Why do all the people that go to set/hotel stalk add the "I was so lucky!" line? When you check in to the same hotel as the cast, keep hanging around in the lobby or restaurants they go to it's not "luck" that you see them there :) Just say "I was waiting in the lobby in hopes of catching a glimpse" or something. Nobody believes the : "OMG, I was in the bathroom and Rob walked in! I realized I accidentally went into the men's bathroom! I mean what are the odds? It was like kismet" line (eye roll).
Just own up to it and I promise you'll sound saner :)
Apart from that... The picture above has now become one of my favourites. The smile is perfect, just perfect.
From CullenBoysAnonymous.com:
My fan encounter starts out on a plane. I knew that New Moon was filming, and i also knew that it was Robert Pattinson’s Birthday. Don’t ask how i knew that. Anyways, in my mind I was thinking how amazing it would be to actually meet Robert Pattinson, and say Happy Birthday. I mean who was i kidding.
As i got to Vancouver i checked into my hotel. Yes, the hotel most of the cast was “supposedly” staying at. I got checked in and settled into my hotel room, and got ready for dinner. I decided to go to Glowbal because, as a Twilight fan its obvious that you know that Glowbal is Robert’s favorite restuarant in Vancouver. Where else would he want to be on his birthday? As i get my table at Glowbal, i see a familiar, sculpted, perfect face, that you see all over the media. It was Robert Pattinson walking across the restuarant, with his friend Sam Bradley. So I quickly got out of my seat, and walked over to the guy (I was the first girl that went up to him). I asked him for a picture, to which he quickly answered “sure, but can we take the picture behind the wall” (So that he wouldn’t be attacked by crazed girls)(Gozde's note, I LOVE how everyone thinks they are the sane ones while others are crazy :)), but it was to late. Many girls went up to him and he takes many pictures. I apologize to him for the crowd. He says “Oh no, its okay”. To tell you the truth, i still felt terrible. I got him to sign my book, when i took it out of my purse he said, “Oh, you came prepared”, and asked ” what’s your name.” My night couldn’t of gotten any better.(Gozde... Pet peeve: "couldn't have" not of)
When I sat back down I couldn’t eat. It was hard when Robert Pattinson was sitting about two steps away from you. About a half an hour later guess who else walks right passed me, the beautiful Kristen Stewart. I really didn’t know what to do. She came in so quickly, and sat down at her table. Nobody, had the opportunity to get a picture with her. I decided that since nobody was allowed to go get an autograph or a picture with them at their table; I would wait for her to go to the washroom. I mean, the girl would have to use the washroom at least once tonight, right? (Gozde: If I'm ever famous (and thank God it's never gonna happen) please don't approach me while I'm about to pee or after I pee, it's totally creepy:) ) While I was holding my bladder more of the new moon cast came in. It was Ashley Greene and Jamie Campbell Bower.
So after waiting a long time to go to the washroom I decided that i could not wait any longer to use the bathroom. So as i walked into the washroom, I was thinking how cool it would be to meet Kristen in the bathroom. Sure, like that would ever happen. I probably had a better chance of getting struck by lightening, and hit in the head with a golf ball. Seriously.
As i walked into the bathroom there were to other girls that walked in the same time as i did. There were three stalls, and they were all taken. Then the two other girls left. After a few moments, i heard somebody else come in I was thinking how cool it would be if it was her. So (this might sound weird) I looked under the stall.(Gozde: It MIGHT sound weird? Dude! Seriously?) I saw a little pair of KEDS! OMG what if it was actually her! So I finished up, and saw the other stall door open. Kristen Stewart walked out. I was speechless. I mean what do you say to her. So, i let her wash up and everything, and then asked for a picture. She agreed and signed my book. NICEST GIRL YOU WILL EVER MEET! Very down to EARTH! Whoever started the rumors saying she was a bitch. WTF are you talking about? I asked her if she was having a good time, and if she liked Vancouver. To both questions she said “yes.” After a few minutes talking to her I decided that i should probably go back to my table. Honestly, I didn’t want to. I was in the same tiny bathroom as Kristen Stewart who is even more beautiful in person.
