Rob @ LAX 5-10-09

Heading back to Vancouver no doubt.



Meeno said...

ohhhhhhh, look at those muscles!
He is sooooo gorgeous!

Bootstrap Intern said...

He is looking might fine as usual.

Where's he heading... back to Vancouver? Italy?

Meeno said...

P.S. I love a man who wears those regular white men's undies!!! OHHH, I can imagine him without his pants, just his white undies! And that black t-shirt! SEXXXXXXXYYYYY!

Unknown said...


I loved "The End."

I giggled for quite some time.

People looked at me funny.

But I kept giggling!



Jewels64 said...

Just kill me...kill me now...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

In the third pic, it looks like he's thinking..."Jesus...can I get through security without a f*cking pic being taken of me????"

Melissa said...



Srsly, peeps, my poor little Robsessed heart has taken a serious beating today...what with the pursed lips, the excessive finger and jaw porn-oh and lets not forget the happy trail of wonders.

AND then these pics. Good. Lawdy. Kill. Me. Now.

The last pic?? Fuck me. Who knew??

AND then, the blatant bicep porn...I think Rob srsly has it out for me. Am I crazy? Probably. Am I srsly Robsessed? Probably. Why in the hell am I answering my own rhetorical questions? Fuck if I know. Perhaps it was all the beer and sunshine I got today.



Rob's effing HAWT.


kespax said...

Poor baby looks weary - and has he lost something (hand to head shot?).
He's got the travelling light thing down, so much easier with only light hand luggage, one pair of trousers is all you need for a day and half.
LA people, where was he walking around on his strolls, what sort of place/streets???

It sucks to be in the Aussie time warp, you are all asleep when I get my downtime after work, and I need to go to sleep when you are just getting up.

Nice undie shots here and on the prowl in LA.

Jewels64 said...


Once again you said everything I wanted to say....

Olive juice to you baby!!!


Mechevpao said...

That was really an "end" to take notice..
So many pics today!!
Happy day!!

Kimberlesk said...

Mel!!! aren't you passed out yet?

PBR Queen ...

Jewels64 said...

Kim..I'm drinking a beer...are you?

Gemgirl65 said...



This boy is killing me.

Jewels64 said...

We have to create a new Rob drinking game...

Everytime we see the dreaded hood, take a sip.

Whenever the beanie appears...drink the whole damn bottle.

Hood and beanie...yeah, you are screwed!

Kimberlesk said...

No, oddly enough Jules, I'm not ... I'm doing the Samantha Jones Cosmos!!!

Leann you're fucking killing me tonight!

Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

If you came up from the last thread, goodnight and nice talking with you! I had a lot of fun!


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I didn't even notice you put your pic as an avatar!!! I think I'll put mine up too in a few....

Kimberlesk said...

Shit, after the dog barfing/shit incident, I'm gonna have to mix another round ... of cosmos that is ...BRB!!

Ellie said...

Okay, I'm ready to "Bring it, Pattinson!"

Nite nite, my girls! o

Kimberlesk said...

bolide -- good night and stop back soon!

Melissa said...

Jules~You know I have no control over my typing when I see pics like this...hell, my thought are running wild...what can I say?? LOL

Kim~Haha! Fuck if I tried to pass out. Yeah, the PBR is not sitting well, I have a headache from HELL.

Jewels64 said...

Breathe Leann.

You are suffering for HyperRobFanGurlitis....

Symptoms are brought on suddenly by such images of his holy freaking hotness flashing his undies to the paps, jaw porn, bicep action, sex hair, pursed lips, crooked smile, dangerous laugh, and self deprecating humor.

When you are caught up in such an attack...just ride it out baby and freaking enjoy it....

Jewels64 said...

Kim...I ran out of vodka...had to resort to the barley and hops variety of inebriation....

Melissa said...

Jules~for a second there I thought you typed "Hippogriff"!! LOL Hell, now I have effing HP on the brain. I am so done.

Good night, Ellie!


Jewels64 said...

Hey...does anyone think he could be headed to Italy?

