Well, what they report here is probably true but still the magazine is a crappy tabloid and there is NO way in hell the movie is going to be better than the book.(Sorry Rob, it's not you it's me :) The heart break on the blank pages with only the months in New Moon just can not be translated in a movie)

After deeming the 20-minute Sage & the Dills concert at Vancouver hot spot Metropole too short for his taste, an enchanted Robert Pattinson invited the band and his fellow New Moon co-stars, including Kristen Stewart, back to his hotel for an impromptu jam session on April 18.
As Robert, who plays dreamy vampire Edward Cullen, strummed his guitar, on-screen sibling Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) played harmonica while their big-screen sister Nikki Reed (Rosalie) added lyrics she had practiced onstage earlier that evening while serenading cast mate Taylor Lautner.
“We just got really creative,” lead singer Sage tells OK! of the intimate hotel-room session, which sounded like a mix of old-school rock and country as well as Van Morrison, Robert’s favorite rocker. “Everything blended together really well.” (Gozde: Sage sure likes to talk to the gossip rags doesn't she?Previously by Sage HERE)
Whether they’re making music or shooting Twilight sequels, the tight-knit cast of the vampire series works — and plays — as a true team. “It is weird that the minute we all met, it felt like family,” Kellan Lutz, who stars as Edward’s bloodsucker brother Emmett, tells OK!. “The first day we got on set, a lot of us felt like we’d always been related.”
But that hasn’t stopped Kellan, 24, from clobbering Robert when the cameras are rolling. While working on a scene in which their bodies collide, the actors learned that they have differing methods for stunt work — high school football star Kellan actually knocked the wind out of Robert.
“He didn’t think I’d actually nail him, but that’s what the script said I was supposed to do,” explains Kellan. “I didn’t go out of my way to hurt him, but there is Rob, trotting along, and bang!”
But on-set mishaps haven't changed anyone's feelings about the New Moon shoot, says Ashley Greene, who plays Alice Cullen.
“The first one, we all had no idea what we were getting ourselves into,” she tells OK!. “We all have our bearings now, and it is more fun and less stressful."
via Pattinson Life
Why is this called secrets from the set when NONE of this is a secret anyways? LOL. Don't these mags realize that many ppl DO have internet, esp. when it comes to their target audience which I am sure either have internet at home or got access at work. So their so called secrets are found just about EVERYWHERE lol. I don't get it,... wait that is wrong, I get it it is to SELL magazines..D'OH me lol
For me, I dont think the movie can be better than the book. I mean, I LOVED this book. My fave one of the saga (again, im a sucker for heartbreak) so Im hoping they do a really good job of it, but I cannot see connecting to the movie the same way I did with the book.
wow talk about an attention-seeker, just like her dear friend NR. she's totally riding on Twilight stars' fame. such a great friend,right...
“He didn’t think I’d actually nail him, but that’s what the script said I was supposed to do”
lol, we all want to have THAT job!
amen Little Bear amen
Ditto, Littlebear!!
yup...Kellan is defenetely a Robsessor...was he one of the anons? or maybe???....could it be? Goz are you really Kellan??
Completely agree with you Goz, the blank pages just said so much that the movie can't portray. i am just hoping the movie does not stray to far from the book.
i also agree no secrets, everything about the movie is posted everyday online and most of it is just rumors anyways.
"Gozde: Sage sure likes to talk to the gossip rags doesn't she?"
It's cuz she doesn't have a career of her own. The best way for her to get press is by forcing her name into magazines via quotes about people she knows.
I'm so looking forward to this movie (who isn't) but I think it will be hard to potray on the big screen all the heartache that the book makes you feel.
As a general rule, I don't think that any movie can be better than the book it's based on, because so many things have to be left out. No doubt Rob will do an excellent job :)
Sage is an apprentice of Nikki Reed
I'm not so fussed about whether the movie is faithful to the book... NM had way too much Jacob, imo. I did love all the angst though, so I hope that's what they're going for with the added Edward/Bella time.
Oh, and I really hope they let Rob play Edward the way he always wanted to... Darkward is the best!!
So why is Kristens hair RED???
Duh, because Rob prefers red heads
Suz <------redhead~
; )~~~
Right on Goz..those blank pages with months on them, had me sobbing..you felt Bella's pain flipping those pages. What I'm hoping is better than the book is the whole middle with Jacob..Heehee..That was hard to read...just sayin'!!!
Kellan adores Rob as much as Kristen adores Nikki. Maybe the conspiracy theorists ought to switch gears and think more "Little Ashes" than "Romeo and Juliet" for their romance rumors.
Sage needs the money way more than the Twilight peeps do, so she probably figures it's okay to sell her stories to the paps as long as she's not making up baldface lies about the cast, as most "sources" do.
Little Bear and Suz, LOL!
And I actually really look forward to the break-up scenes, like I look forward to a root canal. No seriously, aside from all the public bawling in the theater, which I despise doing, I'm looking forward to being blown away by those scenes. I think Kristen and Rob will do them justice and give them the weight they deserve.
I'm also reeeallly looking forward to Rob's Big Scene, the one he's champing at the bit to do, in Italy. The problem is, I have the whole thing mapped out in my mind exactly how it should be filmed for maximum, awesome impact, so if it's not as good as what I see in my head, I'll be disappointed.
Wait...Rob will be shirtless and devastatingly beautiful. I will not be disappointed.
Putz, they never get tired??
Wow Sage...
Coat-tail ride, much?
As long as Kristen can learn to whip up some decent tears this time, I think the movie will be awesome. Movies are never quite as good as the books but with Rob playing dark, tortured Edward, it'll be close. Can't wait to see this.
I do hope that the Bella&Jacob part is shorter than it is in the book, I had a hard time reading it, seriously (I'm not a fan of Jacob :)).
I've heard that the reunion between Edward and Bella is gonna be a bit different in the movie. If there's no shirtless Rob I'm gonna throw my popcorn at the screen and run out of the theatre! LOL
Summit will be hearing from me if Rob is not shirtless at any point during this movie. That would be criminal.
i dont think the movie will be beter than book but with rob in it maybie
Hell,we shouldn't be that shocked Sage is Nikki's bestfriend...enough said.
And we should all know by now that the movie is never better than the book.
When i first looked at this pic it looked like Rob was cupping her boob! hahaha. I think that's HER hand though....**phew!**
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