According to the French newspaper Lyon Plus, Rob will be in Paris for 3 months at the end of the summer to shoot a new movie which is the adaptation of the novel Bel-Ami written by Maupassant. ( Thanks to Kpucine for the scan and the translation ;))
There have been several reports on this, one of them being from the mouth of Rob himself at the interview we posted (here) a couple of days ago. (Update: Yes, the timing sounds fishy since Rob says "next year" in his interview but this is a RUMOR anyways. We'll let you know when something is set ;))
Bel Ami is a novel written by French Author Guy de Maupassant in 1885. It The story chronicles Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor ex-NCO to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses.(Read more HERE)
Bel-Ami was made into films and mini series before. You can check Guy de Maupassant imdb page for more info.
Rob is going to be a busy bee for the next years to come and for that he deserves a lot of lap dances ;))
Yipee! I really hope this is true. Would love to see Rob in this type of role.
Fan friggin tastic! Since it came from the babe's mouth, it probably is true (BTW that interview with him is great!)....here's hoping it doesn't vanish like Parts per Billion did.
This sounds very promising. Rob as a seducer of wealthy ladies? I could see that. So I guess this will be after Remember Me & Before Eclipse?
Rob=Workaholic=Ecstatic DS!
Leanne, I hope that doesn't happen. I was really saddened that he didn't have time to dedicate to Parts Per Billion. Fingers crossed that he'll get to play this role. Sounds sexy. I'm gonna try to find a copy of the book to read.
Hmm, I'm wondering about the timeline: in the interview he says he'll be in Paris for 3 months, so it would have to be after Eclipse, surely.
Fingers crossed for Rob in Paris in the fall/winter. I'll be there myself... maybe I should order my copy of 'stalking for dummies' (just kidding... he he)
YAY!!! YIPPEEE!! This will be fantastic if it is true...I would love to see Rob in a role like this one...
DS, I'm going to get the link for you....brb
Bel Ami
Well, this sounds like a very interesting film prospect. Would love to see him stretch his acting chops on this one! Hmmmm, timeline is interesting though, Eclipse is supposed to start filming in August ... followed by heavy promotion for New Moon. Altho promo won't have to be a heavy as it was for Twilight since the audience is already out there. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but I think it's a good choice!
ds, btw, that avatar, good golly...
YAY...lap dances!!!
Yvonne, Thanks so much for the link. :)
I was also looking to grab a copy of this book.
The French media have been reporting about Rob coming to Paris for Bel-Ami, but so far I haven't seen a single article giving a source - I wonder if it all goes back to Rob's interview?
So, Rob will be in New York for the summer, and then Eclipse starts filming in August...this new film shoots at the end of the summer? I'm a little confused here...I'm sure it'll get cleared up once the film is officially confirmed.:) Looking forward to him doing more films!!!
Am familiar with this story...what a great vehicle to bust Rob out of the "love" roles. I'm still holding out for him to play an "American Psycho" character. I believe that Rob could be seriously creepy onscreen. Thankfully, I think he will have a career full of eclectic roles. Yay for all of us!!!
Kim~ and KK.... those were my thoughts about him in NY and Aug starts up Eclipse.. I hope it is true... He is an amazing talent...
GO ROB!! cant wait till this is confirm tho...*crosses fingers*
Thanks for the link Yvonne! I was just thinking that I needed to read this, when you put the link up. :)
And I'm sure there will be plenty of volunteers to give those lap dances!! ;-)
Hope this is true, love to see him busy and getting different, interesting roles to play!
if this is true...robs gonna have another funny looking mustache 2 rock out. lol im sure he will make it look sexy again. =)
My concern is the moustache. You can't play an 1880s character and not have a giant moustache and sideburns. Of course Rob could pull off anything, but I just don't know... ;)
@ I am awesome: lol! great minds...
This is cool news if it comes to fruition. So far I think Rob has chosen some interesting parts to play and I hope he doesn't start getting "romantic leads only" roles thrown at him. He's got such potential!
Thanks to Yvonne for posting that link!
Oh, and good morning ladies!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and there was i depressing over not being able to see little ashes til who knows when...oh gosh im giggling jumping up and down...the whole thang...lol!!
'Me incomoda mucho desnudarme ante la cámara'
El actor, célebre por 'Crepúsculo', habla con elmundo.es sobre 'Sin límites'
interesting but it is in spain
alguin que lo traduzca yo no se
starring role of Robert Pattinson, the 23-year-old British star of "Twilight" (which was shot after this film). He is the heartthrob of the teenage vampire fans of "Twilight," but here shows an admirable willingness to take on a challenging role in direct contrast to the famous Edward Cullen. Is it too much to hope that "Twilight" fans will be drawn to the work of Garcia Lorca and Bunuel? They'd be on the fast track to cultural literacy.
