Here is a report from one of our readers. She is legit, the report/sighting/hearsay is true. She was very respectful to Rob and she didn't want me to share the location so I won't :)
Some sites reported a Rob sighting at a bar with a blond woman last night (vague enough?) Well we uncover the mystery blond :)) Here is a hint:

Here is her report:
I was at a bar last night and Rob was there with TomStu and Emilie de Ravin and about 5 other young hipster types with accents. He and TomStu left their black hoodies up the whole time and he and Emilie were chatty in a friendly way. (Gozde: The unabomber look is the new chic) He is tall and very skinny in person and the smile is just unreal. They seemed to be
having fun.
I didn't get there til 12:15 AM, but they were there when I got there and didn't leave til 2 am. TomStu, Emilie and Rob left together. Not a single person asked for an autograph or a picture. Everyone just let him be. There were also a few other celebs at the bar (which is tiny, btw)...including Danny Masterson, Ben Foster and Alexis Dziena.
Such a small, dark place and he was surrounded by friends at all times. I just knew it would ruin everything if he saw me take a pic -for him and for me! I still can't believe he was just chillin there for so long without any interuption and I was right there chillin too.
Funfact: I have never been happier to be a smoker (I know, I know). The smoking area was small and a lot of people were crammed in, so at one point I had to squeeze past Rob and say "excuse me", to even get into the designated area (the bouncer was mean about everyone cramming in and not spilling into the sidewalk), which earned me a smile and polite step to the side.
Other Funfact: I was almost as starstruck by TomStu as I was for Rob! He was discussing his favorite books with someone outside in this little smoker's area and sounded so passionate and informed. Love intellectual guys. The accent didn't hurt.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1019 Newer› Newest»*THUD*
let the rumors begin...
*le sigh*
BUT I am glad he was able to have fun! :-)
Liza... you took the words right out of my mouth...
holy crap on a cracker
Yay so glad they were left alone and able to chill!
Great story thanks for putting it up Goz and thanks to the reader too! ;-)
I seriously stopped breathing for a moment when I read this. *Liza making appt with shrink*
I could feel that girl's pain - so close, yet so far away. Brushing up against this beautiful man and having him smile at you and step aside so you could pass.
Sitting in the same (in her own words) tiny, dark bar for HOURS with him right there, but not saying anything to him.
OHmy. When I find a shrink, he's gonna be on speeddial.
Ok, this song is going thru my head...in best Julie Andrews voice....
"Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you,
Putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea."
Thanks for this report, I´m glad to hear no one bother him or his group of friends, and that she respected him so much not to approach or take picas and was glad with looking him for afar, I would be glad too just to be in that situation without trying to contact him
Good to know Emilie de Ravin was there, it indicates they are already preparing for their work
seriously Liza...make sure you send me his number.
My entire body, i'm sure, would have been on red-alert. I wouldn't have been able to relax for even half a second.
Good lord. So insane. He's just a human.
*liza finding the shrink now*
Hi guys! Waht a nice story, huh? Ho cool was that?!?
Liza...right now you are experiencing what is known as
You are vicariously experiencing her emotions.
it's common in robsession cases such as yourself....
TomStu sounds adorable, doesn't he? So cute, and smart to boot! Oh my. Rob, though. Holy mother of all that's holy. The hoodie woobie and all-i'm dying. She brushed past him-*sigh*-she touched him-whoa. Imagunnadiedead.
i quit smoking a couple of years ago...but i would have been a chain smoker that particular evening LOL
Sho: I literally would have been at war with myself not to walk up to him, pull his hoodie off of his head and smooth his hair for him.
And watch out, gossip sites are gonna be all over this one:
'Emilie files for divorce - leaving husband for RPattz'
Liza-LoL-i knwo exactly what you mean. He just turns me to jello, especially the thought of bumping into him inperson. ;)
Hi again Mechav!!!