I was about to leave the restuarant when, out of the corner of my eye, i saw someone getting up from the “Twilight” table. It was Jamie Campbell Bower. He was going out for a smoke break. I thought that this would be another opportunity, so I jumped at the chance. When I got outside, I asked for a picture with him, to which he also agreed. As i went in to stand by him, he to my surprise said, “Its a bit chilly, snuggle up.” I am positive at that moment i was blushing a little, he also signed my book. After the picture was taken, I talked to him about the paparazzi, which i didn’t even know existed in Vancouver. And we talked about Vancouver, to which he said was “absolutely beautiful.”
My night couldn’t of gotten any better, until the next day.
I was in the lobby with my friend when all of a sudden we see Ashley Greene. We were so lucky to get an autograph and picture with her, because she was just leaving for the airport. I asked her how Rob’s Birthday was, and she answered “good”. She was also a very sweet girl.
That night after my friends and I went out for dinner, who do we see in the lobby? The one and only Taylor Lautner. I noticed him walking around the corner of the lobby, because i saw his dark hair, bright teeth, and amazing body. My friends and I asked him for a picture to which he agreed, and we talked for a couple of minutes. My friend couldn’t get her camera to work so he waited patiently, and I talked to him about filming. I knew it wasn’t the hotel he was staying at he said that he was picking up Selena (to which i met earlier that day; also a very sweet girl), and he left for her hotel room, and then came back down with her and her family to go for a walk!
My trip to Vancouver couldn’t of gotten any better especially after meeting Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on the first night, but it did. So when i came back from Vancouver, I brought back autographs, pictures, and memories, that i will never forget.
thanks, Amy
You can see the pictures with Ashley, Taylor, Kristen and Jamie here.
ROFLMAO while reading your comments, Gözde.
And seriously no offence, but if ever someone will look under the stall to see me- when I´m famouse of cause- whether it is kismet or not, I would completly freak out. I mean why on earth should anyone touch this floor with his/her face...I swear I would use disinfectant for my own defence and the public healthes ;-) Just kidding.
And I know this is completly off topic, but wtf:
Hi ladies:
My goodness, this Amy is a hardcore stalker! And her narrative displays such a lack of self-awareness (and contains so much unintentional comedy), it could be an article for "the onion."
I was waiting for her to mention that her top "accidentally" fell down, or that her panties were chafing her, and that she "could of" (ha!) taken them off and given them to Rob to autograph, if it were not for the mob of truly annoying girls, so unlike herself, that surrounded him.
And the bathroom stall footsie! Nice move, Sen. Larry Craig!
*another approach, for next time: "Kristen—can you spare a square?"*
P.S. But thanks for the awesome photos, Amy!
I am so fucking scared right now...
(or is that scarred?!)
Hold me?
I love your inserts Gozde - that chic was definitely "lucky" (i.e. psycho!) who the hell looks under bathroom stalls?!?!
P.s. Pet peeve: "but it was TOO late" - gah!
MRS. ROBINSANE!!!!!! Oh how I miss your intelligent and witty take on things...top "accidentally" fell down, chafing panties....LMAO - it's just too much!!!
And Goz - haven't had the chance to welcome you back! No way could I ever match your wit my dear...
"OMG, I was in the bathroom and Rob walked in! I realized I accidentally went into the men's bathroom! I mean what are the odds? It was like kismet" (eye roll).
How do any of these stalkers think their behaviour is anything close to normal???? Love that she couldn't see the dig in Rob's comment about coming prepared...he must think these people are effing nuts!
Hi LovetheLips!
the level of creepiness in that post is OFF-THE-CHARTS!!! I can't believe Kristen was so nice after being approached in a bathroom. Seems a little unlikely to me. But that pic of Rob IS terrific! That smile is full of win!
My thoughts exactly!! The idiot woman didn't realize Rob was being sarcastic when he told her she came prepared.
You know under his breath he was probably muttering, 'psycho.. god help me... psycho'
Hi Mrs. R!!
