Shirtless Robert Pattinson

I don't think I could ask for a better come back present :)

How can a skinny girl like Kristen can have a butt like that is beyond me!
Baby really GOT BACK :)

Thanks to Kathy for the tip :)))


tracyvanhorne said...

Yeah I'm certainly not getting any work done now...

Is it wrong to be smiling so much?!

Anonymous said...

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! THANK YOU DEAR LORD FOR ROB PATTINSON!!!

Martina said...

jummmy :P
let the dots-connecting begin!

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Jesus is it wrong to be in need of a cold shower while still sitting at my desk....? LOOK at the size of Rob's feet! Long fingers, big feet......Oh sweet Jesus.....!!!

Stacy said...

There are tons more at Just Jared and Pop Sugar, of them filming the actual scene, and you get some great looks at Rob's six pack.

He looks AMAZING, not to mention the scene looks great! I have been squeeeing over these pics for the last hour!

Kathy#1 said...

Oh holy s**t...this is really too much and I cannot get any work done. I keep going back to these pics. Goz, you need to add the ones of them kissing...please???

My assistant knew immediately that I was looking at Rob pics when she came into the office. Must have been the look of desire on my face.

Smitten_Vixen said...

There is a god... and his name is Robert Pattinson.

I think i just died... seriously this time... that, or i passed out... either way this is a great great day.

Stacy said...

Seriously, I cannot believe how much he's worked out over the last year. He looks great, and I love how she is literally running and jumping into his arms.

I am so happy Kristin is portraying a more emotional Bella this time.

Now, as long as SM doesn't cockblock that amazing kiss, we're all good.

riddleinside said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Story13 said...

Oh my god… I love it…
Finally, I'm not in Montepulciano, because of a family problem… But my friends are there and they even been taken as characters with red capes…

I just can't wait to watch the movie…

riddleinside said...



I AM SO HAPPY. It's so good to have you back :)))

Rob and Kristen are doing an amazing job!!!! these two are killing me. Can't wait to see the movie.

Unknown said...

more pics on lainey..only rob..

Anonymous said...

there's more here....

Unknown said...

No wonder he's been working out!! He has to show his abs, arms, tummy, and the ... ahem!

He looks fantastic!!!!!!!!!

Lizalou said...


Phew I can't breathe. Not at all.

Look what he's been hiding under that shirt - I knew he looked beefier!

Anonymous said...

Robward shows no mercy!

Unknown said...

nice butt cleavage; sexxxxxyyyy

showme said...


AND we have lift off....of every woman in the world...

wow, as i said on the other life is now complete.


Suz said...

Pic #5

is my very undoing!

Cadiwyn said...

Welcome back Goz!

Lisa said...

Oh God, I think I've just...nevermind. Holy CRAP! I can do without the buttcrack shot, but the others have gotten me hot and bothered!!

Tenneil said...

Hot damn is right...

I never thought about how I would die...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

and I thought it couldnt get better than last week!! Holy HELL! SOMEONE has been working out on the sly! Here I thought the only thing Rob was lifting was his heinekens! This certainly makes up for "the tuck."

On a separate note, Gozde, I hope you are doing well....

Lizalou said...


It's all over with now. If he thought the fandemonium was bad before - shit's really gonna hit the fan now.

Women everywhere are going to be chasing him like wild dogs on the hunt!

Okay, back to being catatonic and trying not to choke on own drool...

Suz said...

Goz.. seeing you today is better than shirtless Edward.


Hope things for you are as bright as this blog today!


Anonymous said...

The pics are great, but it looks like Rob had a little help in the ab department because you can see the shading makeup around his ribs. I hope it doesn't show in the movie. I'm glad to see shirtless Rob, but I would really like to give him a cookie or two, poor boy is sooo skinny. Kristen looks great from behind, she's got some booty :-)

showme said...

about 2 hours ago when i was ALONE except for KK in my initial viewing of him (really, i can't believe y'all couldn't feel my vibes wherever in the world you are)....i literally thought i was gonna cry i was so damn happy


...there is a new diagnosis for an untimely death...

death by Robert Pattinson

if you thought the fan girls were bad before, holy crap, they are going to tear down the barriers

Mariya said...

