Here is what I think of this security mishap:
I think the lack of adequate security on the first day of shooting was due to the poroduction company underestimating the following that Rob has. The location of the shoot was all over the fansites 3 days before the shoot (we didn't post it). 3 days is a pretty good head start for a stalker.
Rob was pretty well guarded on the New Moon set and I believe they all thought the crazy people were after Robward Cullen NOT Robert Pattinson. Well news flash: They are after Rob. Would you leave a Brad Pitt set that unguarded? No? Well the same applies for Rob now. Unfortunately people know no personal boundries when it comes to celebrities.
From dose.ca:
The overly affectionate stranglehold Robert Pattinson suffered earlier this week on the set of his new movie Remember Me may have left the actor unscathed. (Those bruises he's been sporting lately are just stage makeup, ladies. Your services won't be required for kissing it better.) Still, surely something must be done to ensure no hardcore Twihards lay a finger on Pattinson's glittery skin. Where's security? Shouldn't they have someone monitoring this dude while he sleeps, already? Edward needs an Edward.
According to E! Online, the Pattz Attack earlier this week has put Twilight producers Summit Entertainment on alert.
"There's not even close to enough security over in New York for [Rob]," a studio exec dished to E!.
"They've certainly taken note," said another source. "Security yesterday was addressed. We may hear more any minute about how it's being increased. Or we may not. We're waiting."
In the meantime, Pattinson appears to be as vulnerable as Bella Swan with a paper cut, as paparazzi and crazy fans alike storm the shoot of Remember Me on location in New York City.
According to Entertainment Weekly, hundreds of girls have been gathering in the city's Washington Square Park to watch -- and squeal their love for a fictional vampire from the mountaintops -- during filming, and have even chased the actor between locations.
"They might as well call it [the movie] Paparazzi and Tweens, 'cause there's more of us than them!" the magazine overheard one crew member exclaim.
Thanks to Yvonne for the tip :)
I agree, and also think they were trying to do it on the 'cheap'
Here's a laughworthy title to a story
Looks like they're not gonna give up on the Camille Bella stuff either.
YEAH, Rob is SUCH a player ROFLMAO
Bullshit. Yesterday was Fully Secure.
LOL showme that article is so funny! So to sum up all the rumours, Rob has a crush on Emilie de Ravin and vice versa while he's texting Kristen non-stop as he's on a date with Camilla Belle, also holding hands with a "mystery blonde". LMAO!
and the article even contradicts itself because it says they were seen early wednesday but the "witness" refers to it as a "night out". Gossip makes me laugh :D
I think that they know now that fans do love Edward but they love Rob more. He is going to need security where ever he goes. I hope that he can learn to deal with it and be happy, and I think that he is learning to deal with it.
First, hire the Body guard from Cannes (unless Rob has a problem with that) Secondly, Keep quite on all set locations. Summit Robert is the new IT boy in Hollywood deal with it. It is not just the Edward factor
I can say this a least the set locations were secure in Vancouver.
Thank God they copped themselves on yesterday! Maybe now Rob will believe that it's not just Edward is the attraction!!
Suz could you hear me Squeeeeeing for you????? LOL
Hey,ladies... if you haven't seen this, you should check it out.. this is just hilarious :D
That's freakin' hysterical!
(Godze wasn't talking about yesterday, suz. but the day before you were there)
wow...beat up rob is sexy as hell!
i've so been waiting to see him as some sort of a badass/bastard type...i hope he is in this. i know i have issues.
Showme!! This will be your fault… I came here with all the intention of giving and smart comment about security and I get distracted with your link to gossip..
Now, lets see Rob with two woman must certainly be a ménage, one with Camille, Emilie and him… oh my.. god forbid him for taking a cab with two women at the same time, so ménage (rolls eyes at my own sarcastic tones).
Now, security issues… yesterday was closed down, every pic and screaming for afar, which is relatively improvement, this is the way it should had been the first day.
Why press keep calling that girls approach t him to get to see Edward.. well I can´t tell what is in the minds of psychotics that hanged from his neck, but I think that most of the respectable fans that approached to the set to see him play his role in a scene, where there to see Robert himself, this is no Twilight movie.