Liza-i hear you. Smooth his hair my eye, though-i'd have to work towards getting some eventual sugar from those lips....;)
i wonder if he did THIS to that girl:
pretty damn sure i would have made a complete fool out of myself.
or maybe fainted. one or the other.
Liza- What do you think about Tom now? He may look like a boy, but he has passion and
intelligence,according to her.
This is the best fan encounter I think I've ever read. She was so respectful and appreciative. I agree with you all - would have bee so hard to hold yourself back from letting the Robsession out.
That smile would do me in though-seriously.
I'm gonna be in NYC in a month. And I have to admit, i'm something of a barfly... heh...
i quit smoking a few years back but girl, i'm resurrecting the habit for this one trip. My lungs can take the hit, I don't care.
Cuz if i'm so fortunate as to end up in the same bar as him.. YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS I'M SMOKING!
Twi-i agree. Nice encounter for sure. nicely played.
Before i fainted, tho, i would have DEFINITELY warned him about walking around on the airplane on all those long flights!
Blood clots are NOT to be taken lightly Rob.
Oh, and i would have also told him to please never say in an interview that 'it's just edward' again LOL
then i would have fainted or asked if i could smell his jaw.
Liza! LOL Smoking is hazardous to you health-then again, so is Rob.....;)
I'm sure TomStu is a great person - Rob wouldn't hang out with him otherwise (we hope!).
I just don't find him sexually attractive is all. He's too hairless and effeminate for me ;p
ShoMe-sniffed his jaw-LOL
I'd want to lick the jaw-are you mad?!? LOL
I would have made sure to touch his arm while saying excuse me. Then smiled back and found my spot so where close by.
damn Liza i wanna come...
And shani, i KNEW i liked TomStu. i'm tellin' ya...late 20's. we'll be huffin and puffin for him. LOL
Liza-awwww-poor TomStu-LOL
ShoMe-At a bar-i'm thinking body shots....;)
CG: Ideally, i'd take the hoodie down and lick his jaw. But I was trying to think of a less alarming scenario for him.
Hair smoothing - licking. Hmm.
Shani-LOL-well put! sounds like a plan.
ShoMe-huffin and puffin-LOL!
CG...only if their off him. No freakin' WAY would i let that man get near my bellybutton in a crowded place LOL
oh, now i'm thinking about the ren and stimpy comment...he's so cute.
Damn.. I better start smoking now. What if I cough and sit if the opportunity presents itself - dead giveaway.
Damn. It's been so long...
but it's like riding a bike, no? Could always start out with menthols...
hahaha ;p
Liza-LOL-i hear that. See, you have to work up to that. Talking, light touching, getting to know each other a bit, then move in....;)
u deserve a gold medal for respecting his privacy like that. i hope one day he learns what u've done for him....too bad for me though.. not smoking or going to bars ever(can't believe i'm feeling sad for this.ha ha ha)
menthols liza...ew...no
it is like riding a bike. and can be done for one night and put back away LOL
ShoMe-BAHAHAHAHA!!!! I understand-ha.
Hi AB! Welcome. LOL on the comment-i hear you-not a barfly myself.
I'm pretty certain that given a few cocktails.. I would have started chatting in the smoking area - esp. if it was that small.
Not in a fangirl way, or even in reference to who he was, but just random conversation. I don't think I could let that opportunity pass...
i'm thinking of that comment in the Notebook...
"well if you're a bird. i'm a bird"
"if you're a barfly, rob. i'm a barfly" LOL
I hate smoking too-not smokers really, just SMOKING. I think it's very bad for you, and don't really like the smell. For Rob, i'd put up with it-for the time being anyway! ;)
Liza- "He's too hairless and effeminate" LMAO
Wait,how much more will you strip away at Tom's manhood??
You might as well call him asexual. DAMN, girl!!!ROTFLMAO
That's such a nice story. Respects to the lady. I don't know if I would have been able to stay that calm. I'm afraid I would have been starring in his direction all the time! And that maybe would be more of a harassment than asking for a pic - feeling ashamed now :(
Liza-say it! Golden opportunities like that can't be passed up.
