Celebrity-Gossip.net claims Rob was mobbed again. The pictures they provide are from June 15th. So I'm not sure if this is correct:
In what has become a daily occurrence, Robert Pattinson was mobbed by female fans as he arrived on the set of “Remember Me” earlier today (June 18).
The “New Moon” hunk looked a bit frustrated as he struggled to make his way to the studio, relying on the help of security to break free.
In related news, Robert may have been bested by Chace Crawford in People magazines’ Hottest Bachelor of 2009 poll, but he came out victorious in a Vanity Fair contest.Pattinson was named the most handsome man in the world in the magazine’s online poll composed of over 270,000 readers’ opinions.
Thanks to Coral for the tip.Pictures they provided (dating June 18th are from June 15th):
PhotoCredit: Wenn.com
frickin' ridiculous.
I hope this is just a mix up from the previous mobbing..if NOT then this sux!!!
It wasn't me, I swear!
I dont'know if I believe this...it's been raining buckets all morning, you practically needed a boat to get around! The umbrella cover is less conspicuous today (:
They're down the block from me, I passed the truck and trailers on my way to the office but didn't see many people outdoors, just a couple of wet PAs. Word is they are filming indoors all day today.
thank goodness that looks like the same mob from the other day....
jane! sucks...wish you could see him. So much for the cameras in your boss's office LOL
I'm thinking they are just full of it. Why not admit they are using pics from Monday?
Jane, thanks for clarifying things:)
I am glad to hear that Rob was voted the most handsome man in the world!! I hope the mobbing news is not true because that would just be really uncalled for.
I hope it's just a mix up and they have the dates wrong coz if now that's friggin ridiculous!!
Jane it's raining here too and I'm 3,000 miles away! Well I lie it's sunshine and showers!
I think they are wrong as well. They dated the pictures as today.
Jane: Hope you get to see him :)
show, i'm gonna take a walk at lunch anyway...i think i need to buy a book ;) keep you posted!
i got close enough on day 1 that I'm okay w/ seeing him just that one time! My heart hasn't fully recovered, I think that's why I'm running a fever. And besides, i'd start to feel like a glutton until you guys get your chance too (:
lol Twilight's @peterfacinelli needs to get 500,000 followers... or else NEW MOON WON'T GET RELEASED!
OH. HELL. NO. This better be a mix up from the other day. Poor Patty and his delicious man-meat.Everyone wants a piece. But really, mobbing him is not the way about doing it. it's just gonna scare him off and force him to beef up his security team even more. God some people just don't think. And not to mention that you're ruining it for everyone who actually wants to meet him in a normal, calm setting, get an autograph, handshake, hug whatever. But how is he going to feel comfortable and safe with his fans if this sh*t keeps happening to him. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to walk around 24/7 with 4 huge ass dudes protecting him from rabid teenage fans. We're not all like that, I just hope he knows that.
I doubt/hope it's not true,it'd be beyond ridiculous if it was.
wow people are redic
The pics are definitely from the earlier mobbing (you can see the MobGirls in them).
If this is true, it makes me sad. Where is security? If they can't stop a handful of girls, they need to be replaced.
I think they are mistaken too. Poor Robbie!! I'm soooo ready for a road trip from Mass. to NY!!! would you believe my nephew-in-law is the assistant location director or something like that on this movie? Unfortunately he had to sign his life away that he can't tell....Sigh. He said he feels really bad for Rob, that he can't do anything without bodyguards around him all the time.
Rob should wear a fat-suit to and from the set as disguise.
Haystack: Caged animal about sums it up.
Poor Rob, i feel bad for him. He's gonna have a break down sooner or later if some of those fangirls dont get a hold of them selfs.
Amen Lizalou! And he said the paps are unreal, always in Rob's face and surrounding him. I cringe seeing pics of him arriving at airports and how there is a huge crowd of them right up in his face. Poor baby. :(
Oh, how some of these gossip people won't stop. Just won't stop. It's pathetic that they recycle stories from past events. That's just low.
To take your mind off that, here's a hillarious Robward-related vid. It's a "Twilight" version of "Heartless" by Kanye West.
Those ding dongs...ughhhh...have they ever heard of a thing called research. Hell, look at the fucking date on the site. Why do people not pay fucking attention. It's called details bitches.
Could be that he was mobbed but it wasn't captured on film. Maybe they added the photos from Monday for dramatic effect?
Eh, who knows.
look like the other day assault..
No way this has happened again. The photos are definitely old.
His clothes are the same, the girls are the same, the girls clothes are the same...there are just more photos of him looking freaked out.