@ showme: I also got the feeling they were trying to do it cheap. There's no way they could have missed the fact that he has a lot of fans, and quite a lot of exhausting ones as well. Not with all that screaming during the past six months. More and more people came to the set of New Moon, the producers couldn't have believed that was all about Edward. Plus all the paps in Vancouver.
I suppose none of us runs a production company, nonetheless we knew he'd need good security and a closed set in New York.
LOL Mech...
guilty as charged...i'm a distractor....and proud of it! :)
TS - I want to see him as the badass/bastard type too.
I'll join you in therapy ;)
yeah phosph...exactly, seems kinda obvious to um, i dunno, millions of people that rob shooting outside would be absolute chaos...
Sho: I agree with the cheap comment, as I've said before.
However, production companies aren't fools. You know the saying, 'Any publicity is good publicity'?
Yeah, studio execs rubbing their fat, grimy hands together in glee bcuz this story is all over every news/gossip/media outlet. Calculated risk, maybe? Allowing the paps to basically invade the set? Yup. Hollywood.
hannah: i so imagine him playing the lead in american psycho... would that be HOT or what? (not that christian bale wasn't...)
Too bad Summit didn't take notice during all of the freaking Twilight frenzy at the appearances Rob made.....helloooooo.....
I just hope Rob's friends are around to keep him grounded and calm.
I pray no one puts Rob on relaxants to keep him calm.
I am soo royally PISSED at those girls for doing this stupid ass stunt....so disrespectful, so dangerous...they very may well have damaged the way Rob behaves in public from here on out and THAT is a very bad thing for the rest of us.
So much for running into Rob in a pub....being himself, sipping a beer hitting karoke....
Liza has finally convinced me....
I am not entirely convinced that Summit didn't want the first day to be a hot heap of mess...sells the movie, right?
I think they mildly under estimated the craziness this man incites but at the same time were counting on a crazy first day to get the hype out on this production. After the Twilight series, this may be the biggest film that this relatively new/small production company is going to have.
Just MHO.
people just don't have respect for themselves or others anymore. dignity either. courtesy either. jeez i sound like an old geezer.
Liza, Ang.. reading this press the couple of days, I´m starting to think sort of similar to what you are expressing. But I won´t expand on speculation here ;)
Showme, you´ve got mail ;)
I think it is insane that Rob should have to worry about being attacked at all, it is crazy! I am glad they are taking proper security measures now. I feel bad for all the respectable fans that showed up though! A few always ruin it for many!
@ izalou: They better watch it, then. This kind of media strategy can cause a serious backlash. He's already about to be overexposed, and the gossip rags will be ready to tear him down.
Oops, here is the missing "L". Sorry.
Okay...may I rant for just a second?? (Even though Mech already said this)
I love the Twilight series, I really do...and I love Edward.
(((However))), it drives me nuts when the media constantly makes it sound like Rob's fans are only around to see "Edward"...and that all those fans are "tweens". Get a friggin' clue already! Plenty of the fans on the RM set are NOT tweens...and I'm sure they're not screaming (((Edward, Edward))), they're screaming for (((Rob))).
Rob is amazing in so many ways and he's adored for being Rob...not (only) Edward. Whew...I feel better now. :o}
And, yes...he needs to be better protected from the overzealous, disrespectful, attention-getters (you bet your boots they knew they'd end up posted all over the net).
It's not just about Robward anymore...it's Robert that everyone wants..
I just really hope that Summit is finally getting that. He's there first megagstar to look out for.
Also, how many people live in Manhattan? How many commute into Manhattan? How many tourist are there in town. Seriously, Summit what were you thinking? I've seen TV drama sets with more security. Yesterday was better, I guess today fans are also cooperating and keeping location a secret.
Cali wrote: (you bet your boots they knew they'd end up posted all over the net)
Which should have made them refrain from their plan. Mind you, would you hire a person you've seen doing such a thing?