Love your commen as usual ;p
Wow. Well how "lucky" for her to meet practically the entire cast. The more I read these fan encounters, the more I think if I ever saw any of them, I would just leave them the hell alone & enjoy the view from afar. How they stay so patient & kind with all of this hounding is mind boggling.
Thank you for posting this, Goz. And for correcting her grammar. I can only hope that she will see this post and realize 'OMG! I *am* a crazy ass stalker! And I need to pay more attention in freshman English.'
haha i love you gozde :) "so i decided to hang out in the bushes with my new moon book and lock of rob pattinson hair i snatched at comicon and they walked right by and actually stopped to get in the car. i'm so lucky! so i jumped out and the body guards beat the shit out of me. how rude!"
i'm going to read this again because stalker encounters are so funny! i mean i do feel bad for the cast. rob needs to call up sir paul and get pointers.
Hi Lizalou!
Thanks, sweetie!
Summit needs to buy the entire cast tasers. Stat.
Goz I was LMAO at your comments, they were brilliant and oh so true!
This girl would freak me out if I was them. I mean seriously looking under the stall was the limit!!!!
I think people should just stop pretending that they "happened" to run into these people and just admit that they were trying to meet them, like you said!! ;-)
gosh ... I am a fan and an obsessed on and ... I hate fans!!
Err. I was slightly shocked how 'lucky' this person was to run into almost the entire cast of Twilight.
Yeah. Cause all that really 'accidentally' happened *rolls eyes*.
And I ALWAYS write 'could of' instead of 'could have'. SORRY. My grammar is really really horrible.
OK, I was scanning this because I couldn't handle reading the whole thing, but stopped as soon as she said,"I looked under the stall."
....and then ... she told the world about it!!!!
Gozde - Calling out the "couldn't of" error? This English teacher officially LOVES you :)))))))))))
Oh, and someone should run some "test" on this sane fan.
I meant "tests"...lots of them...
Different from those tests you need to have, KK.
;) xo
Love Rob's response to her having her book...."you came prepared...."....did she not think that was a little sarcastic...? And the grammatical errors were KILLING me. I bet you were CRINGING, KK and Mrs. R.!!!
I don´t know why, but when ever I see a fan encounter written, I think “this could be cute”, then as I read it, it turns into a horror tale…. This could easily work as stalker guide:
Step one: make plan to travel to somewhere far from where you live with the only idea to stalk a cast.. not to visit the city, just stalk the cast t
Step two: take a plane, at the cit register at the hotel where the cast is staying.. it would save you traveling from place to place.
Step three: just as you chose an special day to some one from the cast such as birthday, it would be easy to find them all together in one place.. So go to have dinner at the place you know could be his favorite.
Step four: when they arrive before they sit in their table, run fun, if necessary tackle the celebrity ask him for a pic, of course other people will take their chances too, there will be a large group after you first move, but maintain in your head, “I´m not stalking, the rest are”. If by this way you could only get one celebrity, then stalk them into the bathroom, yes take a look under the stall, while the celebrity is peeing, so you get sure when she will be done and you can open you door just as the same time, she opens her and it will look so casual..
Stalk them while they take a cigarette brake, etc etc..
Step five: if you couldn´t get to all the celebrities the first night, don´t feel disappointed.. next day stand for hours into the lobby of your hotel/their hotel.
Ps: Always remember to be prepare and take with you the book you want to be signed all the time
Mechevpao, maybe they should start stocking your stalking guide in AAA offices.
"How to get the most out of your stalkingtripImeanvacation"
She's obviously a freak... but Rob looks freakin' gorgeous!!
Hello ladies. I must admit I'm torn: this stalking is oh so wrong, but that photo is oh so right. ;-) Seems our boy was really shining on his birthday. He looks glorious!
So, are you all suffering Robdrawal today as well? I like to think it's my mothering instinct kicking in, making me NEED to know he's fine. Then I'm forced to admit it's another clear sign that Robmania has taken hold of me and reduced me to a whimpering dolt. No man should hold so much power over mere mortal females.... another sure sign he's truly an alien sent here to torture us!
