According to Variety and Screendaily.com Rob has signed on to star in a period drama called Unbound Captives where he'll play Rachel Weisz' son (Ouch! Rachel is not old enough to be Rob's mom! I take offense to this since I am closer to Rachel in age than Rob :)).
Trio bound to Stowe's 'Captives'
Weisz, Jackman, Pattinson set for pic
Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz and Robert Pattinson will star in the period drama "Unbound Captives," with Madeleine Stowe making her directorial debut from a script she wrote.
Gil Netter and Grant Hill will produce with Ashok Amritraj's Hyde Park Entertainment. They are eyeing a year-end production start.
Though Stowe's a newcomer behind the camera, getting the job and landing that cast is a payoff for her risky decision to turn down millions of dollars for the script in 1993. Under pseudonym O.C. Humphrey, Stowe teamed with her husband, actor Brian Benben, to write "Unbound Captives" as a star vehicle for herself.
She would have played a woman (now to be played by Weisz) whose husband is killed and her two children kidnapped by a Comanche war party in 1859. She is rescued by a frontiersman, to be played by Jackman. Pattinson will play the son.
Fox offered Stowe $3 million, and later $5 million, for her script, with Ridley Scott poised to direct and Russell Crowe to star. She turned down what was among the highest sums offered a first-time scribe because there was no promise she would be anything more than screenwriter.
Stowe, who has never publicly spoken about her decision, said she can still remember the surreal moment of turning down all that money over the phone while staring in disbelief at her husband.
"There was never a moment's hesitation on my part, but it felt unreal, and I can remember my husband putting a finger across his neck to signal not to take the offer," Stowe said. "There are moments in life where you need to follow your heart. The script remained my singular focus, but directing it myself wasn't something I ever dreamed of."
The idea came from Netter as she spent years honing the script and visualizing every scene.
"Gil made me realize it when he said there isn't anyone who's going to make the movie you want to make," said Stowe, who then faced the painful task of finding an actress for a role that was once worth $5 million to her.
"I saw three actresses, and knew after meeting with Rachel that she was the person I wanted to hand this role to," she said. "Robert said yes last fall, before everything broke with 'Twilight.' Hugh said yes a couple of weeks ago."
Amritraj sparked to the idea of Stowe directing; she'll be helped by an experienced cinematographer in John Toll, who shot epics "Braveheart" and "The Last Samurai."
Hyde Park Intl. will sell offshore territories at Cannes, and Endeavor Independent, which packaged the pic, will sell North American distribution rights.
Jackman, fresh from "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," is formulating a sequel to that film for Fox. Weisz next stars in the Peter Jackson-directed "The Lovely Bones" for Paramount, and Pattinson is reprising his role as Edward in the "Twilight" sequel "New Moon" for Summit.
Thanks to Emma and everyone that sent us the link :)
First of all..YAY for a possible new Rob role! With that cast, (even if Rachel Weiz is too young to be Rob's mom lol) YAY again. And Hugh Jackman and Rob in the same movie, captured by Comanches? OH.MY.GOD. :D. This is a movie I WILL go see!
One word ladies....
I am so glad for him with his new movies. He will keep my Robsession so well fed in the years to come...
"Rob, lover, again: a very Happy Birthday! And a lick on that adorable happy trail of yours... I could go on, you know? Yes, you know..."
Rob and Hugh in the SAME movie!!!!!!
Rob and Hugh in the same movie, omg I don't know if my eyes can take all that hotness LOL
I went to see Wolverine (boyfriend's idea) and Hugh's body is totally worth the ticket LOL
Oh My God. Please let this be true.
This sounds great for many reasons
so huge so beautiful Rob is Too Hot Too Handle :))))))))
Mr Hot Potato
yessss, Rob and Hugh, we will pee pants and they will have to keep an ambulance ready to help outside every cinema
spelling failure (no wonder) *Too* *To*
who cares anyway
sounds like robs gonna be a busy busy man next year!
guess hes not that fed up with the hollywood business and life after all...
i hope these roles to come really establish him in the industry as the great actor he is...
and for the less serious part...