Hi CullenGal, how are you? :)
Some people are mentioning here that next in line for the rumors is Emilie.. I´m particularly appreciative she filed for divorce before she started shooting, that was an smart move, because apparently, sadly she was having troubles in her marriage, but I think if the divorce was inevitable, it was better she did now and not in the middle of the shooting or just after it, because she is going to work with an actor high on demand who happens to have too much gossip surrounding him, and it would hade been obvious if she filed for divorce in the middle of the shoot, the would link Rob to her in the worst way.
CG: I don't like smoking/smokers either. But I see it as the only opportunity to get legitimate face time without going up to him.
Everyone knows that the smokers chitchat when they're out there. It's the new phenomenon since the advent of teh smoking bans
Hey Mechav-again! ((waves))
Well said. i agree.
Liza-oh, yeah. i agree. don't misunderstand-i could def put up with it for him. Oh, and my hubby's allergic, so he'd have to stay back-hehe. ;)
haha, yeah after reading her account I think I will take up smoking again.
This is great! I am really happy that Rob had a night with no photos and/0r fame whores. Could just enjoy being a "regular" person. I have actually been kinda concerned for him.
Me either Liza. but what would you say??? Oh, the possibilities. how could it not be in a fangirl way tho? anything u say to him will be fangirl if you ref u know who he is.
and, of course, you know he knows you know who he is.
such a conundrum. i've thought about this often. i think i'd just have to tell him thank you for beins such a breath of fresh air, and bringing such humor and fun into my life
but then, there ya go, fangirly. even tho i don't think of it as a fangurly statement.
i wish i could sit on an airplane next to him. that's what i really wish. that way you could just say towards the beginning...
"Ok, i'm not gonna bother you after this, bc God knows you need your quiet time and privacy, but I think you're just such a fantastic person, and I'm so looking forward to seeing what you do with your career."
Then if he started talking back and being open, you could have a real convo with him
Sigh. a girl can dream.
Everyone else makes great friends outside smokign, while I wait for them, inside of the bar, nursing my beer....
I'd have my beer, or a fruity mixed drink in hand, and saunter over there and subtly as possible ease my way into his circle-or as close as i could get, and go from there! ;)
i disagree mech. i think it was selfish as shit of her. and i think that was a strategic move by her publicist. she should have just waited til after the shooting period. (Def obv not in the middle. you're right. way worse)
she would have been away from the hubbie and no harm, no foul.
Liza-LOL-exactly! There's a plan.
ShoMe-bahaha-on a plane with him? OMG Does "mile high club" mean anything to him i wonder-LOL
I also would have liked to hear how Rob and Emilie are looking together. Whether she is much smaller than him and if the reporting girl had a chance to get an impression that they will be looking good and believable as a couple on screen.
If I have one gift in life, it's for making random comments that make ppl go 'what?!'
If i'm even 1/8 capable of being my regular self, I could come up with something random, no doubt. The trick is being clever enough to not make him think that i'm just a total effing lunatic ;-p
I'm relly happy he can relax a bit more here in NYC. He really needs time to himself and his friends so he can be a normal 23 years old. Hope they had a great time.
It's funny Emilie just recently announced her impending divorce. How convenient. Rob is hopefully not fickle to fall for all his leading ladies. Good luck to him, cause Emilie is one fine chick.
Kiddin about mile high thing-sort of. ;)
I would love to chat with him over an extended period. He's just fascinating anyway. So smart and talented.
Sally-good point.
Well guys-i hate to pop out again, but i should go now and get some mor stuff done. i have clothes that need to be put in dryer and all. Sigh. Real life beckons.
Thanks for the break in the monotony guys! I puffy heart you all.
I hope to pop in again later, or sometime tomorrow. Until then, take care, and have a great day all!
bye cg...:)
Bye ShoMe! I double puffy heart you!
Big love to you too, Mechav!
