According to LAiMEyHO:
As I reported last week, Friday was Robert Pattinson’s final day on the Vancouver set of New Moon. He’ll resume shooting in Italy soon. Sunday afternoon he was photographed jetting out of Canada en route to Nice, on his way here to Cannes.
I left Vancouver and I STILL can’t get away from Twilight.
Apparently Summit, the Twilight production company, to whom he appears to be bound for the next couple of years of his life, is dangling him to seek distribution for several of their upcoming projects. Last time they made him go to Walmart. Needless to say, the Croisette is a significant improvement.
Not known yet if we’ll actually see him climb Les Marches since he doesn’t have a film at the festival but Cannes is famous for these non-official on the beach photo calls for upcoming features where Pattinson would look properly awkward posing to promote a picture that has yet to go into production. Welcome to the hustle! Cannes is all about the hustle.
Cannes is also all about the party. Heard a hilarious story the other night that his cousin is in town and she was at a club on Friday and was holding a table and kept telling the publicists that “Rob is coming” and pointing to her cell phone saying he was texting her so the whole time people were waiting for him to show up even though on Friday he was still working on Vancouver. Sharing bonuses with friends and family. Very cool.
Anyway, he’s here at the same time as the Brange. Can’t wait for the next bullsh-t Life & Style headline:
Angelina leaves Brad Pitt for young Twilight hunk!
source via RobPattzNews and MsJBell ;)
Is it just me or is he getting hotter by the day? LOL! I'm unreasonable happy that our boy is back in Europe. At least for a short while. London misses him, the pubs are facing a financial drought without his business. ;-)
No its not just you - he´s getting hotter every day *lol*
Can´t wait to see pics from Cannes and Italy.
I wonder if anybody knows which brand his messengerbag is?
Sorry for my bad english - it´s not my first language
can't wait to see the next Life and style cover too!
There's another Tess? Hello!
love his feet 4th photo from the bottom :)
I feel bad that he is clutching his black hoodie. It probably gives him comfort..
yeah i agree with you, he is getting hotter day by day
Hey what funny - two Tess *laugh*
Hello to you too
Hellooo gorgeous :)))
(no miss_uta, definitely not just you...)
So nice to see new pics! I needed that weekend Robfix.
I just came across this Birthday Pic Spam from livejournal. Not mine!
Seriously, getting jealous of a pen cap is not healthy to control my Robsession.
luffscruff, you know what else is not helping the robsession? - Rob. I would really, really appreaciate if he could stop growing more gorgeous and adorable by the day. He's clearly not making any efforts to help us out.
I really like his hair at this length... and he certainly looks great here.
I'm not sure that I really see a 6 pack (some seem to think so from the comments I've read), but his slim figur is all I need. He does seem slightly more muscular though.
Ah, Layne complaining to have too much Robness... Poor woman still doesn't get it it seems.
I agree about her awkwardness comment, isn't it weird to go somewhere to sell something that doesn't yet exist? Be brave Rob!
hey anna F, are you the poster formerly known as anna?
I'm hoping Rob enjoys France so much he decides to move there... and maybe look for a wife there... I'm available. ("boyfriend? what about the boyfriend?")
yeah, that's me LB, I saw another anna (which considering the chosen name isn't hard LOL).
Yes, he should move in in France! I don't see him as a french riviera type of guy though... There is another great place in southern France: Oh, it's where I live !!!!
Joke apart, Depp obviously enjoys his life here, not too many papz... But it's in the country from what I heard!
I'm just hoping for his sake and sanity that he's coping with all the attention and madness. He does seem a lot more serious and subdued but I guess so would I if I had cameras in my face 24/7. As much as I enjoy the Twilight franchise I can't wait for everything to wrap up. Hopefully his life is gonna be slightly more sane afterwards. Only 2 more years or so to go...poor lamb!
yes! And people are always saying Rob might be the new Depp - who by the way, is married to a French woman... just sayin' :)
Personally, and completely impartially, I think that Normandy would be the best fit for Rob. NO papz, and same climate as England - he wouldn't be too homesick, lol
Sure LB, but completely impartially, he needs pubs to hang out and life in a city full of a younger crowd... and also sun is good for the mood! The "Herault" is the place to be...
