New Cover of Star Magazine. Rob caught with a sexy dancer! (Gasp!) :))
Okay I'm taking bets. Who thinks there is NO picture just a load of "according to a source" bull crap? (Jumps up and down with hand in the air!)
And is it wrong that I DO hope it's true? That just sounds SEXY.
He is 22 years old he deserves lots of lap dances:))

"lap dance for Rob campaign"... he he, you crack me up Gozde!
I am trying to picture Rob getting a lap dance...arms and hands flailing around awkwardly, head dipped down, stuttering madly...Wait...isn't that reaction of ANY guy getting a lap dance? At least the ones I've seen (I've bought way too many lap dances for my male buds :)
Why would this be shocking to anyone? He's 22 years old and a guy.
Heck, I just wish I could watch. lol
I believe there's no picture, if they have a picture it will be on the cover for sure!!!
Oh yeah, Rob getting a lap dance would definitely bump Angelina off the cover.
And Angie I want to watch too :))
Are they saying there is a picture? Where is it?
Maybe it's true but i agree with KK, i can't picture shy Rob getting a lap dance!!
So he visited a strip bar...what a shocker. Yep stop the press, Rob's a normal guy LOL...what a shocker..roflmao!!
Rob gettin' down with a sexy dancer? I need to take up some sexy-dancing classes, me thinks.
Oh no they are not saying there is a picture.
i so wish the mysterious birthday surprise kellan mentioned is a lap dance for rob LOL
I used to take my male buds to strip joints a lot in my 20s. We used to get soooooooo rowdy and raunchy.
Shock horror...Rob getting a lap dance...lucky girl is all I can say!!!!lol
Maybe Kellan ordered up a sexy singing telegram for Rob for his b-day....hmmmmmm....
I hope Rob got some. He deserves some fun!!
OF course there won't be a picture...if there is hey well I wanna see it LMAO.
I bet there's gonna be the usual "a source" saw him getting down and dirty with a sexy dancer" LMAO...yep or wait "a patron" at the place or something lol.
If they do not have a picture expect some lame "unnamed source" and just a lame story that sounds no fun at all LOL.
he'd look so damn cute and embarrassed... awww
(also, how could said lapdancer have the self-control to do her job properly? There's no way I wouldn't take advantage of the situation and do very inappropriate things if I were her)
Geez, I hope he did get a lap dance! The dude is SMOKIN' HOT!! He deserves his birthday is coming up soon so even more of a reason....BUT this magazine is not the most credible so I am SUSPECT...LOL
BUT still-pics of said lap dance would be NICE. :P
He gets a sort of lap dance as Dali in Little Ashes.. Could they be talking about this and making it sound like something else?!
Go, Rob. No matter how crazy the fame gets, you will only be in your 20s for a very short time :)
He's 22 He's a guy. He works really hard. His birthday is next week. I hope he has some fun. If that is a lap dance, good for him. But I agree with KK. He doesn't seem the type to be comfortable with it. He is so shy.
Hannah THAT wouldn't surprise me that this is all it was. Anything to sell mags lol.!!
I think it's a load of crap! But I'm with you on the lap dances for Rob!!
It's healthy! He's young, he's worked hard...Give the man a lap dance!! W00T!!
This is not the time for me to be having visions like that. Must accomplish things today.
Just cuz he's shy doesn't mean he wouldn't "endure" it :D
if there's no picture of ROB doing a sexy dance, then I'm not interested LMAO
Gozde, it's only fair that since you started the genius Lap Dance Campaign, you get to do the honors.
kk- True. And what I wouldn't give to see him "endure" it. The blushing alone would be worth it.
Agreed, Babs. That's the only thing I am interested in.
Star magazine, yeah, right!! Such a reliable source (insert sarcasm here). And even if it is true I would also love to be able to watch it, he WOULD look so cute, red-faced and shy probably with a stupid grin on his face the whole time!! Yes he does deserve a lap dance for his birthday, what normal healthy 22 year old guy wouldn't? He works so hard every day for us so he deserves to have a little fun, right?
It was probably TomStu giving Rob the lapdance. We all know how close they are..
Hansom, I accept the honor of giving Rob a lap dance when I see him :) It's just a part of our campaign :P
I feel like I could bring a lot... of insight... to this campaign as well.
I think it is so funny how we all want it to be true and/or watch....we must really love this guy :)
I hope it's true!! The boy needs to have some FUN!!!
Hell, it really could be any girl anywhere bumping and grinding on him. But what I was trying to allude to yesterday in my comment about "booze and boobs" for his birthday was about lapdances. I hope Kellan does take him out to some strip clubs in Italy to relax and be a normal 22 year old guy on his B-day.:P
Whatever it takes for him to just get some relaxation, whether it be a lap dance or something else... by all means
Rob does deserve a lap dance, or lots of them....if the line is behind the Gozdess I'm right behind her :)
Goz - are you waving your hands in the air to volunteer your services?
LOL Emmes - I love how you call her Gozdess...I'll just get in line behind you then. Hey NO SHOVING!!!
I agree Goz - Angie is a hot piece but OMG can they lay off the photoshop? WTF did they do to her face?
This mag just wants to sell more, and Rob sells, no question, even if he had a lap dance I say good for him. Have another, live your life the way you want to, who cares what other people think.
we don't have many strip clubs in Italy, I guess there are just a few disreputable clubs in big cities :) and Montepulciano is not Las Vegas LOL
If there aren't many strip clubs in Italy, they had better get to it here.
What I wouldn't give to be that dancer on that night.
that is sweet! I am sure she lap dance on Robert lap just because he is Robert Pattinson! And who would not. We see women cling to him, hassle him, run after him, hold his body, put their hands all over him! What else is new. No wonder the poor kid is developing paranoia. He is nice and kind enough not to wrench himself from all these clamoring hands . . . just doing it by faith!
'Hey, Rob, lover, I take dance classes since I was 9! I can try that lap thing... Oh, man, yes I can!'
Gone to 'practice' with BF...
Danni, you are not in here anymore, but HI!! Got your "saco de volta"?? Maybe, just a little? Me too, hehehe.
One more thing: what the hell did they do with Angelina's face? Does a woman THAT BEAUTIFUL need photoshop???
Hasn't anyone gone out to WalMart (the land of the great unwashed) yet to buy then scan this rag??
C'mon, do I really have to get up?
I wanna see the pole dancer!
Little Bear: this just cracked me up
(also, how could said lapdancer have the self-control to do her job properly? There's no way I wouldn't take advantage of the situation and do very inappropriate things if I were her)
Isn't the very requirement of a lapdancer to do "very inappropriate things"? LOL!
The mag is not reliable source, but he deserves a good lap dance hahaha
Now I don´t want to watch him get one, I would like to be the one giving him a lap dance (and taking advantage of the situation for something more) heheeeee
I wondered yesterday when I hear Kellan in the interview saying they had a surprise for Rob, I hope the guys would get him for his birthday something nice surprise to help him relax hahaha
wow, ok this is about angie is she really pregnant, i think she looks pretty in the picture
Yep, guess that'll put those "Little Ashes - is he really gay" rumors to rest...I feel for the poor guy.
Every 22-year-old should be entitled to a dance...
ok so did he really ... go ROB hehe
Okay... So I read that article at a newstand... certainly did not buy it... I was like laughing out loud and the guy at the counter was looking ate me like I was mental lol... but!
There are not pictures
The source comes from the dancer in question... My guess, he really came there with a friend and a dancer saw a possibility to get talked about... But I hope he really got a lap dance... he deserves it! haha
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