Twilight star Robert Pattinson arrived at the Michaelangelo restaurant in Antibes just as the star couple were saying their goodbyes at the Inglourious Basterds fete.
"He arrived as Brad and Angelina were leaving," a restaurant source tells Usmagazine.com. "But they spoke in the hallway. It didn't seem like they knew each other that well, but the conversation was friendly. Brad shouted back to Rob, 'Go inside and get something to eat.' They all seemed happy.
"Pitt and Jolie dined with the cast and crew of his new film the night before the Cannes Film Festival premiere of Basterds. The two stars left their hotel, Hotel du Cap, and arrived at the restaurant at 11 p.m., along with director Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Weinstein and costar Diane Kruger -- who was joined by boyfriend Joshua Jackson.
"It was really lively and friendly," the source tells Us, adding that the group dined on focaccia bread, prosciutto, truffle ravioli and rigatonni with sausage. "Everybody was relaxed and being themselves. Quentin Tarantino was the center of attention, telling stories and making everyone laugh."
When Pattinson -- who walked the red carpet at Wednesday's premiere of Basterds -- arrived at the restaurant, the chefs rushed to serve food to him and his group of four people, including Emile Hirsch and Brianna Domont.
"There wasn't much left, but they were all given something to eat," the source tells Us. "Just simple food."Before leaving, the actor -- who just celebrated his 23rd birthday this week -- took photos with the restaurant's owner, Mamo."
He was nice," adds the source. "Very friendly."
Now his life is complete, he's met our American Royalty. *snort* No offense to Brangelina or their fans, but I get so sick of the press acting like they are God's gift. Sure, they do nice things, but they are just normal people.
Anyway, glad Rob got to hang out and have a bit of fun:)
truffle ravioli = mushroom ravioli... oh, the irony!
Jolie = Pitt?
Hmmm sounds familiar..
I can't place the names..
Did you hear? Patty is at Cannes?
i'm not at all impressed with the overexposure of jolie pitt...but that sure was a lotta hotness in one hallway
OMG my life is now complete! LOL
Brad had always seemed like a nice friendly (gorgeous *_*) guy when he was younger. He was the absolute sex symbol, not that he is ugly now, it might also be the father's image. but what's with his outfit at the premiere? Rob's BBJ is beautiful compared to that outfit...
Rob was quite dashing on the red carpet by the way...
well rob is more sensational in cannes this year than brangelina.. soo :)) it was nice they've met :) but still Rob so hot! cannes is way hotter place now :)
Brad who? Sorry, but he never even came close to the appeal that our Rob has...
30, I agree, whole lotta hotness in that hallway.
I love how Rob is meeting so many A-listers, I'm sure he's making mad impressions.
I'd like to thank Emile for suggesting KS to CH, which lead to KS and CH choosing Rob and introducing him top us.
As long as he stays away from Paris H (or rather the other way round) I'm happy. Have you seen her posing on the red carpet? WTF? Why is she even there? Home porn doesn't make you an actress :)
So what does one have to do to get into Rob's "group"?
Oh, life's questions...
Rob is the hottest thing in Cannes right now. No one has ever compared to him as far as I'm concerned. Brad was lucky to meet Rob!
hi girls
while waiting for news from Cannes I found some pics in an Italian blog, they are dated last ocotber when Rob was in Rome
for the première.
Here's the link
the pics were taken by an italian girl who assisted to the press conference as well, if you like I can summarise the blog
the funniest past is when she describes how mothers and daughters alike were fighting to get near Rob! lol
I live in Italy too, and I've been lurking for a while.
Since my English is so-so, and you're soooo good in digging out all the info!
Congrats to all of you, you rock girls!!
I agree with all of you. I just never saw the huge draw of Brad Pitt. I could never imagine myself obsessed and doing nothing else but reading about Brad...unlike what I do about Rob!
I like Brad, but I love Rob. And that seems to be the consensus across the board:
emile hirsch and rob? i wish i was there...
Ew Emile Hirsch... Call of the Wild represents 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back...
I hear ya about the Brad comments...I am close to his age at 36 years old, and I feel OLD when I look at him now....is this how my parents felt looking at Robert Redford age? Anyway, how does our man Robert keep so grounded with this type of high flying lifestyle....unbelievable.
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