Heartthrob Robert Pattinson, who has become a superstar thanks to the ‘Twilight’ saga, is in Cannes, and the least we can say is that he has fans absolutely everywhere, especially a few thousand on the Croisette (name that French give to Cannes), where every time he appears, he causes a riot.
Technikart magazine met the British star, who can’t get over the enthusiastic welcome which was given on the Croisette. Extracts.
“I was having lunch on the Carlton’s beach when 700 people crowded together at the entrance to the restaurant of the beach. It was funny, in a way… I was carried by three bodyguards to a car parked in front of the restaurant. They were literally carrying me; I wasn’t touching the ground anymore! It was really, really weird!”
“Everything has become more intense for six months, since ‘Twilight’ was released. It’s hard to handle what’s happening to me. I don’t have the necessary hindsight, even if only to find a way out to this situation. But this celebrity thing, you can’t fight it, it’s useless, you can’t avoid it. When it’s not something you desired during your whole life, or something you don’t aspire to, you’re free not to care about it. I didn’t sign for Disney. There’s not a stipulation which forces me to smile to the paparazzi.”
“Here, for the moment, it’s okay. I’d like to do things. But I don’t. I don’t like to be photographed. But I like the hotel… it’s the Hôtel du Cap. It’s like a job, I have business lunches. I leave restaurants in speedboat, like James Bond, it’s cool. I’m going to find time to see Tarantino’s movie. But I feel that being on the red carpet is going to ruin this pleasure too. I hate this in advance.”
Already bored Rob? Anyway, the fourth part of ‘Twilight’ (i.e. ‘Breaking Dawn’) is signed… You’re not done with celebrity!
Original interview in French to Technikart Magazine here
Translation here thanks to RobPattzNews
pooor babe he doesnt want this :( sniff feel so sorry for him living a life he doesnt want living it through the eyes of the papz and fans... :S its scary Rob, its not weird as you say it its scary as hell being dragged/carried away by three enormous bodyguards man that is eoooo...
divinesally.... lol hee hee... well it is good you have maintained your freewill... LOL
I do feel abit sorry for him being so overwhelmed by all this. It has rather slammed into him.
Of course this hype won't last but i truly hope his career is long and fulfilling for him. He's gifted in areas not all of us are... eventually i believe he will settle into this and get some enjoyment.
He's young and still has lots of life to live... it will get better :-)
perhaps feeling sorry for him isn't the word i really meant... i mean i have compassion for his feelings over this all...
I don't feel sorry for anyone....
Rob, you looked like damn "james Bond"!!!
Hi DS, Where have you been babe? What's shaking???
I just have one comment. I think he still aprreciates his fans, but it the crazy paps that get to him. They are ruthless, like last week when they cornered him at LAX and asked him if you was sleeping with KS. Then they attempted to block his way. I think those situations are what he despises. I also think he doesn't have a chose about the bodyguards, might be his management and Summit trying to keep their investment safe.
Oh honey, I'm sorry he's on your shit list today. Hope you still love us Robsessers. : )
I admit he sounded as he is complaining too much, that was m first thought when I read the article,.. then I thought, he seems to be the same guy that we met in all the interviews pre – Twilight, which means sometimes he exaggerates on things too much, he likes to sound dramatic.. I guess the celebrity thing must be overwhelming, especially if such celebrity is someone like Rob, who seems he wasn´t looking for fame, probably looking for interesting jobs…
Johnny Depp was very awkward at the beginning of his career with all the fame thing too, he did some crazy things, so far I think Rob is doing better than him in that department.. I hope he will be able to mature into his career as JD did, It will help to his confidence in front of all the celebrity aspect.
ds!!! holy hell where have you been?!! you totally disappeared!!
i, personally, didn't have any issues with his comments...but maybe that's just me. i just didn't see the negativity towards his fans? i thought that he was talking about paps. maybe i should read this again...
i don't think that anyone brought this up yet, and i'm not trying to act like i know much about this because i don't.
i'm seriously asking you guys.
aren't the french paparazzi notoriously...for lack of a better word...ballsy? i might even go as far to say...more dangerous than american paps? you know...like chasing people down ski slopes; speeding, colliding, and dying in tunnels dangerous?
considering his star status, i would be reluctant to leave my hotel too.
Divine bb !
missed za
on your comment .. see my avatar ..
dont you think he might not meet any of fans like us ... not at all ... are you in Cannes or Italy... me neither
Ive got that access, piece of cake
this is the comment i left for you down below...
i'm...ughghghghg lol.
my computer is not responding well to the livejournal. it keeps slowing when i go there!
man... lol
all i can do is laugh about it. i have bad luck sometimes. i shall try again, though, later.