OT, did I misunderstand, or do you live in England right now?
The sad part is it's only in our dreams... I'm sure that he'll be moving from shooting place to shooting place for a while before settling down in London... but a woman can dream!
Yeah, I do (close to London actually - the dream lives on!), but Normandy is where my heart is.
Well technically, right now my heart is somewhere in the vicinity of Rob's pants, but let's not go there :p
I think London pulses through his blood. I remember him saying how much he missed it, the smell everything and I know what he's talking about. That said, no one knows where he'll end up and with whom. But we can all dream. LOL!
"Well technically, right now my heart is somewhere in the vicinity of Rob's pants, but let's not go there :p"
HAHAHAHA! And the place is sort of crowded too, I believe!
Glad to see the dream live on for some of us...
@ miss_uta:
What do you mean we don't know who he'll end up with and where?
I was back in my little bubble with him and me in southern France ;_; Well, I like London (though weatherwise, not so much...), so no prob for me there!
lol, pretty crowded indeed... :))
but hey, it's eventually gonna happen for someone. So dream on, girls!!
It would be nice if Rob's carrier path was like Johnny Depp, I believe he's the only actor whose films I always consider seeing.
And I even liked Pirates of the Carabean, but I don't understand why it's the main thing on Depp's resume (always mentioned first right now...). I mean, he has done so many amazing movies, PoC is just one of many.
Would sure be sweet to see him have a Depp-like career...
Or would it?! My life has already been wrecked by the robsession, at some point he needs to give me a break and stop being so amazing!
Only kidding. I only wish good things for my Robbie :)
I guess, there are enough bubbles for all of us. ;-)
Until cloning is all good to go we have to share the RPattz and his delicious manparts. x
I despise Lainey, but I could not help but chuckle at her comment insinuating that Cannes was an uprade from WalMart. LOL! Indeed.
Awww thought Mum & Dad would be with him, does he have anyone nice to hang with in France I wonder?
He's sure looking pretty.
The hoodie security blanket is a bit sad.
At least they had that big security dude handy, we have seen him a few times haven't we.
Hell that skank lainey sucks - as if she isn't drooling & salivating that her meal ticket might be within her evil sights.
We should get some interviews over the Cannes visit shouldn't we?
he will be interviewed at "le grand journal" at least, it's on tuesday around 8pm in france I think (has alerady been there with Kristen for twilight, and it wasn't a very interesting itw by the way, I hope that it will be better).
Apart from that, I don't know (well, he'll be climbing the red "stairs" to see the tarantino movie from what I read here, aren't there any interviews there?).
I'm leaving... Enjoy your afternoon everyone!
I adore the last but one picture. I have a feeling that he doesn't like airports much though, he always looks kinda sad in those shots. I wish I could be a flight attendant on his 15-hour flight to europe...
I tried to convince my boyfriend to move up our trip to st tropez, not even close :(
Rob is looking MI-Tee fine as per usual..
tickets - CHECK
burly body guard - check
Burberry sex jeans - check
laptop - check
invisibility cloak (i.e. black hoodie) - CHECK!
safe journies, kitten
see you in Cannes.
I wish the paps would stop taking pics of him in the airport. Traveling is stressful enough as it is. While it's always nice to look at Rob (no denyin' that!), I'd rather he get through the airport in peace. He's already got the fan element to contend with there, and I'm sure he's gracious as hell as always signing autographs and taking pics.
I bet there's a part of him that's glad to be out of Vancouver for a while. I'm sure he loved the city, but things were getting a bit claustrophic towards the end where everyone seemed to know where he was 24/7.
Lainey needs to do her homework because Rob has "Little Ashes" and "The Summerhouse" showing at Cannes. And he's not promo-ing his new Summit film, he's helping to find a distributor which is fairly common at a film festival like this. My greatest hope is that he gets a chance to meet some people he admires, sees some great films, gets a chance to relax and wears a suit so that all of us can benefit from THOSE pics!!!! :)))))))))
That's my early morning rant....Good morning, everyone!!
