Rob appears to be out with K Stew and possibly Charlie Bewley (Demitri).

Thanks to showme8900 for the links you're a doll
Below is a fan account of the sighting above:
“The girl is Kristen. She was with Rob, Charlie and Ashley today. In the photos they are visiting a place. They were not in Montepulciano today but they were visiting other places in Tuscany. Nobody has seen Nikki and I think that Kellan is not in Italy. I think the fans have seen Daniel Cudmore (Felix) instead. Today Daniel was in Piazza Grande with the director of the film.The pictures were purposely blurred because those who took them didn’t want to give away their location. The full pics will be published on May 30th according to the site. And to those saying that isn’t Kristen because she is wearing a dress, let me tell you that it is a thousand degrees today in Italy. The girl would die in her usual jeans and we all know that if she HAS to wear a dress K will go for the short and strapless ones.The poster didn’t want to reveal the identity of the person tweeting because they would be MOBBED with followers and I don’t blame her but I know who it is on Twitter. It looks like the LJ poster got the details a bit wrong - the bar (where Rob, Kristen and 2 crew members were spotted) was AFTER sightseeing. The Twitter account’s not locked yet but she seems to be getting antsy and is talking about being more guarded with her tweets so I don’t want to give her name but I’ll tell you what she’s saying. It looks like they all went sightseeing this afternoon and to a museum and were basically mobbed by Twifans. About 4 hours ago she said they were at the bar having drinks and Rob had gotten mobbed getting there. There were girls in the bar just staring scarily at him! In response to someone she replied that it was just Rob/Kristen and some crew. Then they all had to move back to the hotel I’m assuming because of the fans but she said it was unbelievable how many followed them. Three hours ago she was turning in due to a long day of filming tomorrow and no other mention of Rob/Kristen. I’m hoping someone asks her but so far it seems like no one wants to scare her off or force her to lock her account! I’ll keep an eye on it though. “
thanks for the pics...but why are we looking through textured glass?
Yeah I thought that was a bit ridiculous as well. I am guessing that they are trying to protect the location that the cast is hanging out in.
Some people are saying these are sight seeing pictures so Im not really sure but my guess is they wanna keep the location under wraps so that people don't go flooding it.
Just my 2 cents on the subject. I mean when it comes to the hotels they stay at or the places they eat at, within 24 hours of the pics being released those joints are hoppin with activity. Rob makes restaurants and clubs popular.
Its the star thing...kinda goofy as if he is going to be waiting for you if you go there or something but that is the mentality of the obsessed. Not the Robsessed...please don't confused the two. :)
Yeah, that's a weird way to crop a picture, maybe they did it just so we could see him better...?
And glad to see he's still wearing his old clothes. I thought possibly after Cannes, Rob might go all haute couture on us....LOL
haha. ^^ is it me or is demetri supposed to be big? or is that felix?
Oh yeah, that makes sense about keeping the location a secret...I don't see the body guard either....hope he's still around....
Now when do we get the shirtless clocktower pics?
Felix is supposed to be the big one....pretty sure
Now, Rob:
Did you slice the sleeves off of that shirt?
*taking as encoded signal that RP loves the '80s—Mrs. R's favorite era!*
*also loving the way his suspender, in photo #3, is cocked jauntily, like the Cowardly Lion's tail*
Why do they pictures creep me out?
Maybe I'm just overwhelmed by all the Rob pics... who knows.
Thanks for all the hard work, Dani... you're doing a great job!
<3 You!
ooooh, here we go again!! Now that Robert had finally ended his promotion in France, I expected to have a more productive working week! this cannot go on!
Did he cut the sleeves off that shirt? Like with a pair of dull scissors...cuz it sure looks like it. Oh boy, he'll never change, I don't think we need to worry about that :)
Sheesh... just reread my last post...
"why do they pics..."
yeah thats wshat i thought but demetri sounds like a big guys name haha
yeah....Felix, like the cat...doesn't sound intimidating!
luv the last picture!
I hope that they are all having a good time in Italy!! I am sure that is an experience for all of them. Would be nice to go there but I wouldn't do the whole obsessed thing either. I like the idea of Robobsessed not obsessed.
haha i played this game soul calibour before and one of the fighters name was felix, he was a scrawny muscular type, haha, this was forever ago though.
Uh oh. has been suspended. I hope all the hits didn't crash it.
BTW I miss Rob's butt. He used to have one. And it was spectacular.