OMG!!!He's just too much for me...someone's been working out a lot ;o)

Nena said...

IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

what are those spots on Rob's back???

Unknown said...

I can die a happy woman now.

Stacy said...

Kristin's butt is amazing ... and I don't really notice the shading, (I only notice the blurry pic) but if you're right, I have faith that CW will make it look perfect.

Even if he does have some help, he still looks great, and it's obvious he's been working out a ton. Good for him.

And whoever said it's all over now, I agree. The fandom is gonna go apeshit crazy over him.

If SM cockblocks the kiss I'm gonna be so pissed off.

WB Godze!

Tenneil said...

Goz~ shirtless Rob is the best welcoming home present...

Hope things are doing better for you and your family!!!

Glad to have you back Babe...


Deborah said...

WOW!!!! Pattz has been working out!!!! Thats a real 8 pack....
Kristen is a lucky cow.

Stacy said...

The spots are for the CGI stuff. I think he is gonna sparkle a bit more in the movie then in the book.

anna F said...

lovely! I was not expecting this result at all.

I love the slim figure + muscles! I am happy that he has not lost his discreet charm to become this toned, and I love that he hasn't bragged before about it at all.

It must have been so ambarassing to shoot this film, especially knowing all the scrutiny going on...

Stacy said...

Am I the only one drooling over his back and shoulders? UNF!

anna F said...

Glad that you are back Gozde, I hope that those pics help you being in better spirit ^_^

Stacy said...

I agree, Anna. I'm sure he was embarrassed that he really didn't look good enough in Twilight to be shirtless (supposedly) and I think it's awesome that he has been working out, and able to basically do it on the sly.

JeanetteJ said...

I, Jeanette Johnson, officially died today!!! OMG Rob caused me to fall out of my chair at work and has continued to be a distraction for me ever since! Am I complaining? HELL NO!!!! I have texted everyone today!!! OMFG SEXAY as hell!!!! Rob Pattinson........*THUD*

Suz said...

Anna, he has NOTHING to be embarrassed about..


Suz said...

someone reported about a "tweet" in the thread below

that when i scene was finished all the crew and extras applauded and he looked away embarrassed.

How fucking gorgeous is that?

Cadiwyn said...

Now if I could just run my fingers down.... Erm... *cough* Did I say that out loud? ^^;

Alexpz said...

OOOOOH MY FRIKKING GOOOOD! Look at that body..I mean...he had a personal trainer for sure...ROb: if you thought u had too many fans...after this you'll have much more...
YOu make me hot honey

riddleinside said...


you crack me

I signe up for ten more years of robsession today.

I can't even try to express what I feel now. He is more than gorgeous (he must have worked hard and this time I don't want to hear him saying he's ashamed of his body or stuff like that, it's unfair for the others who really should be)and Kristen running towards him...there are no words...
she seems so focused and strong with determination.And she looks beautiful too. I just want to see this, with the music, their voice. Can't wait

(breathe in, breathe out)

showme said...

this one at sociallife is amazing

Stacy said...

Suz, that is so cute! Was that from a crew member or some lucky fan?

I love that he is still so modest!

Suz said...

Can you all hear..

$10 million per movie from now on?

Anonymous said...

I was having a shishy day, but you guys trip me out w/ur comments...LMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

All the black dots on him are for the sparkle effect. They're going to put it in with CGI. It must be weird to be covered in all that makeup & dots & have to try to act at the same time with everyone watching.

Suz said...

Not sure Stacy...

riddleinside said...

anna F

you expressed it very very very well

Thank you

Stacy said...

You know what I love most about all these pics, besides half naked Rob?

The emotion that KS is showing. I love that she is jumping into his arms, and the passion between them.

debbi said...

Just when I thought my obsession couldn't get any worse. God help me.

Stacy said...

:) That's cool Suz.

