Robward Candid with a Dude

Thanks to our Air Guitar banner maker Nikki for the picture :)



Anna said...

Wow, that's one seriously smouldering Robward... the hair, the scruff, the look... damn it Rob, it's too early in the day for you to be looking at me like that!!

And, what's with the red-striped shirt?! So exciting to see Robward with new clothes!

Rhonda said...

Who needs drugs when you have Rob Pattinson? The striped pirate-looking shirt makes me have some naughty thoughts! Ahoy Matey!

Ash7586 said...

That guy's shirt is hilarious. Rob looks hot. He's got some badger going on so he couldn't have been filming that day.

Ash7586 said...

Where's Waldo (excuse me Rob)?

keely said...

Ash, couldn´t have said it better, both shirts are great ;-)

Kimmie said...

that striped shirt reminds me of rob when he was in the bad mothers handbook, during the scene where he is with charlotte in the hospital. lol but rob is looking good!!!

Hansom Ransom said...

Normally, I am not a huge fan of facial hair, but the scruff patches are lickable.

Hansom Ransom said...

Kimmie, it reminds me of that too! Lol Daniel Gale is iconic.

Wheaty's Girl Creations hearts twilight! said...

haha @Rhonda you took the words right out of my mouth..his shirt should read..who needs drugs when you have rob pattinson....hehehehhe

I wonder if that guys is dazzled or intoxicated? ahahhahhahaaha

Wheaty's Girl Creations hearts twilight! said...

scruff patches..lickable..haha that's what she said! hehe Rob could wear or look like anything and we would find him lickable! lol How many other people could pull off hair like his? hehe

España said...

twiligth - Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart caught by paparazzi in Tokyo

ROBTEN en Japon se dieron cuenta que habian pasado muchos meses separados pero se amaban

Pidieron helados pero los dejaron derretise

España said...

Will be to Vanity Fair?
Will be to Remenber me?

anna F said...

"And, what's with the red-striped shirt?! So exciting to see Robward with new clothes!"

He really has a weird clothing taste... But it somehow matches him ^_~
I have almost started liking plaid...
well, I like stripes better from the start, and red kind of suits him. And the jacket is kind of nice too (though no sure if it matches the shirt)...

I guess I forgive him anything clothingwise, since he looks good in it anyway!

Suz said...


That prolly IS Daniel Gale's shirt!

and Edwards's Peacoat! (he is known for helping himself to wardrobe..)

He looks really sexed in this pic..

the other dude...not so much!

Lizalou said...

The poor coat can't handle Rob - too much man to contain!

anna F said...

LOL Suz, it's Edward's Peacoat!

I was wondering because from what I read, he kind of made fun of said peacoat in the movie commentary...

Well, maybe he was given Edward's entire wardrobe at the end of the 1st movie, not knowing if they would do a second movie anyway ^^

But no I guess, he would have more clothes than we get see daily on pictures if that's the case...

albaville said...

that guy looks creapy!! Rob is so good usual!!!

Suz said...

Liz... any straight man who can ROCK a PeaCoat.. is all fookin man...


Latebloomer said...

I bet Rob liked the guy's shirt... it is very funny (no, srsly.. I have drugs).. LOL.

It's prob one of the crew from Twilight... an old pic from 2008? why else would Rob be wearing a peacoat?

Noe said...

ha it's great to see guys taking pics with rob. i mean all men should do that if they were smart. it's a great conversation starter with us women.

*dorky guy walks in a bar and plops himself next to an attractive girl*
dorky guy: hey... want a drink?
attractive girl:*rolls eyes* um excuse me?
dorky guy:*panics and blurts out*i met robert pattinson.
attractive girl:*whip lashes head in dorky guy's direction and smiles seductively* oh really now?
dorky guy: *smirks with new confidence* yeah... really.
-end scene-

haha of course i'm exaggerating how gullible women can be but using meeting robert as an opener will get a second glimpse. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

hot damn rob is looking good in this pic! why am i suddenly craving a candycane?

phosphorus said...

@ Suz: No, I don't think it's Daniel Gale's shirt. As far as I remember the stripes of that shirt were a bit broader. Can't check it now, a friend borrowed my dvd.

Anonymous said...

well my day just got a little better... and by little i meant A LOT. love that smirk. it makes me all giddy. and that shirt - yes please pirate rob

Suz said...


You madcap.. (lol)


mmmmmmmmmmmmm slurp

minty goodness

Pet73 said...
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Pet73 said...
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Pet73 said...

I don't think that's Edwards jacket. The quality of the fabric looks different.