Thanks Rose love I am trying my best here, big mwahs to you chica. I am glad you are still around, one of our originals.
Yeah Felix always sounded like a bit of a sassy name not much of a "killer" name to me. However maybe thats the whole thing, cute name ENORMOUS fella. Like a bit of an opposition of sorts.
I am excited to see the Volturi promo pics come out closer to the release date. And I highly doubt we will see Rob sans shirt before the film is released. The Italy set is closed. But I am DYING to see Rob all buff n stuff.
Robsessed I mean....LOL
K I will be back before bedtime to check if there is anything more to post.
Have a good night, morning, afternoon ladies...
AJ!!! I so agree! He's worked off all that cushy lovely English food that Mama P fed him over the holidays!
Rob! We're mourning your tush....
AJ, yeah, saw that....oops.
BTW, you are freakin' hilarious, love your blog, hang out there all the time :)
AJ!! How the HELL are ya?
shirt sleeves are cut- but they were that way in the pics of him running errands (eye doctor) in LA right before he went to vancouver... i just took a peek at them once i saw people saying it!
Yes Lesamara how Robsessed are we to remember the shirt from earlier pics. In older posts beautiful shot of him on 6th May in the shirt.
"And glad to see he's still wearing his old clothes. I thought possibly after Cannes, Rob might go all haute couture on us....LOL"
ROFLMAO at Yvonne...that's so true!
I thought the same thing...although, honestly, i wouldn't mind! NOTHING is sexier than rob in a colored, button down.
I know the set is closed, but surely someone could get a pic from somewhere high up in that town....
i dont know about y'all but i'm gonna get all huffy and petulant if i don't get to see rob shirtless LOL
What happened to all his other denim pants???. He's been wearing this black denim for several weeks now. Rob, do you need help shopping for new pants? I'd gladly come to help you
KStew's "ROBust" ass is looking good. Both wearing blue. mmmmhmmmm.
Dani like when a big person is called tiny and a little person is called biggy. LOL. What's in a name?
i hate those black ones with the drooping suspenders?
Why doesn't he cut those things off instead of dangling? Cause i am SO the fashion statement myself hhhaaa- for real though- i hate those things
Divinesally... are you the same divinesally that left a comment on "Wheres Oregano" on youtube?
Yvonne - You're welcome to hang out ... let it all hang out ... whichev at my blog. Sorry to hear you won't be seeing Little A$$es next week.
Jules - did you see this? Where in the world is Robert Pattinson's butt. Hilarious!
Rose eye ♥ ewe!
check the sleeves closely- you can see the frayed fringe on one of them
and he is heavier and looks soooo much better. he is so thin right now
Suspenders... WOOHOO... oh happy day!!!
the creepy texture glass...indeed..
I ♥ you more, AJ...
LOL that ass thing was funny....i love his butt in that kissing pic too.
speaking of asses, are we sure that's kristen in the pic, bc her bottom looks very curvy, curvier than kristen's....just sayin
Thanks AJ for the LA's ok, only have to wait until June 5, but I did throw a tantrum.
Lesa, he's definately too thin right now. Boy needs a good home-cooked meal. And a hug.
But I do love the could get really creative with those...........
junk in his trunk site was awesome- he soooo needs to get some weight back on- damn it. I would guess he is suppose to be thin for these twilight movies- but man does he look better with some weight on.
yeah i could get creative with those susenders alright- like jerk them down around his ankles.
and in a good way too!
Rose - I'll see your ♥ and raise you ♥♥ and a ♪♫!
Thanks Dani! Keeping us supplied.
AJ I love you and you brilliant observations. I too miss his robust booty...This calls for some hot pockets, and/or In-and-Out stat!!
lesa, atta girl, now we're talking, see? suspenders = a good thing :)
Yvonne "And glad to see he's still wearing his old clothes. I thought possibly after Cannes, Rob might go all haute couture on us....LOL"
hahahaaaaa... and we thought we would see him in tux touring throuh Italy.... hahaha
I agree with the ridiculous comment about the texture covering those pics, but then, at least we get to see Rob perfectly..
I´m waiting for the Edwar shirtless pics, because if we only see that inthe movie, we don´t know if they did CGI on him, to get him buffed up, hahaa
yes indeed, Rose. LOL
It sure is her, Showme. Her ass is pretty big for being so thin. rob seems to like it.
Damn... all I have to give is my ♥...
Outplayed once again!
hahaha.. Good Divinesally... I thought it had to be YOU.