And I agree, 10 million a movie!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi guys-just popping back in real fast to say I hope Goz reads this-Goz-soooooo glad you're back and I puffy heart you the most! You are so loved here, and we're thrilled you're back! Best wishes.

Stacy said...

I feel the exact same way. As if I didn't spend waaaay too much of my day thinking about Rob already, lol.

Seriously, I have been fangirling over these pics for way too long today!

Suz said...

I love Bella's emotion too...

pent up much?

let me stop

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-just real fast-in reply-wouldn't you applaud-i'd be running at him like the bulls in pamplona-bahahaha-kidding-maybe...

Stacy said...

More ...
God, can someone fix these so I can save?

Suz said...

stacy, where else are we gunna go?

Anonymous said...

I swear I couldn't breath for a second there. Those pics are amazing!
And I see why everyone wants to make these two a couple in real life. They look so great together!
Rob looks so damned sexy and Kristen looks foxy as hell.
God, I have to go find my husband right NOW!!!

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-oh, yes. Very pent up. Come to mama! Oi, ve'!

CullenGal09 said...

Suz-where else indeed. Has anybody electrocuted themselves licking the screen yet? ;)

CullenGal09 said...

I'm just sayin.

riddleinside said...

Oh my gosh his butt is just too much

and yeah Stacy you're right Kristen's butt is amazing too

showme said...

i loveeeee this one

how he's leaning into her

btw...all of these are catalogued together on lion and lamb

Virginie said...



By the way, those black dots must be for Special add the sparkle on Edward's skin!;)

marya said...

oh my fucking jesus
no puedo hablar....
sin palabras...
i have finals now!!! for gods sake
i cant be having this...
fuck football man...
shirtless robward is SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Lizalou said...

wow, just checked out the comments on the other thread - some of you were onto this hours ago!

Anyone need the defibrillator? I think I can spare it for half a second...
Good christ he's fine.

CullenGal09 said...

Anyway-try to behave girls. Gotta go for real. Love y'all. Don't OD on the shirtless Robward!!!

i am awesome-o said...

omgoodness he looks amazing! SHWING! lol lets give a round of applause 2 rob 4 working out those long, hot hours! haha the pics look so awesome! nm is gonna b wayyy better than twilight. i cant stop smiling! =D


Stacy said...

Suz, I dunno, lol. I am way too far gone.

Showme, thanks! I was wanting those splashnews ones.

And to whoever mentioned that, I do see why people want them together - they do look great together. I still don't think it's true, but I understand why that's the case.

And yeah, Kristin's ass is fantastic!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi and bye Riddle! Love ya! Suz-stay cool-love and peace to you all-until later maybe-bye!!!

LovesJasper said...

Rob's abs are starting to look allot like Brad Pitt's in Fight Club....mmmmmmmmm....dreaming of being in a Pattinson-Pitt sandwich...Pitt can wear the yellow latex gloves too!

LovesJasper said...

WHY have there been no photos of Rob entering or leaving a gym OR in any type of workout clothes? Would LOVE to see him working out.....thud (the sound of me hitting the floor...)

Suz said...

whats the first rule of fight club?

Anonymous said...

Gozde, welcome back, it is so wonderful to have you back here. You and shirtless Rob back - seriously a great day. xoxoxoxo
I posted a roundup of links and added the new shots on Spalsh News below.

PopSugar (US & UK are the same)

Just Jared 1
Just Jared 2
Gossip Girls 1
Gossip Girls 2
Splash News 1
Splash News 2

Stupid69Lamb said...

Ok ... he's officially perfect! I mean, we knew that he has the perfect face, but now we know he also has the perfect body.

He's gorgeous beyond words ... and that kiss?? *thud*

Lizalou said...

How amazing it must feel to be S. Meyer - because this is all her. She must just giggle to herself all of the time.

And remember when Rob didn't think he was beautiful enough to play Edward? Yeesh. He IS Edward now, without question.

showme said...

scroll down to the comments to see this's awesome, him half turned.

omg, i'm on overload...steam is coming out of my ears

Anonymous said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I did NOT think he could get better...I was soooo wrong. No words can describe Robert Pattinson because it's not just how he looks but how he presents himself. No one else in Hollywood can move over Brad whats-his-name. He doesn't even hold a candle, not even when younger. Rob reminds me of George Clooney, but WAY, scratch that, WAY sexier.

