The short story follows a young journalist who find himself face to face with a corrupt society full of corrupt people. To survive he becomes one of them: a master seducer, a blackmailer, and shameless social climber. Speaking to Variety director Declan Donnellan describes the character as “totally amoral.” Basically he’s kind of a dick which, based on his work in Twilight, I can see the naturally aloof Pattinson pulling off with total ease.
Rob being a dick, like he says he likes to remind girls he's interested in: Don't like me, I'm a dick. One big hard tool. Yeah.... I can see that!
I love all the choices he's making. Can't wait to see what his career has become in 5 years. <3
I am a little worried that the directors for all the films he will doing (Remember Me, Unbound Captives, Bel Ami) are all first time big film directors.
Not big movies at all, maybe except for Unbound Captives since Hugh and Rachel are in it.
I hope they turn out to be good movies.
I thought Remember Me is going to be a major production film. I didn't realize it is another indie film...that does not necessarily mean bad ??? educate me, please!
Indie is not a synonym for bad, but certainly is for not-too-much budget... i mean, it's not like those movies with a huuuge budget... at least is that what i think :/
"Indie-dramas left and right" sounds exaggerated. They are talking about Bel Ami here. I don't know how the production or budget compares but Remember Me is backed by the same studio as Twilight (Summit) and sounds like they are banking pretty heavily on this project and Rob. Smart move Summit.
Isn't Bel Ami the film Rob is composing music for?
I'm so happy for him getting diverse rolls. But I'm gonna call b.s on him being naturally aloof...
Oooooohh this role sounds interesting for dear 'ol Patty. Gotta read that book. Just add it to the pile of stuff I have to read.
Sounds delicious! Can't wait.
Why did Rob saying:
"Don't like me, because I'm a DICK!"
immediately come to mind after reading this post?? ;)
I think he's having his share of blockbusters with the twilight saga and this is giving him the chance to choose only parts he's really interested in, no matter their budget. I think it's a privilege for such a young actor and an opportunity to show that he's really into acting and not fame and big money.
I think bad guys really suit him :)
I'm starting to read bel ami right away :)
I was on limewire the other day downloading music and just for the hell of it i typed in Robs name and up came a song called Midnight Thoughts(The piano composition of Robert Pattinson)Im not sure if any of you have heard it but its absolutely beautiful. Ive listened
to it on repeat so many times Im convinced i can play it!!
Hey don't forget something is afoot with Peter Berg.
He's probably charmed Tarantino and co by now too - or maybe something was already going on in that camp, why was he invited to those parties and that premiere - apart from being hot & gorgeous.
It's zing, zing, every which way he turns everybody wants a piece of that magic in their future movies.
I have this vision of all of this female lust just bursting someplace, maybe with hot blooded Italians, and seeing them in their hundreds chasing him down the street, or all swooing en mass at his feet.
All three movies-Unbound Captives, Remember Me, Bel Ami-- should be fantastic films if done right.
Unbound Captives has Oscar potential (based on its story line) if Madeleine Stowe proved to be a brilliant director and screenwriter.
We'll just have to sit and wait.
Why do I have a feeling it's gonna be totally hot seeing Rob play a complete dick? He's gonna make being an asshole look gooooood.
Man, I'm so excited for Rob's diverse projects coming up! Good stuff!
Wow Rob has more opportunities coming his way than you can poke a stick at - he is certainly sought after, and a sensation at Cannes! If Rob was invited to Cannes for his Twilight/New Moon credits, I personally think it's a bit insulting that KStew wasn't invited - as Rob intimated, she has more or less the lead role in New Moon; same as they didn't invite her to the Oscars.
I betcha the man is loving that he is making a film in Paris....c'est magnifique!
I hope his role in Unbound Captives is that of a captive who got enculturated into the Comanche society and turned into a Comanche warrior. I hope it is a strong role, not a role who's just being kicked around as a slave.
I don't know why everybody is reporting that Bel-Ami is a short story... it's not, it's a novel.
Also, the main character is sort of a dick, but not an "aloof" one, on the contrary he's very charming. He's not even mean, he just has no scruples whatsoever.
To conclude my morning clarifications: Allen Coulter is not a first-time director, he did Hollywoodland (which I thought was great). And the director for Bel-Ami is a very well-respected theatre director.
That being said: YAY for all those great parts!!
The role of a Master Seducer..
I can feel my panties disolving in anticipation for this movie! Ha!
Rob as The Master Of seducer.
Me : Death by infatuation
@ LB:
Variety said it was short story, and it shows how little those journlists actually work: they all just copied and pasted the thing... Nobody obviously knew the book (well, it's a french book) and tyhey did not bother checking out what it was.
Not that I am criticizing variety: they at least had a talk with the future director and did some research (not enough?) - for non-french: Maupassant wrote famous short stories, it's just that Bel ami is a famous novel that he wrote.
and LB: agreed, I need to read Bel ami again, but I remembered the character as very charming, someone who knew how to shine... not what I think aloof means.
anna: lol, I just re-read Bel Ami :p
and it really is a great part. Georges Duroy is charming and even loveable, in spite of being a not-so-talented user. He is definitely not 'aloof', although he is very confident and assertive. By the way, it will be interesting to see how Rob, not the most confident person himself, portrays that!
(oh and not that I counted, but he sleeps with five women throughout the book. FIVE! Think of the potential for on-screen yumminess... sigh...)
(actually, make that 4. I counted a fifth one in my enthusiasm, but the novel ends before they consummate the relationship :p)
Not even close.
OMG, are they going to cut out some of the "sleeping around"? Well, I think it's part of the "climbing the social ladder" in Georges' case, so they might keep it all...
Rob charming and assertive, I can picture that very well too *_*
If you want to read Bel Ami. You can do so here for free. As it is OLD, the copyright has expired.
@ anna: nooo they wouldn't?!
I don't think they'd cut much of it, because it's essential to the storyline. And the movie is most probably not aimed at teens.
Let's face it, our precious Robward will be playing a manslut. And I'm LOVING it :)))
Hmmm.... morning ladies!
Oh boy, well i'm prepared for the firestorm for saying this, but i'm thoroughly convinced at this point that Rob could really benefit from some acting lessons. I saw Little ashes last night. Didn't enjoy the movie at all, and I usually enjoy movies like that.
Rob had moments where he was just spot-on - where he really nailed it. But then there were moments where I kept thinking to myself, "same old expressions again... something's a little off here."
I can't adequately describe it, but you can sense the passion within him and you do get glimpses of it occasionally, he just seems to not be able to bring it to the camera consistently. He needs a bit of coaching, IMHO, so that he knows how to fully express that passion for the camera.
And btw, he's so heart-achingly beautiful that even trussed up as awkward and then maniacal Dali, you just can't take your eyes from him.
Actually 'Twilight" would be classed as an Indie film. Summit is not owned by the big Hollywood movie studios. It is a prime example of how successful Indie flicks can be.
Indie films I love "Eternal Sunshine of the spotless
Mind", "Juno" and "Donnie Darko". There are plenty of Independent films that have had box office success.
Indie films are made by smaller independent studios not owned by the big Hollywood ones.
"Easy Rider" is considered an Indie film as is "Apocalypse Now" and "pulp Fiction"
It is good to hear that Rob is looking more towards this type of movie instead of the big blockbusters. He is young and relatively untrained so all this experience will help him gain more confidence and credibility amongst his peers...I hope.
