According to commeaucinema.com Rob will be at the Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday May 19th.
Can't wait to see the pictures :))
Thanks to Little Bear for the link!
P.S.: Apparently Laineyho is going to Cannes as well. Rob I beg you to shun her if she approaches you for an interview.
im sorry for posting this but when i read this i was like WOW!!!
I just knew Lainey is asian. she's a disgrace to all asian women who have integrity.
Don't post it if you're sorry :)
Transworldnews is always A LOAD OF CRAP. They rarely report anything new...
ok, so let's change the mood ...
Rob in Cannes means Rob in tuxedo ...
The whole point of their crap is to make you go "Wow" and generate hits. The point of trying to maintain some integrity in the Robworld is to not go there.
double wow
Ok so he'll be in Cannes while I'm here in Italy and he'll be in Italy while I'll be near Cannes... urgghhhh!!
Stupid effin timing!!
Sorry for the F word but I've been reading Wide Awake the past couple of nights LOL
woow :d
this post made my day :)
he will be gorgeous in tuxedo again
Here's hoping that I'll catch Rob on TV while he's in Cannes. Will have to check out all the media coverage from there then.
Yep, hope he wears a tux - and also, hope he's caught on camera putting his French on! Could test the limits of my Rob tolerance though. I might just pass out with happiness.
More ligit Rob expossure. Ditto Little Bear.
Happy thoughts..tux...french..mmmmm
cant wait to see pictures of an elegant Rob in Cannes..even if I like him a lot when he has a sort of a toxic style with bear,hat and cigarette....i'm so perverse :))
well i dont know kristens bf does love kristen alot so i wouldnt be suprised if he asked her to marry him
Cannes... Rob in all his splendor...can't wait. AS soon as the pics are out I might need to inveset in some bibs for all the drooling I'm sure will be going on.
*gasp* Rob will be in France, and I'm in England!! I feel an urge to go home now :'(
but I still have the giveway contest so it's nice to be in England (even when it's raining)
I just want to see Rob in the show "le grand journal" cause they're always covering the festival. I hope we'll be able to check the video out on their website!!!and I hope the French commentator will ask interesting questions cause the last time Rob and Kristen went there, the questions were just crap!
Please show Rob that French people are really cool :D
I`m looking forward to new red carpet pictures :)))
Rob at Cannes as an A-lister, interacting with people he admires who now may admire him. Damn, he's come such a long way in such a short time. I kind of feel like we're sending him off to school for the first time!
oh dear god i love this photo of him... he's hot ...
KK- I know our bb is growing up.
He will be around the top notch people from the industry. This will give him an even greater opportunity to get more movie deals.
Goz- No I say Rob shouldn't ignore her. let him have his chance to tongue lash her and not in the good way. Remember back with that silly girl who claimed she was this big time blogger or whatever and he asked her was she Lainey. So even back then he wanted to say a little something, something. Let him tear that bitches head off.
Yep, our boy will be looking so fine and delicious in his tux. The pics may even look better than the Oscar ones. I hope we even get some pics from inside of the different events. Oh and he could get invited to someones yatch. I would love to see Rob out there on the ocean cruising around.LOL
right on... couldn't agree more... let him have it out with her... :-) Now that would be brilliant!
First off, hats off to Rob. Getting to Cannes is a pretty big accomplishment!
Rob in tuxedo=happy Hansom
Rob in tuxedo=gladIhavethedayoff
Much as we might like to think of Laimey getting trashed by Rob, I believe it is beneath his dignity to do that.
She's not worth dirtying his hands (or tongue) over. These people like attention no matter what kind.
Better he ignores her and puts his time to better uses.
ohhhhhhhhhh Rob in the French Riveria..
I already have my folder ear marked
he is going to smoke southern France!
Enjoy Cannes and all it has to offer.. this is what we call the "gravy"
(don't forget sunscreen, kitten)
I hope Laimey stays away from poor Rob. Bitch has talked soooo much shit about him it's not even funny!
Yeah, and that's not a typo...LAME-EY
Speaking of Wide Awake...it is really well written and all...but I think the eff word is really overused. I found myself distracted by it continuously even though I have no problems with anyone and everyone using it. Just my thoughts
I don't read Laimey lame crap and I feel relaxed and easy ... wish same to you... why get frustrated?
Margot - That's good advice.
I think - let us do not feed ill gossipers
off any above topic :
whatta real life story ... (All Need To Read)
Are you still here?
definitely read the link above I gave you - it's not FF, it's real life
Mrs. R. - Just checked in for a second. I've got something going on with my sister tonight, so I won't be on until later. I haven't talked to you in a few days! I hope you are well!
Your avatar pics are gorgeous. Are these professional shots??? You are soooooo trying to draw Rob in with those big, blue eyes. It just might work :))))))))))
I am thinking that Laimey BEGGED to be sent to Cannes because she too has fallen under the Rob spell and will just not admit it.
Are Ben and Tanya going? They are the hosts of the show that Laimey has a spot on.
Rob will not sully himself with the likes of her. He has managed to ignore/avoid her the whole time he was in Vancouver so why should he bother in Cannes.
Hey Margot! "waves"
Hey! How are you?
Re: professional photos? Actually, this is a self-portrait I took this afternoon, holding out my digital camera, by the sunny kitchen window. I even had to black out the Pringles cans that were visible in the background! ;)
I suppose I was thinking about heating up Rob...some Hot Pockets. ;)
I have checked Robsessed the past few evenings, but it seemed I was either too early or too late to catch the bulk of the conversation. So I hope to chat with you tonight! (Woefully, for Mrs. Robinsane, Friday night is like any other night....)
Tina :)))
Good evening ladies
Supa, supa proud of our Rob!
Just saying hello to KK, Tina, Mrs. R., Margot...and of course, Gozde! Am praying for a good outcome tomorrow for you, dear Gozde...:)))
I was asked to do a video earlier in the week and I have completed it and posted it to you tube here is the link..
It's set to 'You can Leave your hat on" By Joe Cocker
I just watched your video—and my hat is off to you! I found myself grinning throughout. And blushing, for some reason! ;P
And Chicago girl, hello!
I second your sentiments for Gozde.
@ Kelly
I have a rainy cold late :))) Saturday morning...
your video made me happy and smiling (like a fool) ayyy... whatta girl want, whatta girl need ... not much really
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