Have to say I'm feeling a little bit of a girl crush on KStew with the nice butt shot...give anything to have one that looks like that ;D

Is it wrong I have my son play video games so I can drool???

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Still here?

*Mrs. R back from fetching daughter—cursing 15 mph School Zone for entire journey*

Unknown said...

OMG OMG OMG!!! *thud*

Corinna Spencer said...

Welcome back Goz

showme said...


(never talk about fight club)

he has OBV been working out in the hotel gym

can i please go back to Cannes Amfar benefit and bid on think THIS WAS UNDER THAT TUX!!!!!!!!

it was bad enuf already

i really really really really really really want to hear a reaction from him on this. i know that's terrible, but i do....

sweet little punkin boy

Lizalou said...


Me too! My computer is about to blow - I have no less than 10 windows up trying to look at all of these damned photos!

Sam said...


Stacy said...

Twilight fans are taking over the world, lmao.

Twitter, Everglow and MRPattinson have crashed from people trying to see the pics!

Marj said...

Goz, i knew you would bring these pics hq,with no marks,thanks jared.i just care about those shirtless robward pics awesome. now how can i study!

Shannanigans said...

So....where does one get qualified to be the CGI-Dot-Applicator for the next movie????


marya said...

hey A/L.A!!! aka sexbomba!!!
we couldnt have picked a better name on a better time!!!
just in time for shirtless rob yay!!
hes now officialy more sexbomba than ever...
i wonder why the world didnt stop turning when these pics came out...i know mine did
holy shit icant stop staring
the crazy fangirls are going to be more crazy than EVER now!!!!
as if they werent crazy enough before....

Kullen79 said...

I seriously got teary eyed when I saw these pictures! I'm so happy! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. R, yes, I came back after a breather. I was able to collect my thoughts and figure out why I got so overwhelmed, and it really wasn't about his fanf-ingtastic body.

Stacy said...

Kendall, I'm so glad I'm not the only one getting choked up.

It's not just shirtless Rob (I swear).

It's that now I have NO DOUBT that this movie will be epic, and do this book justice, and I just think it's going to be so beautiful, and worth the mess that was Twilight.

I can't wait!

showme said...


ME TOO! i'd PAY THEM to do that job....holy shit on a stick...

i have 15 windows open...i can't get enuf. i may have to print these all out

izzy said...

Ohhh it's a great thing I didn't work 2day.....I fell in love and got robsessed all over again!...DAMN MAN UR LOOKING H-O-T!

Anonymous said...

Marya, come estas? Yes, our Roberto nicknames anticipated today. Whoa!

izzy said...

Godze glad to have u back! I knew you couldn't miss THE SHIRTLESS ROB DAY! hope all is better.

Lizalou said...

It all makes sense now - why Rob was grinning like the cheshire cat in those photos with the white shirt that was buttoned up crooked. He had just filmed this!

Smug, dirty dirty hot man! hrmmm.....

izzy said...

Hi ladies!!!aren't we all extra loving these pics 2day!?

showme said...

i got teary eyed too...esp bc it was like the second they came online i saw them. i happened to be on lion and lamb...

i got chill bumps all over my body and i came back here to just post 2 seconds worth of a post to tell everyone to go there LOL...and there were only a couple of us online....

WinWin said...

Gozde welcome back. We missed you. Sending you and your family some love!!!!

Have we recovered? This is a difficult day, I'm swamped at work and I can't stop looking at these pictures. I'm declaring this Happy Rob V Day!

izzy said...

Rob is R-I-P-P-E-D!....thank you GOD! for letting angel fall from heaven...we'll take good care of him...PROMISE;)

Stacy said...

I was on L&L too! What's your sn over there?

Was this filmed today or yesterday, anyone know?

I am still fanning myself over that rocking body and the fact that no one knew he had it, lmao!

izzy said...