Rob "naturally aloof"? This person doesn't know the meaning of aloof, apparently.
Sounds like Rob can really hone his acting chops in this film. I can't wait to see him play an immoral character, especially a "master seducer" ;)
Lizalou - no, bring it on! honest opinions like yours are the reason I enjoy this blog. We can be hopelessly robsessed and still try and remain somewhat objective...(or as objective as one can be when faced with His Gorgeousness!)
I haven't seen LA, but I still see what you mean - I felt the same way about How To Be.
Sounds fantastic
@ Lizalou
oh, I'm sorry to hear that you have not enjoyed yourself, but I like you being honest about it. The reviews were mixed too, but I don't think that his acting was the biggest complain, more the script.
But hey, some acting coaching is never bad for anyone in the business, so why not?
I think that playing a character like Dali can only be weird in the end, not believable, because the guy seems to have been just that. I wonder how al pacino or Antonio Banderas will be doing it.
I have wanted to see "how to be" more than "little ashes", but I hope to be able to watch it sometime in the future to build my own opinion.
Funny you say that about How to Be, because in LA he employs the exact same facial expressions as he does when playing Art in HTB. And Dali is a far cry from Art!
HTB worked for me because it was supposed to be that kind of stilted, awkwardness that Rob can pull off.
Dali, to me, wasn't so much awkward, but eccentric. And Rob appeared to have difficulty in bringing believable eccentricity to the screen. He was best in LA, IMO, with the full-blown, passionate diatribes but really fell flat when subtlety and nuance was called for.
I think Rob really nailed the role of Edward (with a few exceptions), because he seems to portray torment and sensitivity really well.
Completely agree with the poor script of LA. That was the turn-off for me, not Rob's acting. The story would start to pick up and then it would gear down and just drag. It really seemed aimless - and obviously there was an end-game - but the writer couldn't effectively get the story there.
I felt like I was watching the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie at times, wondering to myself, "Why do they have 3, 4, 5 endings to this film!? Just cut to the chase already!"
Lizalou - I actually thought the biggest issue with Rob's acting in How To Bo also came from the script. The characters were written like caricatures, but filmed in a very naturalistic way, which I thought made everything very awkward. It sort of sat uncomfortably between two genres, if that makes any sense?.. Anyway, I thought that made it impossible to relate to Art as a human being. So, not entirely Rob's fault.
I am actually really looking forward to seeing him play a more 'normal' character, one that is not painfully awkward or eccentric. Because I'm not convinced that that's his best register, so far.
Still love you Rob :)))
Lizalou~ I agree with you regarding Rob needing acting lessons. I saw Little Ashes. I was impressed with Rob being able to bring any of Dali to the screen, because for an actor with very little experience i felt he did very well. However, i am totally Robsessed, and partial, and he needs to bump it up a notch to be able to parlay his popularity into recognition as a really good actor.
That said, Rob definitely has the potential to be great, and his screen presence in undeniable. I am confident he will get there someday. I just wish he had more time built in to his schedule for the preparation of these new roles.
No matter what happens, most importantly i hope he finds happiness always with whatever he does. See, I am utterly and hopelessly Robsessed!
have not seen LA... but after studying TL and some of his bits in HA... i would agree with you that Rob needs some lessons. i don't say that in mean way... but he is young and untrained. hopefully as he matures and is given the chance to work-
1. with good material
2. truely talented actors, he will grow as a performer.
Right now he's riding the magic carpet that is Twilight... but he will need to step up his acting game, if he wants to become a REAL actor. I think any role that he can land that doesn't bank on his looks will be a good choice for growth.
just my opinion...
Agreed completely. But I fear if he does take on these challenging roles without adequate preparation, he's going to lose credibility and be relegated to dull, lifeless big movie studio films that are just trying to capitalize on his good-looks.
Ok, maybe let's slow down on the doom and gloom! Rob is an intelligent guy, and not exactly prone to over-confidence. He's very much aware that everyone's watching him right now, I think that if he said "yes" to those parts, it's because he felt he could do them justice. (as opposed to playing Dali, which he said was a "what the hell, I have nothing to lose, no one will ever see it anyway" kind of decision)
Let's keep in mind we haven't seen him in anything since Twilight, which he shot a year ago. For all we know he's been busy taking acting classes every day since that.
Actually, that's why I'm looking forward to seeing New Moon: it's his latest part, the director seems in controll of things and the script is hopefully OK. That should help to see how his acting has improved.
Because How to be and LA took some time to be released, I don't really know when they were filmed.
Rob seems to have lost "some" of his public awkwardness after twilight, and is coming out of his shell while still being charming (from what we can see in Cannes). The personal change (being more confident) could translate nicely in films too.
Hi ladies:
I agree with the previous comments: "naturally aloof" is a gross mischaracterization of RP, both on- and off-screen. I would call him naturally warm and endearing, in both instances.
His icy physical appearance in Twilight, perhaps, led the reporter to describe him this way. Or maybe it's the seemingly elite, exacting tones of his natural accent?
(*Mrs. R=swoony, susceptible American*)
I hope that one day, RP is able to utilize all of the amazing expressiveness of his elastic face—which we have witnessed in many of his interviews— while portraying an exceptionally well-written character.
(*Mrs. R=novelist-in-progress; aspiring screenwriter?*)
LOL LittleBear, it's funny how we think alike!
Exactly, no need to be gloomy!
@ Anna - yep, this is getting spooky ;)
Oh, no doom and gloom. I truly hope it does turn out well for him and believe that he will endeavor to make intelligent decisions.
I just really distrust Hollywood - it's an evil institution that's only too willing to destroy you and then cast you aside when you no longer serve a purpose for them.
On a lighter note, hoping more yummy French riviera Rob photos come out today! We're getting spoiled this week.
Well, I'm going to do some MTV voting since "it seems Taylor is winning"... still not entirely trusting this info, but a couple of votes can't hurt^^;;;
@ lizalou: damn right - it's all about the pretty :))
@ anna: a worthwile occupation. I also have my doubts about that 'source', though.
Mrs. R - I believe it was Georges Duroy who was erroneously described as "aloof" - not Rob. Love to see him play the dick he thinks he is, as well as the lovable paragon we think he is.
Come on, Rob - nail that Comanche thing. Out Native-American Taylor. You can do it. BTW where does this info come from that always says Taylor's ahead in the MTV race?
Oops, apologies, Mrs. R. That post does label Rob "aloof." Where on earth would they get that impression?
Hmm, Rob as a master seducer. Can he play seductive? In the words of the clueless Summit guys pre-Twilight, "is there a way to make this guy good-looking?" What a challenge! Think I'll go see if there are any websites where women offer their opinions on his attractiveness. If not, somebody really should start one.
Diane: it's some info circulating without deffinite source... I've read it on the imdb (someone repeating what he read somewhere...).
It's like gossip, some info with nothing to back it up LOL
Ok.. you may have gone away from this topic a bit but I am still going to put it out there because I feel strongly about it.I looked up this definition thingy...
I may be Robsessed and a little biased but I would say that Rob already has these qualities. (IN SPADES)
"ON THE JOB TRAINING" should be all he needs if he has the right people directing him,good scripts and quality actors to work with. Maturity will help with the rest.