Glad you liked the video!
Lesa - Yes! Mipples in those pics you linked with that same shirt - he def looks beefier there...
Mech, yup, glad that Rob is still keeping it real with the rags he wears....
man makes dirty look goooood....
Hey Alie.... Rose....Aj...Jules... fine rob evening...
Hey Y~... sorry I missed you!! what up??
hi Ten ;)
Hello Ten:)
hey girl.. Rob in suspenders... its a good day!!! you likey?
Hi Rose... you having a good rob day???
Hey T! How's your long weekend ladies? Everyone have one?
ahhh Divine
well, it looked like her legs and hair, et al...just wondering...but pics like that can be deceiving too
(and yes, i definitely agree that rob likes it...prob more than he wishes he did LOL...although y'all know i think they're hooking up on the ultra DL)
Ten... I will be honest with you... Not seeing Rob's face everywhere I looked... was a bit of a relief.
I barely made it through Cannes...
Ugh! The stirrups - I mean suspenders ;)
Lesa and Yvonne have some ideas how to put those to better use than holding up Rob's pants...HMMMM, I bet we could have quit the Robsessed brainstorming session with that gem of an idea!!
Hey Alie.... weekend good... working so it kindof sucks... but rob makes the blues go away..:)
Hey Alie ♥
The suspenders seem to be quite popular....
And so versatile....
Rose, I agree. Cannes gave me anxiety...glad to see it, glad it's over :0
Onto shirtless Robward in Italy....
Rose ~ I couldnt agree more... Cannes about did me in also... Starting to breathe normal again...
Y~ shirtless Rob... I think I might die again!!!
Rose, don't you and Rob's suspenders go way back?
Felt nervous for Rob the whole time he was there. And then the pictures with that little tart...
Ten, srsly.
Do you really think he's all buff now?
Cuz I'm not sure if I see it, and time's running out...
Personally, I don't mind it if he's not all muscular. Just want to see him with as little clothes on as possible.
In my bedroom....oops, thinking out loud....
Y~ hes hiding it ... I am sure of it...:0
Rose ~ do tell us how you go way back with the suspenders???
i agree yvonne...i don't think he's buff LOL
they have a lot more money for CGI abs now...although, honestly, that will piss me off.
i'd rather see him skinny than CGI'd. hell, i just want to see him in anything that gives a hint of his actual physique
i'm not a suspenders fan either...not those at least. i'd rather see him in his jeans...or naked.
great, now i'm thinking of his bits and pieces. sigh.
Yvonne - I'm beaming with pride - or chockfull of lust?? Anyhooo, I think he did amazingly well in some extremely uncomfortable and awkward situations. And the fact that I take pleasure in him being bashful might say something about me hmmm....Seeing him squirm and hitch up his britches in a tux - W.O.W.
show..."like I said"....naked. LOL
I'm not sure what you mean by that, Alie...
I love the suspenders!!! And I'm loving the fact he's looking like the Rob we all know and love. Although, he does look damn fine in a tux.
Twi, absolutely. He is grace under pressure, FOR SURE. His momma taught him well.
show...hopefully no cgi abs. That will piss me off too.
i wholeheartedly agree Twi.
he seemed way more in his element. handling things well, taking it in stride.
and i ADORE his bashful, playful side. he's the most adorable thing in the world.
agreed, yvonne ;) LOL
those skinny hips would fit sooo well betw my...i mean, a woman's legs. ROFLMAO
Alie ~ the britches adjusting .....
YOWZA!!! that was hot as HELL
Good evening ladies!
Hey BI.... hey girl...
Hi everyone!
Funny you should be discussing Rob's booty being MIA.
I was commenting earlier after watching HTB that he seemed chunkier. Even in the face he was more rounded out.
I noticed that Kristen's booty was lookin robust. I think she has a nice looking one. Is that wierd?
Damn cold medicine.
Helllllo Tenneil!!!
show, thaaaanks, I just got a visual....oh my.
YES, i forgot to say, agreed...the pants adjusting on the stage was all that was holding them up was his man parts...
You know Rose, *wink*
I just mean I know how you feel about Rob in his suspenders. He's got them on underneath your avatar, right?
hi BI :) Looooong time, no "see"
BI~ girl.. you recovered yet from Cannes week???