Papito que R-I-C-O puedo contigo!mas bueno no puedes estar!yummy yummy with my fingers!!!I feel all dirty, thank you Rob. ;)

marya said... vuelves loca!!!
im recoveringn now...
i seriously got spasms all over my body...
i was shaking and laughing and giggling and jumping and screaming...
all at the same time
are those the symptomps of a robsessed?
i think so :)

Mrs. Robinsane said...


And what was your conclusion, re: why you were so moved by these images?

showme said...

why does kristen look like sourpuss in so many of seems like ones where they're not filming...

ugh...come on girl. you're the luckiest woman it

marya said...

and barcelona is winning!!!!!!
hahaha poor ya!
this might be one of the best days of my life!!!

izzy said...

I calle the hubby screaming!!!"ROB....ABS.....SHIRTLESS" starting running all over the place....THUD...he thinks I'm crazy....of course :)

Lizalou said...

Is anyone else feeling the need to text and/or call people about these photos? Or am I the only crazy one?


showme said...

stacy...i don't post over there, just lurk :)

lulusfolie said...

ok i literally started to cry when i saw all the shirtless photos.... i have no idea why i cried ... it was just so weird. But... OH EDWARD!!!!

Stacy said...

showme -
You should post. I'm pattinsonfan23:)

I know what you mean about Kristin when they aren't shooting, but I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's just really into getting into character, just focused.

Celtibera said...

Sweet Jaysis!! We'll be able to watch that in a movie screen? :D

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, I'm jumping ahead I know...but now I can't wait for Isle Esme!!

marya said...

lizalou- i called ALL of my friends!!!! right away the first thing i did...and i couldnt talk i was trembling...
soooo funny...of course my reaction was far worse than theirs but theyre not as robsessed :D still they were speechless

izzy said...

I just got this on my Twitter:

"bellafiraKris was so bad ass that she did her own stunt work. They were going to use her body double to run through the fountain. Kris nailed it"

Good for her...I must say I don't usually like her (hate me if u want for this) be honest sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.....but I really like the badass side to when she flipped the papps....I luved her then.....and I luve that she did her own!

Can't wait to see this movie.....I want to feel butterflies in my stomach with that kiss....DAMN! that's gonna be H-O-T!

Shani said...



For the ones that said he couldn't do it. Told you so....

His hair looks really good too. Sex hair 2.0...

Bravo Paps!!! You heard our plea for a pic of Shirtless Rob and answered tenfold. We are forever in your debt. *sigh melt thud*

I'm DEAD and DONE on my way back to heaven. I've heard the angels calling my name. LOL

izzy said...

These kids are really good actors...I can't wait to see this seen on the big screen....WOW!

izzy said...

Does anyone know how long has Robert been hitting the gym, or does he ave his personal trainer come to wherever he is? I imagine so, since we don't have pics. of that. Mmmm He looks great!with or without tan! LUV HIM!

Lizalou said...

glad i'm not the only one!!! ;p

I even called my mom so she could drool over him!

Stacy said...

I don't know, but it's obviously been a while. Everyone assumed he was doing nothing but pub crawling in London over the holidays, but it looks like he was pretty busy.

And sex hair 2.0 is right. He should keep it like this, always.

izzy said...

Those ABS...that HAPPY TRAIL...thud!! and thud!!

Shani said...

Stacy- The man was focused. Maybe it was built sexual frustration.LOL

Anonymous said...

Mrs. R,

It really started after reading this extra's Twitter note that Rob became embarrassed after the extras cheered him after his scene. I started remembering accounts about how ill he became from nerves before filming his nude scene for Little Ashes. Clearly, he worked really hard in anticipation for this New Moon scene. I don't want to sound like I've got full knowledge of his thoughts, because I certainly don't, but I've gotten the impression that he is very sensitive about himself, and possibly critical of himself (esp. in regards to his looks).

(Gah, I hate speculation, I hope this isn't coming across as such!).