They finished filming in Vancouver...

That means...oh holy shit...


Jewels64 said...

Mel!!! Hippogriff!!!


Kathy#1 said...

Ok, as much as I LOVE seeing pics of him, I feel really bad that he can't even go through security at the airport without someone trying to take his pic. I am having an angsty, feel bad, moment about it right now. (although he is gorgeous as ever)

Kimberlesk said...

hmmmm, having a little Ron Weasley fantasy action Mel????


I'm all LOL at your PBR let down ...

Kimberlesk said...

I'm currently at Cedric's memorial and gonna pop in Twilight next ... maybe I'll pull an allnighter ...

Kimberlesk said...

Nope Jules -- he'll be off to Cannes first ... b-day in Cannes, could be worse ...

Melissa said...

Jules~Isn't his B-day this week?? Maybe he's taking a much needed holiday??

Kimberlesk said...

I think Italy's happening May 25-29
WTF? Why do I know this shit, but can't fucking remember the back door code at work??

Kimberlesk said...

Hey Mel -- just to fuck with your dreams tonight


Shani said...


Okay, so AT THE MOVIES crictics said Rob's performance at the begining was sheepish up against Javier's performance then it turned too flamboyant at the end. They thought the wig and the moustache stood out to much. The props should have been more apart of him. Lyons felt he just kept seeing Rob as Rob and not Dali. They also thought the Director should not have been so black and white about Dali and Lorca's relationship. But made it more ambiguous. Overall Lyons said, "SKIP IT" and Mech said "RENT IT"

Melissa said...

You see, Kim, I think I read the word "Hippogriff", then I start thinking about HP...then Ron Weasley...and hell, its all downhill from there. Pretty soon I'm think about effing Cedric Diggory rolling around in the dirt. FUCK. I need another PBR.


Gemgirl65 said...

I've been drinking wine all night and I'm getting a Robheadache....yeah, it's so his fault I'm drinking wine on a Sunday night...okay not really but I will blame it on him anyway since I apparently have a freaking DISEASE that Jules just gave a name to but I've had too much wine to remember!

Nice to meet you too Kim!

Yes KK, I thought since we were revealing our ages and whatnot I'd post a pic. That was taken last fall before the hideous whack-and-dye job my hairdresser gave me a couple weeks ago. Now I have this crazy layered black bob thingie. WTH.

I'm trying to figure out why, if RomeRob turns me on so much in all his unkempt and hirsute glory; does Robward, in all his trimmed, shaved and waxed perfection, ALSO make me mad with desire?

How can one man look so different?
(Exhibit A, HTB and BMH Rob; Exhibit B, LA Rob) We've been over this a million times...let's discuss it again. ;)

Melissa said...

FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Not Princess Labia!! HELL TO THE NO!! LMFAO!!!

Oh, and Kim, you said BACK DOOR!!!


Jewels64 said...

Okie Dokie Doggie Daddy ...Just for you I will reveal a brief glimpse of the hotness that is Jules...

BRB...but then I will change back.

JacquiLillian said...

Man. How much would it suck to be followed around by camereas all day!

Alexpz said...

Isnt he just goooorgeous? I wish i could just run into him at the airport..and sit next to him in business class..ahahaha

Laura said...

Where all the Mother Lovers at? HAHAHA! I just watched that shit again!

Melissa said...


That vid was effing HILARIOUS!

Kimberlesk said...

Now Jules, you aren't gonna post that 80s high school pic of you again are you?

Laura said...

Hey Mel!!

That video had me crying I was laughing so hard! Then my dh told me to be quiet cuz he was trying to sleep. Know what I did? I turned the volume up to fucking MAX and replayed it again!!! HAHAHA!

Kimberlesk said...

Hey, and thanks for the heads up on Mother Lover -- just watched it -- fucking hilarious!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...'s my dorky pic...

Laura said...

Hellooooo Kim and Jules!!!