Not to mention the risk of getting spit at by others for what they did.
hi 30, yes beatup Rob is super hot.
phosphorous: the boy is already overexposed. The studio knows he's not exclusively theirs.. at some point he will move on to the bigger companies.
In the meantime they'll milk every last dime they can out of this. And being on the cover of all of those mags, the gossip, the rumors... that spells dollar signs to the execs.
The bigger RPattz gets, the more money the studio will make and the only way to make him bigger is to keep him all over the press.
RP: I hope they're getting it also. Rob seems to be handling everything very well, but I keep thinking back to his past comments on his crowd paranoia. Makes me wonder how he's really doing. Although, he certainly seems to have matured a bit in the past year. (Lovin' "manly" Rob).
Liza, I agree. I think Summit controls when and how much we see him in the news. It's curious how about every 4 days the papz capture him.
Win: yup.. they tip them off.
@ Lizalou: He hasn't reached that state over here yet (but I guess someone's working on it already). If this is their strategy I doubt it that it's a very wise one. After all, stars can burn to dust.
I wonder what Nic and Stephanie think about all this. Don't they have a say in all this?
This is a case of cheaper is not better people. The underestimation of the need for security on this set for Rob is just sad, and almost inexcusable. Robbie is all over the media, internet, and mags all over the world. HE can hardly have a smoke or even take a LEAK without it becoming public knowledge almost instantly. Just sad. I feel for Rob-he's still handling all this like a pro but how much more of this can one guy take? I mean hell, hes only human-or maybe he isnt-maybe he is part angel-LOL. In andy case, he more than deserves top shelf security as the horrific incident the other day attests. Summit needs to geet witht he program, or maybe some of Robsessors need to volunteer our services for Rob's :protection". Hehe. Seriously though, this is a crazy and uncertan world we live in-very dangerous, and if something were to happen to Robbie because of simple ignorant ass Summit being cheap asses on the security issue-well i for one would be devastated. This is not a joke, and his security is not a game. Summit-stop being stupid and cheap-security is VERY important. Rob is making you loads of cash, so put some of that back into his protection, and show some sense and respect!!!
Just popping infor a bit of a rant-sorry! ;) BTW-hi guys-sorry i missed you again! ;)
This is how it should have been from the start, glad to see that Summit is starting to get it.
CG- I agree with your comment. What if these girls who accosted him were even more psycho(hard to imagine- but possible) They could have had a gun or knife and we could all be talking about something way different.
When will the media get it? IT'S NOT EDWARD, IT'S ROB! Yes, I feel like I have to yell that b/c they aren't listening.
Whoever played Edward Cullen would have received attention but the quality of the Twilight movie would have killed the movie series right there.
Rob is the only reason Twilight didn't shine for a brief moment and then completely burn out(pun intended).
Did the Maul Tour of Terror last year teach them nothing? Some of these screaming fanshees have more ca$h than brains.
Okay, rant over. Goz, you rock bb! Have a lovely Rob-filled day of sparkly goodness, fellow Robsessors!
Of course Summit wants his 'image' spread all over the planet. Why do you think all those jaw dropping shirtless pics were released? (and those were too good and in too close of range to just be the work of the paparrazi). They wanted those photos out and got just the reaction they were looking for. And since those pics were released, the hype for the NM has gone through the roof. Same here with the first day of shooting and the lack of security. This story has made all the news entertainment shows. It's not rocket science, they're trying to sell movie tickets and because of that incident, how many more people are now aware that Rob Pattinson is making a movie in New York called Remember Me? If nothing else, Summit is a master of marketing. Although...
Maybe they were caught off guard and assuming (like Rob) that all of this insanity is because of Edward. No. Sorry. Edward cute. We like Edward. But Rob? Rob most fucking gorgeous man on earth. Rob most fucking wanted man on earth.
Got it? Summit? Rob? Good.
As for Rob playing a badass or a bastard in this one...
