Rob on New Moon Set

These are some shots I have not seen before. Love love love the hair.
Thank you to whoever revamped this for New Moon. Bravo 100% better.

Big smooches to Jen for sending me the pictures, source of the shots is on the bottom of the pics.


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annycullen said...

i love the hair too. omg i want to run my fingers through it. rob is so beautiful

rpattzlover. said...

ahh yummy , i loooooove is hair .

Marj said...

i left a comment but it the pic andGOZDE you are in my thoughts, i hope everything is ok

Tenneil said...

the sun setting in the background....its making me swoon!!

Tenneil said...

sun rising...ooopppppsss

Suz said...

ahhh Ten ~ MB

you are such a romantic...


Gemgirl65 said...

That is some mad hair Robward is sporting! Or is it windy? Who cares? Hot. Very hot.

kespax said...

Hot yes.

But spooky, these photos kind of make me sad, caged Rob trapped by his weird new life. Ah well at least he's safe behind the barrier.

Divinesally said...

That face!

Even the DH says Rob is good looking. He's been cool ever since my lil secret got out. He googled him. he wanted to see what all the fuss is about. Last night he said (while pointing at a Rob pic) I rather you think this guy is hot than that dipshit Jake Gyllenhaal."

Anonymous said...

Where the f*ck...

What happened to the sweetsweet tunage?

~KY~ said...

is this where we are now?

Emily said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The fences are a good idea for keeping the crazies at a distance but I still say a couple of tranquilizer darts would do the trick nicely. :)

"So you and your daughter have been here for how many hours? And you chased Kristen with your car? Sure I'll sign your book, just let me get my blowdart, er, I mean pen..."

Suz said...

thats peeps

I see who my real friends are..

left my drunk azz back there...


Anonymous said...

It's like you guys are bar hopping.

Suz said...


That was fuking BRILLIANT!


~KY~ said...

and to answer the earlier question finally, NO, no ky is EVER needed with rob or the thought of rob or the sight of rob or the mention of rob, oh GOD rob!!! i think i just slightly had myself a unicorn..

ky are my initials babe...

Suz said...

it's all good KY

(why am I giggling, typing that?)

Clive Handjob makes me giggle, too

Tenneil said...


Tenneil said...

WTF.... not even a crumb trail to lead the way???

Anonymous said...


Emily said...

Totally agree Ten about the sun setting, rising...whatever. Doesn't matter what time of day it is, he is incapable of looking bad.

Suz, you're brilliant. I'm always laughing at your comments, along with everyone else's. You ladies are awesome.

Gemgirl65 said...

Love it, Emily!

I think Clive Handjob and KY belong together.

Hmmm...just read that there's a *spoiler alert!* slightly different NM scene in which Bella decides to go on a motorcycle ride with one of the dudes she and Jessica encounter after the movie, and of course Edward shows up and is standing right next to her (in her crazy mind) yelling at her not to do it....

Tenneil said...

Emily~ rob looking bad far and few between.....hes perfection...

Suz said...

somebody better find Leann and make it right...

left her in the old thread all by her lonesome..

NAWTY! No Rob for you!

Tenneil said...

Leann ~ you found us...phew

Emily said...

Hmm, interesting Leann. I'm fine with that. Angry Edward is hot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Waaaitaminute... Oh. My bad.

Suz said...

awww Emily.. thanks.

We are some bloody fun peeps, ain't we.


Anonymous said...

i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack bbs!

what's good?

Gemgirl65 said...

How the motorcycle scene goes in Leann's (crazy) mind:

Leann, er, Bella: "Sure, scary bar dude who's too old for me...I'd love to go for a ride on your hot rod!"

Edward: "No, Leann, I mean, Bella! Ride my hot rod instead."

Leann: "Just make sure you put on a helmet."

I'm going to hell.

Tenneil said...

Hey TS! you found us...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

t: i'm good like that ;)

and damn... leave for a few minutes and THREE new rob posts go up? i love this blog!

Tenneil said...

L~ breathe.... is this what rob caged does to you???

Gemgirl65 said...

Your right, Emily. Angry Edward is hot.
Really, any Edward is hot.
Try to find a not-hot Edward moment.

Tenneil said...

TS~ under control....

Anonymous said...

awww caged rob makes me think about pe... he's been in his cage for a while now... poor fella :(

Tenneil said...

