all obsessed by the POWAHHHHH
sho - "pattzjizzed" LOL! Someone should publish a new dictionary of Robterms. He seems to have inspired enough for a whole book.
I was wandering when they would start picking on him, with this kind of article, funny that E! does it, it has been seen hits to it´s page increased thanks to Robert and Twilight.
Another funny note is that they publish an article like this the day that Variety announces the cast to his new project, when focus is outside the saga and now is in RM.
I haven´t watched anything with Zac Efron, so I don´t know how he acts or whatever.
James Franco, is an incredible actor, he had build a steady career.
Shia Lebouf, I´ve only seen him in two movies, and both of them he was terrible to me, couldn´t care less about him, but I see he has been in high profile projects and he has done well in it and is respected in the busyness.
Robert with Twilight, his first US movie, independent movie, and he hit it big with it, good or bad movie we could argue, but lets phase that what that movie did is to take the industry by surprise, with an independent director, an independent or tv cast, low budget, and an story that had fans in the US mostly, because in the rest of the world it was actually the movie that made the books popular. People in that industry don´t get it and they won´t, in the matter of how is that TL became so big and from the big cast, how is that Robert became so big; so they try to minimize it to try to understand, saying he is only popular among teens, or that he is liked because public transfer the personality of Edward to him, o then yoy have article like this on E! that compare him to other actors that have nothing to do with him and never will, because the difference with this actors or any other, (maybe except James Franco, I see more a parallel with him) when an actor hit this big with a project he gets hype around him, generally big studios and big directors search them so they will make good projects more profitable, many times those actors with that much hype, put to test in other big projects or to carry a movie by them self, and they have failed, lots of money lost, those people that use to look for actors with big hype, now sort of fear them; Robert knows that himself, you can hear him saying something like this in the Variety interview of last year. He also said in another interview that we the hype, an actor can´t take many risks, because people giving the money for the projects are afraid that if certain actor has certain fanbase, such fan base won´t invest in watching the actor in another project that made him popular in the first place, but…. So far he is doing the smart, instead of doing what other had done, taking big projects to cement his star status, he is taking independent and interesting projects, hardly vehicles to cement him as star, but to develop his acting chops.
Even with the nature of the projects, be prepare to hear things like he fails is any of those projects don´t get as much hype or money as Twilight, but the audience is more intelligent that what this writers take as for.
sho - join in the fake twittering? But I won't have a cellphone or assured access to a computer, so I'll just have to give moral support - send supportive vibes and all that.
Uh........ Uh......... UH........
SHO: that I want candy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Motherfuck it does rival ROMEROB and you know why?? bcuz it's not just a montage of photos - it's video clips.
He's moving, and laughing and smiling and doing the eyebrow waggly thing.
Here Here Mech!
Love the last comment. Very true.
sigh...i know liza...i know....
yummy yum yum....
I agree, actual NYC location spotting is reserved for when he's out and about in NYC.
Ufff... was it long? hahahaaa
Ohh By the way, I like a lot the cast, Lena Olin and Chris Cooper are amazing actors, Pierce Brosnan has his good and not so good, but he is charismatic and I think is very suitable as Robert father, Emilie de Raven, can play bitch or lovely girl and be convincible, she will do a good job, there is still no news on who is going to play Taylers pall, isn´t it?
Morning Ladies,
How is everyonre this morning.
Sorry, have to catch up with where you are in the conversation.
Jane and I are doing some followup, clean-up work over there now...
We'll see if the first bomb made any impact.
'Morning MandyW. I myself just caught up.
Hey there lady! Rabble-rousing goin' down on the twitter ;p
Okay I think I got it... Are you guys updating on Twitter, because I just checked it.
yes, i'm actively bombing. If this sticks, I have a fab plan, but Rob has to cooperate by staying incognito.
The only thing I can think of right now, is how tired he's going to be.
I'm sure he's excited to work on other projects, but straight after this he goes back to Eclipse and I just hope he gets some well deserved rest.
Extremely excited for this nonetheless.
If Rob could go anywhere incognito, then this probably wouldn't be necessary. But I like the way you think.
mornin' mandy!
Liza - Robpics are beautiful. But nothing equals the animated Rob. Seeing the face in action - breaking into that heart-stopping smile especially - just makes me swoon like a teenager.
I bet if he loses them, it won't be that hard, actually. Manhattan is HUGE. And tweens/teenyboppers can't go to bars.