@ Anna F
"I agree about her awkwardness comment, isn't it weird to go somewhere to sell something that doesn't yet exist?"
Don't think so, it's business!! He must be going to le marché du film i.e the movie market that is related to Le Festival de Cannes: It's the best place to do business and seek partnership, everybody is doing this.People from all over the world come to meet professionals and talk business. Of course he may feel a "bit" nervous having a task to accomplish, but I think in the end it's good for him.(and I'm sure he won't be alone)
SHE (again I can't bring my self to write her name) is talking as if SHE belongs there, I mean LE FESTIVAL DE CANNES...but not the others!!!for god sake!!
Rob is an actor going to meet professionals (and loking extremely gorgeous). He'll be fine!!!
I'm wondering which questions Denisot is going to ask Rob?? -__-
Anyway, he’s here at the same time as the Brange. Can’t wait for the next bullsh-t Life & Style headline:
Angelina leaves Brad Pitt for young Twilight hunk!Your right on about that next headline :(
Bye Rob, and please film your next movie in one of the Southern Gulf States
excuse my typo: "looking gorgeous" :)
"...needs to do her homework because Rob has "Little Ashes" and "The Summerhouse" showing at Cannes."
If Littles Ashes is to be screened, it's outside any category of the Festival, and thus its people are not to climb LES MARCHES. However as AnnaF pointed out, if Rob is to see screenings of one of the movies among the Festival category, then, yes!He would climb les Marches, and yes, there are journalist there to interview people while climbing :))) so let's hope for a short hello from Rob there!!
Can't wait for tomorrow
Ooooo somebody has posted an article in the imdb rob forums (they have some excellent news items on that site & forums get stuff really quickly) - about captives movie - $90mil budget & locations in new mexico and New Zealand, come to me baby - Oz is just over the horizon & it's Hugh's duty to drag him to visit film makers & his homeland!
Article says it's going to an epic movie, hmm.
Re Cannes - they do heaps of interviews with press from allover the world and serious movie buff reviewer people try to get heaps of in depth interviews with filmakers & actors - that's what I'm hoping to see pop up.
Awww, he looks so harassed and annoyed in some of these photos. I bet he sighs in relief when he finally gets on the plane and has a break from the cameras.
And it does look like he's been working out. Anyone notice the quad muscles bulgiing in his thigh? I'm not really a leg gal, but I couldn't help but notice in a few of the pics.
Looks like we are all having the same thoughts...how is it that I keep seeing new photos of him on a daily basis, and yet I am knocked senseless by his beauty as if I've never seen him before? What is it about this guy? He's an alien, I'm sure of it. I've never seen anyone look so delicious just sauntering through the airport. I mean....GAH...*dies* *dies dead*
Tess, I zeroed in on those feet in #4, as well! (just like an RK to do that... LOL)
The boy's been working out, by the looks of those pecs. Yum.
Good morning, all! (Tess, good afternoon to you!~~at least I THINK it's late afternoon? Evening? Aw, hell, good day, sweets!)
Happy to have Rob in Europe!!
Cant wait for him here in Italy...I'm going to Montepulciano...I'm gonna get u Spunk Ransom...:)))
these pics are so beautiful..<3
bod is looking good..
real good
(I have a feeling we are in for one hell of a week! brace yourselves~)
I deleted my first comment cause I wasn't being nice to the girl who is with Rob on the last picture as I thought it had the same tag as the first ones...now that my eyes have adjusted I realised that it's not the case.
MY SINCERE APPOLOGIES TO THIS GIRL :) and thx for not sending the picture to HER this time ;)
OH and did I mention that Rob looks gorgeous???
Leann - I think he may be elvish, from a planet Lothlorian
So does he just travel with that little briefcase? No suitcase? Great pics.
Suz~ MB.. you out there love???
DUDE~ his thighs in the sex jeans...
and that hoodie is going to be the end of me... SWOON!!!
Tenneil - that's what i'm talkin about! Hot damn!
Hi Leann! KK!