TS should we get PE for an adventure??

Anonymous said...

Ok. In NM. When the Cullens all sit down to have "the talk" with Bella...does anyone else love the thought of Edward smashing shit in the other room.


Is that odd...?

Suz said...


I still fucking love you!

~KY~ said...

hey 30! you came back!

and will someone explain clive handjob to me?

Gemgirl65 said...

T~caged Edward IS hot. (Caged Rob makes me a little sad, but that does not agree with the wine I'm drinking.)

I guess with Edward, it'd be a HOT ROB instead of a hot rod.

Robfucius say, "Man who goes to bed with hard problem wakes up with answer in hand."

Tenneil said...

B~ edward smashing stuff in the other room is find of hawt... kind of like angry rob??

Suz said...

I love angry sex.
so angry Eddie works for Susan
(was that wrong?)

Anonymous said...

suz!!! i love you tenfold!!!

and now i've got the vv with orange soda... pure fucking win!

t: yes, pe needs an adventure... domward?

Anonymous said...

Ten~ You know it.

Suz~ Nawwwty.

Gemgirl65 said...

Ballsy, yes, I do love the thought of Ed smashing shit up in the other room. Also love the thought of him taking hunks of wood out of the bedframe. Go Mormons!

KY, in the article posted earlier, Rob said he signed into a Paris hotel under the name "Clive Handjob" and the staff was calling him "Monsieur Handjob." Works for me.

~KY~ said...

T~your avi is fucking killing me here. i think my last pair of panties just dissolved. dammit, i just did laundry TODAY! see what you do to me rob!

Suz said...


(she cries with passion)

PE + Domward diorama = WIN

Orange and VV... yum

Tenneil said...

TS~ IDK ... I need to think about this... you seen dossier pe right??/

~KY~ said...

oh shit. i think clive handjob and KY belong together too then!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad because I always felt like a f*cking creep for finding that part of the book sexy.

But I don't know... Mayyybe I always pictured him with his shirt off... Wrecking the joint like a rockstar.

Tenneil said...

KY~ thank you...he smile OWNS ME!!

Gemgirl65 said...

WTH is PE?

Tenneil said...

Pocket Edward

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what's PE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh hell yeah t! fucking smoking rob... uh i mean pe

suz: don't tempt me... i'll break out a fucking school project tomorrow with the diarama and domward... you want pics?

Anonymous said...

Ten~ I love giggly Rob...

Gemgirl65 said...

Pretty Edward?

Pure Evil?

Pansy Eater?

uhoh, can't say the next thing that popped into my noggin

~KY~ said...

im sooo happy to be on the puter now instead of my much faster! but were having really bad weather and if i lose power now during this awesome robsession i swear i will CRY!

Anonymous said...


Gemgirl65 said...

Pocket Edward! That seems like a good place for him.

My favorite giggly Rob moment is when Kristen says "It's like you in Little Ashes" and then Rob does the hyena thing...oh yeah, I already mentioned that the other night!

Gemgirl65 said...

I also really love the way he says "belly hair."

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Bella, I'm just a sweaty guy.

Anonymous said...

ky: back in bsns, eh? no more clutching...? i plan to clutch later ;)

Suz said...

TS, you ask the DOLL lady who makes dioramas all the time.. if I am serious?

Do I want pics.?

Hell to the fooking yea!

Suz said...


and "Glitter Glue"

Anonymous said...


SPEAKING OF DOLLS...[]=tags&includes[]=title


Anonymous said...

suz: my lovah... i'm totally gonna send you pics! just you wait.

domward, eh?

Gemgirl65 said...

*does anti-storm chant for KY*

Seriously, I laughed so hard the first time I watched Twilight with the commentary, I had to keep going back to hear what I missed. Rob could do stand-up comedy. "So what was your motivation behind choosing the Thunderbird and Whale Book Store out of all the others?" him.

Anonymous said...


Suz said...

TS owns my soul tonight!

Gemgirl65 said...

Ballsy...WTF is that doll????

~KY~ said...

thanx for the anti storm chant! SWEEET!

and yes 30 i do plan to clutch later. at the normal time. =)

Anonymous said...

I ran across it the other night when I was looking to see if anyone had interesting Rob-related...anything.

Isn't that the greatest thing you've ever seen in your entire life. I had to save the link. I was having a stroke.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, that's a bit SAUCY!