I can't stay on long, though. I have school tomorrow bright and early and it's already midnight!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Go ahead and click on it in my profile. It looks a bit better larger. And I mean only a "bit." :))))))

Kimberlesk said...

aahhh Alex -- that just made me think of McVampy's one shot Fly the Friendly Skies -- hot, hot Rob airplane bathroom sex.

Melissa said...

Yeah-Laura, I think I woke the fam 2!! LOL


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Still waiting for a hot Jewels pic...

Jewels64 said...

I'm back...and's my fucking shiteous Glamour Shot pic from a couple of years ago....

Kimberlesk said...

OK KK -- sorry, just lurked thru your profile and I think we knew each other in another life!! Hello girls, another LOTR fan!!

yes, my interests are as diverse as yours!

Glad to know you! I think we're pretty close in age as well.

Shani said...

Mother Lover was golden...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Jewels - Now I understand why you're beating the 22 year olds off with a stick :)))))))

Laura said...

Kim I love when you talk about fucking your way through Middle Earth! HAHAHA!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - How old are you?

Kimberlesk said...

Laura -- you know that's my ultimate fantasy!!!

Tolkien my ass -- I'll show those fuckers who's mommy!

Melissa said...

LOTR ROCKS! Kim, still planning on fucking your way through Middle Earth??


Jewels64 said...

Aww...KK!!! That's so sweet, but honey you are no slouch yourself!!!

Melissa said...




KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - I've got a LOTR tattoo on my back, baby!

Kimberlesk said...

Oh shit, this is where is gets awkward .... like if I guessed you were older than you are ....

Fuck it -- I'm fucking 41, but still feel 16, especially when squeeeing over Rob.

Gemgirl65 said...

AAHHH, not dorky, everyone looks lovely! Rob may not be so lucky since he's being "flashed" by the paps even going to the freaking airport, BUT he's lucky that all his lovely Robsessors would rather "flash" him instead.

Laura said...

Then she wants to fuck her way through the island on Lost!

I want to fuck my way through the New Moon cast. I would be skippin some people up, though. They got some brown baggers on the cast fo sho! HAHA (That was for you, Mel! LOL)

Jewels64 said...

KK...I have four tattoos...

We are Girls gone wild....!!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Fucking your way through Middle Earth? Now that would be an "epic" journey, indeed!

Kimberlesk said...

yeah baby, what's your tattoo of???

Um, I've got a map of Middle Earth on my wall -- right next to my close up poster of Aragorn, which is next to my close up poster of Edward ... which is covering up my poster of Captain Jack Sparrow ...

Jewels64 said...

Laura! Don't get me started on Kellan and Jackson...those pix I sent out today were freaking delicious!!!

Melissa said...

OMFG, Laura!!!!!!!!!

I am DYING laughing!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep. I can think of one BROWN BAGGER FO' SHO'.....

Laura said...

Jules--yes they were!! I had to wipe the drool off the keyboard!

Kim--I can add my CO Aragorn to the mix!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - I'm 38.

Jewels - I've got three tattoos, and I am so a girl gone wild (though, truthfully, I was born wild...breech baby, butt first, telling the world at day one to kiss my ass!!!)

Gemgirl65 said...

*raises hand for the LOST adventure*

*will only fuck way through middle earth if Viggo is playing the role of every hobbit, human and elf on the way*

Laura said...

Oh yes, Leann! I would not be fucking ANY of the hobbits. That's just NASTY!

Kimberlesk said...

Kim fucking her way thru Middle Earth goes something like this ...

Aragorn, again
Eomire, again
Baromire, again
Legolas, again
Denethor -- just kidding ...

then time travel to Lost Island!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - The white tree. It's about 6 inches long and 6 inches wide on my upper back.

Melissa said...

Said brown bagger has GLEAMING(or should I say GLISTENING) white teeth...take a guess peeps!!


Gemgirl65 said...

Laura "brown bagger" LMAO!

Ummm...who are they? there anyone fug in NM? Even the girls could turn me lesbian for a day.

Melissa said...


Laura said...

KIM!!! I am LMAO at your list b/c I love how you included "breaks" for yourself!! BWAHAHA!

Laura said...