*wink wink nudge nudge*
Yes, Alie... he is wearing the suspenders in my avatar...and the beanie... and the sunglasses... and the profile... and the jawline....and and and...
i just read a link on twitter it was ks and its hot in italy now site that has the pics wants to protect the location and will publish pics may30,at least thats what i read
Poor boy should have a tailor - pants too tight, pants falling down, cutting off his own sleeves, really....
It's going to take me a long time to recover from Cannes. I still haven't saved all of the pictures. I thought he looked so good in Cannes. And happy too.
Rose- I love your avatar. I went in search of the pic. Didn't find it but found lots more I liked of Rob.
I'm thinking I'd love to see pictures of Rob very cas in shorts and singlet. A change from the multiple layers he's had to wear in Vancouver.
Rose; I love your avatar so much. It's got a little of everything :)
Rose~ "these are a few of my favorite things"... playing in my head!!
thank girls. I love this picture, too... it actually looks fanfuckingtastic in HQ...
Hey BI!
I know Rose!! and the pucker and the chest hair - "urly pubes"...can't beleive it's been a year since he said that at the last MTV Movie awards.
And we haven't dropped dead from Rob overload?!!?!?
MTV movie awards! First NM clip! Set that Tivo!
lion and lamb live journal have some pics to.It appears they were Italian Twimomed and took some group pics. I wish I could've been there.
wait... rob in shorts and singlet?
I'm not sure what a singlet is...
Alie... Cannes almost did me in...
YAY for NM clip and live Rob appearence. Both will have me behaving like a seventeen yr old. Told my DH to go to a movie that nite.
Rob in shorts and singlet? where? And I also want to know what a singlet is.
Everyday Rob was in Cannes... seeing it all good down... more painful than I thought it would be... my heart and soul are still mending...
Good evening, my lovely RobKats and everyone else! ♥
Rose- Cannes almost did all of us in.There was sooo much it was overwhelming in a good way.
Yvonne; thanks for the TiVo reminder... I must do that now!
Ellie!!! ♥♥♥
Good evening Ellie!
1.a sleeveless athletic jersey, esp. a loose-fitting top worn by runners, joggers, etc.
T - Love your avatar bb. You always have good stuff. You have a good eye for Robliciousness...
I'm out for a bit. Maybe I'll see you later, or later this week?
Rose, you know I puffy heart you big time!
The was the dif.. of Singlet...BTW
Hey Ellie*waves frantically*
I dunno... I'm not sure Rob would look good in shorts... I'm thinking his legs are way skinny...
and white as... Edward.
Bye Alie my love... until we meet again! ♥
Thanks Alie... Hey guess I'll "see" you around... good night if I dont see you!!!
Hi Sweet Rose, Ten, and BI!!
Alie, did you disappear??
whoa...did y'all read that account at lion and lamb....
see i told y'all....they're are gettin it awwwn....LOL
oh, me. i crack myself up.
that's def kristen. she looks wasted in that pic with ashley
I guess I should explain good in a sense that I hope it helps his career as he needs it to. Good as in I love to see Rob.
However I hate that it had to be so invasive that was uncomfortable to watch. Just wanted to be more clear.
Rob's legs were a bit scrawny in LA. ut that was from a while ago...
Rose~ agreed Rob in shorts with his "white" legs... no that I mind really but it seems to just not fit...IDK..
Where is Rob in shorts? Other than being so freaking white right now, his legs aren't half bad/
And the only 'singlet' I've ever heard of is what wrestlers wear...
Not a good look.
Even for Rob.
Rose~ ewwwww thanks for the awful wrestler ROb image... I have to cleanse now with Cannes rob images..
Wrestler Rob is NOT a good image. Not at all. chap of STAY!!!
Gonna go read.
bye for now:)
By Rose... nitey nite enjoy
Bye Rose!
hey Dani--
more pics to post!! good ones...
good ones with fans (that also proves it's kristen, with a fan acct of their activities)
Okay Ellie.... stay why havent I heard of that one???geez...there are so many...
well night ladies... looks like everyone left... sniff sniff
Good night Tenneil!!
Love the pics - and thanks - but the textured glass is frustrating.
He looks so cute sightseeing. Hope he wasn't mobbed by fans and got to enjoy some normal time off.
Hey Ladies. I just jumped on for a minute. Scanning through the comments, I'm a little confused about why there was some question about the woman in the pics being Kristen or not. Why wouldn't it be, I mean, she's supposed to be there. (?????)
AJ, that blog site on Rob's butt is very, very funny. Thanks for the site.
aww look at KStew and RPattz dressed in matching colours,sweet:)
guess those two ‘crew members’ with R and K in the bar were actually just their bodyguards.