For your interest, a couple of stars he is compared with even in here Johnny Depp and Leonardo DeCaprio, are two that come to mind ..neither have had formal training to become actors.
LMAO at Diane!
I think it originally came from some blogger who claimed to work for MTV Brazil (or was it Argentina? doesn't matter).
Katykeene, I agree 100% with your comment, when I read this, I thought of Johnny Depp too, who does not think of how much money a movie will make but if he likes the role.
Rob needs to try different roles out for size. Even though we are all Robsessed he hasn't been in to many roles, and there are alot of people who have yet to discover what a talent he truly is.
Good morning ladies,
I just have a few thought to rant. Remember me is actually directed by the same director for Sopranos and Hollywoodland with Adrien Brody and I think he directed Damages too. I think this is the movie he is composing for. $20mm sounds like a big budget for a drama with no special effects. Maybe his salary is higher?
I'm not worried about the last of experience for the other 2 films. I think Rob is very insightful and brings a lot to the table and the directors are not completely inexperienced, one was an actress and the other a stage director.
I didn't realize that "Bel Ami" is a Summit movie. Maybe they will hold back Pompeii and Houdini and make Rob their Golden boy.
I have seen Robert's ROTN, THA, HTB, LA & Twi. And these I can say about him as an actor:
I can definitely see glimmers of a great, great actor. I think what Robert needs to do is see all of his films with an acting coach, so both of them can critique his acting.
But I have to say though, he has not unleashed all that talent yet. I can feel he is holding back, don't know why. But since he is choosing films that requires all his talents, he should review all his movies with a good coach.
I notice that most good critics withheld their harsh opinion about his acting in Little Ashes, I really think it is because it will be unfair since you can really see glimmer of genius in there at times in both drama and comedy.
A fitting song to express my feelings for Rob and joy at him getting this role - "Ma Belle Ami", - an oldie but a goodie:
Miriam-Webster says "aloof" = "removed or distant either physically or emotionally". I think he is warm, friendly and a little shy and awkward to times. A charming a-moral character will be great for him to play.
He is still working on his acting talent. He is only 23 and LA and HTB were filmed before Twilight. I am waiting to see how he does in NM.
Rob is a great actor and I just want to see him so I will be watching it!!
agreed katykeene.
I am glad you put out the words there:
That is why I say that in LA, you can see glimmers of genius in his performance and I attribute that to his INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY TO PERFORM (didn't quite know how to describe it at first, so thanks for coming up with these descriptions).
WinWin, I had not understood that Bel Ami is made with Summit... I thought it was a european thing.
Does anyone know for sure?
hmmm...i could get a little amoral with rob. :)
good morning ladies :)
I have to say that I have really enjoyed reading all of the comments here this morning. I love that we cann objectively discuss this topic,and we still LOVE our Rob! I agree that he's still so young, untrained and has so much to learn. But I think he knows this as well. Still, the possibilities for him are endless.
His ability is so natural. No, all of the films he has made were certainly not perfect, absolutely not his fault. I think he pours his heart into every role...and he makes good choices. And to his benefit, I think he will only choose what he loves, not just to make money. I would hate to see him become some mainstream , big budget actor...I love the small. Indie roles. Sometimes subtlety is so much more intriguing than in-your-face movies.
Initially, I thought the writer of this article was trying to put Rob down with that last statement, but I re-read it and I think he might be complimenting him as a good choice for the role. (?)
I am bookmarking this thread to come back and read later. I'm too headachy to process much, but scrolling through, I can see all of you have some really thought-provoking comments to read.
I love that about this blog; while we often swoon, there is also ample amount of respectful analysis and dialogue happening here.
Hasn't this been an amazing week on Robsessed?
:) A/L.A.
p.s. Every time I read about Rob's role in Unbound Captives, all I can visualize is him holding up his forefingers, curled, and saying, "Tatonka."
Win Win ..Uberto Pasolini is supposed to be producing Bel Ami through his Red Wave film Company. Has this changed? Did not know Summit was involved. Interestingly, something I read before said that Gael Garcia Bernal was supposed to be starring in Bel Ami?? I also read then, that it would be filmed in either Barcelona or Budapest. Does anyone know if this is still the location choices.
Noel.. I think the words sum up Rob's ability beautifully but I cannot claim them as my own alas. I was quoting, in reference to what qualities an actor needs to become expert in his chosen field.
Yvonne.. well said.
I´m curious too
Is Summit responsible for Bel Ami?
I´m pretty sure he said somewhere that it´s going to be Paris.
Mornin' ladies! Just checking in for a bit- Who's on this am?!? Yvonne? You still there?
I don't think this guy was necessarily insulting Rob either-just making an artistic observance.
Did everyone leave? Did I miss everyone? I was having some coffee and thought I'd see who was on.
Anybody still there?!?
Maybe I should check back later or something. Bad timing! ;)
One last time-anyone?!? Anybody there?
Ok. Try to check back later, I guess or something.
You know, I'm kind of offended by the statement "naturally aloof". He doesn't strike me as that at all. He is quiet and shy, but not aloof. I think he's engaging, intellectual, and talented (along with being gorgeous).
Hi Kathy! i totally agree. Aloof is a matter of opinion, and it's not always a bad thing!
British people have an air of aloofness anyway, and not necessarily in a bad way-it's just their way of carrying themselves. They are generally confident, outspoken, and direct. none of which are bad qualities, on the whole.
Rob has always presented himself in a charming, kind, and dignified way, as far as I can see. A real gentleman. He's never been rude, snooty, or unkind, at least not that i know of.
I don't think the 'aloof' comment was meant in a bad way - the writer does add, 'based on his work in Twilight'. And Robward does come off as being a little stand-offish...
I'm supposed to be heading out to run errands, but like a junkie, I had to see if there was anything new going on here. And naturally, it has sucked me back in....oh well.
CG, , I agree, Rob is a perfect gentleman (while in public, anyway!), his manners are impeccable, and he's polite to a fault.
I thought I heard also mthat Bel Ami is supposed to be filmed in Paris...
Has anyone read it? I am in the process of doing so right now. So far I am really enjoying it, I think it will be a perfect role for Rob. I'm looking forward to seeing him portray a more seedy character.
Yvonne - have a look higher up the thread, anna and I shared our impressions!
Oh, and many British people are naturally aloof. Doesn't have anything to do with what's really burning inside...:)
Just popped in for a second...loving the comments and the objective look at Rob. He's young and still has a long way to go. This is both honest and exciting.
I'm going to put my two cents in. Please don't throw anything!!! I'm worried that Rob is approaching overexposure right now. Let's face it; he is being treated like a A-lister mostly because of the Twilight pandemonium. I know, I know...he's made some other films and has done some great work. Frankly, in my opinion, he's not an A-lister yet...not to the same extend at Pitt, Jolie, Swank, Cruz, etc... who are also there. Don't get me wrong. I am a true fan and think he has an amazing career ahead of him. The utter insanity surrounding him right now at Cannes, the net and magazines, etc. is a little over-the-top. Just my opinion (said while ducking heavy objects).
Someone said here that the pressure is on to prove himself as a true "actor," and I have to agree. This is why I'm so happy that he is being selective with his next projects. That being said, these next few years are going to be tenuous ones for Rob, and he is going to experience a bit of a crash at some point (you can't be as huge as he is right now without one). There are those that will jump ship on Rob (which isn't a bad thing) because they're just sick of seeing him everywhere and will direct their attention to the next big thing. This is the time when he will make the transition from heartthrob actor to real actor...or he won't. I believe he will, but taking my adoration out of it, anything could realistically happen.