TwiHeart, puffy hearts to you also.
sally, i hope he doesn't do anything with her that gets out in the open, at least.
i don't like him being portrayed as a man-whore.
Later guys! Robsess on. I'm outie.
I know showme, but even if she filed for it after the shoot, gossip would have said that her marriage ended because she had a romance with Rob during filming, I think that if she filed days ago, before she was even seen with him, gossip would not connect him to her marriage trouble.
By Cullengall, have a nice day, see you soon
Bye CG!!
After reading the remember me script I think it is very important that Rob and Emilie will be able to really work with each other. There is a lot of dialoge that is very important to be presented correctly (and sometimes funny)and Rob also must be able to show believable his change to really loving her.
dear sweet girl who left Rob alone:
Thank you, he needs his space, and some down time. You are an angel for treating him so respectfully. Thank God for you and other sane New Yorkers. I'm sure he was so happy to have a night out without any pictures or fan encounters. YOU, my dear girl will be rewarded, one way or another.
Show- I know. God forbid he does something. A lot of the fans will tear him a new one. That shit would be worse than all the other mess put together.
i am telling you Tom is a 'mo... He is as my mother says and i don't know what this means, but, "He's as gay as groceries!"
Tom is hairless and effeminate - whoever said that earlier- i agree. He may be nice and all- but he is too pasty and girlie for me. hahaha
Rob out having fun, and people letting him be?????
I am sooooooo happy right now.
I would've been out for a smoke and probably said something to him. I talk to everybody all the time. People come up and talk to me all the time. I must have that aura about me.
And Emilie's bio says she's 5'2". That should be interesting...Rob is going to have to curl all around her in the romantic scenes. That could TOTALLY work...
i guess that's true Mech. I didn't look at it that way.
you've changed my mind....
wow! i commend u. anyone who knows me will tell you that's one hard thing to do LOL
Is it incredibly obnoxious of me to think that the British accent is non-existent and everyone else just has an accent?
Did KK just make a sexual innuendo involving Rob?
Did i hear that correctly?
Hey ladies!
Just popping in for a quick chat...haven't read the comments yet...
This fan sighting was a pleasure to read.
Hi-five to you, Robsessed reader, for not looking under a bathroom stall and whipping out your twelve pound copy of Breaking Dawn. :)
Sam: the hairless, effeminate thing was me :) He sets off my gaydar like no other
Sam, TomStu not gay. very well documented not gay....
just sayin'...
Omg KK, my ovaries are going to explode from overload of cute.
Hey KK!!
Being surrounded by Rob ain't a bad thing at all. *Thud*
All the girlies who just joined us.. we're thinking of setting up a bawdy, late night Robsessed chat if anyone is interested...
well- does anyone know if the accent is gonna be involved? I was reading the script last night and so far the characters sound like the grew up in NY? But i'm not done with it.. is this dude who wrote it- is he British?
totally cool he's getting to know his new co-star....doesn't hurt that she's beautiful!
Sam, exactly what I wanted to know!
what's up LovetheL
BTW, no dirty talk. i got the smackdown for last night (well, they said it wasn't 'just' me, but we know who was dealin' the dirtier crack last night) LOL.
might have to take the late nite chat to the IFC LOL
A/L.A. "Hi-five to you, Robsessed reader, for not looking under a bathroom stall and whipping out your twelve pound copy of Breaking Dawn. :)"
HAHAHAHAHA...so true.
Showme - Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of them embracing and kissing...You had to go there...:)
Sam- Tom was with Camille Bell for two years. She was that dark haired girl a lot of people thought Rob was with at one point.
showme- i don't care whats documented- rod stewert swings both ways, mick jagger too- both have/had wife and kids, but very much on the'mo scene in the early 70's.