I did it this way
I sent request on fanfiction.net
She answered immediately, said add me on LiveJournal to friends, then I add you to my friends and give me your LJ nick
so we did it
thats it
thanks margot!
yeah maybe that will be easier on my puter.
Ive just chceked info from other thread
KS his girlfriend ...
she met her bozfriend RP ...
who is messing around ahh
This is minor, but the French call the city Cannes as well. La Croisette is the walkway that borders the beachfront.
hahaha i saw that too, margot.
hmmm... Ive never written about it but, yes methink theyre a perfect match and a serious one
and it is Uno Grando Operessima Problemo (Italians do not read it plzz)
not because of secrets, Summit or whatever but ... Michael, KStew might be very young but she does look a fair and tough girl... fair play
I believe he totally appreciates his fans and, on some level, knows he has a lucky break. BUT, I believe he is the type of guy who is internally motivated, and would be just as happy in life if he wasn't a celebrity, or if he didn't act. He is so talented, he could have fallen back on anything. I think he just wants part of his life back. I don't think he cares if there are millions of screaming fans. He does appreciate the fans - who appreciate his work and his talent - not throngs of ogling women (yes, I know we are all in that category).
he said nothing new here...sigh...he's not saying he doesn't appreciate the opportunities given to him here...he's saying it's a lot to take on.
And i can't think of another celeb since like rock stars (even Brad or Depp, etc) who was so beloved by crazy teens that there would be mobs waiting. he has no choice but to have bodyguards...he'd never get anywhere...literally. you know, it's like britney spears. she can't go anywhere.
big functions like Cannes wil require multiple bodyguards, etc but hopefully when he gets to NY, he'll be able to get some space. hopefully.
The types of movies he chose before Twillight were never the kinds of movies that were going to make him a major star. And I believe he knew this, so now he has to deal with so much that he never really anticipated or wanted. He said he assumed Twilight to be an Indie film when he signed on, had never even heard of it before. It was so low bugdet, no big stars...I think that he's just overwhelmed. He is always very gracious and kind to fans when he meets them.
I totally don't see him complaining. I see someone being honest. Ask any celebrity who has had this intense sudden fame and they'll tell you the hell they went through at the beginning. It takes a few years to get your bearings and adjust. It really hasn't been long at all since he became an overnight sensation. I have nothing but compassion for him. Bodyguards carry celebs all the time when there is a danger of being crushed. 700 people rushing towards Rob is a danger. The bodyguards were doing their job.
He is such a humble and unassuming character that I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't mean to sound ungrateful. He is probably, in his painfully self-aware way, battling in his brain over being a successful actor and the price that comes with that. I think that is perfectly natural. During this transitional phase of his life, it is very likely he will have alot of jumbled, newly formulated thoughts about his newly found fame...and as a result he may come off like he did in this article. But in the end, I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt, he is young and going through a phase...he will adapt like all humans do eventually and settle down...I have faith!!!
Victoria - I completely agree. I don't see him complaining, and honestly, he seems like he's dealing with it a bit better then he was a few months ago.
I think that because he doesn't really see himself as all that, and he's still fairly shy and humble, that it's all overwhelming. And I don't think he minds the fans so much, because he is always cordial to them. I think the paps disturb him as much as anything, and who can blame him?
And yeah, anytime there are 700 fans crushing in a small place, that's dangerous and I'm sure overwhelming for someone.
Quick off topic question for you guys ... I sent Godze an email about a fanfic post suggestion, and I got a "new data entry alert" thing back. It's the first time I've emailed her, and I know she's hella busy and stressed right now, and I don't expect to hear from her for awhile, but I just want to make sure it went thru ...
Okay, I'm back. I just saw what Margot said, so let me go and PM her at fanfiction.
No he was not complaining, but being funny as hell. Just imagine all the attention he is getting. Like he said he was eating and 700 people (possible exag) showed up. It would freak anybody out. He's mostly upset by the paps. Like he said on this point he didn't sign up with Disney. So he doesn't have to smile he if doesn't want to.LOL
I'm watching the CW and they just showed a brief commercial for Vampire Diaries. The guy who is playing the main character played a teenage werewolf on CBS a few years ago. I can't remember the name of it. But it got canceled after one season. Hopefully VD doesn't. I'm looking forward to watching it.
i'm glad that you saw that! i left you a message on the thread we were on earlier, but i was worried that you wouldn't see it. i was putzing around and missed you when you came back.
i'm desperately trying to get off of here, but i just can't do it. this is all getting too good...