Anonymous said...

what's the scroll with the doll?

suz: be careful... i'm one jealous biotch ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

Cannot. Stop. Laughing. At that weirdass doll!!!

Looks like a voodoo doll or something!

Oh, snap...wouldn't it be fun to have a Robward voodoo doll? Only instead of sticking it with pins, we'd only do nice things to it, like stroke its hair and...other things. Could get embarrassing for him when he's in public though.

Suz said...


it's a sex voo doo doll..

you pull his strings (down there)
real rob has to go play his trumpet!

Divinesally said...

I love hearing Rob chewing throughout some of the commentary. It's oddly relaxing. He was making me hungry. I was picturing him eating something yummy, like a donut or a hot pocket.

Suz said...



and TS

I love my bitches mad crazy jealous!

Divinesally said...

Lean and Suz OMEC hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

ts~ LOL Apparently, it says, "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."

Leann~ Maybe we could make him come to us. Like, walk him across a table about a gazillion times. He'll go on a little journey, all "WTF."

Anonymous said...

ds...i thought you disappeared? hi :)

and can someone please explain ballsy to me? wtf? how did you get that from bolilihasoidufas0oi?

suz: don't you worry bb...i'm one crazy jealous possessive bitch!

Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, LMAO! So the doll should come with a trumpet instead of a diploma. What's with the diploma anyway? 'Cause he "matriculates" a lot? heh.

DS, I'm so glad you noticed it too, that Rob was eating through the whole movie. Maybe they had a big bowl of popcorn or something? Rob makes me hungry no matter what he's doing.

Geezo peezo, that old Winger song "Hungry" just popped into my head. WTH! Yes...I had the big permed hair and went to all the metal shows back in the day.

Sorry, that was random.

Suz said...

TS - possess me bb if you are man enough!

(oh god, please let her be man enuff!)

Anonymous said...

It's either because bolide=a fireball in the sky or because the first night I posted on here...I was acting like a guy with blue nuts?

I don't know.

I just say, it's open for debate.

Tenneil said...

I am soo lost .... voo doo dolls

Divinesally said...

TS~Oh, uh yeah, I had to do some stuff, personal reasons. {{win wink}}

Anonymous said...

leann & ds: i noticed him eating too... it just made me wanna feed him

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, LMFAO at how you spelled bolide's name. I must be drunk.

I so want to make Rob go on a little journey! That's funny, there's a scene almost exactly like that in the Wolverine movie, where a mutant makes the bad guy walk away from the scene of the crime until his feet bleed. We don't want Robbie's feet to bleed though. We'll walk VoodooRob to the nearest airport instead.

Anonymous said...

*gasp* DS!

Divinesally said...

I'm so drowsy now, and I need a stoge.

Divinesally said...

The DH needed some assistance with his trumpet playing. He's a mighty fine musician.

Anonymous said...

suz: shiiit.. will you wear my collar? ;)

Anonymous said...

Then when he's close just plow...

This isnt coming out correctly...

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, that's an interesting thought, feeding Rob. He needs someone to feed him, he's quite thin.

Usually I'm more inclined to want to eat off of him, like he's a plate.

DS - oooh,,, nauuughty!!!

crazylife said...

WOW! Could a human being be anymore beautiful than that???

Hope all is well with Godze.

Divinesally said...

Oh snap! We got bitches getting collared. Holy shiz! woot woot.

Anonymous said...

leann: i'm the drunk one... i think? maybe just a good buzz...cause i can still type.

t: check out the link for the voodoo doll of edward

ds: 'nuff said... and you're back? that's fucking robsession!

Divinesally said...

TS~thanks for pointing out how very pathetic I am ;)

Suz said...

Oh Snap..

She IS man enuff..

("Now I'm scared") "good"

Kids he's eating a bagel during commentary... remember, he mentions the bagel crumbs...

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi smalltowngal...I am one of those too! And no, there is no human more beautiful. In fact there is some debate as to whether Rob is, in fact, human, 'cause I never see any guys like that IRL.

Where in hades did the collars come from? I am so lost.

DS, so glad you could help DH blow his horn, so to speak. Or did you just do it for him?

Anonymous said...

AHAHA Suz I remember that! But I feel like a wanker because I always thought that he was talking about having bagel crumbs on the shirt that he was wearing during filming.

