Robert Pattinson Gets Sold Out...

A Life & Style report – click here - claiming that at the amfAR gala the other night in Cannes, Robert Pattinson was all over some girl called Erika , kissing her, and leaving with her. The magazine has published a photo of the two together “at the event”. Another photo of the two is at Pop Sugar.
Relax ladies. The whole story is suspect. The pictures are suspect, the details are suspect.
Happy Twi-hards?
First - the amfAR event was loaded with journalists. Many, many journalists. It would however seem that the only witness to Pattinson’s supposed hookup with this blonde was Life & Style’s source. Because everyone else – and trust me, EVERYONE was watching him that night, including several with a vested interest and much to gain from a Robert Pattinson romance story – observed that he was actually really low key that night, spoke with Emile Hirsch and a few other celebrities, was not drinking heavily, and certainly did not spend most of the night, if any part of the night, in the exclusive company of “Erika”.
Speaking of Emile Hirsch though – you can blame him for Pattinson getting sold out. Because it’s his friend who did it.
Remember Laura, Mio, and I were on the du Cap terrace on Wednesday night? Click here and here if you have not yet read those posts.
We’d been boozing on the terrace when Pattinson arrived with his management. Emile Hirsch, his girlfriend, and some other girls came later.
Eventually Emile and his girlfriend joined Pattinson’s table. Was funny because Hirsch pulled up two chairs and didn’t bother pulling up a third for the attractive blonde who was with them and clearly wanted to sit down. Laura said her face was kinda pouty.
And who was she?
Yes, she was Erika. The same Erika with Pattinson in these pictures.
But they were not taken at amFAR on Thursday.
They were taken at the Hotel du Cap terrace.
We saw her in this outfit Wednesday night, shaking Pattinson’s hand when she was introduced to him by Emile Hirsch and his girlfriend.
Anyone who has ever been to the du Cap terrace, and we go there every year, have done so for 4 years, can tell you it’s the du Cap terrace.
Laura is now yelling at me for not staying longer that night. If you recall, we bailed because Emile Hirsch is f-cking annoying. Laura left reluctantly with me. So whoever put these photos out there, whoever made them available for sale (they are being brokered by a photo agency), clearly misrepresented them.
In other words: a friend of Emile Hirsch misrepresented herself. A friend of Emile Hirsch sold out Robert Pattinson. These photos are being sold in high quality. Which means you can’t blame Facebook because the only way they can be sold in HQ is if they’re the originals. Oh wait, let me guess, her camera was stolen.
Is Erika an aspiring actress? Or hard up for cash?
As for whether or not she left with Pattinson after amfAR, we’re not sure she was even AT amfAR. And again, he was being watched all night. No one else seems to be able to corroborate Life & Style’s account.
Pattinson left very early for Rome on Friday morning. He was at the airport just before us. Laura was grateful. Because we’d pulled an allnighter on our final evening and looked like sh-t.
So what are the conclusions that can be drawn from this, other than the fact that Life & Style, once again, um, got it wrong?
Three possibilities:
1. Erika did not f-ck Pattinson the night at the du Cap because if they did go to bed, in selling these pictures, she’s effectively killed any other chance of going to bed with him again.
2. He turned her down, this is why she’s selling the photos, figuring she may as well profit from his rejection (Laura believes this is the most plausible explanation)
3. She did f-ck him, doesn’t care to f-ck him again, and figures she should profit from their night together
Whatever the explanation, she’s not showing up in the best light.
4. Emile Hirsch is a douche.
5. Emile Hirsch has douchey friends
Robert Pattinson fans vs Emile Hirsch fans…a new war has erupted! GO!
And finally, am attaching a legitimate photo from amfAR of Pattinson with Hirsch and also Peaches Geldof. Pattinson should date Peaches Geldof. Love her. Also, Peaches Geldof is Laura’s celebrity doppelganger. Aside from hair colour, the similarity is uncanny. Laura is lucky her celebrity doppelganger is cool. Mine is not cool. Mine is nasty ass skank trash. Massage parlour Asian twat Tila Tequila. One night at a party last year, some loser asked me if I was the MTV girl who gets down with boys and girls. F-cker.
Would it be unbecoming to continue to ruminate about this whole incident?
Or should I just proceed? ;P
OMG!!!!! dani i LOVE that label!!!! right on!
hahaha completely agree!!! i couldnt have said it better...
sadly enough...if he had a girlfriend the rumors would still be going about cheating lies break ups and all that...
Hello again Mrs R.
Shani-did you migrate with us?!? You still there?
Love the label.
SO we are here now?
talking about Laney, dis you read her post about Paris stunts to get into the best partis on Cannes?? By the way those parties wee all the parties Rob was invited..
The label is priceless-so is her Celeb doppelganger rant-bahahaha.
Hey Mechav. Yep-we've finally moved.
If Rob wasn't already paranoid to begin with, this would certainly do it.
such leeches/social climbers/golddiggers/media whores are everywhere,waiting for some naive,horny or wasted celebs to take advantage of them,hopefully next time he won't let his guard down that easily.
Well-I hate to leave good company-but I do need to go for now-and it may be Monday before I can check back in blogging. So-take care all, it's been fun as always!