Just here for a second. (Yeah, right!! ;))
larajean1: re: RP traveling light: Since he seems to wear the same pair of pants every day (*not complaining*), perhaps he just keeps a few white and grey t-shirts swathed around his laptop, and the odd pair of grey "underpants"....
Poor RP is looking a little weary.
The way his black pants pool, so endearingly, around his ankles, reminds me of the Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" poster....
Lizalou~ great minds think alike... wink wink...
Suz ~ you forget
daddy bag-Check
Sex hair-Check
for the love of all holy... the person who sits next to him... one lucky person...
Ten ~ MB
Not if it's a "musty" day
Suz~ MB
good point... but still... GAH!!!
If I was the lucky person who got to sit next to him, can anyone say 'Mile High Club?!'
I think an emergency landing would have been in order due to unruly conduct in the bathroom. I'd gladly be escorted off of that plane...
Good Monday morning! :)
1. Rob looks beautiful as always... but I so want to stand in front of him and tell people to get the fuck back.
2. Tess~ There is only ONE Tess. The one I love and adore. The one with the lovely skittle lips.
3. Hello Suz, Ten and Ellie! I've really been missing you girls.
4. There is no 4.
Lizalou~ LMAO...unruly conduct in the bathroom... you think you could make it to the bathroom...I am not sure I could...LOL
Anybody else think his bodyguard looks like Drew Peterson? Maybe some of you in the States know what I'm talking about. He was on every TV show a few months ago. Sorry I get a lot of news on him being from Illinois.
Rose~ *waves frantically*
You've been missed...
Tenneil<-----still jealous of your one step closer to Rob...his autographs...
Rob, "you are so beautiful to me,"
There are no words for him! The man is killing me!
My solution, as RP's first-class seatmate: request a blanket, and fling aside the adjoining armrest. ;)
First class has those lovely seats that go waaay back... I'd give the loo a miss.. leave that noise for "coach boinking"!
Just don't be like the man who sat next to me when I flew into Manchester last year... He was having a "party for one" ... I know I am mad sexy, but dang boyfriend..
Anyway.. as usual I digress..
Good Morning Rose, Ten. Tess, et al
I miss everyone like crazy.
We neeeeeeeeeeeed a RobPlayDate soon!
Oh, believe me, I thought of the blanket, armrest deal, but I was trying to spare the other passengers.
Of course, it would have been one of those transatlantic, overnight deals where they dim the lights...
Blanket it is! Bring on the air-marshalls!
First!! I have to get it out of my system.. I hate LeameyHo!! she is a bitch that should be kissing his foot for giving her so many clicks into her site, she is not convincing any body he is tired of him.
Thanks for posting the pics here so we don´t have to give click to her f*ing gossip site.
That said, I go back to gushing state.. he looks dashing, incredibly hot, can´t get for pics of him in Cannes.
He's supposed to go the screening of Tarantino's movie on Tuesday evening, so yeah, he should be on the red carpet... (!!!)
Riddle - I'm not anticipating much from Denisot. Last time his questions to Rob & KStew were pretty generic/bland.
Oh Rob, how am I supposed to get anything done today??? He is definitely looking hotter and yummier by the day. Between the sleeping photo and native Rob images, I am completely useless.
If he is doing interviews in Cannes, I can imagine hearing "bizarre" and "ridiculous" used alot for him selling something they didn't film. He doesn't even have a costar confirmed yet.
Gozde, thanks for the update. hogs and kisses to you.
I wouldn't like to make you sad but I":ve already got back from work :))))) however, there are going to be 3 more h tutoring ...
anyway, good afternoon / or morning :)
where else am I gonna go ?
gotta run / will be later / only checking if you're still exist ... somewhere ... out there ...
Lizalou~ airmarshall.... girl you are making me smile and laugh... thank you....
Oh no...these photos will be counterproductive to my day.
Did anyone else notice that Rob's not wearing a hoodie or a flannel?
Oh wait...he's carrying the hoodie?? HE'S CARRYING THE HOODIE.
I have to get the f*ck off of here...
P.S. I got my "Your Amazon.co.uk order has been dispatched" email, this morning, and I found myself bouncing up and down in my chair and clapping like a 5-year-old. I'm so excited.