I sincerely hope his management is smart and calculating in a good way. Even though Rob is on top of the world right now, this is an extremely fragile time for him. The Twilight franchise is not going to vault him into respected, real actor territory. Some of his newly-announced projects could. I'm just as excited to see the rest of the Twilight movies, but I'll be glad when Twilight no longer has its stranglehold on him so that he can open himself up to the talent I know is inside.
That's my rant, and I'm stickin' to it!
Thanks LittleBear, I read your posts, sounds like you enjoyed Bel Ami. I think from what I am reading so far that Duroy is an opportunist maybe? And the fact that he's sleeping with all of those women....oh my! Yup, definately a part I will enjoy Rob portraying :)))
can I simply sign the KK's comment without adding anything ? A-men
I couldn't agree more!!! I think he's getting the work while he can... but I would be sorely disappointed if he continues to add on more projects.
Let's see:
this year, Remember Me, Eclipse, Unbound Captives, Bel Ami (winter 2010)... and then BD?
After than, he def needs to go back to England, buy an estate and disappear for a while. Rest, recharge and let the royalties roll in! And read lots of scripts... and maybe play the piano some too! Ha!
Let's hope he gets the same advice from his management!
+ Dune ?
+ real life ? love life?
KK, don't worry I have no intention of throwing objects at you. I think you made your case rather well.
Sometimes what Rob is going through right now reminds me of Leo Dicaprio after Titanic, He was suddeny the "it" thing.Now he is respected for his work for what it is. Right now thats Rob.The only difference is that Titanic was a one shot thing where as Twilight is many. I'm with you, I can't wait for them to be done so we can follow Rob as he grows into an A-lister.
All true. That's why the video of Rob set to Viva la Vida is so affective. This is an exciting but very tenuous time for him.
Thanks and hugs to you guys. It feels so great to be able to share opinions on this blog. This is why I love Robsessed!
Let ROBERT live life!!!
He is young, and having fun doing what he likes...and looking great while doing it!!!
He's seems selective in the movies he picks, so I am sure it will work out to his benefit. Right now they are throwing scripts at him, he'd be crazy not to except. I think that his management team is going to look out for him and do what is best.
I agree w/Latebloomer, he needs to work as much as he can, and then go back to England...and make beautiful music!!!
I love that we can be impartial on this blog, and we still get all these gorgeous pics to drool over.
Gotta run... be back later today.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Bye, Mandy! I'm heading out for lunch myself. Keep up the great comments!!!
I am about to talk about Lainey, so be aware : but she wrote something nice about Rob (and mean about Emile Hirsh whom I don't know), I've seen a copy of her article on Rob's imdb board. Basicly, she sees Rob's moves and presence in Cannes as a positive thing for him. She is actually complimenting him.
I thought about it because of the "overexposure" threat, which KK mentioned. While I agree with KK, it seems Lainey finds this "cannes" move good fro Rob in the end.
It is really nice to have daily news of Rob, but the non-fans are probably getting tired of it (especially since Twilight was not top quality, so they see him as a fraud in a way). I hope that things will calm down soon.
That's why I was glad to see Lainey's positive spin on things. Can't believe that I have just written that, there's a first to anything!
the name of the article: annual on the terrasse 2
Just a quick comment. Many times "aloof",can be attatched to shy and quiet,I get that a lot.It's just that it takes time to warm up to people you don't know, also these types do better one on one. I think little by little Rob is getting a handle on this aspect of the acting downside.
He said in one of the Cannes interviews that he's coming to terms with much of the over the top attention from everyone.
He also stated in many interviews that he took LA and HTB in hopes of gaining acting experience. He realizes he has a lot to learn about acting. Just listening to some of the comments on the comentary for Twilight you can hear he's scrutenizing himself.
I'm very glad he's taking different roles other than Edward. He's an inteligent man and he's been willing to take chances.
It's cool to see that everyone here supports him in his growth as an actor.
Completely agree with KK, Rob might be reaching that overexposure radar. But, as long as he seizes the right opportunities during this Twilightmania he should be fine.
Divine Sally: I actually studied Bel Ami quite in-depth back in the day. It's a short novel, under 200 pages. Yes, the character of Georges is a scoundrel, in that he puts his ambitions above his morals. I wouldn't say that he's heartless, as he does loves the women he seduces for what they are, but loves them even more for what they can do for him. He's a social climber and a great manipulator, defined above all by his ambition and need. A needy, flawed character who is always on the hunt. He has a tremendous ability to make himself loved, and a heightened instinct of self-preservation. It's actually a very thought-provoking work, and a telling reflection of male/female relationships in certain socio-economic circles. I wonder if they will adapt it to contemporary times? II think this could be easily done as the themes lend themselves well to this.
I didn´t read all your comments, and I´m coming a little late to give an opinion, but someone mentioned that his projects aside from Twilight saga are more into the indie stream; I think that is fantastic!
In the position he is, he got his big hit movie, as a relatively unknown actor, critics are not sure if he has acting skills and the fact that he is this famous with out having had showed so much of it, won´t help for his career, no matter what project he chooses, critics will be judging him and they will do it hard; but the good thing is that he is not attempting to make big hits out of all of his next projects, because that will put extra pressure to his work, I think that he keeps on his path to develop his craft while working, but this time he has a whither possibility of projects where to choose from.
Lizalou: Glad you brought it up. RP himself said he took roles like HTB and LA to teach himself to act. He's probably painfully aware that he hasn't honed his craft backstage like the great actors he admires, who were all formally trained in method acting. He's being forced to cut his teeth on the big screen, a very brave thing to do. I think it's inevitable that he'll fall short of his ambitions at times. Agree with you that a great acting coach could probably do wonders for him. But with everything on his plate, when will he find time to fit that in? Indie films tend to be a great place to explore acting technique, so I'd be happy to see him commit to more lower budget films. But first and foremost, I hope the Twilight saga (I'm not a big fan) won't turn him off to acting entirely.
Very well said. I absolutely agree. I think he's definitely on the brink of overexposure. Day after day, his star just continues to rise.
Hell, he's bigger now than he was at the Oscars back in February.
My overriding concern - probably the main reason I was compelled to be critical of his Little A. performance - is that because he is so big, he won't have that time to grow, learn and hone his craft as an actor without intense scrutiny.
It's not like he catapulted to stardom for having given a break-out, critically acclaimed performance.
Let's face it, he's walking the red carpet in Cannes because of only one thing -Twilight's Edward and the insane fascination that everyone has with that character. And it's not because he gave a bang-up, heart-stopping, tear-jerking performance while playing Edward, either.
I'm utterly astonished at how fast this man has shot to superstardom. It literally boggles the mind. And I think the reason that any of it makes me uneasy (not that it should - I don't know him for crissakes!), is because he has attained the absolute pinnacle of celebrity based solely on Edward and his looks.
Oh no I'm so pissed off!! you guys had an amazing discussion and I missed it!! cause I've been working the whole day and I'm realy behind with my work :'(
It was good though,to find all this comments to read when I came back :)))) very very interesting
I may be Robsessed and a little biased but I would say that Rob already has these qualities. (IN SPADES)
"ON THE JOB TRAINING" should be all he needs if he has the right people directing him,good scripts and quality actors to work with. Maturity will help with the rest.