OMFG! robert pattinson AND hugh jackman in the SAME FREACKING MOVIE!!!???
in the words of kung fu panda...
i'll go blind from overexposure to pure...hotness!!!!!!!!!
my eyes!!! theyre too awesome!! hahaha
The mental images that the word 'Chaps' brings to mind are overloading my brain and very distracting.
For the love of happy trails and all else holy and sacred, PLEASE let this movie be made!!
This sounds REALLY exciting, but where on earth is Rob going to find the time for all those project we hear about?!!
Oh who cares how he does it... LOTS of Rob coming our way ladies! YAY!!
Can't wait for anything new Rob!!!
madeline stowe is amazing. i love her. and i can see rachel being rob's mom back in 1854. they got married at 15 and 16 back then. this could be great.
and suz= funniest chick ever! :)
All I saw was Rob in a period piece...SCORE!
I do luz me some Wobert, gize...
I love to hear stories like this. You know this will be a good film cause she is so passionate about it, and she has proven it is not about a paycheck. I have tons of respect for her now. And score! Rob & Hugh together on film. I think that is fantastic. It has been my wish since the famous karaoke incident. Rob's jobs are lining up like dominos. Hope he will have some time to unwind with his intense schedule. I guess he has proven those wrong who thought he was a slacker. I think this acting thing is more serious to him than he has let on.
Hugh and Rob... together!!!!
I must have powers I am unaware of because I was sooo seeing them together in a western.... check out LTT-forum... and you'll find my little thread about... "What if Rob did a western?"
I shizz you NOT!
Please God let there be good writing and good collaborations all around!!!!
I've got two words....
did they wear chaps in 1859? i think he'll look like tom sawyer. which is still pretty hawt.
Rachel Weiz seems way too young. Madeline Stowe was in Last Of The Mohicans I think.
Maybe they got Hugh to sign on after they had such a good time singing the Karaoke :)
I like that she threw in that he had said yes last year.
Rachel Weiz is too young to be Rob's mom
Madeline Stowe Rob's mom (yes)
Robert es un vampiro de 17 años pero en la relidad hoy cumple 23 no creo que pueda ser hijo de Raquel a no ser por un buen maquillaje del Hugh si................vaya PAPITO....Y VAYA HIJOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...........
Women married at 15/16 back then and popped out babies right away. It is reasonable that Rachel's character could have a son in his early twenties. Plus, she can be aged a bit. So Rachel and Rob, huh? Speculation anyone??? JUST KIDDING!!!!! Though Rachel is hot. I've always been a fan of hers.
Hugh and Rob together in a film? Can't even go there right now. Can't. Even. Go. There. Sigh.....
A period piece is just perfect for Rob....so exciting.
I agree with all of you though on Rachel W. being too young to play his mother...Rob looks older than his years and I picture her pretty youthful looking. I haven't seen her in anything recently though, maybe she's aged....?
'mornin KK
That's true, I suppose...I wonder how old Rob's character is supposed to be in this movie...
Whaaaaat?! How on earth did he keep quiet about this one for so long? See, yet another hidden talent no one suspected. He CAN not blurt things out when he wants to. This sounds great (the commitment behind it), but a little bizarre. Rachel's too young for his mom and how's he going to look like a kid when he'll be rocking the scruff? (I'm betting nobody shaves when they're being held captive by Comanches.) Oh, well, he's up for a challenge and we know he can do anything. Go, Rob!
aHEM. *clears throat*
(Channeling my inner Marilyn Monroe here):
"Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happyyy Birthhhdayyy *breathy*
Mr. Patt in son
Happy Birthday To You"
To many more years of a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life. May all the joy you bring to those around you come back to you tenfold.
Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy. :)
If this is true, there is noone happier than me. I mean, Hugh and Rob in a same movie together? *happy sigh* Sweeeeeet! :D
Also, I agree with KK. Back in the days, women married very young and had kids quickly, plus film makeup does wonders. ;D
@Diane,in one of his interviews from last year he actually did mention doing a western in Argentina(if I remember correctly). thought it fell through though.