Great way to start Monday morning looking at these pictures, yet I feel a little guilty looking at them. He looks stressed out running his hand through his hair and holding his security blanket black hoodie. Yet evidently I did not feel guilty enough to not look! I hope he at least gets a few days of rest on his trip. It has taken me 20 minutes to type this since people keep interrupting me at work! Don't they know that I have to Robsess first thing in the morning? Surely they don't think I'm here to work-? :) :) :)
Mech- I couldn't have said it better myself.
As for Rob- He sure is one tall drink of water. ( cheesy, I know, but still true)
Good Morning to all.
Heh. Thank Rob, Tenneil. He inspires the lunatic commentary.
But glad I could make you laugh.
I have a busy day ahead and need to somehow find a way to banish thoughts of a jet-lagged, scruffy Rob, blinking his way through the French riviera.
Good luck, eh? ;)
Melanie, I like your avatar, I have a hard time deciding wich pic of Rob I like the best so I just closed my eyes and pointed.
Oh how I love scruffy Rob on a Monday morning. I cannot WAIT for the pics from Cannes!!
Dumb bitch Lainey has no idea what Cannes is even about,
This is what it's about & why he's there -
Buyers avoid riskier pre-buys as hot titles emerge in Cannes market
18 May, 2009 | By Jeremy Kay
As the global recession forces the business to take a long, hard look at how it operates, a steely focus has coalesced around the market stands and hotel corridors on the Croisette here in Cannes.
Heading into the second week slimmed down buyer delegations – some estimate attendance has plummeted by 30% — continue to train their sights on completed product with broad theatrical appeal and shy away on the whole from pre-buys wtih weaker elements and uncertain production schedules.
This year new US product is thin on the ground, but the stalwarts remain busy. Summit’s Twilight franchise and new Robert Pattinson romance Remember Me are causing a stir, as are Mandate International’s The Baster and Five Killers, Focus Features International’s upcoming Mike Leigh project, and Hyde Park International’s Unbound Captives.
................................(lots of stuff abou economic downturn etc)
Cannes remains a crucial platform for arthouse product and it is difficult to imagine launching a title like Mother, for example, without the buzz generated by a prestigious Western film festival.
“The numbers are lower than they used to be but they’re decent,” Simon Crowe of UK-based SC Films said of business overall. “In this market, you’ve got to be realistic. No-one will be overpaying. The signs look
positive for AFM.”
Lizalou... Rob doesnt turn the brain to mush.... but good much..LOL
Yea good luck with trying to get scruffy, rayban, tight black jean, daddy case carrying, hoodie, holding, sex hair rob out of you mind...he is in full form today..
Thanks for that Kespax,I don't even bother going to Lainey's site. she hardly ever gets anything right.If it's worth reporting Godze or Dani will post it here. I love Robsessing with all yoou ladies.
Riddle - I still think Lainey doesn't always do her homework regarding Rob. Regardless if his other films are being shown in or out of the actual "festival," they still give him more of a reason to be there than say...Paris Hilton or any other hangers-on who shouldn't be within a mile of this prestigious event. Shoot...even Mariah Carey has a reason to be there this year as her film being shown is getting...are you ready...amazing buzz! Good for her. She can put "Glitter" behind her.
Have to tell you all this. I was flipping through the radio stations this morning and landed on a lite-rock station (don't usually hang out there). A coin collector was being interviewed and the host of the radio show said, "maybe one day you'll be the Robert Pattinson of the coin world." Too funny!! She did say "Patteson" (how hard is his name to pronounce really????) but still, didn't expect to hear his name on THAT station!!
I don't think Rob will have any problem selling Remember Me... who could say no to him! Plus I have a really good feeling about the movie itself. Rob + NYC + great script = WIN.
Tenneil - you really shouldn't have said that *smile*
Now i'm finished. There goes the damned day!
Kespax, thanks for the info it is very interesting, specially the remark that the US movies that buyers are more interested are movies that Rob is working on.
It must be hard to sell a movie with this global economy, no wonder they are going for things that they thing are secure for investment.