People like this "fans" are the reason why I decided to dont go to Vancouver this summer, I'm not like that and I dont wanna be..if this means I'm never gonna meet Rob is ok to me...she was terrible especially considering it was his birthday..LEAVE HIM ALONEEE!!
That was (mostly unintentionally) hilarious! LOL - Mrs. R and Gozde! Along with "couldn't of," please point out that there's no such word as "anyways."
Although I've never disturbed a celebrity in their private time(and having lived in CA and NYC, I've encountered some tempting ones) I'd hesitate to call this girl a "freak." I'm afraid it might be tantamount to her calling other fans "crazed."
While I'm confident I wouldn't go peeking under toilet stalls, I can't honestly say what I would do if confronted with the object of my obsession. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for some of her actions.
What slays me is her refusal to call a spade a spade. Other fans are "crazy," all that excessive "luck." Just own it, woman. Feel deeply ashamed of yourself, don't ever make life harder for these people again and enjoy those pix.
Mrs. R, I miss you! "Can you spare a square?" Ah, I miss that show!
ITA about the lack of self-awareness...mind-blowing. As Diane says, just own it and admit it for what it is. Love Goz's comments, per usual And the new banner? Sooo beautiful.
I have to admit though...that candid of Rob laughing is just beautiful. StalkerGirl did get a great pic. I won't mock her too much...I don't know what I'd do either, though I'd like to think stall-staking would be beyond my limit.
Gozde love your commentary.
Mrs R- "Can you spare a square"?LOL
I'm suprised she didn't pull and "Eliane", and go through all the stalls remove all the TP just so Kristen would have chioce but to talk to her. CRAZY.
The only redeeming thing about this story is that she said they were all nice to her.
OMFG - This person could not sound more delusional - she went to the same hotel, went to the restaurant, went into the bathtroom and lurked, looked UNDER the bathroom stall???
And then she graciously cut herself out of the photos so as not to have her privacy invaded?
Look, as an avid fan if you want to put yourself in a position to meet the Twi cast and then politely (so as to not interrupt their space/privacy/enjoyment of a meal and conversation) - more power to ya. If you are doing THIS it's called stalking.
PS - this has to be a joke. Right? Is April Fool's again?
This "fan" needs to have her head examined. I wonder if she gave any thought at all to how Rob ( or any of the others) would feel. Can you imagine just hanging out on your birthday after a long day of work, only to have someone come up to you,basically accosting you. If your sitting there waiting for someone to show up because you know they hang out there or stay in the same hotel then you are not "getting lucky" you are stalking. Oh, and one more thing, looking under the bathroom stall is super creepy.
I was thinking about crazies like that just the other day as I was hiding in the cargo hold of a plane.(Weird coincidence - it was the same plane Rob was on.) I emptied a duffel bag (funny story - it had Rob's name on the tag) and crawled inside. Imagine my surprise when he grabbed me off the baggage carousel and took me to his hotel. And who should open the bag but Rob himself - what were the odds?! I kept screaming, "it's kismet!" as they hauled me away, but I Rob didn't hear me. I think he was quietly weeping into his beanie.
OK OK... the bathroom bit WAS creepy and the book in her bag too (NEVER ASK 4 PICS IN A BATHROOM. Period.)
But come on guys... I think "we're" a bit hard on girls who get to meet the cast... some people would dog on us for A)This blog and B) writing some of the smutty things we'd do to rob lol. Its funny because people would call us *obsessed* but here we are calling this girl crazy. Pot meet the kettle. I guess there are different levels.
Either way, It's all in good fun for us... so naturally the same applies for this chick who hauled her ass to Vancouver to *stalk* I don't think she had any ill will towards the cast... so - it was all in good fun... and u know what? She met them. More than what some of us can say. Given the chance, I doubt any of you Rob fans wouldn't HAVE gone up to him as well, we maybe would of drawn the line at lurking in toilettes, but i digress.
Hey, Vixen - why did you remove your post. I agree with you!
Oh, you didn't - that was someone else. I'm sorry I was distracted by the stamp on my nose - I'm trying to mail myself to Rob.