Morning girls!
Happy Birthday Rob!!!
Wow, I love this news. We must have been real good girls or wished really hard to see more Rob on big screen. I love Madeleine Stowe. Does anyone remember Revenge w/ Kevin Costner? I love how she said that she got him before Twilight exploded.
OK, so he will be very busy, possible Dune now this movie. He sounded pretty sure he was going to Paris for Bel Ami. Don't kill me but I kinda hope they won't make BD so that Rob can do other projects.
KK, I got lost in youtube and itunes last night and when I came back to check, all I saw were eyes. lol. What were you guys discussing? You girls are such gems, never failing to make me smile. Are you're students behaving today?
Rachel Weiz is one of my favorite actress, but why is she going to play Rob´s mom? she is young for that, and it is sayd that her character has two sons, who is going to play brother to Robert?
The role seems for someone younger than Rob, but maybe the movie covers a bi period of their life, and Rob plays an "older" version of one of her sons.
Anyway, I´m very exited for this, because of the actress playing and Rob and Hugh in the same movie.. HOT!!!
WinWin, I'm hoping the exact same thing regarding BD, so I at least won't be killing you. If they force him to give up on any of these really exciting projects to play a vampire doormat with a bossy wife and freaky kid, I will be VERY unhappy.
Suz~ thanks love... I am dead with the images of Rob is chaps.....
For the love of all things holy...Rob and Hugh in the same movie...I have all sorts of nawty thoughts about this one...
Hey Jules 2 steppin part 2...lol
LilttleBear :)))))))
whatta true one-sentence-review of BD
couldn't agree more
don't throw tomatos, you more devoted fans :)))) I read it twice anyway
but don't feel necessity of watching Rob in it
He's never said he would do BD, they only got him to sign for 3 movies so they be up shit creek trying to get that one produced.
I wonder if he gets left with the indians? Indian/cowboy Rob yummie. And Hugh is way hot on a horse - ooo & lots of time together for singing, and talking him into coming to Oz, good place to film a western actually:)
I love both of those women.
And I really want him to do something sad where he dies or such.
wow,thanks ROB for the birthday present, you and hugh in a western!!!love it. morning all.
actually I have always been thinking that Summit could make books 2,3, and 4 (BD) into two films instead 3. It would do
Littlebear, thanks for your support. I can't see how they will make it into a movie anyway. I've never understood why SM went nuts with the birth scene.
Anyway, I love that he's getting such interesting and diverse role.
Didn't Hugh and Rachel work together before? I can't think of the movie. She is amazing. Can't wait to see her in Bloom Brothers.
margot, that would be great. They should take out all the Jacob parts and be done with it.
I wake up this morning and think about Rob's birthday. I check in here and Rob and Hugh together..that's like birthday cake with lots of icing.
daine..LMAO @ "nobody shaves when they're being held captive by Comanches...." so funny.
Veils...lovely wishes for Rob...
I noticed I constantly transpose the "a" and "i" diane...I wonder why that is...?
yep Margot, I agree too - the other day I was trying to remember what happens in Eclipse, and could only come up with 'um, there's a big fight'. They could totally condense the material.
anyway... I just LOVE the fact that Rob is getting all kinds of parts, in all kinds of movies. There go all the pessimistic predictions that he'd be typecast as a lovelorn teenager until the end of times... Looks like Hollywood can recognise talent when it sees it!
Rachel wesiz went to the north london collegiate, which is my sister school, i go to camden school for girls. So i would like to think we have some connection ...
lol WinWin, just realised that I merely rephrased your 10:20 post... sorry for the plagiarism :p
@LittleBear 10:03,
scared to post this lest the twihards attack but yes, although it would be nice to see some Isle Esme action in BD, that (particularly in pg13) does not a movie make.