For your interest, a couple of stars he is compared with even in here Johnny Depp and Leonardo DeCaprio, are two that come to mind ..neither have had formal training to become actors."
I agree 100% with you about this, I don´t think (and there is prove in many examples I won´t name) that training doesn´t necessarily helps entirely an actor, natural talent is what makes an actor amazing (we know Rob has it) the training can approach in many ways; couching tends to make the actor more aware of his goods and flaws, but some actors are so worry about the flaws that they end up holding back and not fully developing great performances.
While Johnny Depp found the genre and type of characters he wanted to work, he cooperated many times with Tim Burton and he developed his craft with that.
DiCaprio is very different form Depp and as well found his genre, types of characters and a director like Scorssese.
I think that Rob has talent, but he needs to find the projects and characters he would like, and surround him self with people that will aloud his development while working.
On the other hand we are fans of him because we recognize some talent in him, the potential he has and the unique charismatic person he is. We are fans of him as he is right now, and because of the potential we know he has we want him to develop it and other people to see it as well; but if we as fans are putting so much expectation on him, what can we expect form people that see him only as a lucky guy with just good looks??
I think space is important to grow.
oh Anna F
Emile Hirsch is the guy who played the main Character in "Into the Wild" with Kristen Stewart.
I agree with you on some points, but not all.
I think Robert in Canes is not a bad idea. Had he been a less popular actor (ie w/o Twi) it would be totally appropriate for him to be on Canes for business reasons (i.e. learn about the system of promoting films).
But, in my opinion, we are missing a really critical point here: sure, Robert was catapulted to near stardom because of Twilight, but, Little Ashes leveled that. What I mean is that LA made him an actor not a teen h-throb. It made him as someone seeking artistry not stardom. I also believe that a lot of critics see genuine potential in him and seriousness as an actor, I believe that critics see him as having this "intellectual capacity" to be an actor, and they are willing to wait for that one role that will unleash that potential. Hence, there is no perception at all that is just a pretty face trying to get exposure. He was there on business, so happens that he has worldwide popularity. It was a good business decision to let him go to Canes.
I don't think he is at the pinnacle of his stardom. That is yet to come. He is still small potato compared to Jack Nicholson or Brad Pitt.
But the idea of him really getting good at his craft if titillating, and that I think is why he is where he is at.
Just look at you and me, and a lot of others in this blog.
What have we been saying all this time: I wish he would land a good role, we are soo happy for him land Unbound Captives and Bel Ami.
Why?? Because we know HE IS BETTER than what he is now. We know that he has that potential, and we are waiting and waiting and willing to wait.
PLUS, Hollywood has been waiting for a "STAR" for a long time. Right now, Hollywoodland is looking at Robert Pattinson as that star....
This is going to be the perfect effing film. Showing our Robbie being a dick and showing his dick(hopefully). Master seducer...say no more, you had me right there. I don't need to know anything else. I'm lined up already at the movie theater with my sleeping back,personal hygiene items, neccessary clothing items, and wad of cash in my jean pocket.ROTFLMAO
Oh, I didn't mean pinnacle of celebrity as in: well-respected, top of his craft - like a Nicholson, Streep or De Niro.
I think KK probably said it best - it's the exposure. As far as exposure and recognition are concerned, he's at the absolute top.
I witnessed it first-hand (just came back from traveling) and was floored. He's in every magazine, on tons of websites, tv shows, people in random places are talking about him (in cafes, on trains, pubs, etc.). And it's all over the world.
So if he doesn't realize his potential - and quickly - things could get really ugly for him. They giveth and taketh away so quickly in that business.
Now someone please remind me why I care at all about any of this? ;p
Forgot to mention, amongst all his upcoming projects, I'm most excited about this film. Hopefully it will get made!
Damn y'all I see that there is a deep discussion and now I have to read all the comments. No more joking...shit.
Agree with ur last comment, Lizalou. This kind of attention is not for long, as quickly as you get this type of attention around a star, the quicker it's taken away from them. That's just how it works.
Hahaha.. Shani, I liked your joking!! :)
On the topic of atteniton, it comes and goes, right now it focused on Twilight Saga and his heart-throb status, this type of attention will fade away.. but if he is smart, the attention he will get will be about the projects and his work on it.
this role sounds perfect for Robert. I just can't wait to see his amoral face!! LOL
WOW...I think I'm a lillte misty eyed. You ladies couldn't of stated that any better. I am in absolute agreement with all of you. All jokes aside we all know Rob is the hottest and sexiest thing around. But your right sooo much more to him, and lucky for us I think he has barely even scratched the surface. BRAVO LADIES!!!! I think if Rob read these comments, he'd be proud to have you as fans.
Wait Wait!!.... new ppiiiiicssss
Robert Pattinson at the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS
oh my new pics of him in a suit AGAIN!
:-) :-) :-)
OK nuff seriousness.
All I want for Christmas is for that bodyguard to take his hands off Robert ! ! ! !
Noel: well done on including the word 'titillating' in your post.
It is so appropriate, on so many levels ;)
We can worry about Rob's future all we want, but the bottom line is, so far he's been making all the right moves. I mean, how pissed off would we all have been if he'd signed on to star in Transformers 4 as his first post-Twilight project?!!
Ok, I see your point - CullenGA and Little Bear. I do agree that it isn't necessarily bad and that it can be a British thing. I think in Twilight, it is Edward that appears aloof, not Rob. But I do agree that I may have taken it the wrong way - just trying to protect him...
And everyone else, thanks for all the great comments..you guys are unbelievably funny, talented, and interesting to listen to (since I'm fairly new to blogging with you).
Well said, Noel.
A teen heart-throb would be laughed right off the Majestic Pier. Cannes has never been about that element. It's a festival with its finger on the pulse of the film industry and its future. An actor can evolve and improve; the sensitivity and intelligence Rob has displayed in his work so far is an exciting indication of what's to come.
What can't be developed or taught or even explained is the charisma necessary to hold legions of people in thrall - worldwide. Rob has that, and it's a quality people respond to first and then try to analyze (Is he really a great actor? Is he the sexiest man alive?
Is he a commodity or a talent?)
The answers come later. It's the question, the potential for a truly unique and exciting addition to the art of movie-making that has Cannes and the world a little giddy.
I'm coming to this thread really late but I just had to add my two penneth worth.
I was relieved by the discussion started by lizalou and continued by others because it brought out many things I had been thinking myself. I haven't seen LA or HTB, but what I have seen of Rob's work made me feel that he has the potential to do great acting, but often can't quite pull it off.
I think that's largely due to lack of experience. He actually has relatively little acting experience and no formal training, and since he's reluctant to watch his own work, he doesn't have the benefit of looking back on it with a critical eye.
I think my worst fear for him is that there are so many expectations with all the hype surrounding Twilight that he won't have time to gain that experience before the jackals start trying to tear him down.
On a positive note, I thought it was significant in Roger Ebert's review of LA, that he praised Rob for his bravery in taking on the role and left it at that. It was as though he could see the flaws in the performance but also saw the potential and thus refrained from making a judgement.
I'm glad we can discuss these things in an objective way here.
Robsession without mindless fanaticism.
