Twist Magazine Scans - May/June

The May/June issue of Twist Magazine that's on stands now has a glossy poster of Rob. I am too old to have a poster in my room right? I don't know anymore...:)

Thanks to Natalie for the scans :))


margot said...

where did Brooke go ??

Anonymous said...

Never to old! Just hang it in your closet behind clothes so no one will see it. Then you can sneak a peak anytime.....ummm, it's just an idea....I haven't done that or anything.....:P

Martina said...

you can`t be too old for robs poster!

Sophia Z.86 said...

Love the new banner. Some of my fav. Rob´s pics are there. Thanks.

MandyW said...

I was wondering where Brooke went too.

MandyW said...

I think my Hubby would have a heart attack if I hid a poster of Rob in my closet. He already thinks I've lost my mind.... If he only knew.

Gozde said...

I had a problem with the Brooke Shields video :) It's back up :)

Ana73 said...

Yeah i got a poster too but what do you do with it. I agree with you about being a little too old. I thought of putting it in the garage but my husband would really have a heart attack. I could just imagine him pulling into the garage and seeing Rob. All of my pictures are kept on this little computer :) oh and in my mind.

~~Swept Away~~ said...

Too old? staring at my 5' poster of Robward. HeHe... I'm 38 and don't care! His beautiful face makes me happy (as do other of his beautiful body parts but I won't go into too much detail here wink wink :) I'm divorced so I guess it is easier when the bedroom is all mine. Do what makes you happy!

Nicky said...

Wow, they are still going on about Natalie and Megan.....good grief.

Kate said...

Goz you are NEVER too old !!!

Melissa said...

Meh...I'm 30 and I have an Edward poster in my room...well, TECHNICALLY it's in my walk-in husband didn't like the idea of Robward hovering over our bed...I WONDER WHY????

anna F said...

Well, I think Megan Fox took herself out of the equation, does that mean that Rob is dating Nathalie Portman (page 5)?

These magazines can be so lame LOL

Jewels64 said...

Uhhhhmmmm... I have two humongous posters of Rob in my room.

I have over 400 pictures of him on my lap top and 57 pix of him on my cell phone...

Obsess much? Ummmmm....Somedays I just want to print those pix, throw them all on my bed and roll all over them.... I'm helplessly, hopelessy, honestly, shamelessly hooked!!!!

MandyW said...

I agree that your never too old. I just use my computer instead of hanging posters on my wall.

MandyW said...

By the way... love the Banner today Goz, is it hot in here or is it just me

Hansom Ransom said...

Gozde, you are never too old for a poster :)

Yvonne said...

mandy, don't feel bad, my husband thinks I have lost my mind as well...

Yvonne said...


Yvonne said...

hansom's got quite a Rob collection herself...I've seen it!

Ana73 said...
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Hansom Ransom said...

I do, haha. You should have seen me trying to pack it up and move it this week; I realized then that I might have SLIGHTLY too much. Robward had to sit all folded up in the bottom of my trunk for a couple of days. He didn't like it.

Yvonne said...

THAT, my dear Hansom, is why you need a PE, he's MUCH more portable :)

MandyW said...

Yvonne glad to know I'm not alone, that's why I love this site, we all understand each other.

DD said...

You can't be too old to have a poster of Rob. It's just part of Robsessing. (people think I am crazy anyway, so who cares)

Anonymous said...

Of course you can have a poster in your room I'm older than you Goz and I have 2 ;)

Merit said...
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Merit said...

it's nice to find people that feels the same as me... i have a bunch of posters of rob and i was about to put them in my wall but a little voice inside my head said you're too old... you're not a teenage anymore...

but tomorrow i will hang them all over my room... who cares je
my family already thinks i'm crazy

nice site by the way... i luv been here just loorkin je

Dan The Unman said...

Well, I'm only 21, so I don't know how you define "old". But, my room is literally covered in Rob posters. I've been collecting them for a few months now. I even put one of the GQ shots (get this) above my bed.

It's nice to wake up to Rob and the brooding stare every morning.

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