No, not a bastard. A little bit of a badass maybe but only because Tyler's an emotional train wreck in this and he 'acts out' from time to time. As for those faux bruises, he's breaking up a street fight and ends up in the middle of it and then a cop roughs him up (think I said this somewhere else on another thread around here. There are so many of them. Who can remember what they said and where? No complaints though) And according to the script, Tyler says the funniest goddamn thing to the kids that are fighting. I so want to tell you what it is, but I think I've spoiled too much already. It's just a hilarious line and has nothing to do with plot. If you want me to spill, I will. It's just such a great line. If they cut it, I'll cry.
But we'll have to wait for Unbound Captive to get a real little badass and for Bel Ami to get the bastard.
Personally, I'd love to see him in a remake of Badlands (1974) in which he'd play a heartless killer on the run with his teenage lover
**cough**DakotaFanning**cough**. It was directed by Terence Mallick and is considered one of the greatest films of the seventies (an era of which Rob is a great fan). I know it's considered a classic, but it's been 35 years now and I think it's time to re-visit and Rob was born for it.
Just an opinion.
I agree on some comments of Summit manipulation.
Why was Rob able to walk around NY streets before filming started?
People and fans that encountered him during the down time were respectful of his space.
The chaos two days ago smell a bit questionable..imo. Security was there...but lax...seemed to be watching what will ensue. Well we all know...h e l l could break loose!!
Like someone had said, publicities (tv, prints $ airwaves internationally! ) came cheap...but poor Rob...had to endure all of these til he's done with Summit and move on to much bigger take good care of the *STAR* big movie studios. Cheap a s s Summit!!..
ekhm .... bastard ? Beautiful Bastard, yes please ...
TS - That would be hot. So so hot. I'd say he'd play the kind of part great too. Fingers crossed for the future eh ;)
Margot - An FF reference perhaps?!
of course...
... wishful thinking ...
girls, remember the ugly cows attacking Rob ?
The link doesn't work for me, Margot. What happened to them?
Link didnt work for me either :/
sorry, just a joke - this is a photo of proud themself ugly cows with photoshoped faces od Cullen boys
Dearest Rob,
On behalf of the majority of your non-crazy fans please except our deepest and sincerest apologies for what happened to you on 6/15 in New York.
Although we all love, adore, support and respect you more than you could ever know, the majority of us would never, for one moment attack you or invade your personal space that way those "fans" did. Those are not your true fans, those are fanatics.
We can only imagine the thoughts going through your beautiful head at that moment, and we are all so sorry that they chose to make some of your worst fears come to life.
We hope that this has not completely tarnished your view of the millions of us who truly love and respect you, and that you won't be too afraid now if someone approaches you.
Please know that most of us have the upmost respect for you, not only personally but professionally as well. The fact that your work is being interrupted is despicable, let alone the fact that you can't even walk around now without being molested.
While your inner and outer beauty stuns me to the point of not being able to think or breath, I know in my heart I have too much respect for you to ever treat you that way. I'm sure I speak for all your normal mature fans.
Please take care because we can not afford to lose you!
Amen RPattzgirl, you said it wonderfully!
I said yesterday Summit is cheap.
If the production company is putting Rob out like bait to a bunch of sharks. Then their calculating asses better understand that there will be a huge backlash if Rob gets hurt.
They are playing with fire. If I was Rob I would have cursed some motherfuckas out. Set my ass up like that...Shit...pfft. It would be some head cracking going on. Fucking A.
ohhhh my bad..
And I wasn't saying what Goz was saying as bullshit, but the publications... Yes Monday was a disaster.. Tuesday was secure, tight and friendly.
The pic of him in the blue shirt threw me off...
Please forgive me...I am still, not quite right
will I ever be?
Perhaps.. no
Aija- That's hilarious!! Thanks!
I agree, a lot of the fuss was set up by Summit, I'm sure of it. My DH spent over 40 years in the media and when I pointed out the fuss to him he rolled his eyes and said.."Staged!" He didn't think Rob was in on it, but believes a lot of it was set up by Summit to create press. He even suspects that the girls were a set up because the bodyguards didn't act quickly enough. I tend to bow to his experise, he's rarely wrong.
I think that Summit is gloating at the free publicity it's getting, but doing that at Rob's expense is really cheap. they should protect their most valuable 'asset' a little better and don't push it too far.
Babs totally agree with u as usual!
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