He goes to some old man bars, no one will know him there.
Liza - you're craking me up over on Twitter nation. I have antsy followers and for a sec there, I forgot you were a fake LOL
Rob honey, if you can get out of that side entrance, I'll have my bicycle waiting and we'll high-tail it out of there...I have a lovely apt. in Queens where I can hide you for the duration. The pappz never come into the outer boroughs y'know *wink* We can lose them over the 59th St. bridge LOL
Good morning Showme- I Like your last tweet.
Oh, plus, Rob already said he hates the club/lounge scene... so if he avoids those places and high profile restaurants, I think he might have a fighting chance.
LOL...jane...i'd like to burrough with rob....
Your probably right about Rob being able to hide in a bar...esp one that is not so trendy. And that sounds like Robs kind of place.
yeah Jala..."I want Candy" is now one of my all time top vids
Now I really want to see what you all are twittering. I think I need to know your twitter names.
just stopping in for a minute....show...no plane crashes over night....whew. Did u sleep ok? Where's our boy? Any news?
I've often thought the way for Rob to go incognito would be to slick his hair straight back and to wear glasses.
Then put his ass in a polo and khakis. Voila!
Showme-Already done responding.
Oh and SHO: Do NOT type here what we're twittering. There are mad lurkers...
*Liza looks around paranoid-style*
LMAO- Liza, no one would ever recognise him. He could be like Clark Kent and Superman.
Yup, where there's a will, there's a way. If I was dating the boy (oh i fucking wish!), I would have a closet full of incognito outfits at the ready for him ;p
Hi everyone!
Just here for a minute...and wishing I understood the twitter process. If I sign up for an account, how would I then go about following the progress of Operation RP Freedom?
What is all this about plane crashes? Did I miss something last night.
already done tweeting...I'm on it girls. BTW....sorry for freakin u out last night. That was some funny shit though. I lmao
shhhhh, they may be listening....must stay on the DL
*Liza needs to send Sho back down for basic-training, either that or she's just not suited to Special Ops. Desk job, maybe?*
I'd hate for Rob to hide in bars (or hotels) all day. But yeah, I think if he can get out of his hotel unnoticed by the photogs, it's fairly easy to walk around and blend in. Sidewalks are crowded, everyone's always rushing, and people barely look at one another.
But he should leave the black hoodie in his Staples-style daddycase...that disguise is busted.
There are many things that make this movie exciting. Rob of coarse being number one. I like Pierce Brosnan, have since Remington Steele days. Also the rest of the cast is intriging and I've read many good things about them.
My hopes is that the movie will give Rob more credibility as an actor, which is needed from nonrobsessers. Also more experience is always good. I'm just really excited about the whole project.Yay Rob!
HI Mrs R- I'll let one of the other ladies explain how to do twitter. Liza helped me through it, and hey if I can do it anyone can.
I need to go make lunch for a bunch of 4th graders....wish I could stay :( but I'll be back after school.....xo
hey gurl!! ;p
By the way, what cloaking garment will RP use this summer, once NYC grows too hot for the hoodie woobie?
Will a Yankees cap be enough?
Good morning ladies! Good Luck with the cloak and dagger today. My fingers are crossed. For you, for Rob.
Sorry for disappearing, girls. I have kids here now, so I will in and out all day.
Good luck on Operation RP whatever the hell the name is.
Smooches and catch ya later:)
He'd be less recognizable with no hoodie/beanie at all.
He should wear a ballcap on backwards, an old metallica t-shirt, acid-washed BOOTCUT jeans, and grow a beard. Yup.
*showme takes seat at desk job*
NOT good at subterfuge LOL
Mrs. Robinsane - Ugh, no Yankees cap should ever touch that head of his! He can have my Mets cap though...almost same shade of blue as his MTV jacket.
Bye Yvonne... See ya later.
seriously Mrs. R...
and LOL LIza at the new outfit.
absolutely. or even moreso, baseball hat front ways, glasses, polo shirt and those seersucker type pants that the boys in the south wear...with flip flops LOL
Bye everyone who had to take off!
Helping Rob to stay incognito might be fun... it would be like dress-up. Every day. Dressing Rob up in a new outfit and sending him out into the world.
Stacy, don't worry about it. I have my kids here now too. Luckily they like to sleep in, so right now is my free time.(It's only 10:00 am here)
Hi MandyW!