I don't want to repeat what all you guys expressed so well. I think all of you stressed many important points. And as KK pointed out, the insane, recent media exposure is at the origin of our concern, cause this means there are expectations. And we are afraid that Rob's fame would collapse dramatically when professionals decide too quickly that there is a gap, between the capabilities and the expectations, that cannot to be filled.
I am sure Rob is not missing that point, I'm sure he's thinking about it cause he never claimed any thing and I think this is his best asset. We all noticed a change this week: media coverage, exceptional warm public welcome (considering it's not his native country nor an English speaking country), but also a change in Rob saying he starts dealing with many things and I am happy he snapped out of it (or is working on it).However he remains really humble and that's the key when things are going so insane.
Now the good side of all this story is that: Rob will be given a chance to play interseting parts and be more demanding in his selection and many many actors would give much for this.
The less positive side is that fullfiling expectations is not an easy task, but I think as long as he stays true to himself and critical about his performance he will be able to improve his abilities.
I do not have any opinion on how he can achieve that, some of you mentioned acting classes, others said it's not necessary. I think he has to sort this out with his people.
For now, let's keep in mind that this is just the beginning, and the Twilight years are sort of "safe" as the hype is not going do die down yet. In the meantime he will work on other projects,with diffrent people and learn so much.
Concerning Rob's acting I'm only absolutely sure about one thing: He portrays, very well,characters that are close to his personality or with whom he relates the most (don't want to say better than other characters cause I can't really judge him when I didn't see LA, and not yet How to Be, although I already have an idea and understand waht some of you said about the two movies)
That's why I'm thinking it's good to talk about those concerns but let's not be hasty. Let's see the upcoming non Twilight movies, and for now we can only support him, as all of you do really well in this blog :))))
CullenGal if you're still there - the other night I was busy typing up a post (slow two-fingered typist). When I finally posted it I saw you had left a string of questions for me followed by a good night. By the time I got a reply up you were gone. Sorry about that.
Been trying to catch up with you since then, but I'm always on at the wrong time.
Well, thanks, Mechevpao - here I was trying to have a serious discussion when you sent us off to those new pix. I instantly suffered a pre-frontal Robotomy (or is that a full-frontal Robotomy?) and will never again be able to put together a coherent sentence. On the other hand, ask me if I care *sigh*
I think New Moon will be a very interesting movie to watch because it will be the first opportunity Rob has to put over whatever he's learned in the last few years. LA and HTB are, after all, old movies.
After NM we'll be able to come back to this discussion and reevaluate it.
wow anna, I see what you mean about Lainey... complete change of tone! (and interesting insights, too)
Looks like she finally saw the light. Too bad she's now at the very, very back of the loooong line of Rob's admirers :)
Ooohhh yeessss... we are alll intellectual people, very opinionated... put in front of us a pic of Rob and his glorious sexiness and we go but to Neanderthal...
I´m not embarrassed to admit I do.. hahaha
I totally agree with you that these Twilight years will be the "safe" ones for him. He will still have all of the popularity and hype and also have time to grow as an actor as he does other projects. And by the time BD is finshed, the teen girls will move onto another "hearthrob" and Rob will be more mature. That's where WE come in! We will get to enjoy him in more mature roles and I believe he will still have a huge fan base of "older" fans, not just the teenage girls. He is so versatile and I think that his being thrust into the spotlight via Twilight has really just given him endless opportunities...and now he can take advantage of them. When he was interviewed (it was hard to hear over the French translator) but the interviewer asked him if he would be interested in playing a killer in one of Tarentino's movies, and Rob said "Yeaah! That's why I'm here, to get a job!" Good move on his part to go to Cannes.
Hello, KK, my articulate friend!
Your avatar is slaying me, by the way! RP, as I have noticed before, has a peculiarly sensual way of handling a microphone....
*mind wandering far afield...*
Loved your lengthy post, KK.
I would just add one obervation, which might seem blasphemous among the Robsessed ;P : it is still entirely possible, for those not actively seeking info on RP's career and personal life, to be fairly unaware of his existence.
With the younger crowd, immersed in all aspects of pop culture, perhaps this is not true. But the older demographic, if they are immune to gossips sites, magazines, and entertainment shows, might still be relatively unfamiliar with him (and are certainly unfamiliar with the minutae of his life and personality, and probably have never even heard of How to Be or Little Ashes, never mind the details of forthcoming projects).
My point is that because we are willing participants in the RP movement, we are that much more aware of its extent and its effects. The general public may not be quite so aware, so perhaps he is not as universally over-hyped and over-exposed as we fear.
*RP "exposed"....mind woozily MIA again...*
Yvonne i like the idea of "old fans" :))) while enjoying these years I can't wait to see Rob blossom in other roles, and think: wow I remember when I just knew him for Twilight and now here he is :))))
Mrs. R, it is so funny you should say that. I just had this discussion with my sister , who is equally Robsessed. I asked her if it was possible that he is really NOT as popular as I believe him to be. Simply because he is front and center of my universe (and all of yours), does that mean the rest of the world is as hyper aware of him as I am ? I mean, yes, definately the gossip mags, but just your everyday average person...I don't know.
I'm back. I agree with Lizalou,KK,LB,Katy, and RPaddict on every point y'all made. I'm just going to trust in his innate talent and have faith that the directors and more experienced actors will bring him under their wings teaching him as they go. Everbody sees the genius and because he is so loveable I don't think they will let him fail. The only person that will hurt him is him. We can look at Mickey Rourke as a prime example of that. He was once on top too and made very poor career and life choices.
I can't believe Rob would ever turn out like Mickey Rourke...gah!
Not that he's a bad guy....but, our Rob is so intelligent, gifted both musically and artistically.
Mrs R, I like your point: not all of the planet knows about Rob. But my concern is that the professional circle knows about the exposure and fame and will wonder if it's deserved or just teenage hormones related? that's why, we, non-teenager fans have to make our voice louder :))
gotta go pick up the kids from school, damn. Hopefully I can come back and chat later. Loving the discussion today :)
Riddle, absolutely! And we will! Isn't Rob lucky to have us?!!! :))
He is indeed (said in a Posh accent) LMAO
Mrs. R - Your right, because I think KK was the one who said she asked her college kids did they know about Robert Pattinson and not one of them knew him. How sad is that??? But I think about it every time I go out somewhere now. I look around at people and wonder if these person knows him or that one. I just draw the conclusion that they probably don't. LOL
I just want to clarify that I think Rob being at Cannes is a good move for him. One interesting point...I went to the official Cannes site which had a list of celebs that appeared or were set to appear on Tuesday. The list was long, but Rob's name was nowhere on it.
As far as exposure...I shared this a few days ago, but I will share it again. I was cruising through radio stations on the way to work and landed on a lite-rock station whose demographic is basically 30-50 year olds. One of the morning-show folks was talking about how much he loves coin collecting. The other person on the show said, "Maybe one day you'll be the Rob Pattinson of coin collecting." This really drove home to me how "out there" Rob really is.
I think about Johnny Depp and how ridiculously stupid his acting was in "Nightmare on Elm Street" and look at him now. I also think of River Phoenix and how unbelievably talented he was from the get go at such a young age. I wouldn't put Rob's acting ability on the level of River, but Rob is very, very smart, humble and obviously willing to learn. I still believe that within a year or two he'll either be an A-lister or he will disappear. I lean towards "A-lister," but then again...I am biased.