Bye, yall!
ok, so I move my last comment with me here , here it goes
yesterday there was a warning for Rome - temp over 40 C and do not let the children and the elderly out of the house ... Rob is to the north but they have to film during the noon (light, shadows), don';t they ? it makes me worry ...
shirtless Robward
drop like dead files
global economy crisis deepens - women in stupor
Here's Pattinson Anonymous' take...I have to agree. Lainey got some of her facts wrong, but I still think Life And Style is full of it, AND someone, somewhere sold those pics without Rob's consent. Not cool.
do they shoot on weekends? because then that would explain why there are no pics of italy...
gosh its sad that my mood depends suddenly on papz pics of rob...its really sad...
but if they are of shirless edward who cares?? :D:D
a voice in my head is telling me to get a life...
Maybe Emile was trying to get away from her, too? I mean, this article says he pulled up two chairs for himself and his gf and left Erika pouting.
Or did I read it wrong?
CG- I'm here now. I had re-read that shit over and wait for my sloww ass computer to let me in.
Exactly Lean!! I agree with you
Dani, that label is the best!!!!!
Monika- I would have thought he would have learned his lesson being around Nikki's famewhore ass. I guess he is still naive' enough to call her a friend. Hell he is still naive' we just witnessed it.What a shame...
Karma is a bitch Erika, and that bitch just bit you in the ass!
It's even more hysterical that it was posted from Laimey!!! I starting to feel a subtle shift in Laimey's camp towards our man?
It's not even subtle, Jewels! I think maybe it's because Lainey's BFF Laura is so Robsessed?
How you been girly? I just got some good prescription meds...things are looking up.
Been lurking but have to go. Hello to everyone who is on now and also goodbye for now!!!
Honestly, who gives a shit.
The man is basically sex personified, IMO, OF COURSE he's getting some action. Frankly, I could give a shiz who it's with. All I know is he deserves it. The man works hard, is an amazing talent and is abso-fucking-lutely handsome. There will always be rumors anytime he is pictured with anyone from the opposite sex. Actually, I almost feel sorry for who-ever does turn out to be his girlfriend. Peeps are going to talk so much shit about her and it's just NOT COOL. Leave the man be for chrissakes.
Jewels- You know Lainey loves his ass.She just a critical bitch. Hating on his walk and open mouth. But she did acknowledge the pretty, she ain't blind.LOL
[Conversation continued from mammoth thread below:]
Isn't it strange that, while all of us are undoubtedly united in our wish for RP to have a completely fulfilling life, there is that little part of me that would rather NOT envision him frolicking (*oh, hell—almost said "licking"*) with lucky little Erika...or any of her equivalents?
Is it completely pathetic and juvenile for me to have noticed last night, when closely studying—I mean, casually glancing at—the photos of them, I zeroed in on his hand? And to have noticed that said hand, while clearly draped across the little filly's shoulder, was in no way gripping or caressing her—was not attempting to (even subliminally) claim or possess her (as my hand undoubtedly would have been, in a snapshot taken with an actual or prospective intimate companion)?
Of course, nothing that I say matters. It is, I realize, absolutely none of my business.
It's just that, for some illogical reason, I almost feel like RP is one of my ex-bfs, and I feel strangely entitled to evaluate any of his current love interests—and roundly criticize them if they are not up to par!
And I suppose I will continue to squirm and to scrutinize, until RP and I "get back together" again!
*laughing heartily at delusional self*
Told ya she was a "talker"
C word!
Bye KK will miss you bb!!! Have fun in the windy city.
Bye CullenGal!
Sorry—I was composing my rant as you departed. :)
Bye KK!!!!
Best wishes to you & your friend!
No words...
Like I said time will tell... and it looks like it is...HAHAHHA
Melissa. I agree 100%
You got to use that shit
loose that shit!
Partay ova here!
I wonder if Erica is going to talk next about the deal cough cough...
I wonder too why the change of take on Rob from Laney in her posts, sh must have something going on in her agenda for that
mrs. r~
i love reading your comments.
you're a very perceptive, analytical, and thought-provoking person.
i always wanted to tell you that, but i'm slightly intimidated and shy lol.
that being said...i, sometimes, feel the same way.
LOVE that you had to catch yourself on the "licking" slip.
I wish that Rob would find a girlfriend already. Then there wouldn't be so much gossip spam about him in the first place. They feel like there NEEDS to be news about his love life, so they make it up. Ugh, put him on a show or hire someone!Do SOMETHING! I don't know how much longer I can take this!
Mrs. R- Too funny!!! I really don't feel to much about it only that he got sold out. So I'm not really feeling jealous. I guess I'm over my delusion.
Funny story:
For the first time ever I had a dream about Jasper/Jackson. I blame you Suz. You kept saying you were goig to see him and was tring not to call him Jasper. That stuck in my subconscious. So I dreamt about feeling up his hard sixpack. Then I woke up unsatisfied.
shani!! hiiii <3
Laura-The funny thing is Rob commented about not wanting his life to be a show when he was in Cannes. Hell, he must not have ever been on E!online it'a a soap opera over there.LOL
Hey bol!!!!!! How's everthing going????