The blurry pictures are ridiculous!
We're having a very hot and sunny weather here in Italy lately, I hope they have a good time :)
i question that being kristen too... i mean that girl has an enormous butt and her arms are WAY bigger than kristens would be. K is a tiny girl.... If it is K. perhaps that dress is just WAY unflattering... LOL
The return of the sexspenders, yessssssssss
Hi from Italy...
I can confirm it is unbeliably HOT for May in Italy...we are over 90°F here in Milan and have been under this heat wave for a week.
I cannot imagine how much hotter can Tuscany be at the moment..
And another thing: unlike in the US, the press is being very shy of the New Moon phenomenon, no pics, no news postings...
And the official site for Twilighters Italia is down (Account Suspended).
This is fishy...
wow that is kristen.... my bad. Ok i'm going to go with the a really bad camera angle on why that dress does nothing for her from the back..... bad bad camera angle...
@ laMomo
"This is fishy..."
yeah I agree, it's wierd that twilightersitalia website carched that way yesterday.... just after I saw the pictures, and reported the link here (I promise I have nothing to do with this :p)
Anyway, my guess is that Berlusconi is behind all this conspiracy, he's controling the media LMAO (I'm spending too much time with Italians can't help making this remark sorry :p)
HI I'm italian, i'm in Rome, i'm going to Montepulciano to be a walker in New Moon in 2 days,my friends are there.
Rob was out few times but always kind of assaulted by the fans when he's around...the ebening-night is staying at the hotel cause is not safe for him to go out..there's a sort of exageration going on around him...we're huge fans and very passional but we dont wanna kill or hurt Rob in any way..
I hope I could meet him as I know a person who could help for this..
if I succeed..i'll let u know..
for sure, even if i'm nice,little, blonde, even if as a miracle I 'll have the chance to kiss him or more
have a good time in montepulciano! I wish I could be there too, I entered the contest of the twilight dvd, but no luck. Hope you get a chance to see Rob :)
Thanks for the info, albaville, keep us informed!
I don't know why Rob can't figure out that when he's working out to build muscle, he needs to EAT MORE so he doesn't lose weight! As Ellen would say, "Who's taking care of you, man?" I could give the boy lessons. I merely LOOK at a carton of Ben & Jerrys and gain 10 pounds.
Frankly, it's nice to see Kristen with a little meat on her bones! Maybe she's growing up and filling out a little. She looks pretty.
This uber-security around the NM set is irritating though. Is the mob involved? I mean, dayum. LOL After last week's glut of Cannes photos, I suddenly feel like I've been put on a starvation diet...I've been Robbed of Rob! I'm working on a Rob in Cannes video though so I guess I'll just go wade through all those pics again.
@ Babs
thanks, I wish you could be here too!<3
@Leann: in Itlay there're no picures or almost cause security is huge,impressiv the way they are "protecting" Rob and the cast, paparazzi are not able to get close enough to do their job( and it's their country!!), maybe it's the first time its happening with Rob..all is pretty crazy in these days here...ouy of reality!!:))
In the second picture it looks like Rob is showing the Finger :)
apparently that isn't kristen... there's a photo on the laimey site (sorry, i checked) and there's a picture with kristen facing the camera and the girl in the dress with her back to the camera... maybe it's her stunt person...
It's Kristen. If you go to the source listed on the "Rob with some Italian fans" post, you'll see a fan photo of Kristen and Ashley. Kristen is wearing the same blue Pucci dress as she is in these photos.
Better shot of the Pucci dress (I love it):
Yeah... she's rocking that dress, especially from the back! Why are so many looking to give her such a hard time? Girl's got game. And Rob looks tired but happy. Life is good.
@Riddleinside: your comment about Mr B cracked me up...I wouldnt put it past him to check on a blog...but seriously, either the twilighters site was banned because they did breach some kind of rule (ie gave away locations and such like) or either I have no clue...System error? Server downtime? Hhhmmm...fishy...and very timely, right?
In any case, the blog run by the twilighter italian moms on wordpress has not been blocked, and those ladies are smart: they have footage of scenes in Montepulciano with Alice's yellow Porsche...AWESOME!!!
Sexpenders, indeed!! Growwwwwwwlllllll...Oh how I love those pants with the suspenders; SO many things to do with them...And yes, where did Rob's yummy-butt go? I really miss it!!!
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