It just highlighted for me how much I believe he really cares about his acting, and about this character. Looking at the pictures, you can see the emotion on his face, and it moved me. You know I am not a Twilight fan, and up until now I wasn't looking all that forward to the actual movie. But knowing what this scene is about... the images just came across as a really beautiful portrayal of that desperate love the characters have for each other. It made me really appreciate how much effort he puts into his work. I can see that personal investment he has. It just made me overwhelmed by that love he has for what he does, and how much he cares.

I'm just so looking forward now to seeing all of his work unfold and grow in the future. He has so much potential now.


izzy said...

Stacy, I know!!!!! he MUST'VE been working if he could get any better...! He said on an interview about his beer belly...uuhh yeah bear belly there....damn....I honestly thought he had been airbrushed!...only cuz it's too little time to get that ripped....dunno....but me LIKES what me sees....surp!!!..I'd like to just lick him all!!!OOPS..sorry did I said that outloud!

Lizalou said...

Just curious, for those of you who said you got teary-eyed when first seeing these photos, were you big fans of the Twilight books?
The reason that I ask is bcuz I was just looking at the photos in sequence (bella running to him, kiss, embrace) and I felt moved, too. And I just realized what did it to me - I was sucked into Bella/Edward land again where I was so consumed by their love story. These photos bring that feeling back to me

Stacy said...

Shani - maybe you're right! Whatever it was, I'll take it:)

Janny - I know what you mean. He's not airbrushed tho ... and he must have worked really hard.

A/L.A. - What you just said was beautiful and kind of sums up my reaction to the pics as well. At first I thought I was just fangirling cause he looks so good, but it's a lot more then that.

Lizalou said...


Exactly!! You said it perfectly! What moved me nearly to tears was the desperate kind of love that was captured by these photos. Especially if you view them in sequence.

izzy said...


U r soo right, that expression on his face, I noticed that sooo sidetracked by those abs though ;)...but that's another reason I luv this man, his dedication! I admire him so much.

Anonymous said...

The orgasm heard around the world...

Stacy said...

You are right, it was a beautiful love that was captured in these photos, and I am giving a lot of props to CW for that, because he's obviously able to bring out a lot of emotions in his leads, something that (I don't think) was done well at all in Twilight.

Lizalou said...

Oh hell, i might cry at the movie.

*Liza hates crying at movies*


izzy said...


Yeah I only thought he was airbrushed...but the more I looked and looke...ehem...stared actually....I saw that he was indeed... RIPPED...damn he's HOT!oh wait I said that already...ohh well

izzy said...


LMAO! u said it, my sentiments exactly....uufff!panting & sweating here!

Unknown said...

Gozde gelmissin! Hosgeldin! :-) Tam da sana layik bir gece...

Lizalou said...

this one gets me the most:

izzy said...

This is what this girl said that is suppose to be @ the NM set as an extra:

"bellafiraRob is pretty much surrounded by body guys. (crew security) not a chance to get near him. Not surprised after Cannes. Poor guy."

I can't imagine, but I also see that he's more @ ease with it all now....she also said:

"bellafiraYesterday I heard that the extras swarmed robs car when he arrived on set. The director got really upset so today people were not so crazed"

I would be mad too. She also said they also took everyone's cellphones at some point.....mmmm

I can't wait for this movie!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

A/L.A. I completely agree with you that Rob is critical of himself...more critical than anyone else, I'm sure. This is what will keep him from turning into a complete douchebag in his career. Just because everyone is telling you you're God's gift doesn't mean you accept that about yourself. This is one of the main reasons I like Rob.

Anonymous said...

He's got this ability to really endear himself to me. I know he doesn't know it, but he's totally done it.

Mochachino said...



Stacy said...

Wow, that's unbelieveable that the extra's swarmed his car. Give him a break.

Janny - yeah, I mean, I'm sure he is contoured some, so they show up better, but he's got to have some muscles to work with in the first place, and you can tell, especially from the side pics, and the pics where he is twisting, etc., that he's gained a ton of it.

KK - you are 100% correct. It's Rob's critical opinion of himself and his humility that will keep him from being a snob.

Shani said...

I left to look at other pics. Back now and I meant to say "built up".