If it's not too much trouble for someone to briefly explain twitter, I'd be most grateful. :)
By the way, re: Remember Me: I'm a bit leery of Pierce Brosnan—I don't think I've ever seen him play a role which required "real" human emotions and vulnerability (he seems to portray caricatures).
And this movie will be very difficult for me to watch, since it seems to adhere so closely to my own, never-to-be-resolved experience (as you ladies who read my tattoo-related story already know).
woohoo....LOL at all the new ones
this is fun
Oh, I wanna play dress up if it involve Rob.
Mrs. R.:
Is your email in your profile? If so, i'll email you my twitter name.
Hahah, have you guys seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW1RJOTxaRg
It's hilarious and very accurate to what would probably happen in real life.
We each get a day of the week to dress up Rob...we can have little contests...
Who can make him the most emo?
Who can make him the most metalhead?
Who can make him the most sports nut?
That could be much fun...
*am picturing Rob sitting there letting us do this with a befuddled expression on his beautiful face*
Don't forget the fanny pack!
*trying darndest to make RP invisible to stalkers—but no RP wardrobe choices could dissuade, repel, or fool Mrs. R*
Haha! This one too.
lol. i saw that vid last night sara...that is a very good guess ab what would happen.
Mrs R
I'll explain it as best I can. You go to twitter and sign up. then you do a search for what or who your looking for, it will bring up a list and you choose. Then you start leaving messages about what you're doing, you can also respond to messages. If you sign up, email me your user name and i'll follow you.
I'm gonna volunteer to undress him at the end of the day. just sayin'....
Yes, my email is in my profile.
How else will RP reach me? ;P
Thanks! :)
Fanny pack ROFLMAO at MRs. R
I don't know if i COULD do that to him...it might hurt too much
And no disguise could fool me either
Rob guessed why people always know who he is...Even if the hoodie thing didn't give it away...it's his nose...
it's so unique.
Why does Liza always get the best jobs in our little scenarios?
Fine...i get to dress him up first after a long, warm, snuggly night where he wakes up with morning wood and i take care of that before he gets dressed
Mrs. R:
Check ur mail :)
Sara- went and watched those clips...too funny, I really liked the first one.
All right if Liza gets to undress him at night and Show gets to dress him in the morning then I get to be the ome who showers him.
Sharing is caring... i've got no problem with you taking care of the morning wood and dressing him up.
But remember, I undressed him the night before so you're getting the leftovers in the a.m. ;p
He's got a damned harem. I suppose we could let Sultan Rob choose...
OOOH.. bad makings for a catfight there.
Definitely makings for a cat fight- but I suppose we could always draw up a schedule.
sorry but I had to put this out someway...LOL
I dunno if any of you Iowans are around, but did you know that Sam Bradley is coming to Des Moines on June 23rd?
Liza- that's cool. Hardly anyne comes to Idaho.
Thanks, Lizalou! I will check my email, and see if I can figure out how to join the campaign later.
If I'm no good on the twitter front, I have amused myself by thinking of other official roles I could play, within the Robsessional Guard.
I see you ladies already have a handle on RP's Camouflage Uniform department.
But I think RP needs someone to monitor and taste-test his meals—you know, as in the royal court of yesteryear—just in case a crazed stalker has managed to slip a debilitating Valium—an entire Valium, this time; imagine the effect!—into unsuspecting RP's soup.
I hereby volunteer for this position.
Furthermore, the duties of this position will include heating up (in his hotel room's microwave, naturally) all of Rob's Hot Pockets, at any hour of the day or night, and ensuring that they reach but do not exceed the proper temperature, lest he burn his lips and/or tongue.
And should any inadvertent overheating occur, Gen. Robinsane will be further entrusted with kissing away the resultant boo-boos.
*Mrs. R veering dangerously into mommy-speak*
Man, my fingers are not working today, it's like typo city here.
Mrs R- I sent you an email too, inviting you to twitter.
Rob does have a tendency to bring out the maternal side in us all upon occasion.
Liza, showme - can someone send me the Twitter info too?
Oh Mandy,
Don't be fooled...those would not be "mommy" kisses....
And on that note, I'm off (to make some Hot Pockets...for real!).
Have a great day, ladies! Had fun chatting with you!
Mrs R- Oh I know that, I'm just trying to make myself feel better.
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