UNF. He looks good there. I am anxiously awaiting Cannes pics - in a suit, hopefully. So much for him going back to LA before Cannes ...
But I thought L.A. was going to be at Cannes? I thought that was the main reason he was going.
Seriously tho, I wish someone would buy that boy a new pair of pants!
Lizalou.... Rob on the brain..is never a bad.. Gah this man is a vortex.. sucking me in... a good suck tho... hee hee....
oooo have you heard, he's going to be on mtv awards with kstew & taylor & a newmoon clip will screen - may is looking hot
Rob, listen please. I have serious work to do today. And I just clicked on this site for a quick look-see. But how do you honestly expect me to not spend the whole morning drooling when there are such seriously gorgeous new pics, even though I wish they'd leave you to walk through the airport in peace.
And ladies, please, the comments are so distracting. I have work to do...
I can see I'm in for another unproductive week.
Oh, and I love his hair this length as well. Wish it was like this always ... and I noticed the security blanket hoodie too. Poor guy!
uuh yes Kespax I just read that, I´m anxious to see that clip.
If the three are there at the MTV awards it means the have more chances to be picking up some awards, (since most of the time the awards are given to the celebrities that assist, if you don´t see one of the nominated in the room it is sure that celebrity is not getting any) I hope we will see Rob get the breakthrough award, it will be awful to see Taylor get it and then the camera focusing to Rob just sitting there.
On the other hand, Rob and Kristin will probably run from the airport to the award ceremony, since they are supposed to be working in Italy till the day before.
I concur, M.
I CANNOT see Taylor win that award.
just asking
if he travells to Cannes (as somebody here said) with only dad's case (full of notebook and book/-s) so where does he have all the personal stuff ? even if he doesn';t change too often (don't believe it too much) still ... WHERE IS THE TUX ??? I need Rob-in-tuxedo picks like the air
Margot - so where does he have all the personal stuff ?
I was wondering the same thing. After he cleared out of the shit-hole hotel room, what became of all his stuff?
Looking good as always!
maybe he packs heis stuff and has somebody to send it here and there
he should just run through at airports. as if it's not difficult enough to get through one, he's got to deal with everything else. i can't imagine how he makes his flights on time.
Very nice...bet he's psyched to get to Cannes :)
Ahhhh, the black hoodie...it's like his "woobie"...my daughter had a little blankie like that when she was three :) He'a probably afraid to put it in the luggage for fear of it getting lost or stolen :))))
I'm sure he has some luggage. It gets checked in somehow. If he already has a place in NYC for the summer, perhaps he had things shipped out there. I'm sure all those things are taken care of for him. At least I hope they are.
That next to last pic kills me softly. He looks so sexilious...sex hair grown out looking orgasmic...and yes sex on the plane would be epic. But I think his ass was knocked the fuck out...dead to world...in a very deep sleep. The boy needs his rest and it's nothing like a long ass 15hour flight to kick start drool flowing and light snoring.LOL
Now concerning that stupid cunt she really does need to get shit straight.Rob is there to do a job to help get his movie financed. Does she really think Summit will foot the bill for him to go all the way to France just to look pretty??? Hell, we may cheap in on that fund, but Summit sure as hell want.
Last, but certainly least. WTF is she talking about Rob's cousin for anyway. That whole story with the publicist sounded so...and let me use her cousin(RP) fav word "ridiculous".LMAO
Good Morning Ladies!!!!
he always looks great happy monday. school later
He does love his precious black hoodie. I guess he has to hold on to something familiar to keep him grounded and sane. Because all last year and this one has been so surreal. We can't even imagine what this boy goes through each day.Overall,I know he is happy and enjoying himself.And weirdly enough that makes me happy. I'm am Robsessed hear me Rooaaarrrrrr....ROTFLMAO
Ooops, scratch the extra "am".
Who's the girl in the picture? Wasn't she in other pictures from a while ago....she had on a striped scarf and Kristen was there too? Anybody remember?
um, WOW. Wowie wow wow. That beautiful, lucid skin. *sigh*
Can you imagine having to take a bodyguard with you everywhere you go? Do you think it gets awkward with feeling like you have to keep making conversation? :)
I found it! These pictures are of the same girl? Is she just a fan?