A/LA- He is sensitive about himself. I was the first one that mentioned months ago about his possible low self esteem. Because he was saying he would ruin girls and something else. He was just really downing himself. And I saw how his face looked too in that pic. Maybe since he is so connected with those feelings of self loathing or doubt that's why he can convey it so well.

Anonymous said...

Haha Erin, I've seen 'em all. I lost my shizz like a few hours ago, cried, and have sort of calmed down.

breathe ladies b r e a t h e


Anonymous said...

Shani, KK,

It's interesting to me how, if he does indeed have a bad case of low self esteem, it doesn't stop him from putting himself out there the way actors need to do both physically and emotionally. They can really expose themselves to such a raw state. I marvel at it.

Mochachino said...

Sorry I just got here I'm only 5 minutes into the post-reveal day. WOW. I had NO idea that was under there.

monika said...

this is officially my worst day ever

Flavia said...


Look of the Rob body...


Mrs. Robinsane said...

A/L.A. (and Lizalou):

Just as the Twilight books hit a kind of primal nerve with female readers—especially, in my opinion, "older" female readers, who may have a more complex relationship history against which to compare the romantic idealism portrayed in the books—these photos embody the pure, gorgeous essence of desire, devotion, and love.

The pictures of RP and KS embracing actually remind me of a photograph (which I still have, and cherish) of myself and a boy I loved, when we were both nineteen, taken as we stood kissing outside a restaurant. This image, and all of the wonderful surrender it represents, still moves me so much, to this day, that I wrote it into my novel. :)

Mochachino said...

I couldn't help it my officemates think I'm a freak.

Can you imagine the extras having to keep their expressions in control?

This scene is beautiful, just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Keep those eyes shut, Monika!


Stacy said...

Ok, so ... she runs into his arms, jumps him, hugs him, and then plants one on him, right? That's what it looks like to him.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

And hi, Erin!

monika said...

for you ladies

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read our novel, Mrs. R. :)

And I like how you phrased that- it hits a primal nerve. Because I wasn't a fan of SM's writing style, I wondered why it hit such a nerve with so many. And I think it touched on what all real great love stories hit- there's a human desire in all of us to be loved unconditionally. To have the kind of love that erases all of your insecurities and fears. What better a way to carry across such a desire by having one of the characters embody that of a monster?

Anonymous said...

Monika- hahahahahaa!! Totally!

margot said...

I am officialy verrry afraid of clicking your links monika .... it's selfdefense of my mind, deff

margot said...

now I want to read Midnight Sun even moooore !

monika said...

it's just a funny gif,nothing to be afraid of ;p

Stacy said...

Mrs R
ITA agree with what you said about Meyer's writing hitting a nerve, because in all honesty, her prose isn't that great, and she repeats herself a lot. But it's the characters and relationships that she created that have drawn people in, especially older fans with some life experience who can actually relate to what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Margot, your Thank You List is so cute.


Mochachino said...

Hi Mrs R! Your picture sounds beautiful.

A/LA - Definitely I think the unconditional love theme is a huge attraction in SM's series. Our capacity for love is underestimated in a lot of modern stories I think

monika said...

without the cat:

enjoy,cause I can't,not tonight,will when I get over my team's defeat in the Champions League final.

annycullen said...

holy mother of god, i think im having hysterics! i need alice to slap me..

Mrs. Robinsane said...


In terms "writer's" writers vs. great storytellers, I think that Stephenie Meyer definitely belongs in the latter category (though in some of her work, especially BD, you can catch flashes of more inspired language and imagery).

I have great respect for her prolific abilities, however, and she is tremendously savvy when it comes to (kindly) manipulating her readers (hence the nearly universal love for the masculine ideal represented by Edward, despite the fact that, in real life, most of us have very diverse taste in men).

And now the creators of the New Moon movie are (kindly) manipulating us again....

*Mrs. R=willing victim*

Anonymous said...