I believe his pretty face helps, but many of those fans will move onto the next pretty face. I still don't count myself in that category because unlike many of you fine ladies, I think he looks like a doof most of the time (yeah, it might be something in the water!!!)even when others are drooling over him.
What I do know is that he has a serious core of fans here who will stick with him through thick and thin...who aren't willing to drink the Rob koolaid just because they think he's awesome...who are willing to join in his journey and follow him to whatever heights he achieves. THAT is freakin' cool, and I'm proud to be a part of this group.
Yvonne- I didn't mean that he is that stupid to be Mickey. I'm just saying your individual poor choices can fuck you up more.
What a great discussion! I wish I had time to respond properly but lunch hour is at an end.
There are so many great points made here, but I do have to second Diane's assertion that Rob has an "it" factor that cannot be taught or bought (although plenty of studios keep trying.) The camera loves him, and I don't think my personal Robsession is tainting my objectivity too much on that front. If that charisma were the only thing he has going for him, I'd be very worried about the current "hype" and his relative lack of experience and training. But as with many well-known stars today, the inexplicable charisma and raw talent is what ultimately got them where they are today. The fine-tuning of the craft came more gradually, with hard work and gifted directors, producers and other actors to help guide them.
I love that Rob is jumping into so many projects. Even if he falters in some of them, the effort will only result in a more well-rounded and experienced actor. He won't have time to get "rusty" or fall into bad habits by taking a break or only doing one type of role repeatedly.
BTW, even though the video I made a week ago probably isn't an accurate guage, I was astounded that the vast majority of its 3,300+ viewers have been 35 years of age and up. The conception that Rob is just a teen heartthrob is grossly inaccurate. I'm frankly astonished that Rob has so many older fans. He wouldn't unless there were a lot more to him than being the Flavor of the Month. I'm not too worried about Rob rising to the challenge and becoming a very huge, iconic "movie star," even if he's really only interested in becoming an excellent actor.
KK- People at Access Hollywood were already trying to say that guy that's in Terminator is the next big thing. I don't think so.
Shani - Christian Bale?
Leann- I agree. Like that old saying goes "an idol mind is the devils playground". Rob said it in an interview in an older post below that he was so frustrated all last year because there were no good scripts and he hadn't worked because of it. So let him work his ass off. We don't want him turning into a cliche' of the actor that was the toast of the town one day then dropped off the fast of the earth the next.
KK- No the guy playing the new terminator.
if anyone of you is still interested what kind of necklace Rob is wearing - it's gold-covered shark tooth ... photo and the little story at Spunk-Ransom
Mechevpado: It agree with the importance of instinct, in fact I think it's the key to great acting, and you either have it or you don't. But even a "natural" like Johnny Depp did study at the Loft Studio with Peggy Feury, a big influence. I just think RP might benefit from the insight of a great mentor. It's true that he can learn on the job, but that implies a lot of stumbling that could be potentially painful and frustrating for him. In that case he needs talented directors behind him, and first time directors are a big gamble that way. Madeliene Stowe is a powerful actor, but can she direct? Time will tell, but I'm optimistic that Rob will continue mining his vast potential .... and not let the overexposure do him in. This is all happening so fast, it's difficult to say. He could also become overwhelmend and just drop out for a while. Which we'd all hate to see, hence our concern and thoughts here.
I think it's interesting how protective we all are of him :p
When I saw Little Ashes, in the awkward parts where he just couldn't quite break-through, I actually felt bad for him.
And then in the aftermath, when my friends who watched it with me were being critical, I found myself defending him.
I'll confess, I too didn't buy that he could possibly be as superstarhuge as we all believe him to be - but he is. It isn't just our biased opinion that he's the center of the universe.
KK is right and I've also seen and heard it first-hand in places where you'd never expect his name to be mentioned.
Hard to believe, but i've been super-productive at work today!! ;p
KK hear hear!!! thanks for the clarification
Now I have to say that I just saw todays pictures and I noticed that Rob shaved :)) trivial? I know but I couldn't help noticing thta. Also in these pictures he looks umm a bit severe, serious, not really smiling: is he tired? annoyed, worried?
Ooooh,whoever said it (can't recall from the comments above), I think you're right, Lainey seems to be smitten by our boy!
It's about time, girl! She's playing all coy, acting like it was just her friend that was interested. Nice try, Lainey - oldest trick in the book.
Just saw this headline on imdb: "Rob, Diane, and More Make For amfAR Highlights at Cannes"
Who are these 'more' of which you speak? Pfffft!
There's a journalist from a French magazine called people/premiere that just twitted: (roughly traslated) [Awesome interview of Robert Pattinson on the daily Technikart "They may scream my name, but I can decide not to hear it"]
I'm trying to find the interiew but think it's on paper version.
oh my gosh I found it!!!
Lizalou- Funny enough Lainey was at the beginning all about Rob when she met him on the set of Twilight. Then the hype build and she saw the movie. She changed. Everybody started emailing her more when he came back for the Oscar parties wanting to know every detail about where he went and what he did. Then the whole Nikki shit flared up and people were emailing hate mail. Now she's back to the love because there is no controversy going on. Rob is focused on his job only, as he should be.
ummm is anybody here?
Rid- I am, tell me more about the twitter.
well I found a part of the interview about which the journalist twitted
let me reasemble my thoughts so I can make you a summary :)
Rob is talking about the fans, the media coverage and the insanity of the situation: I'm gonna translate roughly:
He was having lunch at the Carlton Beach in a restaurant then 700 people turned up at the entrance, 3 bodyguard had to carry him to the car, he said his feet were not touching the ground, they really carried him, he said it was really wierd
I can't wait for this movie! An amoral Rob, awesome!
he said again that everything got insane since Twilight has been released and during these last 6 months. it's difficult to handle what's happening to me, basically he doesn't know how to avoid that. But he said you can't fight this, he said when this fame is not what you've been looking for all your life you can decide to ignore it (in the interview they used something like don't give a shit)
(and here is why I love Rob) he said:I didn't sign with Disney, there is no clause that oblige me to smile at the photographers (gosh he sounds so fed up)
That's so interesting to hear Rob say that...he's right, he has no obligations, and yet he is so generous with his fans, and kind and giving to those same photogs and papz who scream at him. he is amazing. I hope he can stand it enought to keep working. I think a while back he said that he didn't really care if ever acted again or not...
He's talking about being at Cannes, not being able to do much (he would like to) He said he doesn't like posing for pictures. but he likes the hotel, it's like a job, having lunches. He leaves restaurants by speedboats like Jame Bond and this is cool.He said: I'm still gonna have time to go see QT's movie though,but I feel that the red carpet is going to ruin this moment for me. i don't like it already.]
poor boy he must have been terified yesterday when climbing Les Marches and all those flashes.
two words...Beautiful Bastard.
I just wanted to add my two cents about the rest of the world being as aware of Rob as we all are. I was talking to my sister (younger) the other day and was telling her about this blog and shes like "Who's Robert Pattinson?". When I told her he was in Twilight, she still didn't know who he was.
Hey riddle, where can I find this interview in french?
To use an old expression --I would pay to watch him read out of the phone book.
I do hope this movie has a great script, director and DP--- RP would be great playing a character with those qualities.