Oh yes, Mel. I concur. Bay bay is NOT on the list!

Also not on the list? Michael Sheen. Sorry, but NO. NO.

Kimberlesk said...

Kim fucking her way thru the Lost island ...

Ben ... how the fuck he'd get in there ...
Sawyer ...

Jewels64 said...

Mel...just for you...

I had to change my avatar to this....

Kimberlesk said...

KK -- LMAO at telling the world to kiss your ass!!

Melissa said...

Laura-For Michael Sheen you would need a fucking HEFTY BAG!...hell, maybe even some fucking Lysol.

Laura said...


Kim, wasn't the guy who played Eomer in the new Star Trek movie?

Melissa said...



I cannot contain my fucking laughter...I am going to explode!!!


Jewels64 said...

KK! Get the fuck out!

I was a breech also!!!!

Laura said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Mel!! TRUFAX!! Kate Beckinsale must have had stock in Hefty when they dated!

And yes to the Lysol b/c when he got off the plane, he looked like a smelly homeless man.

Kimberlesk said...

Jules luvin your avatar ....
Course, now I'm thinking about that hot Star Wars fuck in The Arrangement, where Edward, dressed as Han Solo, is bending Bella, dressed as gold bikini-Leia over the couch ..... and on the last thrust, the couch moved six inches!!!

Shit, I'm done ...

Gemgirl65 said...

Oops, forgot about Michael Sheen! Okay. I recant.

I forgot about Legolas. True confession: when I read Twilight the first time, I hadn't seen the movie, but I'd seen Rob on the Tonight Show. As I read, I kept hearing Edward with a British accent in my head. But because I didn't know Rob that well, I kept hearing Orlando Bloom's voice in my head. I read half the Twilight saga thinking "Orlando Bloom." I was very confused for awhile! lol

Melissa said...

Laura~I'm beginning to think Kate Beckinsale had stock in fucking Stoli's...bitch must have been DRUNK!


Laura said...

LOL, Mel!!
That explains everything!!

Melissa said...

Kim~The Arrangement is a sore fucking subject. WTF. Srsly,I am so pissed about that fic.

But, yeah, the Star Wars scene was HOT!!

Kimberlesk said...

Yes, that was him, he played Bones I think ... Karl Urban

I fucking unicorn when towards the end of Two Towers, when all hope is lost at Helms Deep, he rides up alongside Gandalf and proclaims TO THE KING!!!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

For all you Aragorn lovers...this avatar is for you.

Yes, the guy who played Eomer in LOTR plays McCoy in Star Trek.

Laura said...

Ok. It's 12:30. I gotta go or I'm going to fall asleep while teaching tomorrow!

It's been fun, girls!

Night everyone :)

Kimberlesk said...

Whoa, whoa, whoa -- Leann, you didn't read Twilight until after the movie came out ... I'm sorry, you'll have to leave immediately!

LOL just kidding!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Jewels - You were breech? Now we're sex-maniac sexy-older-women tattooed-breech sisters!

Kimberlesk said...

Well Shit Laura, it's 1 fucking 30 here! you lightweight!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Goodnight Laura! I'll probably fall asleep tomorrow at school but hell, that's what lunch and prep time are for!!!

Kimberlesk said...

Thanks KK for the hot avatar!!! Isn't that when he and Arwen have that sweet exchange on the bridge?

Gemgirl65 said...

Okay, I know y'all love yer fanfic, but just the picture of Edward and Bella dressed up as Han and Leia doing it doggy style over the edge of a sofa is the EXACT reason I don't read fanfic!!!

*scrabbling for bottle of Brain Bleach*

*goes to lick KK's new avi, not that the last one wasn't lovely*

Kimberlesk said...

BTW babe -- a tattoo of the white tree -- fucking brilliant!!!

Melissa said...

Good Night, Laura!!

Hope you have a great day tomorrow!


Gemgirl65 said...

Kim LOL---I didn't see the movie until I'd read the first 3 books, does that count?

Laura said...