-Off Topic post-

KK, Mrs. R,

if you are still around, I thought you might get a kick out of this new documentary called Bad Writing.

marya said...

monika- sorry about manchester! hey maybe next year! hahaha
isnt today a happy happy day?
i asked yesterday for a happy trail day and it was given to me...i asked for a shirtless gorgeous rob and it was given to me!
gosh what a day!
and now barcelona wins

cullenluv said...

Oh UGGH!! Is it November yet?!

Stacy said...

Mrs R

You put it to words what how I feel about SM's writing much better then I, lol. I agree completely, and I think that critics who dismiss her books need to take a closer look at what she's actually created.

And yeah, the NM creators are doing exactly that, and I'm definitely a willing victim:)

Anonymous said...

I agree, Mrs. R, about SM's later work. It did improve; she tried harder. I do also think she is a good storyteller. Though many dislike BD, she went where I really did not expect her to go, and the element of surprise is what made me like it as a story.

My head is really not clear. I've been through an emotional gamut today. I realized it's 2pm here and I haven't had lunch, so I'm headed to the kitchen now.

xo ladies. You know I'll be back.

Mrs. Robinsane said...


Thanks for turning me on to the "Bad Writing" documentary—looks like something I'd love to see. (I'm sure it will remind me of my college days, when I attended/performed at poetry readings, of uneven quality....)

By the way, when I was working at Waterstone's in Boston (now defunct), David Sedaris did a reading there, and he was sooooo entertaining and hilarious.

rpattzdude said...

OOOO MMM GGGGG or meaning EEEEEdward damn man that is was im talking about six pack and shirtless and grrrr

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Bye A/L.A., Erin, Stacy, and other assembled swooning ladies!

Catch up with you later.... :)

monika said...

@marya, lol yeah maybe though this 'next year' line sounds so Liverpool-ish. well congrats to Barca,the better team on the night won,we bottled it. now Messi to be hailed as the second coming of Jesus,just you wait.:p

Mochachino said...

Bye A/LA, MrsR, others still here! Thanks for the link A/LA.

I need to step away from the computer too or lose all respect from my co-workers. I can't think clearly enough to carry on conversation right now either, my head is just swirling with back muscles...low-slung pants...passionate kiss...

margot said...

Dear Ladies I officially do not write any f*** comment more tonight, I can't

night night

marya said...

monika- yeah dont doubt it! he was awesome!!
lol you should hear all the screams outside my house right now...and the cars honking...sooo funny
barca! barca!

Poupette said...

Shirtless Robward is my own personal brand of heroin :D

Thanks for posting this! I may have died in the theater come November should I have not been warned! ;)

Happy shirtless rob day everyone!

Dahlia said...

There is a god!! There is a god!

His name is Rob! Wow, just wow!

Anonymous said...

This really has made my day. What a wonderful surprise!!!!!!!!!

You really can see all the emotion in these pictures. I am so looking forward to seeing the movie many times over and anything and everything else that he does. I am absolutely impressed about how much he really cares about this character. I am so looking forward to watching his career unfold!

~**Way to go ROBERT!!**!

Anonymous said...

omg omg omg omg omg omgggggggggggg......gorgeous....god thank you............he is so perfect that i want to cry......

Allyson said...

The SQUEEEEEEEE heard 'round the world :)

Is it just me or does it sorta look like they did some air brushing on his muscles?

Hmmmmmm I wish I had a bigger computer so I could save each and every one of these yummy pics

redvamp said...

wtf!!!! i think i 've died and gone to heaven!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!! i'm in shock, cant work or function anymore today...... wow!!!! wow!!! WOW!!!!!!! today is one of the best days ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kchambers77 said...

holy shi-*thud*

Treasure_7 said...

Thud....but I still want more of Rob!!

domisgone said...

Oh god.

All those trips to the gym.

Rob, let me tell you... SO WORTH IT.

My god. I need to close my jaw. My husband was peeking over my shoulder asking what I was stammering about... all I could do was point and giggle.

Treasure_7 said...

Yep all the trips to the gym.....worked! He is gorgeous!!

Babs said...

This is the best Robfix EVER!! I keep smiling like an idiot, with the image of that six pack printed in my mind forever.

Rob is a God. period.

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