I'm happy and excited for Rob to hear about the new projects coming his way and his growing rep as more than a one-vampire trick. This project in particular sounds like it it has a lot of clout.
I know I squeed at this!!! Rob and Hugh I don't know if I can contain myself.
I'm so happy at all of the movies Rob's considering, I just don't want there to be an end. How I do love this man!!
I am a devoted Twilight fan and no,I'm not mad at any of the opinions shared on this topic, but I can't help but want Breaking Dawn to be finished by Rob. He brought Edward to life for me.
I do want all the other movies made too.
Selfish and greedy much!? I know I am but I can't get enough of Rob.
Hugs to you all.
Yay for new roles!!! I feel like it's MY birthday!!! :D
I hope this is really happening.
Otherwise this is a sick joke, since, a lot in the tabloid, internet-based celebrity websites know Robert is trying to land different roles.
With so many "made-up" news lately, who knows what is going.
Now, if this is true, Madeleine Stowe as a director? Geeezz . . . I don't know about that. But if she can write a script, maybe there is a glimmer of talent in her directing.
Sigh, Robert is not getting any breaks from movie deals. Oh well, he is only 23, meatier roles will come later hopefully.
big hugs for littlebear.
I wanted to share this article I found:
@RPaddict: Oh I want it to be made too! I'm sure if/when they do BD it'll be great. I'm just MORE excited about the possibility of rob in movies speaking french in paris or in chaps, on a horse :)
erin, Rob riding a horse in the sunset... THUD!
thanks winwin for the article
winwin~ I know! Rob may need some lessons, haha but yeah I'm already saving for multiple tickets to see this movie if this post is true
erin, I can hear him now chuckling about butt and groin injuries. He's just too cute.
oooohhh.. Rob riding a horse...just imagining it, is so hot!
About BD, it has good an bad things, but it should be made to movie, it finishes the story; but there is still no official word to it, Summit will have to work hard on the script and negociate with all the actors again, since they didn´t sign for it when they did Twilight; for now I think they are more concentrated in getting done with NM and Eclipse, if they do BD it is going to be out for 2011, that means they could star production on July of 2010... so Rob has the end of 2009 (the article sais they will star by the end of this year) and he has half 2010 to do the Bel-Ami adaptation. He has time for two projects in between Eclipse and BD (if BD gets green light)
Lol you guys crack me up.
I'd love to be the massage therapist on the set of this movie,after the injuries.
Not that I wish them ill or anything,but I'd be willing to help with sore muscles after the horse back riding.
Thanks Erin you know my mind about BD.
I'm conflicted too. I'd love to see the story completed but at the same time I hope it won't interfere with juicier roles for him. And the gossip is tiring.
Here's another article:
Ahh what the hell...
here are two more words... ladies
Hi Suz, what's shaking?
Either God loves me and is blessing me tenfold with Rob and Hugh in the same movie, or He wants me dead and joining the Choir Invisble sometime next year after I view this movie.
If it's the latter, all I can say is, what a way go go.
I miss you!
What's shakin
With the thought of RobRoy in chaps, leather, scuff, dusty jeans, cowboy hat...
That's what shakin!
^ is very excited about this
Lol Leann
"I never gave much thought to how I would die...
but dying in a cinema viewing sexhair in cowboy hat...
"seems like a good way to go"
The Wild,Wild West...shoot em up...bang bang.*pow pow*
Rob and Hugh together on screen as cowboys or frontier men will be epic....they will take sexy to a whole new level. Giddy up, ride em cowboy...YEE HAAA...
Did I not just do all the cliche'cowboy talk or what...LMAO
Wow, I hear ya man, I am in my mid 30s much like Rachel, and I do NOT feel like I could be Rob's MOM!!!! How depressing...I need to go eat some Ben and Jerry's now.....sigh...
LOL Suz!
Yeah, I'm with "y'all" thinking about the Robster in cowboy gear. We already know how good Hugh Jacked-up-man looks in the chaps, but this will be a whole new frontier for Rob.
I'm not a big fan of the western genre, but I think I could make an exception in this case.