*slaps forehead*

Duh, Ballsy

Anonymous said...

ds: NOT pathetic babe... you're in good company here ;)

Gemgirl65 said...

Geez, how many bagels did Rob eat during that movie? 'Cause the chewing seems to be throughout.

I'll lick those crumbs off him, even if he did "let himself go." Hey, there's something I can do with the VoodooRob.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, collars. Like dog collars? Is this a fetish or something?

Anonymous said...

Chips, dips, chains, whips...


Gemgirl65 said...

None of you are pathetic, you all have DHs at home. I will be banging the drum all day/night/whatever, alone.

Anonymous said...

aaaahhh suz don't be scared... as long as you follow the rules, there will be no punishment... only pleasure ;)

leann: you read ff? read the submissive and the dom. woah

Gemgirl65 said...

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being "baffled but amused" and 10 being "completely terrified," how do you think Rob would feel if he came on here and read the nightly drunken ramblings here?

Just wonderin'.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a DH.

And as far as you guys are clearing some things up...What the hell is a DH? Your significant other, of couse, but what does it meeeean? I'm missing a lot around here...

Divinesally said...

Damn you ROBoholics are on FIRE tonight!

TS~thanks hons, glad to be here. Quite entertaining.

Leann~The horn and drums were playing in unison. We made beautiful music together. **blushes** lol

Anonymous said...


Gemgirl65 said...

TS, I have weird phobias about ff. I have my own ff in my head and I don't like to read anyone else's. Weird, I know. I'm not a prude by any means but I usually don't like ff, as a rule. This is going way back to other stuff I've been into, whether it's TV shows or bands or whatever...I can't explain it.

Anonymous said...

dh = darling husband

or sometimes... damn husband haha

~KY~ said...

i would like to think that rob would be completely fucking amused and quite fucking hott and bothered by it. thats my naughty wishful thinkin though...

Divinesally said...

Leann it's a toss up, probably amused at first, then a bit disturbed. he has a great sense of humor though.

wow, not sure.

Anonymous said...

ds: c'mon baby light my fire...

leann: ff is addictive... once you start it, you CANNOT stop. no lie

Anonymous said...

OOOoooo...that's going to be saved under the "fun" section of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

boli... or ballsy: 1?

are you giving me the finger?

Divinesally said...

or depending on how you and your DH are getting along that particular day, dumbass husband, dipshit husband, delicious Husband, etc.

The Dom's latest entry had me beating my drum and jizzing all over my self.

~KY~ said...

leann, please please please read the office. omfuck. the beautiful bastard will change your life.

Anonymous said...

aaahhh shit! i scared suz off... sorry suz. you know i was kidding, right?

ds: dom rules! can't wait for the next chappie... isn't that the piano?

Gemgirl65 said...

AW, DS, that's beautiful. *sigh* *jealous*

yay, Ballsy, I'm not the only husbandless one here! I'm assuming DH means "dear hubby." But that's just a guess 'cause I'm clueless around here too!

BTW, thank you all for being so welcoming to me, when I know you've all been friends for awhile around here. I just sort of jump into the fray and hope no one minds. :)

and yes we ARE on fire here tonight, but I hear there's a cream for that.

Fire in the Sky (always on fire, obviously!), I think Rob would be a one or two, also. I don't think much scares him, or phases him. He said he likes "nuts girls...girls who are kind of nuts." I'll be his li'l pecan any day.

Anonymous said...

ts~ LMAO, Whatever you like.

1=Rob would be amused ahahaha.

No. I am not.

DS~ No words.

And are these under tara sue me?

If so...HEH.

Divinesally said...

My fave ff: Wide Awake, The Sub, The Dom,The Office, Apples and Oranges, and A Love With No Limits (this was done a while ago, a few chapters on what the honeymoon would have been like in BD with all the raunchy details)

Anonymous said...

I have to second what Leann said while I have a chance! I'm new too. Thanks guys!

Leann~ ;-)

Gemgirl65 said...

Wait, there is ff with piano?


For cripe's sake, Tyra Banks said, "Bite me Robert!" and he said...."okay." And did it. And liked it, I'm quite sure. I don't think we'd scare him too much.

Suz said...


Pulls collar (by tiffany's thank you Very MUCH) off and throws it
(ala Angry Edward Style) across the room

She was kidding...