Liza, don't you do that every night?
no doubt about it! Rob will fall in love with Emilie. he is a method actor ya' know.. ;)
Rob and mates schedules on any lucky bar:
12 - 2 am.
suuure KK.....hmmm hmmmm LOL
Sam: Exactly. A wife or gf don't mean a damned thing. Switchhitters and the deeply closeted abound!
that's true sam. well documented that he likes the ladies. could swing another way, never know about that i guess. plus, he pings liza's radar LOL
Sho: direct msg!
gotcha back
sara- when you mentioned it i thought the same thing.. about the writer? Is that who you mean?
And Camilla was with Tom? wow. She is so pretty.. well- i still say he's gay. Don't care if he dated a chick or not. Doesn't mean anything. Like i said earlier Rod and Mick, oh and David Bowie..
I'm really starting to wonder if TomStu is going to play the bestie in Remember Me ...
Glad to know that he was able to go out and have fun like a normal person.
LMAO at the unabomber look. Doesn't the guy ever get hot? What's he gonna do in August?
Showme - It's after noon...do you know where your mind is? Oh yeah...in the gutter. LOL
And I think Emilie is a beautiful gal. I'm excited to see them together in the film. No matter the reason why her divorce news was released when it was, divorce sucks. She was with her guy for some time and even if two people don't love each other anymore...there is still a loss of time and unfulfilled dreams.
Where the f*ck did all that just come from????????
Guilty as charged. However, I'm only committing class 2 felonies. Sho is a class X gurl.
No doubt stacy
Plus, i think he's more noticeable in the hood at this point....
Sam- Rob said he can does a New Jersey accent sometimes for auditions.So I'm sure he could pick up a little NYC.
and not that this has ANYTHING to do with Rob- but i think Kenny Chesney is a mo too! hahaahah
Show - who gave you the smackdown??? I've seen much "dirtier" threads than last night's...
And, I'm a little technotarted...what's IFC?
I think we spiraled out of control cuz KK left the par-tee...
KK - I think you're AKA should be changed to "she who maintains decorum"...
deep thoughts by KK
Oh yeah, and def respect to the fan for treating Rob like a human being:)
Sam, err. I haven't even read the script. haha. I'm trying to keep the suspense going for myself.
um, TwiHeart, Ellie on the other thread, then Godze weighed in saying best to keep it R, not NC17
that's a fine line girls. a fine line LOL
LOL at KK's new aka...i think that's perfect
I completely agree about the hoodie, lol.
You know every Rob fan out there is on the lookout for it!
oh IFC is a private chat. you get invited in...
Liza knows how to do it.
Love - I tried to change it, but I'm being blocked by the school's web security crap.
I need to change my avi...
it's changed KK! LOL
And oh gosh, I have so much shit to do tonight. *headdesk*
I have two exams tomorrow, wish me luck guys!
I love it. that's sooo perfect for KK.
In my mind, i picture her as an RA.
good luck sara!
Fine line indeed :))...what would be the diff between R and NC17?
My late comment to this post is that I truly love that this fan enjoyed Rob from a non-intrusive distance and respected his privacy. I bow down to her...
Thank you Sho!
RE: late night dirty Rob chat room? Count me in - just tell me when and where!
Liza and showme, your smackdown was nothing compared to the shit we got one night
Showme-- exactly!! What to say and not sound like a fangirl??? Maybe I could ask him about the weather, LOL!
And weather related--what is this poor man going to do in NYC late July when it's 98 degrees? Black hoodie? Rob love, you'll die of heat exhaustion. We must come up with a weather appropriate disguise.
Seriously though, how many women are now compelled to smoke for "rob-proximity"? He's had the reverse effect on the "smoking-ban" movement!!! And if I were in that tiny, dark space with him so close and amazing, maybe jumping over the bar and pretending to be a bartender might work. Then at least you'd be "required" to talk to him, LOL. I am so happy to hear he's hanging out like a normal person. I am biased as a native New Yorker, but yay NYC!! Let the man enjoy some bar time. Fat chance of this happeneing in LA. Let's hope he stays protected. Go Rob!! xo Luv, luv, luv this site!!! Thanks ladies.
awesome stace!