I hope he is advised to not shy away from supporting roles. Esp. if it is an opportunity to learn the craft and the business. And it would give him "acting cred."
Hmm... riddle thx so much for translating that!
That interview makes me believe more than ever that he will eventually move away from acting in search of other pursuits. If he's already getting fed up, I can't imagine 5 years from now.
As beautiful as he is to look at - and what a shame it would be to not see him on the big screen - I can see him eventually working as a writer. And an excellent one at that. It just seems to fit with the paranoid nature that he claims to have, that he craves solitude and likes nothing more than to shut himself in a room to work alone.
Anna: Voici l'entretien Technikart
Ca a l'air assez interessant... quelle folie !
I'll try and find time to translate it later tonight.
Riddle got most all of it already. Rob was obviously speaking in English, so here's a retranslation (gist) of the article online:
The Robert Pattinson Riot at Cannes: "I was carried out by three body guards!!"
The irresistible Robert Pattinson, jettisoned to superstardom by the Twilight saga, is in Cannes. And the very least we can say is that his fans are absolutely everywhere, including several thousand of them lining the Croisette, where he sparks a riot every time he makes an appearance.
Technikart magazine met the British star, who can’t get over the fanatical welcome he’s received on the Croisette. Here are excerpts from our interview:
"I was having lunch on the beach at the Carlton, and 700 people crowded around the restaurant entrance. It was funny, in a way.... I was carried out to a car parked out front by three bodyguards. They were literally carrying me, my feet weren’t even touching the ground. It was really, really, bizarre!”
"Everything’s gotten a lot more intense over the past six months and the release of Twilight. It’s hard to deal with what’s happening to me. I don’t have enough distance, I can’t even find a way to cope with all this. But you can’t fight this celebrity thing. It’s useless, you can’t escape it. When fame isn’t something you’ve been looking for all your life, when it isn’t something you sought, then you don’t have to give a damn. I didn’t sign on with Disney. There’s no clause in my contract that says I have to smile at photographers.”
“Things are going so-so here, for now. I’d like to be able to do more. I’m not doing anything. I hate getting my photo taken. But I like the hotel. It’s the Hotel du Cap. It’s like a job, I go to lunches, I leave restaurants on speedboats, like James Bond. That’s pretty cool. I’m going to find the time to go see Tarantino’s movie. But I’ve got a feeling the red carpet is going to ruin the fun for me. I‘m already hating it.”
Already blasĂ© Rob? Come on now, you just signed on for Twilight 4. You’ve got tons of celebrity duty still ahead of you, poor boy!
Adam reporting from Cannes
Interesting comments here, so I'm unlurking. I find the whole RPattz thing to be so interesting, from every angle - the crazy fans, the originally manufactured but now organically growing hype, the media coverage, even Robsten, which I am not too sold on as a fact but think is very romantic as a fiction.
It's been ages (if ever) since I've had a celebrity crush, but for some reason RP is the perfect storm for me, and I've tried to break down the appeal into isolated characteristics so as to better understand. Obviously, he is gorgeous - you could toast bread over his photo - but his oft default scruffy look doesn't really appeal to me, so it's not that. At least not entirely.
The voice has to be given its own credit, though. Tenor and accent - Plus, plus.
I actually only wanted to see Twilight because of youtube videos I'd seen. For me his persona is much more interesting than the perfect Edward, and I think a large part of that is the combination of his shyness/introversion and his seeming generosity with people. The Twilight craze is kind of ruining the moment for him, the fame is exhausting and each photo taken is kind of stolen goods, but he's not getting all Hugh Grant curmudgeonly about it. He rolls with the punches, smiles for the fans, and makes self-deprecating jokes about it, and for that you - I - feel rather protective about him. Back off, everyone, and let the man breathe. Enough, already.
I think lots of people with an online presence are introverted, but most of Hollywood is probably extroverted, so you may enjoy these people, but you can't relate to them, and many of them are a bit intimidating in their manner or bearing, or just arrogant. I, for instance, would never want to have a conversation with Brad Pitt because it would be so imbalanced, or at least I would feel like it is. He is the Big Man on Campus in every way, and I am the girl in the back of English class scribbling her notebook. What is the point in talking...there is nothing to say.
Rob is, however, so incredibly nonthreatening. He gives off a gentle, nonjudgmental air. He hasn't yet begin to believe his own hype. He seems real, unaffected and unwilling to change stuff he thinks is unnecessary. And because he doesn't care, he can get away with wearing the same 3 t-shirts and 2 pairs of jeans and carrying a Dadcase and everyone squees over his choices and thinks they are the coolest ever when, in fact, they are not. He is the coolest ever. Because he's decided what's important to him and he remains unwavering to those things.
I have no idea how much talent he has - I think that's yet to be revealed - but he is magnetic on the screen. You can't take your eyes off him, and you wouldn't want to if you could. That could take him far, if he decides after all this he still wants to go there.
Honestly, I think there's a real chance he could bail, esp. if the criticism gets too mean and personal. He's not in it for the fame or, seemingly, the money, and other stuff might be just as enjoyable and allow for less spotlight and scrutiny. I would love to see him work his screen mojo in some interesting projects and would be sad if Hollywood puts him through the mill and churns out pulp, but what concerns me most is the chance of all this High Profile crap turning him into a self-righteous, humorless, arrogant prick who just wants to bang supermodels and blather on about politics. Because that would ruin all of his appeal for me. The lack of all that in his public persona is what makes him seem like a good old fashioned movie star.
AAR-Rachel.. I think it is good that the conversation here on this thread has become so interesting and that you wanted to comment enough that you came out of lurking.
Each and everyone of us has probably dissected what it is about Rob that captures our interest/affection (and in some cases lust).lol.
Yes, I think that there are those who see his looks as all important, but on the whole I think a lot of that is just joking around and that the real reason we are so into Rob is because he does have that extra something not many actors have at the moment.
I think it is to his advantage that he is British and not a Hollywood brat. It sounds like he had a very grounded upbringing. The HP thing would have given him some insight into how crazy the fans can be even if it was not directed at him at the time.
I don't suppose for one minute he imagined this level of exposure when he signed on for Twilight.
Who knew?
It bothers me that he seems to be 'living in a fishbowl' at the moment but it also means that he is getting plenty of opportunities to 'shine'. He has his management there with him and if it all goes well he will have enough, or as little work as he wants, over the next few years to set him up for life.
We all make choices in life.
I am sure Rob will make his share of both good and bad ones.
If he makes the choice to step away from the spotlight (bail, as you say)no one could blame him. Though for the next few years at least he is committed to staying in it.
I do not think the spotlight is shining too brightly on him. I also don't think that it will burn out in a hurry.
Realistically this level of exposure cannot go on forever and there will be people who will move on from their interest in him. That is 'a given' and just human nature.
Rob will survive that (if his nerves hold up from all the craziness now) because he does have that charisma, talent and intellectual capacity, as I have said before, to be successful at whatever career path he chooses.
I believe that Bel Ami is Guy de Maupassant's second novel
i just love this blog so much!! totally new to commenting on here but felt i had to say that. i was also wondering if all this fame would change him in some way. like make him more snobby, less awkward and humble, introverted and shy. but reading what all of you have said, it puts my mind at ease. i'm sure if all of you are thinking these things, then he certainly is as well. he will obviously become more confident as he gets older, but hopefully he won't change too much.
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