Gemgirl65 said...

Of course she's Tyra Banks and I'm...not.

Divinesally said...

Leann~when I told my mom Tyra asked Rob to bite her, she was like "that whore!" lol gotta love mom.

Anonymous said...

suz: wtf? NO i wasn't! it was a test ... and you FAILED.

20 lashes for you.... naughty girl

upstairs now!

Shani said...

Just poking my head in saying What's up ladies.

Leann- No your not alone...I'm single and childless too. It only makes our fantasies worst or never know.:)))

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he would..."enjoy" himself. If he came at the right time.

OMG. I di-int.

Suz said...


this is going to leave a



~KY~ said...

shani! my girl! whats shakin...

Anonymous said...

leann: yeah... ff with anything your heart desires

check out ds's recs all very good

a&o edward = tie guy... and he OWNS me

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh, Angry Eeedwaaaard...there's an Angry Suz in the house throwing shit! Come and get her!

I still laugh at stupid Tyra going, "He really bit me!" You asked him to, you wanton woman. Acting all surprised and outraged. She so wanted to do him...telling him how she liked his dirty messy hair thing. She probably DID do him after the show. Wear a raincoat on yer Rob Junior, that's all I'm sayin'!

~KY~ said...

oh its kristen btw...changed my

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

Oh yes please

if there is a GOD IN HEAVEN

Please let Angry Edward

Get Me

Anonymous said...

aaahhh leann: don't go there with tyra...

Shani said...

KY- Getting sucked into reading Unexpected. It is the funniest shit ever.

Divinesally said...

TS~"Beautiful Bastard" gets my panties moist.

Ballsy!I saved it on my harddrive. Had to! I couldn't not read that lemony smut.

Anonymous said...

suz: hells yeah with angry edward

give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh

Anonymous said...

I loves me some angry Edward.

I kept typing "lvoes" over and over again because I was so excited...ABOUT 10 TIMES. I've finally calmed myself enough to get that phrase out.

Anonymous said...

ds: right before ripping them off?


Mochachino said...

hi ladies, just skimmed the comments, y'all are cracking me up!

what have I missed? some freaky ass sex voodoo doll, angry robward action, and who's collaring who?

~KY~ said...

unexpected? i think i mighta read that one..not it a quick one? with jasper?

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Shani! I don't know if it's worse or better or whatever either. Oh well...we can look at RobPorn in the meantime.

Boli, you diiii--id! Naaaugghty!

ff with TieGuy? Oh my...hmmmm....

Tyra's a whore. I only say this because I'd do the exact same thing if I were her, only I'd LIKE it when he bit me, and then I'd have to drag him off, cavewoman like, to the Green Room and leave Taylor to entertain the Twifans in the audience while I force Rob to cover me in hideous hickeys so that I have to wear turtlenecks for 3 weeks afterwards.

wow...where'd that come from?

Anonymous said...

DS. DS!!!!



Divinesally said...

angry sex is the best type of sex.

Making love is beautiful, spiritual and blah blah blah...

Mochachino said...

@Shani...I LOVE Pierceward...have never had that myself but have enjoyed the tongue ring before

~KY~ said...

bolideinthesky...what are we callin you again???ballsy???

yeah i read that she was pullin it the day before she did, so i saved it real quick! on my phone tho so i cant help ya, im sure someone here just gotta find the right person.

Anonymous said...

leann: tie guy is fucking brilliant!

hi erin :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Erin! Yeah, you got it in a nutshell. You know...the usual.

Divinesally said...


~KY~ said...

ballsy-there ya go, ds has ya covered!

leann-LMFAO! cavewoman! i hear ya. i woulda dragged his ass off quick too.

Gemgirl65 said...

DS...blah blah blah is so boring.

You know, eventually there will be a Rob movie with Angry Sex. I just hope I'm still alive by then LOL.

Anonymous said...

Leann~ OOOOOooooOOOOOO. *sizzle*

KY~ That seems to be the popular choice.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~KY~ said...

leann-but hickeys? baby...come on...i cant even say on here what woulda went on in that green room or id be arrested.

Shani said...