Sorry, Kim! Yes, I am a total lightweight! I need my sleep, though! Rob might CUM to me in my dreams!

Night night!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - Oh I wasn't drooling in my popcorn at that point...:)

Jewels64 said...

Holy hell KK! Viggo at his HAWTEST?

You are one grooovey bitch BABY!!!

Kimberlesk said...

Mel -- I guess we won't be getting an update on Arrangement anytime soon and fuck Jfly and Sanctuary -- WTF?????

Gemgirl65 said...

But wait Kim, I may still be expelled, 'cause I didn't see Twilight in the theater at all!


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - I use my tattoo as a screening device at the bar. When a guy comes up to me and asks, "Hey, isn't that the White Tree from Lord of the Rings?" I'm like..."Care for a drink?"

Jewels64 said...


I think I'm feeling sick again...

**cough, cough **

May need a sick day tomorrow....

Kimberlesk said...

Seriously though, all the actors in LOTR aren't nearly as hot in anything else they do .... there's just something about Middle Earth ...

And yeah, I was drooling too!

Kimberlesk said...

Oh shit Leann, we might have to consult the Volturri on this ...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

But if Leann has a special power...maybe the Volturi will want to keep her.

Melissa said...

Kim, don't call me a lightweight-you know how much PBR I drank today-but I'm off to bed! LOL

Good Night to all.

Sweet Rob Dreams to everyone!



Jewels64 said...

Okay so some weird part of me is really digging the Princess Leia avatar...

Dunno why...oh yeah...preteen fantasies involving Harrison Ford....

Kimberlesk said...

good point

Kimberlesk said...

Leann? any special powers we should know about?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Good night, Melissa!

Jewels64 said...

Night Mel! Night Laura!

Love you Bitches!!!!

Kimberlesk said...

Nitey Nite Mel!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Does this Volturi consultation entail half-naked Edward writhing on the floor in front of me? If so, then punish me! Punish me!

KK, love the screening method. How has that worked?

I dunno, I find Orlando hotter in the Caribbean than Middle Earth. 'Cause he's brunet in Pirates. Always choose the brunet over the blond any day, but that's just how I roll.

Rob is an aberration...I like him best with the blond streaks like Sex Drive.

Kimberlesk said...

The Sex Drive pics and the Rome pics are my complete undoing!!

I think I find Orlando more enticing in LOTR becuz of that whole Elf purity thing -- I just wanna foul him soooo bad!!

But, yeah, he's hot in Pirates, especially at the end of the third one where he's Capt. of the Dutchman -- at the movies, I was like -- Holy Shit, when did he get so fucking hot??? Just wanted to lick him!

Gemgirl65 said...

Hmmm, special powers. Able to still spell (for the most part) while drunk?

Able to work for an entire week on 4 hours of sleep a night because I spend every night here until 2 a.m?

Able to rationalize lusting after a man literally half my age just because he's "an old soul?"

Diane said...

Yes, Leann does have a special power - the ability to resist reading ff under enormous pressure.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Sadly, not many guess what the tattoo is; however, most come up to me and say, "That is a fucking beautiful tattoo!" That response works just as well.

Jewels64 said...

Alrighty then...time for me to fade out..

I am one tired pup pup.

Ladies...what a blast it has been tonight! We haven't had such an example of good old fashioned fun on here in a long time!!!

I have truly laughed my ass of with y'all!

Thanks for the good times, good times....

Catch y'all later...I'm out....


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - You have more than one special power!!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Goodnight Princess Le...I mean Jewels! Right back atcha!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

Oh, Orlando's always been hot IMO. He's another pretty British boy. Why are they so pretty? Colin...Hugh...Orlando...Jude Law...Sting....

I'd give them ALL up for Rob. If they're fine wines, Rob's the Screaming Eagle.

Kimberlesk said...

Well Diane, you do bring up a good point about resisting the FF.

OK Leann, you can stay!!

And especially after you said about him being half your age, seems we're in the same age group as well!

Where's Jules/Leia?

Gemgirl65 said...