We'll talk about it tonight...
and email everyone too....
Ok, gotta actually do work now.
Have a good day all.
I'll be looking forward to reading your comments tomorrow.
Don't hold back now ;)
Should we officially name KK as robsessed's RA??
Let me be the first to nominate her...who seconds the nomination???
Stacy- Maybe he does think the Hoodie Woobie makes him invisible.LOL
He could try to get a new one that's a different color. That will possibly throw off a lot of people.
sara- its funny that you say that cause i am ok with reading it- i even had to go online and see how each of the Twilight books ended because i couldn't stand the suspense, BUT i will not watch clips from any of his- (or anyone else really)-movies, other than the trailer- cause i want to see the whole thing. hhaha
I felt like I was there *sigh*
God that must have been intense...Rob smiling at you....THUD
I would like to add as a tag if I may: FANS' SIGHTING REPORTS CAN BE VERY RESPECTFUL :)
oh reallly tina...would love to have seen THAT thread LOL
It did change!!
Hey, I was an RA for two years in college. I only wrote up the really dumb residents
I second it Love!
I KNEW IT....totally got that vibe from you LOL
Good Luck Sara!!! You'll do great.
As i've said before, some of us just become salivating, rabid beasts were Rob is concerned.
We wouldn't even be held responsible for our actions in a court of law - solid insanity defense.
Here's something that wouldn't make you sound like a fangirl...
"Hey aren't you that douchebag who's all over the news?"
You'd have a second to laugh before you were in the middle of a barfight.
Tina!!! Have you decided if you're making the trip to the Capital to see LA??
Show - I'll email you my email...you know...so I can "participate" in the taboo talk...
I will also be in NY next month.Anyone know what hotel he is stayin at?I may need to schedule all outings out and about town to include passing by his hotel.Also seems he goes out around midnite and in the Village,any clues on where he was last night.I might have a guess but hey can we at least get some clues,narrow done my late night bar search.
KK - My RA was awesome. I remember the night I sprained my ankle, he iced it with beer cans from our fridge, no lie. We called him Pooh...
Sho- yeah, I should be around later tonight, lemme know.
Shani - He at least needs a different colored one, but since he seems partial to dark colors, I don't think we're gonna see it.
Email me where and when for the dirty chit chat too. Click on me...
Outside in the smoker's area with Rob and you can't find a damned thing to say to start talking to him about that neutral... you could always resort to running into him with a lit cigarette.
Burn a hole in the hoodie woobie?! Blasphemy!!
What a sweet encounter. Thanks for sharing it with us. I would like to think I could be that respectful of his space if I were in her shoes that night.
I just have a curious thought, I wonder if Rob's parents smoke and if not, wonder how they feel about his smoking? B/c there are photos of him lit up all the time and I always wonder what his mom is thinking when she sees all these photos.
i'm too old for this: Rob's location is verboten around here.
We do not disclose such info. The boy's peace and quiet is paramount in our minds.
will do LtheL, Shani
He'd probably LAUGH HIS ASS OFF if you said that to him.He'd prob love it and invite you to his table!
i think you discovered the IN!
Gotta go :((
OOPS!! I didn't mean protected to imply he is a player. I absolutely don't think that! I mean safe from crazy paps, and able to eek out a more normal, private existence. Uggh. You ladies know what I mean. Rob, we just want you to have a life. xo
i'm sure his parents know he smokes momma LOL
Liza, try just getting him to prescribe Prozac in an aerosol mist so you can spritz the air around you. I wonder if Jasper could put some of his anti-anxiety stuff in a spray for us. I need a shot every time I see new photos. Or, quick, place a nitro tablet under my tongue when I pass the magazine racks and see his face. Gosh!
bye Love
i gotta take a quick nap b4 my trainer gets here at 4. i'll see u girl when darkness falls
Liza, hook up the IFC chatroom. u know i don't know how.
Stacy- Your ex RA wasn't in school to be a doctor was he?