Didn't Rob mention he'd be in Paris NEXT year for 3 months? Cos at the end of Summer Eclipse will start filming (according to Kellan he's going to Vancouver in August, to start filming for Eclipse). And according to latest article about Rob doing Remember Me in NYC in between filming New Moon and Eclipse? So I do not think this will be filmed before next year. Maybe after Eclipse is done filming. Poor guy, he's definitely tied up for a long time!
Is not in august 2009
Is in january 2010
R.P.- I want to travel! That’s why I always look for work in different countries. I think next year I would like to work in Paris for three months.
EP3. - For what Project?
R.P.- Ahhh, we’ll see if I’m going to be a blabbermouth again….It’s a
Bel-Ami adaptation, from Guy de Maupassant. Now that I’ve told you, I can go around telling to everybody. Besides, I’m sick of people saying: “You can only make those Twilight films, you’re nothing more than a fleeting star”. I refuse to accept that! (laughs).
Well if it is Aug. 2010 I guess I can see it happen :-). Here's hoping!!
~scratches head~ This is confusing?
How is Rob suppose to be in Paris by the end of the summer when he's filming Eclipse in Aug?
I also thought he was going to be filming "Remember Me" in the 8week break he gets after NM-before-Eclipse?
How in the world is he suppose to pull this off?
Wow, Rob really does need a lap dance, poor thing, he's gonna burn himself out:(
mybella if I remember correctly Rob was talking about NEXT YEAR from the article I remember reding. So it won't be THIS August. It would be in August of 2010 then I think.
Little Ashes Review
By Ali Catterall
Our rating: Rating: 2.5 Stars(2.5)Back to multiple page view
Drama about the lives and loves of the young Salvador Dalí, Luis Buñuel and Federico García Lorca in 1920s Madrid
According to Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca, the gay poet and dramatist, had been "madly in love" with him. "He tried to screw me," said Dali. "Twice." But the affair was never consummated because, said the painter, "it hurts".
Whatever the truth of the matter (Dalí would say just about anything to get a reaction - or for money), Little Ashes screenwriter Philippa Goslett has taken this, and the pair's supposed innuendo-laced correspondence, as the starting block for a torrid melodrama about forbidden love and artistic integrity, sketching in the details until the facts become as pliant as one of Dalí's timepieces.
The year is 1922, the city is Madrid, and three creative geniuses just happen to be lodging together in student digs while unleashing a firestorm of modernity upon the world. The first act of the film has fun presenting a portrait of the artists as young dogs. Or in Federico's case, an Andalusian one; he later claimed surrealist wind-up Un Chien Andalou was a personal attack on him by his former chums.
Here's bolshie Buñuel (Matthew McNulty), upbraiding Lorca (Javier Beltrán) for not being more of a modernist. And here's a "strategically placed copy of Freud" on somebody's desk. So which one's Dalí? Oh, there he is, a pale, effete lad, more stick insect than Catalan, pulling up to the doors of the Residencia in lace sleeves, knee-high boots and a poncy page-boy haircut. You can always spot those first-year art students a mile off, can't you?
If Lorca's the wound, Buñuel's the scab. And Dalí (Robert Pattinson) is trying so hard to be edgy and out there ("how do you feel about communal defecation?" he drunkenly demands of a society hostess), he loses sight of the fact he naturally is. The three consolidate their friendships, and as is often the way with trios, Buñuel pinballs between Lorca and Dalí, who have initially become far closer. How close? Well, let's just hope the queer-bashing Buñuel doesn't find out about it. Caramba! Too late.
Although Little Ashes concerns artists and the artistic impulse, it's not what you'd call an 'art movie', sharing more DNA with, say, Lust For Life than 1991's Van Gogh. At its best, it does a good job of showing how it feels to navigate that tricky passage between late adolescence and early-twenties.
But as a would-be penetrating expose, it's too polite, too compromised and stagey. Perhaps owing to its modest £1.4m budget, it looks - and sounds (everyone ees speekeeng like thees) like a teleplay, featuring stilted dialogue and heavy-handed symbolism, such as a scene of a heartbroken Lorca transposed with that of a slain bull in the ring.
In the reductive way of biopics, Lorca's a sap, Dalí's a brat, and Buñuel's a yob. Beltrán elegantly conveys the poet's raw sensitivity ("like an animal that's been skinned" as Dalí puts it), though can't quite pull off his celebrated magnetism; the film would rather he fulfill his role as passive victim. Love interest Robert Pattinson is perhaps not yet old enough to play the bug-eyed dandy with the upside-down moustache, an exemplar of John Updike's aphorism that "Fame is a mask that eats into the face". Yet his grasp of Dalí-esque tics and gestures suggest natural comic ability. He's wasted on those fantasy movies; he should play Buster Keaton.
