As the movie's moody and glistening vampire, Pattinson hasn't budged from the top 100 searches on Yahoo! since "Twilight" migrated from book shelves to big screen. Even his fanged alter ego Edward Cullen's searches would have merited a No. 7 placement. We don't argue with bloodsuckers.
Thanks to our cutie Rocio for the tip :))
In fact, do any other men exist?
great picture!
It took me some time to get used to his "clean" look, the hobo is soo adorable... but the tux looks wonderfull.
May I say that i enjoy your site more than any other RP site? I visit a few others and yours is always way more interesting and not so "highschool" in mindset. I want to see tihs young man succeed, first as a "real" man, living a "real" life, and secondly, as an actor. Thanks for all you do to promote that.
Suz - I second that.
I mean seriously, He's such a hunky chunk of dreamy man love that there really is no competition!
Lovely, Gozde, thank u for all the Rob goodies! I'm surprised he is not number 1! {smiles}
He is in our book!! What a gorgeous man! Sighs....
Duh x 3
There are OTHER men out there???
Hannah, morning luv..
I hear if you search "man"
He comes up....
"You can Google It"
Tina RobSnogs xxx
Wahoo, Yahoo!!!
as if it really needs to be validated though, right? we ALL have known this...glad to see everyone else is finally catching up
and rob in a tux...*sigh*
A man among men....at 22. Hmm...says something about him, doesn't it?
"We don't argue with bloodsuckers"!!! Neither do we.
Duh is right. Boy, did he work that schmexy look on the red carpet that night!
This pic is too much for me to handle first thing in the morning. Going back to bed.
I'm with my girls when I say DUH to the infinite power.
Rob would be f**ked if he was the last man on Earth. Literally! Over and over and over and over...
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