Yuji Tsunokami Japan Photoshoot Outtakes


Suz said...

Oh Jesus on a Ritz!

The jeans...the fuking jeans
the smirks..the fuking smirks
the bedroom eyes.... the the the...

effing kill me

and may every angel in heaven be Rob.

HC said...

He's asking for it ;) ha <3

Suz said...

yea missing...

He is well on his way to a spanked bottom!


maha said...

wow nice photos he looks so cute

Kate said...

Ooh Me likey!!

Mochachino said...

From the top
#4: sex on the brain
#5: sex on the brain and he knows you know it

Jennifer said...

OK, these are HOT, of course, but the ones they published were, for the most part, HOTTER. Which is what OUTTAKES are supposed to be--the rejects. Why oh Why do mags like GQ and Dossier keep the not-so-hot and fail to print the HOTTEST OUTTAKES EVER??

Martina said...

erin, he reads us like an open book. :)

Lizalou said...

1st and 5th pictures - SEX ON LEGS!!!!

Lizalou said...

5th picture he's thinking of something really dirty. I'd like to know what that was.
Anyone need a cigarette?

Tenneil said...

CAN I SAY HOW MUCH I EFFING HATE WATERMARKS..... for the love of all holy...

He is priceless... and absolutely breath taking... the eyes, the jeans, the smirks, the swagger in his lean...

DD said...

He is perfect. The pics always make me want to know what he's thinking...ummmm. Dead now.

the n said...

wow. this is a new level of hotness. I thought he couldn't any get hotter. WOW!

Divinesally said...

I love it when he's in jeans. He's so damn sexy like that...Suz, your avi is also, sexy. Roarrrr...

sorry for the rant yesterday guys. I know I O.D.ed. I got mad love and respect for dude-man. I thought about what I commented and felt bad. He DOES appreciate his fans. it's the damn paps that he can't stand. He takes it pretty well actually, considering. I would have already ended up in jail, I think. Sometimes I get really irritable, I can't imagine having flashing cameras in my face ALL the effing time...that must take a toll on sanity.

RPnKSaddict said...

LOL Zuz you kill me.
It's 3 and 7 for me. God his long lanky toned.....body love the jeans...and damn that chisled jaw porn in these pics.
Drooling here.

Divinesally-We all have our moments and opinions. No worries.
Still enjoy your posts.

Tess said...

I wish these were untagged.. A few are extra special ;)

RPnKSaddict said...

Me too! Me too. It's not like I don't have a ton of pictures already. More is good.

annycullen said...

omg! Made my day!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Can a guy be cuter than that?

Treasure_7 said...

I am really loving all these pics of Rob!! He is gorgeous!! Whats so funny he is so totally clueless that he is gorgeous!! He really knows how to work the camera, he knows what we like....LOL!

Kathy#1 said...

Wow, the tight jeans and long legs are a killer...god...I'm like...thump...is it getting hot in here?

Marj said...

pics of ROB posted on twitter,sightseeing today twilight italia i think.

Lizalou said...

Yugh. That shirt that he's wearing in these new pics in Italy is hideous.
C'mere, Rob... let's get that thing off of you already ;p

Lizalou said...

And yes, the boy has definitely been working on that upper bod. His forearms are looking toned and muscled in this Italy pic from behind. No string bean arms anymore!
Hello shirtless scene!

Katie said...

I'm still not getting it. this says it all.. http://muchmusiclover.wordpress.com/2009/05/18/robert-pattinson

showme said...

if ya'll want to see close ups of the pics from italy got to newmoon.org

they're much better

showme said...



lostinphilly57 said...

Oh, the jeans, the jeans...like you said Suz...the jeans..the fuking jeans!! They do me in every time! Thump...effing killing me also!!That boy can take ANY article of clothing and make it the sexiest thing to wear EVER!!!!Even hideous shirts! Too much, just too too much...

Yvonne said...

Katie@ 9:23
If you're still not getting it, than why are you here?

Cuz I don't get WHY you don't get it.

This man is heaven sent, an angel.

Mrs. Robinsane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yvonne said...

BTW, these are the same exact jeans he's been wearing for a year, dirty and with the hole...to a photo shoot! I love it :)
Don't ever change Rob <3

Mrs. Robinsane said...


My favorite photo is #7. It makes me believe that he will never be truly dejected or lonely, because he is blessed with the ability to crack himself up.

Have a lovely night, everyone!

*Mrs. R spent day at amusement park; is now more exhausted than amused*

Biel said...

After suffering an overdose of MrSexOnLegs-at-Cannes, I'm seriously trying to recover a normal state of mind... and in terms of rehab, this doesn't help at all!!

Anonymous said...

Rob is one beautiful liar.

He says he doesn't know how to
be sexy and yet he teases us like the sex he is with these playful smirks that mean one thing and one thing only.

How deceitful of you, Rob.

But we don't mind. Do we, ladies?

Just stay your hot golden-boy adorkable self.

Anonymous said...

Ah Biel, I know EXACTLY how you feel.
As if Spring cleaning is hard enough!

showme said...

i ditto the jeans comments....by FAR my favorite is when he is in jeans....

i feel like i have a one-track mind..."sex with rob" "sex with rob" "sex with rob" LOL

Lizalou said...

haha me too, Showme.

Is it so bad that I want to be locked in a room with him and not come out until one of two things happen? I'll either be taken out on a stretcher, or I'll have use of my legs, but my gait will be that of an old cowboy who has spent the majority of his life on horseback ;p

Damn this devil man.

showme said...

LOL Liz....

i also have to state that the first pic makes me want to lick the underside of his upper lip...

i'm a sick woman.

Yvonne said...

show, no you're not....I've said it before, his top lip sticks out just a smidgen. I'd like to suck on that smidgen.
See? Not a bad person :)

Anonymous said...

why does a simple thing like his hand in his pocket send me over the edge? fuck...it's late and i've been reading ff...that could have something to do with it i'm guessing...gah!

Rob P Makes me J.I.M.P said...


he is one F.I.N.E. PIECE O MAN.....


Dahlia said...

He's just jaw droppingly delicious!

Babs said...

This is exactly what I needed after a crappy weekend. Robsessed is like a drug to me LOL

After watching HTB, I'm officially in love with his lower lip, soooo sexy!!

marya said...

the first pic just screams S E X !!!
i love the faces he makes...
dont tease us like that rob!!!
oh and i HATE tags...
ill say that again

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