Kristen- Jasper is not a major factor and it's 9 chapters I think. Edward is the funny hippie art guy, Bella is funny and a bit immature, Rose gets pregnant by Emmit who is the frat boy with no sense. Jasper and Alice so far from what I've read is together but not a major thing in this story. You'll be ROTFLYAO

Mochachino said...

oh god,
Rob movie with Angry Sex, I wouldn't be able to see it in public

have you guys seen the rome interviews where Rob looks like a caveman?

Anonymous said...

I hope that I'll be cast as the leading lady. And by then, maybe it will be considered to be artistic to perform real sex acts on screen...

Anonymous said...


Gemgirl65 said...

The hickeys were just the above the belt part. Or maybe below...wherever he wants to put his mouth is fine with me. I couldn't say the rest or I'd be arrested too. Thank God Rob's over 21 is all I'm sayin'.

Anonymous said...

well... i guess i won't need to read unexpected now.. you should call *spoiler alert* when you do that, k?

~KY~ said...

ill have to check it out shani, its not the one i was thinkin of.

Mochachino said...

bols (does anyone else call you this?),
you know I can't carry on a convo with you to your face when you have that avatar

Mechevpao said...

Hi! I´ve been coming and going this night
Have you listened to this radio interview rob did for Twilight promo, to me it is totally new, and it is very good

Mochachino said...

LOL Leann

Shani said...

Erin- Me neither...but it's not in style anymore. Unless you hang around those types of people that like those type of piercings.:P

Anonymous said...

erin~ They do. And you can call me whatever you wish. ;-)


~KY~ said...

erin-that shit was funny

Gemgirl65 said...

Boli! I like the way you think.

Erin said the magic words! ROME ROB. Which gives me a perfect excuse to quote Just A Girl from Random Acts of Rob again: "RomeRob looks as if he was fucked 6 ways to Sunday on his way to the premier." Or something like that. It bears repeating. He's a hairy, messy BEAST in those pictures and I just want to throw him down and ravage him in very illicit ways.

Maybe I'll write my own fanfic. "A funny thing happened on the way to the Rome Book Signing."

Divinesally said...

ballsy~You've got mail.

~KY~ said...


Anonymous said...

Hells to the yeaaaah.

Mochachino said...

oh yeah Leann.., looking for a treat for you, brb

Divinesally said...

lol, can you open it?

Anonymous said...

^^^That was to both Leann and DS.

Anonymous said...



Gemgirl65 said...

Hey, thanks for the interview link, Mechevpao! I haven't heard this one. He's said similar things before but I just love anything new. There's always something new that I haven't heard before, which is sort of amazing when you think about it.

Amazing Rob, how sweet the sound....

Divinesally said...

I'm eating baby carrots. random...

I'm listening to that radio interview. His voice is damn soothing. I can fall asleep to this on my headphones.

Yay he mentions Laura Marling! Love that chick and her music. She an old soul. Like he is.

~KY~ said...

alright ladies im out for the nite. i need a seriously cold shower. is that normal for women to need? hell rob doesnt make me need normal things...

goodnite all! sweet roblicious dreams!

Anonymous said...

what program do you use to open it, DS?

Divinesally said...

Night night Kristen! peace and love, bb!

Anonymous said...

holy shit boli... mcv that writes frenemies also writes apples & oranges. both are VERY good. i personally prefer tie guy...but i liked frenemies a ton too. she is a hella good, funny ass write and a friend of the blog... i wouldn't go calling her a witch. even if you were joking, not cool.

and on that note... i'm out! night

suz: meet you upstairs ;)

Mochachino said...


look at

at 3:17-3:20

'night kristen! enjoy the cold shower, or indulge in some ff! totally normal, esp if you don't have a dh to play with

Divinesally said...

Ok I resent. Sorry bout that.

Divinesally said...

Night night TS, smooches and hugs bb! peace and love.

Gemgirl65 said...

OOh, Erin, thanks for the link! More Rob to watch...messy, hairy RomeRob. mmmmm!

I stopped to listen to the radio one and everyone went to bed. G'night ladies! It's late here too, I'm probably off soon. smooches to all!

Shani said...

Bye Kristen!! I left a few minutes ago,thought I'd come back,but Unexpected is calling my name. Talk to y'all later.

Divinesally said...

Night all! whoever is left. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I deleted that. I didn't mean to offend, I was just trying to express the frustration and pain of a blue vagina. LOL I got out of hand. My apologies. ;-)

DS~ Thank you so much!!! You're one of my heroes. Fo-real-yo

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