You have to scroll down to about the 4th thread...
yeah same girl.
i think she is just a fan.
hmmm she must be a stalker. wish i had time to do that. just kidding...or not.
Looks like Rob arrived in Cannes, some celebsighting on twitter claims he walked into the hotel, even mentioned the NAME of the friggin hotel! And no I am not repeating it here. Can't these gossip bloggers learn to keep THAT info out??
Sure enough this hotel may be fully booked now and unavailable for anyone to even approach but come on..still why give out the hotel NAME?? sheesh.
OK RobPattzNews calmed me down, apparantly it is the same hotel where "Everyone famous" stays out so not really a secret lmao. Also most likely NOT approachable by fans.
staying at the same hotel as paris hilton. poor Rob.
I saw about that twitter too Maryann. Geez he's only just landed and already everyone knows where he is !
I guess it's good...and sad...that Rob has to have a bodyguard. I feel bad for him.
I know, he just GOT there and it is out there for the world to see...sheesh
And lmao..I guess that some fans REALLY wanna believe that Rob and Kristin is on twitter cos one fan posted that they ARE ON THERE cos of this article:
Posted on a FAN SITE non the less..no let's not believe Rob's OWN representatives stating he does NOT have any online account, let's just believe what a fansite claim shall we? And none of these twitter accounts are set to private? LMAO..sorry not buying it LOL. They are both sooo fake!
Maryann - I agree! Gozde has busted out all the fake websites. Rob and Kristen have no Twitter, MySpace, or Facebook accounts. How many times do their management teams have to deny this???
KK I know, which is why I find it hilarious that ppl STILL believes this. I guess they WANT to believe that they are on twitter. Sure some celebs are, but that doesn't mean that Rob and Kristin or any of the main Twilight cast are! (Some of the Twilight Saga cast members ARE on twitter, such as Michael Sheen (Volturi member: Aro) and Jamie Bower Campbell (Volturi member Caius) but those are the only ones I know of lol
arrive a nice
He looks DEAD tired, I would too after flying from Vancouver to Nice. Poor guy.
Good Mid morning everyone just stopping in to say hi and get some Rob to get me through the day.
KK-My hero, well said!@7:37
LIzalou- I've been eyeing his thighs for a few weeks..along with the pecks and the biceps and some peek of the happy trail...oops got carried away.
I do hope he enjoys some of this experience.Fingers crossed for our Rob.
FYI- Just saw on that Rob,Kristen and Taylor will be presenting New Footage from New Moon at the MTV awards! Sqeee for two reasons.
1.We get to see Rob!!!
2.I'm a Twifan and I can't wait to see some footage!!
Look at his delicious ass...DAMNIT Rob!! Why do you keep emerging in public so I have to see you in all your gorgeousness?! It's torture! :( I hate that I have such a big freakin crush on him that will never be fulfilled because I will never EVER meet him in life. Grr! I'm too grown for this :/ It looks like his bag is heavy...I kinda want to help him with it. Lol.
and Yvonne, thank you!! i was going to say that I recognize that girl from another pic! hahaha! you just confirmed it! okay chick...that's just greedy. and stalkerish. or maybe i'm just jealous. or maybe it's all of the above.
i digress...this is going to be a long week and my employers will have Rob to thank for my inevitable lack of productivity. i'm trying to mentally prepare myself for all the young actresses that are going to be clamoring to meet him at Cannes....and all the accompanying headlines. i'm not going to be insanely jealous at all, nooooo ;)
I love the way he walks... the gorgeous long legs are a little clumsy...
Those black pants, probably showing the sexy underwear, are making my mind go all the way to Cannes...
sarahbella....right?!! I thought I was losing my mind! Yup, greedy...and/or lucky, depends on how u look at it :) Two run-ins with Rob in one month,c'mon!
and, yes, jealous is the word that comes to mind about Rob in Cannes...way to many girls... lol. As long as slimy Paris Hilton stays away from him...of course our guy is much too intelligent for that :) Thank God.
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