Diane, LMAO! I promised KK I would read some FF and so I will. I did read "The Cottage" last week, and I read some other short-story-porn as well. But not any long fiction with an actual plot. But I will! Honest!

g'night Jewels/Leia! I think you should keep the Leia avi. She will kick just as much ass around here as Jane.

Kimberlesk said...

Time for me to go too -- almost 2 am here!

KK and Leann, it's been a pleasure.

Jules, you'll always have my heart and anything else your want!!

Till we meet again ...

Gemgirl65 said...

Aw, g'night Kim! Lovely to meet you! I always have fun in this place. :)

KK, if they don't know what the tattoo means, it's the perfect opportunity to educate them. Got any Twi-tattoos yet? Oh, the possibilities...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Kim - Sweet dreams! It's been awesome chatting with you!!!

I'm out, too, everyone. I was gonna get off at 11, but we can see how well that worked out. Looking forward to more Rob

Hell, yes, Leann..."Cullenary Coupling" babe! Over-the-top neurotic Edward is pacing just waiting for you!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, and no Twi-tattoos. I'm done for a while. In December, I got the Emerson quote: "Be not the slave of your own past" across my lower back. It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, so I'm good at three for now.


Gemgirl65 said...

I'm a tattoo-virgin. And a ff virgin. I'm the 108-year-old virgin! lol I'm in good company.

G'night lovlies! C-ya tomorrow! er, today, you're right...

SummerGirl said...





anyone know?

p.s. thanks for posting :)

kespax said...

Oh my - I adore Viggo, I was hoping he might appear in one of the Twilight movies.

My fave LOTR viggo bit, 2 Towers when they thought he was dead, and he comes to the tower, and that scene where he just sweeps through the big castle doors to begin the business of leading that battle and becoming a king.

Viggo is so yummy and kooky, and like Rob he's an all round artist, I guess you guys know he has written poetry books and has art exhibitions??
I just love Orlando's name, it's a perfect name. I was so happy that Jackson got the casting so right for these movies, and especially that he sacked the original Aragorn.

And regarding Lost cast, I keep telling my sister to watch it just for the pretty - who cares if you can't follow the plot.

I dream of a movie with Viggo, Depp and Robert, yum, yum yummmie. Maybe they could be divine brothers, preferably something hot and mythical.

Babs said...

Poor honey he looks so tired in these pics and a little annoyed too. It must be irritating to have people snapping pictures at you all the time. He looks gorgeous tho! I'd love to squeeze 'the end'!!

monika said...

more pictures of Rob,Kristen and the rest from the NM party at blue water cafe

cute how they're sitting next to each other smoking.

Anonymous said...

Airport Undie Rob = PURE WIN

(though I wish those paps and eBay autograph whores would STEP THE FUCK OFF!)

I know, I know, I know... by drooling over pics I am part of the machine...

I am only a "fragile human", afterall.

Stacey The Average said...

Wow, poor guy looks exhausted.

tracyvanhorne said...

Ok am I the only one who wants to send him a new laptop bag? I feel like I need to save him from embarrassment or something.... maybe we should rally together and leave it really inconspicuous at his hotel or something? How can he not have a PR person telling him how lame that bag is? Poor Rob...

Loved the undie shot! heehee! :)

Anonymous said...

The age old question....are those tighty whities or boxer briefs?
Love Rob but do feel a bit sorry that he is being stalked by photogs at every turn. I hope he's being paid very well by Summitt to endure this type of "harrassment". Love you Rob!!

crazy said...

oh boy i didn't need to see his undies this early in the day... ;)

and there's the gorgeous profile again........

Christy said...

My God he is beautiful.

xoRobxo said...

Those I believe are boxers. Theres been other shots of him where you can clearly see he's wearing boxers,so I'm sure he probalby hasn't broken tradition. Do guys even wear those tighty whiteys anymore~younger guys I mean??

Melanie said...

yummy yummy yummy

Unknown said...

Rob arriving in Vancouver yesterday night!!!

DD said...

Dani - thanks for the link. Is it just me, or is he getting better that even possible?