I'm older than Rachel Weisz and really could be Rob's mom. This knowledge is not helping matter one bit. lol
Suz~ MB you trying to kill me???
Save a horse...ride a cowboy...
Suz, you are a gem! That's the way I wanna go too.
Leann, I'm not a western fan, but anything for Rob.
Hey FF readers... does anyone know what happened to McVampy? The other day I noticed there was a new A&O chapter but now everything is gone from FF.net.
(sorry this is OT)
there was - I think - an anouncement she's going to withdraw A&O for some reasons.. to rewritr for the editors or sth, don't remember... I put then that info here on the site
Ah, thanks Margot, I guess I didn't see it. I don't read every thread posted here, so maybe that's why. Thanks for responding. Dang, I missed the chapter. Oh well... :/
Y'all are forgetting that back at that time teenage girls got married and had babies. So Rachell would have been 15 and old enough to have Rob, well his character.
Coming in a bit late here but -
Little Bear: a vampire doormat with a bossy wife and freaky kid.
Love it. That just about sums it up. Bella is SO annoying in BD - too perfect to be true. And Edward is just like her foil. I don't like to think of Rob as a wimp-vampire.
Score for Robert & Hugh.
Thumbs down for Rachel playing Rob's mom. Rob can pass for 30 in scruff mode and Rachel for early 30s. Dustin Hoffman was 31 in "The Graduate" (late 1960s) and Ann Bancroft, 37, as Mrs. Robinson. Not much has changed. :(((((
My suggestions: Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, Diane Keaton, Annette Benning. This sort of casting is why the aforementioned ladies have trouble finding roles. UGH.
P.S. SHAME ON YOU MADELINE! You of all people should know better!!!!!!
A/LA !
haven't been her for a while
which chapter of A&O have you got last ? Maybe I could help ....
There is no email on your profile :((((
This is what in the Variety website:
" . . (now to be played by Weisz) whose husband is killed and her two children kidnapped by a Comanche war party in 1859. She is rescued by a frontiersman, to be played by Jackman. Pattinson will play the son."
Reading about this news all over the internet is annoying because there is sooo many version (mostly rewrites from Variety) of this. "Pattinson will play as one of the captive children". "Pattinson will play her son." God, which is which? The way I read this from the orignal source-Variety-is that Pattinson will be Hugh's son.
If he is to play as the captive son, geezzz, what kind of role is that? Just being dragged all over by Comanche indians?? I thought it will a meatier role than that!
Now, I am not that excited about this film anymore for Robert. It also said, Robert signed on it before Twilight broke; so the role is probably very minimal. Now I am in a bad mood.
Margot - been looking for you on other threads. Can you check your email? I just sent you one re the one you sent me. Need a response.
I'll check it right away
sent you back via email
Hey Margot-- I dopn't remember the chapter numbers, but I know there was a new chapter posted like... a few days ago at the most. I was going to read it last night but didn't get a chance, and now it's .. poof! Did the story actually end? All of her everything is gone- her accounts online. I tried to google it and it's all blank. :/
My A&O end in the words "Thank God. My husband is home."
If you want chapter 15 till the above (19 ?) I can send you, or all but in 2 days. Just twit me email (it's on my profile).
as I had the story alert - I was informed immediately, so there is the chance I've got it up to date
Margot - Wow, you recommended Apples and Oranges to me and I started reading it last night. I was getting really into it and I just checked and sure enough it's GONE!!
Can you send me what you've got (whenever you have the time) although it's a bummer reading a story you know you won't get an ending to.
BTW, I did the needful as asked.
jalarag thx once again and here :)))
I've spent lat 4 weeks without my PC - getting it back tomorrow. I've got stuff there and here on DH's laptop. Have to smooth things out. I don't even know whether after exchanging the motherboard I will find my system ok or I will have to reinstall windows. We'll se tomorrow afternoon. Then I find out the details about FF.
nite nite Rob - today I feel excused because of your BD so ... *kisses and hugs*
nite nite everybody
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