From CelebrityGossip.Net :
Showing his dedication to his craft, Robert Pattinson was seen relentlessly working on his new movie “Remember Me” this afternoon (June 16).
Sporting fake cuts and bruises, the “Twilight” stud sported a blue shirt and a backpack as he chatted with the people on the New York City set, smiling and laughing often.
And it sounds like Robert has yet another female admirer, as a source recently revealed that Megan Fox has the hots for the British hunk.
According to rumors, “Megan was totally into [Rob] and thought he was really cute. But nothing ever went further than one night they were together. He totally blew her off.”
But Miss Fox claims, “I mean, he’s outrageously attractive — he’s like a very pretty man. I’ve never been in a room with him though so those rumors aren’t true… Although, you know every other girl on the planet wishes that it was but I didn’t have the opportunity so…” (Gozde: Himm, so she DOES have a brain (or eyes))
And from my favorite gossip site

oh thank God
shooo....liza, come look!
he's ok. No fleeing to Antartica...yet....
Yay! I'm grinning from ear to ear seeing more smiley pictures of him. He looks happy which as you've said, makes us happy :D
he has that smile that just melts you... *sighs dreamily*
Smiling inside and out right now.
Doesn't make me forget yesterday though...
Happy rob is a beautiful Rob...
im so glad that those psycho girls from yesterday didnt ruin everything!! ugh..idiots!
i heart happy rob :) thanks for sharing with us so we can all not be so depressed.
He does look happier, that must have really freaked him out yesterday.
We all know what he says about crowds...
At least he is back to work. Those comments from Megan Fox are lame. Just a month ago she was talking shit about him. She needs to just shut her mouth now. I hope he stays away from her :)
Thanks for the pictures it makes me feel happy too.
keep smiling Robert
wish you happiness always
yes, he does make us happy!
Baby needs to be carrying a TASER and not and umbrella....maybe some habenenro pepper spray!!
So happy to see him smiling. What a gem!
I love the taser comment! lol. It is good to see him smile! Must be the glass walls between him and the street! :) Just kidding.. he knows the majority of his fans are sane and love him!
Waves madly to Ten! How the hell are you?
Show, *hugs* Did Peter F. respond to you?
I think he feels safer now, his trailer is right outside the building doors and not around the corner like yesterday. I personally went down there to check. Barricades and extra crew helps too.
Win - You keep an eye on him for us! :)
Rob with a shiner and a cut lip, eyebrow, and ear is still beautiful. That smile is to die for. Let's hope he permanently borrows that shirt to add to his wardrobe. Perhaps the backpack too. I'm starting to like that accessory on him.
And Megan Fox again? comment.
Hmmm... I am withholding comment save for, never judge a book by its cover.
I think they cut his hair. Maybe? looks shorter.
Emily, can I just say that your eyes caught my attention in your avi.
Wow, girll you have gorgeous coloured eyes! <3
Oh, I feel better to see him looking more relaxed. I was so angry at those skanky women (they are NOT ladies) who grabbed him yesterday. They are gross. So I am glad to see him coping again, at least I hope he is. But, look at the makeup. Obviously a scene where he is supposed to have been in a fight. Even put cuts on his lips with makeup. can you imagine if someone actually did punch him? How mad would we all be then? And oh to be that makeup artist and painting those markings on those hands, that face....those LIPS! OMG! **THUD**
Sara - Wow, that's such a nice thing to say! Thank you.
Your avi rocks. That look on his face is priceless.
Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy
SO glad to see Rob smiling today. He's such a sport!After yesterday I thought he'd be running for the hills! I'm going on Twitter to post #beefupRobsecurity,he's so resilient. Wonky gumby legs and all! Love ya Rob.
contagious smile... it did make me happy
WinWin: Please keep checking up on our boy, keep an eye on him for us, OK?
Emily- no problem ;)
Hahahha, I just like to imagine him saying that, and everything becomes better...
Go LostinPhilly
#BeefUpRobSecurity #BeefUpRobSecurity
I love "sources". "Sources" are so informative. I wonder if there is a "source" talent agency. Bc i want to be one.
"Source says, Robert Pattinson reads Godze's to see what real fans are like"
I have to tell you, your labels make me smile too! I love them!!! Thanks for the smileyRob pics. Love them.
Hey Win...(hugs back)
no, Peter is very caught up in this campaign to win that bet ag his friend for 200k twitters
Win ~ hey girl you still here??
Show - he's really down though, he needs over 300,000 more followers!!!
Hey sho, KK, Liza, how are ya? Love these pics. Liza did you get to the set today??
I don't know what to think about Megan least she's not stupid in that she thinks Rob is beautiful. So it sounds like all that talk about her meeting his was BS or she is spreading BS. I thought she said he was too young.
Ten, still here. not getting much work done again.
KK and lost, I definitely will look out for our adorkable boy.
Is it wrong to think that freshly beaten up Rob is hot!!!
I love how we all love and protect him. Everytime we worry about him we make new friends. Sweet!!!
yeah Tina, i know. but ryan seacrest and Demi Moore are helping him out. LOL. maybe he'll get there....
Hey kathy
Win... suz is down there... did you go down there today??
One: megan fox loves publicity by name droping Rob´s.
Two: lovely to see him smiling, I think he knows how to be charming with the people he is working.
You can stand under my umbrella ella ella ella...
heehee :)
Happy Rob makes me all warm and fuzzy inside! :)
Hey girls hope your having a great day.
Glad to see Rob smiling..I was really worried for him.
I'm still smoldering ove the loons who attacked hi.
Tina- great idea about twitter. I am for the first time.
About the thing Megan said about Rob and Zac, she wasn't serious when she said it, she says: "I don't understand why people don't have a fucking sense of humor. Always assume that I'm being sarcastic."
from EW magazine June 2009.
And I think we ALL know by now that the american tabloids don't get sarcastic humor hehe:P
I really like that she' so straightforward and don't give a shit about what people thinks about her.
I can't stand mediatrained celebs like Vanessa Hudgens for example, duh...
Yup a smiling Rob makes my day so much better. Really.
Have a great day too ladies and continue with love and happiness vibes to Rob!
hugs x
You just have to name RP and you're news...
bf: 'I'd like to go see transformers 2'
me: 'there's no way I'm gonna watch a movie starring MF' lol
bf: 'why?? oh no please tell me this hasn't anything to do with that twilight guy'
me: 'of course not..' LOL
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