Phosporus- I think you are right about the stripes - that's not the Daniel shirt.

I also don't think that the photo is that old. Check Rob's hair. It's much shorter than in the Twilight movie. I think it must be of this year's spring.

Anonymous said...

suz: morning xoxo

he can be my peppermint stick anytime

he is the candyman you know...?

tracyvanhorne said...

heehee! they both look so uncomfortable... heeheeheeheehee!

Suz said...

Who can take a sunrise, sprinkle it with dew

Cover it with choc'late and a miracle or two

The Candy Man, oh the Candy Man can

The Candy Man can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good

Lisa Serrano said...

Looks like it may have come from the Vanity Fair shoot.

crazylife said...


LOL "why am I suddenly craving a candy cane" And Wow what a peppermint stick he is!!!!

showme said...

why the heck is he wearing the peacoat LOL

showme said...

wait a second, he's all scruffy here. that's not edward

i'm gonna read up LOL

crazylife said...

Sorry,I credited the wrong person with that line. Thirty something great line.

I can not keep up with you ladies!

Anonymous said...

suz: that one is good too... but i was thinking

he's a one stop shop
makes the panties drop
he's a sweet chocolate sugar coated candy man

Maryann said...

Espana sorry but that is just a lame photoshopping to "prove" nonsense rumors. Not real whatsoever.

Sam said...

you think rob laughed to himslef when he saw THAT? I love the dudes tee-shirt... then the snout ring... hahah the contrast of beautiful and NOT right next to each other. haa

Sam said...

espana- that second pic of KS has been photo shopped onto the girls body- you can tell by the hair hanging on her shoulder...

Sam said...

well both pics are photoshopped- but you can really tell in the second one

phosphorus said...

@ Pet73: Yes, it doesn't seem to be the same jacket. Different fabric, like you said. Cut looks a bit different, too.

WinWin said...

The red striped shirt is killing me today. lmao

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

win: morning :)

the candycane shirt inspired an avi change for me

Pet73 said...

phosphorus- Are you German (then we are neighbours :)). First, I thought you were from Greece.

Divinesally said...

Rob is a delicious piece of man-candy (duh)**drool..THUD** totally just jizzed myself. He looks ridiculously hot in that pic. I love the candy cane inspired shirt,awesome gray coat,wild tresses, stubble and piercing look. My morning has just been improved, thank you, thank you.

Elena said...

Wow, I can't-
This is-
He is so hot and -
Look at those ey-

I can't even process words that describe how hott he looks in this picture.


elaine said...

OMG Rob in stripes! He is some serious eye candy! There are no words for this sexy beast!

WinWin said...

hi 30, I can see I'll be very unproductive again. Did you see I missed him twice. I work down the from Radio city and I was downtown last night.

Anonymous said...

win: i haven't had a productive day in six

and i did see that :( but he will be there for eight weeks... you might catch a glimpse in that time

phosphorus said...

@ Pet73: How come you thought I'm from Greece?

I'm your and Margot's neighbour.

Pet73 said...

Phosphorus- I thought it's Greek for Bosporus (y.k. near Istanbul). Hides and feels ashamed :(.

phosphorus said...

:-) It's a nice idea, though. Bosporus - I'd be close to Gözde, and could meet her for tea and those delicious Turkish cookies.

Phosphorus is a chemical element, highly reactive.

RPnKSaddict said...

The I was thinking where's Rabward(waldo). or peppermintpatty. ughh I know that was bad.

Sorry he looks so good he fuddles the mind.

phosphorus said...

And in Greek it's another name for Eosphorus, The Morning Star.

Pet73 said...

Phosphorus- After looking at your e-mail address more closely I got the thing with the element. But at this time my post was already done :(.

Stacy said...

If that's what he's going to look like in the VF shirt ... bring it on!

Stacy said...

*VF shoot. I can't type worth a damn anymore!

Babs said...

the dude's shirt 'who needs drugs' is just hilarious :)
Rob looks fab as always

Gozde said...

Espana, those pics are photoshopped and quite badly :)

Jala said...

Why do I get excited when I see him wearing something I've never seen before?

RPnKSaddict said...

I was wondering how true it was that this photo is from the set of the VF shoot.
Read it on lion and lamb live journal.
Just checking to see if anyone else knew for sure.

He still looks amazing even with an interesting outfit.

Tiffany said...

what is this from?
this is the hottest Ive seen him in a LONG time...

...wowie! said...

Rob's hiding the fact that he's auditioning as Waldo in "Where's Waldo". Take the jacket off and put the rimmed glasses. Am I right? lol

Totally loving his hair! So sexy!

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