Diane! Bahahhaha - *I'm sorry I was distracted by the stamp on my nose - I'm trying to mail myself to Rob* Priceless! Still laughing right now!
But I assure you, it's all just an accident!
Don't kid yourself, stalking is hard hard work! LOL
Love the pic ... the story ... hmm. Raises some interesting questions, but I'm not going to get into it, lol.
Godze, your comments are hilarious, as usual, and Diane, I am still laughing at your post about hiding in the cargo area!
Kristen is actually pleasant and nice to her fans. I'm basing it on the vids i've seen, and peeps who met her in vancouver.
I'm a big fan, but I wouldn't go and make an effort to meet them in person like flying to vancouver or italy. I don't think i have the heart to spend that much money on them.
Who knows, I'll probably see them somewhere in LA.
gozde your comments always make me crack up!!
Sometimes I feel like I'm 'spying' on Rob just watching candids of him @airport/restaurant etc but some people really stalk him! Poor guy
Let me imagine that I accidentally met Kristen in a bathroom (and I acutally mean that ;p), I'd probably fuck it up and do something so embarrassing.
Like have my flies open or have tissue under my shoe or...oh god. What if I had to ask her to pass me tissue under the door???
Note to self: Never go into toilets with celebrities.
Love Rob's pic. But I agree the girl was a stalker. I too have come across famous folks in NYC, CA and even here in AZ and just passed them or just said hi. But I have to admit if I saw Rob I'd probably run not walk over to him.
This girl needs help. She's lucky that the cast was so gracious. If I were to catch someone peeking under my stall, she'd get my tiny Ked in her face!
I have seen famouse people in restaurants but have not approached them - I live in Toronto. The downtown core is teaming with celebs during the Toronto International Film Festival in September. I, however, have not approached them. It's nice to see them from afar but I totally get their need for a little down-time. If I catch their eye, I wave or nod but that's it.
This chicklet is rather off the wall scary and her grammatical errors and punctuation were also driving me nuts.
Ack!! Famouse = famous! :-P
Sadly enough the whole look under bathroom stall is not new. Plenty of stars have said over the years that while they were in the bathroom a fan would not only look under,but hand them pen and paper for them to sign an autograph.
Oh and this is not Kristens first time caught in the bathroom by a fan. The first encounter was on her birthday. She came in and the lady waited while she got through doing whatever and washing her hands. Then Kristen asked,"did you follow us ???" She said, "no" Then gave Kristen a bottle of liquor. Kris took pics and went back to her table.
That is so disgusting because they probably got pee drippings on the paper.LMAO I mean damn at least let them wash their hands first. I'm surprised we haven't had some kind of urinary disease epidemic that went global.LMAO
I won't bother commenting the "fan encounter", I just want to say I really like Rob's picture. :)
OME! so embarrassing, so gross, and creepy is just the forename man that is just so damned.
I'm not creepy and I'm sane I swear! I'm just going to look under the toilet stall to see if it's her. (sorry hon that does make you a bit crazy!)
I'm impressed at how crazy some ppl can get...
this seriously makes me want to vomit..i understand being excited but come on man there eating a meal and having a private party for Roberts' birthday. i personally love how Robert says to her "oh..you came prepared" if you where any normal human Being that should have made you mortified , if someone said that to me while i was asking for an autograph i would be mad embarrassed for myself. and looking under a stall to see Kristen...in the bathroom that is just absolutely disgusting i would have told the girl to go screw, but unfortunately she has to be nice or the rumor police start up about "what a bitch she is" this girl/woman sounds insane to boot she deliberately stayed at there hotel ...yesh..what did she expect for someone to see her and fall in love or become BFF's with Kristen? what a psychopath
i love your little comments by the way they where spot on and hilarious.
I am very confused Gozde - you are ripping on this girl for being a stalker/obsessed with the Twilight cast/Robert Pattinson, yet you have an entire blog devoted to him. You have tons of posts all about him. Just because you didn't stalk him through the hotel doesn't mean that you don't have a few reality check issues to deal with yourself...
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