Unknown said...

Is not just you, he's alwayes prettier the the last time.

MandyW said...

DD I know it seems hard to imagine but Rob definetly gets hotter all the time... makes me want to drool.

Emmes said...

o'yea! a little underwear way to start the week eh' ?

and it's gonna be an awesome week fo'su....23 years ago Mrs. P was getting ready to deliver the hottest thing since sliced bread :)))

Gemgirl65 said...

Yes, he DOES get more and more beautiful with each passing day. I know this because I never get used to seeing how drop-dead gorgeous he is just walking around in public. I'm struck by it over and over again as if I've never seen the guy before.

Thanks for being our enabler Danni...good to know he looks just as beautiful after the plane flight as before it! lol He is divine. *sigh* Feel bad for him getting constantly "flashed" by paps at every turn though. I don't think he'll ever get used to it.

Emmes said...'s TOO much (one comment is not enough)!

He was prolly all flustered taking his nikes off, turning on the laptop, shoving his stuff through the conveyer belt thingie....AND HE STILL LOOKS LIKE A FRIGGIN ADONIS!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HECK IS THAT POSSIBLE??????

Oh dear lorde...I'm gonna go get drunk on wednesday with my Pocket Edward (TM Lauren's Bite) cause I need to thank the gods for that man :)))

Yvonne said...

let me get this he's just flying all over the place, commercial (albeit first class, I'm sure) all alone....? Doesn't he have "people"? Cuz he needs "people" dammit! He looks exhausted and he should have some help.

Yvonne said...

This is gonna get to be too much...this guy srsly will need to RELAX.

Maryann said...

I'll happily be one of his "people" I have a good rep at work of "getting things done" in due time and am hardly ever abscent from work due to illness, always punctual too so hey I'll be one of his "people" ;-).

Anonymous said...

aw is it just me or does Rob look really pissed in these pics.
The stress of airport security + people taking your photo = cranky Rob lol.

RPnKSaddict said...

Jewls,love your description of HyperRobfangurlitis!!Lmao.
But we can't forget"the hands".
You all are cracking me up.
That's a bonus to looking at his holy hotness.

Sara said...

Is it wrong that the only picture I saved was of him bending over?
Oh lord.

Unknown said...

I'm so sad for him!

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Leann! Emmes!

I see London, I see France...

Poor baby—he does look exhausted. And you can be certain that every female security guard is thinking: must fabricate excuse for strip search! ;)

P.S. If I'm not mistaken, those aren't "whiteys"—they look grey (Mrs. Robinsane's all-time favorite color :)).

MandyW said...

Poor Rob, he can't even go through security without people wanting something from him. I wish the paps would give him a little space. THogh I do love seeing the picture of him bending over. GRRRRRRRRR.

Alinutza Cris said...

@Sara: you are not the only one ;))
off topic: lainey has new pics and a video [pfff]

Unknown said...

And why the papz kept asking about Kristen??? Maybe if Rob had answerd this BS will stop!!!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

He got Edward's hair in there!
And, oh, man, the muscles... yumm...

Sophia Z.86 said...

The last one is adorable... Gotta have that one in my cel...

cullenluv said...

Well said Melissa!
I second all of that!
He looks so frustrated in the 3rd pic. Wish I could help him out...with WHATEVER he needs :oP

Mochachino said...

Rob probably looks 'tired' because of the SWARMING paps in his fucking face

Do people not realize what is going on behind the scenes of pics like these?

If you don't support this pap behaviour, DO NOT give the X17 site hits!

Sullyann said...


Peet said...

God, I just feel so sorry for the poor guy... and then I feel like a total hypocrit because I love looking at photos... but the photo's make me sad, when the poor guy can't even go through an airport checkpoint without having a thousand photo's of him.

MADEinPARIS said...

The "end" is hilarious!!!!! LOL

faithisobelle said...

BOXER BRIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

come to mama!!!!

phosphorus said...

No wonder Hollywood stars end up using private jets.

After he noticed the camera, he clearly signals he does not want to be photographed.

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