That was such a bootleg move. I guess you have to make due with what you have at the time. LOL
This was such a nice fan encounter~ respectful and non-threatening.
Goz, thanks for posting this! xo
lol @ Mommamary
she must think the same as my and other's moms do: that he is old enough to do what he wants.
This is the only time I'd say this here: "live fast and die young"
later Sho!
I am sure they do know he smokes. I know my son smokes too. But when I see it or smell it on him, I always say, Son, come on. So I just amusingly wondered if they smoke too or if they are bugged by so many photos of him doing that all the time. Just wondering. Always wonder what his mom is going through with the pappz after her son all the time.
Love - since it hasn't started playing here yet, I'm really considering it
Bye Show Show talk later bb!!
Oh and enjoy that trainer. What hotness....*Thud*
oh yeah I get you :)
It must be not easy for his parents to hear people talking about their son everywhere and all the time. Though I'm sure that somehow they are proud of him too. It's always double edged.
i would not have approached him either... drooled from afar instead...
but question, is he really that skinny? not that it would change my robsession... but is he?
if he is, perhaps little K.S. prefers more buff body types...
if there is no sexual attraction, there will never be a romance there.
I love how they get non American actors to play American roles. If Tom plays the room mate then that would be fu**ing awesomeness. Has he done an American accent in any flicks? wonder if it's as good as Rob's and even Emilie's.
So does anybody know something about a book(is it a book?) titled "If I stay" CH will make a movie of starring Robert? Please info.
that is just fantastic for her... see they are all just normal people in a completely abnormal job... good job leaving him be :-)
Divinsally, I´m really hoping that Tom will play Aidan in RM, I would be awasome, it is a vey strong character, it needs a good actor like Tom.
As for the accents.. I don´t know, I think Emilie did american accento for Roswel, I don´t remember well..
Rob is not signed on for any CH films. She has just been expressing her deepest desires for him to do so.
LOL. Yeah, I was waiting for the Rumors about him and Emilie.
:) This fan was awesome! So respectful and kind, Rob must of been relieved!! :)
he must be really loving NY because he is not being stalked like in LA. the pappz are still photographing him while walking in the streets but not any of him in clubs or indoors at all.
i guess i would have showed restraint too like the girl at the club but it would have been soooo difficult.
KK - yeah i read that too, she wants to work with Rob & Kristen again but nothing is out there yet.
Sorry, expressed wrong what I wanted to say. Shoud read: ... CH intends to make a movie of ....
(Could it be "If I stay" by Gayle Forman?)
Hey DS Baby
Popping back on for one post...
KK/RA - lovin' your new AKA...thanks for changing...I feel so loved...
Tina - I'm going to the 9:10pm showing Fri nite...
Divinesally - I never seem to catch you here...congrats on the jacket...too bad you couldn't bottle the smell and share...:)))
Oh God... I'm so freakin happy right now.. smiled all the time..
I just want to thank this person so much... for her tolerance and everything! This is the firs fan encounter that makes me feel that I was there.. I guess it's because that is exactly what I would do..
If only all the fas were like that...
P.S. TomStu is the only guy that was capable to get me out of my Robsession, but I decided to leave some mystery at least over there :D
oh by the way... this picture of KRISTEN with her hair cut, is so SAD!!!
i guess the joan jett look was inevitable, but yuck !
read that TomStu got the role,looks like Summit wants to keep their cash cow happy.
no fucking way!! Tom got the part of Aiden??? Or however you spell it... interesting.. i hve never seen him anything so this should be interesting...
Monika- keep the cash cow happy-LOL so true i'm sure! haha
suzy - that is why they made extensions. this is just for the role and it will grow back and it's probably not a permanent dye. she will look just as pretty in eclipse as the others, no worries.
i am looking forward to see how she will look as joan jett
ok girls- this weekend we are going to play Pin the Penis on Edward at my Twilight birthday party.. so we made white penis's and put silver glitter on them... hahahaaah
Now i gotta find a poster of Edward or (or rob if i have to) that has a crotch shot... doesn't have to be naked- BUT if there is one- it too would work!
