Peter Facinelli aka sexy Papa C. has a bet going on with some dude, Rob DeFranco. If Peter reaches 500,000 followers by this Friday (Tomorrow) Rob D. will be on Hollywood Boulevard singing "Sexy Ladies" in a bikini.
Not sure you wanna see that? Well me neither :) So here is your incentive: If Peter wins he will give the backing of his director's chair (which Robert Pattinson sat on) to one of his followers.
Still not enough? Well if you join Twitter you can follow US! Yes, I know that's better than the chair Rob might have sit on :)))
Once you join Twitter just go to Peter Facinelli and click on "follow" under his name. After that, to spread the word, you have to pound Peter? Huh? What? You have to tweet #peterfacinelli to make Peter a trending topic to spread the word. It's very easy, I promise :)
Here is the interview Peter gave to Larry Carroll of MTV:
Peter Facinelli is part of the hottest franchise in Hollywood. He's married to the beautiful Jennie Garth. He gets to walk the red carpet at events like the MTV Movie Awards.
So why does he want to watch a grown man dance in a bikini — and how can you help?
If you have a Twitter account — or were thinking about getting one — the affable actor is asking you to follow him (@peterfacinelli.). With mere hours remaining in a wager that has swept across the Twitterverse, the "Twilight" actor spoke to MTV News about his unorthodox bet, whether we'll ever see him in a bikini and how one lucky fan can someday clone their very own Robert Pattinson.
MTV: How's it going, Peter?
Peter Facinelli: It's going good — but I need more Twitter followers!
MTV: Yeah, as of Wednesday morning [June 17], you're at 205,000. You're not even halfway there!
Facinelli: I know, man. I think Twitter's broken.
MTV: Explain the contest for us.
Facinelli: Rob DeFranco [@211me] is a friend of mine. He was at my house and saw the backing of my chair from "Twilight" — that piece of fabric that says my name and says "Twilight" on it. He asked if he could have it, and Rob is a betting man, so when I said no, he said, "Well, I'll bet you for it."
MTV: And how did Twitter get involved?
Facinelli: I had just joined Twitter, so he bet me that I couldn't get 500,000 followers in a week. I let the fans decide what Rob DeFranco has to do if he loses — and the sick and twisted minds of my Twitter followers decided that he'd have to dance down Hollywood Boulevard in a bikini singing [Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)"] with a sign that says "Twitter me." So I think I got the better end of that deal.
MTV: And if that happens, you're going to give away the chair back to a fan?
Facinelli: Yeah. The fans have been having fun with the contest, and I decided last night that if I'm going to lose this chair backing anyway, I'd rather have a fan get it than my friend Rob. So I threw in some incentive last night — if we hit 500,000 by Friday, then I'll give away the backing of my chair to one of my followers.
MTV: How will you decide who gets it?
Facinelli: I like riddles. I think I might do some kind of riddle, and the first person that posts the correct answer will win the chair backing. That sounds more fun than a raffle, right?
MTV: Yeah, and the Twilighters all want the back of your chair really badly.
Facinelli: Especially since Rob Pattinson sat on my chair. It has some RPattz sweat on it.
MTV: Oh God. The winner could hire some CSI guys to remove the hairs and DNA.
Facinelli: Definitely. One day, in the future, you might be able to clone Rob Pattinson if you own the back of my chair. That's all I'm saying.
MTV: What would Dr. Carlisle Cullen have to say about such a contest?
Facinelli: Carlisle likes a good game. I think he'd be excited. I think Carlisle would totally follow me. And he's got a good sense of humor — so he'd want to watch Rob DeFranco dance down Hollywood Boulevard in a bikini.
MTV: The Twilighters want to know what it would take to get you into a bikini.
Facinelli: Wow, I don't know. A man-kini or a bikini?
MTV: What's a man-kini?
Facinelli: A man-kini is those European thongs that men wear. It's like a Borat thing.
MTV: Whatever you feel comfortable wearing, Peter. You tell me.
Facinelli: You might spot me on some beach one day in a man-kini. Keep your eyes peeled.
MTV: Are the Cullens technologically advanced? Are there "Twilight" moments we don't see in the books with them Tweeting each other?
Facinelli: Oh, for sure. Look at the cars that they drive. They're pretty up-to-date in the world. They have so much time on their hands — I think Carlisle would totally have a Twitter page.
MTV: If people are reading this on Friday, can they still make a difference?
Facinelli: Absolutely. The bet ends at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, and Friday is "Follow Fridays," so I'm hoping to get some hits there. If Rob loses, we all get to see him do the bikini dance — I'm definitely going to put that on YouTube. That would be too classic — and all 500,000 of my followers get to watch that.
MTV: You played Mike Dexter in "Can't Hardly Wait." Is it safe to assume that, if you don't win this contest, you'll kick the asses of everyone in this room?
Facinelli: Definitely.
Lots of Twilight Blogs joined in for this.
Eyes of Amber, Rob My World, The Danger Magnet, Random Acts of Rob, Twilight-Headed, Robsession, Super Secret Twilight Blog, Twitarded, ROBsessed, Cullen Boys Anonymous, Twilight Moonlighter, Robsten Lovers, MammaDawg and Why Not? Twilight, RPattz and Me While you're on Twitter, you can follow all these blogs!
Also, a special mention for Twitterers LaTuaCantante_ and @gcgonc for their support.
And you can follow ROBsessed ;)
Peter's too funny!! the man-kini really cracked me up. why do Americans always think that bad habits/things referring to nudity come from Europe? LOL that's hilarious :)
i read this interview last night and cracked up...peter f is a funny dude and a frequent tweeter...
go follow him if you don't already!
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