Stacy - Dani has taken over the emails and she said it will be awhile for her to get to look at them and respond back. She has a 21month year old, a husband, and a busy job.*Her words not mine*
bol- I know, If you want to get off we can jump together. I really want to go back and read the FF I left before I got on here hours ago.LOL
Shani - I know, I'm not expecting to hear back for awhile, like I said.
I just wanted to make sure that message was normal and that it didn't mean the email didn't go thru.
lol it's like a support group.
haha, yeah, let's go!
i was reading one too!
bol- WE OUT!!!
bye shani!
Ah Robbie...Once again...bucking the media training!
Have I told you lately how much I freaking adore you?
Don't forget ladies that this is a "retranslation" of an article published in French, back into English. Who knows exactly what words he used, and the tone or mood. The original transcription might give you a completely different feel for his mood. I don't see it as ungrateful or negative, as much as a little overwhelmed and resistant to a life change that could be very negative if not handled right. He's searching around for the best way to cope with it, but hasn't found it yet. He could be far more cocky or resentful about intrusions into his privacy, as so many celebrities are. I think he's still incredibly gracious and open. Bravo to him.
Jewels.... your avatar is just KILLING me. Dead. Done dead. Bad Jewels. Bad Jewels!
My take is that he's acting for the art of acting not to be a public figure. It's something he's said from the beginning that he struggles with.
He's being honest not snarky. Besides it's a written article,it's possible that the tenor of his comments are misconstrued.
He did say in the live interview that he's coming to terms with the celebrity aspect of this craziness.
Hey I'd freak out if I were chased by hoards of screaming people.
The paps there were agressive to. That was documented on video as well.
Sorry I have to defend him. The guy can't say or do anything without some sort of scrutany and I feel bad for him.
I'm human, and I complain about the unpleasantries of my job sometimes. So I think he's allowed to complain a bit too. Sometimes you just wanna do what you wanna do, and not let everyone have a piece of you. You want to keep some parts left to yourself.
Bless him.
heh.. maybe the whole story with erika dutra was passed out in order to cover up the REAL romance: rob and the bodyguard.. they make such a cute couple, don't you think?
well, I want to be carried by Robbie. :)
I guess robsession is a world-wide disease. poor robbie :(
The fact that being famous has never been his ultimate goal just makes me love him even more, if that's possible :)
ot: I'm watching HTB and I LOVE ART! ah those hands playing the guitar....
I think he was kinda complaining there but something tells me he might have taken all of this and said this in a playful way at the same time. I have the feeling he was cracking up when saying all this (the not touching the ground, the disney and James Bond comments). He knows he can't have the cake and eat it too and thus prefers to joke about the whole ambivalent situation. I totally get what he means and hell, he'll probably learn to be more careful with what he says or at least the way he says it when he'll get fed up with being misinterpreted. I do think he's dealing with all the fame and the interviews much better than a few months ago already.
That said, I don't believe that any actor would rather be an 'obscure' unknown actor than a popular respected one, even with the craziness that implies. There are too many actors/singers who used to be in the spotlight and fell back to the darkness and would do anything to go back to the 'hellish spotlight'. I'm not saying he's lying of course but just overstating things, it's just been too much too quickly and he'll need some time to adjust. Someone compared him with Johnny Depp in regards with what he lived and I just hope Robert will get the same carreer and satisfying personal life but won't go through the same messed up things Depp went through in his younger years.
Someone said French paparazzi were worse in France. That's funny because here we sometimes had reportages about paparazzi -hollywood ones that is- and that's kinda shocking the lenghts these people go to get a photo of a celeb. We are under the assumption here that these paparazzi are the worst (except for the ones following the British familly).
^^ forgot a word: I meant 'the British royal family'
did you really just say...
oh my
That lucky bodyguard! I would give "something" (whatever Rob wanted) to be in that bodyguard's place, holding gorgeous Rob's back like that...
I would be complaining about the paps too. They are overzealous, overly aggresive and rudely intrusive to celebrities. And it will only get worse for RP. Becoming such a ginormous star is one thing--but there is( and will be even more) an intense interest in his private life.
I just read the article and am SURE Rob feels more comfortable/adjusted to fame by now. But, by the time he'll get his hands on the money they owe him, he'll be able to watch movies from his $30 million castle and have a fine life indeed. Pitt does it. Redford did it. Pattinson is close to doing it too. Depp has his island... There are ways, when you can afford it. And he will....
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