Makes me angry all over again....
pretty sure its a mix up. they are doing interior shots in a bookstore today...
So far so good..!
I wonder what aftermath these "Ladies" are dealing with..
whew pitures are old. My stomache dropped to my feet when I first read the headline.
Keeping fingers crossed that his securuty detail is still in place.
Stupid crazy people. They all need braindusters.
BTW... old pics, old news... just a mag/site working it for more hits... yawn.
Ok I think Rob is hot and all... and he's def ONE of the most handsome guys in the world... but certainly not THE most handsome. sorry Robbie... it's a big line-up:
George Clooney
Colin Firth
Hugh Jackman
Greg Wise
Hugh Grant
Viggo Mortenson
James McAvoy
Rupert Graves
Matt Damon...
you're up there buddy, but you need to scooch over on the "casting couch"... LOL!
just sayin... LOTS OF fish in the sea! ifyaknowhadimeanandithinkyoudo!
I really really hope this is a load of crap and untrue. I don't want Rob to start resenting his fans, cause that's what I would do if I were in his shoes, in that situation.
If this is true, then why there are no pictures? they may have noticed how many fans reacted vehemently to the crazies' attack and just want to have hits again(?)
I think these pics are from before. I sincerely hope so. Rob doesn't need this kind of crap in his life(who does)It might just push im over the edge.
you may be right, but I guess most of these people have already had their time of glory.It's Rob's turn now, that's all.(a time that may last longer for many fans, me included cause I never gave a shit to who was the most handsome man, and the first time I voted for these stuff was for Rob) If a professional has an explanation to all these changes I experienced since I knew Robert Pattinson, I am all ears!
Looks like they just mixed up the dates....such accurate journalism, as usual :)
And Rob definately deserves most handsome man title....
IMHO...Matt Damon, Clooney,Rupert Graves, High Grant ain't got NOTHIN' on our man Rob. Just my oppinion, he stand alone.
I'll take me some Colin Firth. He's a finely aged Rob, IMO. Yum.
Rob would have been excellent as Mark Darcy in Bridget Jones. Gah!
Thanks Goz for posting all of these amazing pics..and for calling out all the BS. Why am I not surprised the mag didn't do their homework once again...
Jane, I have seen the exact same as you have and I passed by there twice. I think they got it wrong, again. What a surprise...
I hope THIS article is NOT correct..if so it is DAMN RIGHT SCARY!!
"Rob Pattinson is quickly learning the hazards of filming a movie in New York City - he was hit by a taxi cab on Thursday while running away from hysterical fans!
RadarOnline.com witnessed the Twilight star get clipped by a cab around noon in front of the Strand Bookstore on Broadway and 12th Street.
Click here to see video of fans mobbing Robert
He was not hurt.
The 23-year-old London-born actor had been inside most of the morning filming scenes for his new movie Remember Me.
A team of five security guards were trying to fend off a crowd of teenaged girls when Rob was leaving the bookstore.
It was pouring rain as they tried to hustle him quickly across the busy street to the safety of his trailer.
Some of the teen girls were hysterical and Rob rushed across the road. As he did so, a taxi grazed him. The cabbie slammed on his brakes as soon as he realized what had happened.
Click here to read about steamy night with two beauties in the Big Apple
It appeared as if the cab hit Rob in the hip. He stood there for a moment looking stunned. The bodyguard next to him checked if he was okay and then screamed at the fans: "You see what you did, you almost killed him!"
Pattinson will be shooting around Manhattan for the next four weeks.
His co-star in the film is gorgeous Lost TV actress Emilie de Ravin, who he has been seen hanging out with in the evenings."
IF true, something tells me that the moronic girls reacted like "what, us? we didn't do anything??!!" pffff. Freaks!
I think Rob is the most gorgous and hope he gets the title from People..he already has it from fans.
http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/06/exclusive-robert-pattinson-hit-cab And now he's been hit by a car...
so disappointed in the fans!
OMG Maryann, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo....this makes me fear for his life. Stupid stupid chicks are gonna get our Robbie hurt!
Thanks Albaville, great idea!
@Maryann, I just saw that and nearly had a coronary. I really really hope that is some kind of exaggeration or altogether untrue. What a nightmare!
well i agree with all of you, it looks like they are wearing the same clothes so probably just more pics of the same day. I noticed before that Celebrity gossip is usually a day or so behind the news with their pics.
but poor Rob being grazed by a cab, YIKES, girls you need to back off of him, he is going to get killed out there!!!
as far as him going out with two beautiful women, ANY women he is around he is linked to. so i guess the magazines will have headlines of him having a NEW love, but maybe they will give robsten a rest.
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