For his part, Matthew McNulty is saddled with the sketchiest, and for dramatic reasons, least sympathetic role as the bullish homophobe. Anyone wishing to get a fuller picture of his Residencia days should be directed to his autobiography 'My Last Breath', in which he says of Lorca, "Of all the human beings I've ever known, Federico was the finest."
For the sake of argument, let us suppose an affair did occur, outside of Dalí's febrile imagination. However, by getting bogged down in a tease of a romance (this is a gay film for straights; nothing to scare the donkeys here), the drama sidesteps the prevailing politics - vital to a real appreciation of the artists' anti-establishment stance, and all but cruises past the Spanish Civil War. Lorca's arrest and murder by fascist firing squad is predictably soft-pedalled, with the camera discretely pulling away from the forensics of his notorious dispatch; finished off with a pistol in his anus ("two shots up the bum, because he was a poof" an assassin later confessed).
Ultimately, Little Ashes, a piece of commercial entertainment made on the other side of the twentieth century, lacks the courage of its case studies' convictions. This is most clearly illustrated by how far it's prepared to go in one direction, but not the other. In the movie's most hysterical scene, a self-loathing Lorca beds his unhappy fag-hag Margarita (Marina Gatell) as a substitute Dalí, while the distraught painter voyeuristically watches. Whether the incident has any basis in reality or not, it's integral to the dramatic arc, and extremely graphic - nudging hardcore. Yet to portray this, in such prurient detail, but not its homosexual flipside - the poet attempting and failing to penetrate the painter (whether it happened or not), seems cowardly, and indicative of that bourgeois morality the film's subjects were doing their damndest to smash through.
Too discreet, too charming and too bourgeois
Oooohh à Paris? C'est fantastique! Ha!
The movie sounds great though.
Here's hoping it all goes ahead :)
Okay, next year if this is all true. Thanks for the clarifications! I can always count on getting my questions answered here! :))))))
thank you so much for link :)
WooHoo...I can't wait to see him in this...."he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses". yum....
Ah! Thanks Maryann! ~hugs~
My Lord, is Rob ever going to be busy!!
Sounds gritty and dirty...me likey. Can't wait to see Manipward in action.
But y'all are forgetting about BD that he has to do next year. We know that nothing comes before the almighty Summit. Hence no Parts Per Billion. I guess we will have to wait and watch. Hope it's true. Good Luck RP my talented bb!!!!!
@ Gözde: Looks like you and Dani will be very busy, too, then. ;-)
You are even posting on your birthday instead of stuffing your face with cake and candy - that is true devotion. I hope you'll have the chance to celebrate tonight, though.
Thats it - Im going to Paris this summer....
@ LittleBear...whoop whoop! lol =)
Ben j'espere que c'est vrai et que Rob va venir un peu en France!!
On l'attend avec beaucoup beaucoup beaucoup d'impatience!!! On est un pays très accueillant :-))
Bienvenue en France Rob!!! Welcome Rob!!!
Si tu as besoin d'un guide pour visiter la France, Rob, je suis partante!!! ^^
Rob in this type of role will surely make me lose all control.
My --- will be on ----! (KOL)
Rob as bad guy/seducer with french accent (possibly/hopefully) in a Guy de Maupassant adaptation may very well be the death of me.
Funny thing? I was thinking literally less than 24 hours ago about how I love that video of Rob where they ask him to speak in French telling people to watch Teemix. I was thinking about how I would love to hear him speak more french, so I guess my wish might come true! haha.
I read somewhere that Summit was hoping to film Breaking Dawn early-ish next year..also ( Of course this is a rumour, as BD hasn't been greenlit yet right?)...but we KNOW it'll be made.
So yeah..he will be busy.
Rob speaking French?
may have to keep the paramedics on the line just in case.
I was doing the math and this seems very unlikely. Filming on "New Moon" will complete at the end of this month or beginning of June. Some reports (actually, Kristen Stewart has said) indicate they have ten weeks off before filming on "Eclipse" commences. That puts the beginning of filming in late July or early August. Filming will continue 2-3 months, putting Rob's next free moment in October. So unless he films during the 10 week (though some reports leave it at 6-8 weeks) break, he's not going to be in Paris *this* summer. :(
Hi Divinesally - yes, I hope Eclipse doesn't prevent him from doing this film. I really admire him trying to break free from this Twilight mould, but while still appreciating the opportunities it affords him. I liked Roger Ebert's review of Little Ashes, he mentions that he is impressed with Rob taking on this role, which is challenging to say the least. Here here to Rob!!!! :)
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