She looks very sad...
oohh Monika. cash cow? Rob deserves better than to be called like that.. and I´m glad Summit is giving him what he wants, he is big part of their gaining money machine..
I was wishing for such a good actor like Tom to play Aidan so if this is true, this is fantastic news. Tom is a very respected young actor… If he completes the cast, it makes the cast for this movie amazing
TomStu was brilliant in Like Minds.. You should see it... That film was kinda creepy, but still.. I loved him in it.. kinda fell in love :D
Monika, where did you read that?
Ohh just saw pics of Kris with the new look, she is beautiful in any look, how weird that they didn´t go fo a wig... is it me or I donpt understand.. in some pics the hair is black, in other her hair is her colour.
I also have to commend this fan for letting him be, that must have taken ALOT of restraint! Don't know if I could have done that. Lizalou, I agree with you on the smoking thing, I would also start again just to be near Rob in a smoking area. All you would have to do is go up and ask him for a light and then start to talk to him.It's good to see that the New Yorkers are being their usual, not-enamorated-of-celebrities selves. Finally Rob can go out, have a few beers and talk to friends and feel normal again; I'm so happy to see this happen, he deserves some down time.
Have been wondering since yesterday when we will get an official information about Tom's part in this movie. (It's always the same with Summit :(. Every information at the last moment.) I also urgently want to know who will play Tylers sister (Abigail Breslin would be perfect!)
From Summit's point of view he surely is a cash cow!
Hello CullenGal09. You said hi to me yesterday and I didn't get a chance to say hello back to you til today, so hello,how are you, and happy Robsessing!
Suzy I personally think she's a rad, bad-ass hottie. She's gorgeous. Rob seems to think so as well. I guess.
Hell my lovely Tina! =)
Lovethelips thanks! I still can't believe i won it. It was really surreal when The Popsugar Team sent me the message.At first I thought it was a trick or a joke. But no, I really did win THE JACKET. It's my leverage if I ever get to meet him. I hope I do sometime while he's filming RM. i just have too much respect for him to seek him out or even worse stalk him. But I really could if I was nuts. soho is only half an hour away. hehe. I tell you if I could bottle up the f**kscent I'd be a rich chick and a happy one too. Maybe it'll have some of his skin cells in the pockets or hair follicles. Maybe even some saliva or blood jizz even! Can you imagine. I could get the f**ker cloned!
monica, if.... true..(hope) I love Rob more!!
had that feeling when saw those pictures of them rehearsing (seems like it) on a NY street.
Friend helping a friend :)..is it how you say it? so sweet..
well if the info is legit, I just hope Tom won't overshadow Rob you know,it's his movie after all hehe also let the shallow competition of who's hotter begin *sigh*
That would be a role of Robs best friend TomStu: playing Robs best friend :).
I love this fan encounter story Goz
Thanks for posting (wink)
A fan who is courteous, mannerly, mature, and exhibits proper crassness. WIN!
And BTW smackdowns would NEVER be necessary if people acted right.
Just sayin'
I would be very happy for them both if they both played in that film :)))
Monika, will you reveal your "source"?
I hope it is true.. Rob gets to work and hang out with friends. Isn't MarcusF in NY also for the summer?
woah KBitch looks fierce with new haircut and black hair colour.
Divinesally! So glad for the collective respect here...
I know sometimes I'm not "properly crass", but I truly heart Rob...don't think I could ever approach the man even if I ever had the good fortune to see him in person...I'd be admiring from a distance...and melting into a big puddle:)))
However, a cloned Rob...that'd be a different story...do clones have feelings???
TomStu is BRILLIANT in the Boat that Rocks....
Opening in the states in August.
I've heard that filming will start next monday. So why don't they already give us the full cast? I think also Tyler's mother and her new husband are still not confirmed.
Lovethelips I think they do LMAO.
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