Hi bolideinthesky:
I always like to read your comments—I can't believe anyone would be intimidated by mine!
I just have a lifelong, natural tendency to dissect and examine everything that interests me—I have an intense craving toward understanding and making connections.
I would not say that I'm shy, just introspective—and the relative anonymity of this format makes it easier for me to express (confess?) my thoughts and feelings re:RP (and other essential aspects of life :)), even though countless strangers might be reading this.
And yet Suz still makes me tremble a bit.
I repeat give him some credit. He deserves that much.
Go Dani!
i'm doing well! i'm suffering from a horrible headache at the moment (the weather here, in pennsylvania, is killing my sinuses), but i'm happy to be here.
how are you doing?
LOL at the label!!!!!
Absolutely FTW.
Now, who cares about this?
What I want now are some leaked newmoon-shirtlessrobward photos XD
RPad- You mean that he makes his own bed and he has to lay in it. Lay down with dogs you will pick up fleas. And what ever else cliche I can't think of right now.LOL
Because he is grown and he makes his own choice and he has to deal with the consequences.
Ladies who remain:
I'm off to write (have been pondering a pivotal "bathtub scene" all afternoon.... ;P).
Thanks for the lovely conversation, and good bye for now. :)
bol- Like Jewels yesterday my throat was killing my ass. It's this crazy ass Texas weather. I feel a little bit better, but it's swollen and it burns.
The night Lainey refers to is not the Amfar night. Her friend and Rob fan Laura wrote about their sitting near Rob, and he arrived without a tie that night, and on all pics with Erika, he is wearing a tie, it's highly doubtful he put his tie back on later. So it's 2 different nights, the night gossiper Lainey saw him and the night of the pics when Lainey had already left.
It's normal that this handsome young man has flings and/or one night stands.
mrs. r~
i like that.
the way you type is...enchanting, almost. maybe, even melodic. it's like i can hear someone singing when i read your comments lol.
that's kind of strange.
i don't know what to say to you, other than that! *intimidated again*
Bye Mrs.R !!!! Rub-a-dub
Mrs. Robinsane
I wish you had your own page/blog in which you write this stuff.
Do you have one?
aw, bye mrs. r!
happy to see another side to this... i would hate for rob to get a really messed up reputation due to nonsense being published. These mags are rags... and anyone profiting from lies should be charged with something... Perhaps they will just "welcome the dead into their soul"...
Shani - You right! I think he needs to just suck it up and do a show LMAO. It'll save him so much gossip spam in the long run. No but really, he needs to work on getting a lady friend pronto!
Hmmm... I don't give a hoot either way, but just an observation here... Lainey has her facts wrong, too.
In her post from that night on the terrace (where her friend, Laura, was going bananas over Rob), she said he came in with his tie off and a few buttons on his shirt undone. In these photos with the fameseekingErikawhore, his tie is clearly on, and he's all buttoned up to that beautiful neck.
Second, didn't Lainey also say that when Emile came up to him that night with women, Rob acted shy and quiet? There's nothing shy and quiet about these photos.
Third, so say this all went down after Lainey left the terrace - Lainey said it was 5 in the morning. Either Rob suddenly lost his reservations and turned into an outgoing animal in the span of 15 minutes, or it didn't happen that night. Why? The sun would have been coming up and these photos were clearly taken at night.
Either way, doesn't matter. But just goes to show that Lainey is full of shit, too.
Sad thing is that I think that Rob's fears are now being realized - he can't trust anyone, and any girl he's with is going to be plastered all over the media and reviled.
i'm sorry about that! i hope that, somehow, you feel better soon. it seems like a lot of us are feeling like crap.
do you think that rob has fallen ill, due to crazy weather and travel? will he need someone to take care of him?
on it.
Mrs. Robinsane - you write fanfic, or are you working on your own novel (or both?)
I'm always looking for new stuff to read!
Someday gals, this will be a true story-he will meet someone and we will all have to accept it. I must admit when I first saw the photos and read the story, I stopped breathing.
But he's a smart guy & not stupid enough to finally hook up with someone in front of the entire world. He'll be more private about it.
But it will happen, and yes it will hurt when it does. But we all love him & want him to be happy, right?
Yes, he should be with me (or you) but for now, we can relax.
Lizalou- So true hon.
Laura- Sadly it looks like that is what he was trying to do. But got sold out instead. So sad. :(((
bol- I think Hoodie Woobie has that position already.LOL
rpattzgirl- Yep, breath in breath out.
Lainey coming over to the Rob side proves that even she is not immune to the Robnetic pull, she loves the pretty but hates the Twicrazies
Also, with Eclipse being filmed in Vancouver, it doesn't do her any good to be on the outs with Rob and his camp.
i'm a romannntic like that....
we have to take care of each other....
*whimsical sigh followed by maniacal laughter*
i can deal with rob loving his hoodie, because i love hoodies too...
but unless you get really creative, a hoodie can't sex you up.
Pssst... Rob, I promise not to tell anyone or sell photos when we eventually hook up. Ever. Even on threat of death. ;P
ooooh wee! Bring on the Italy shirtless photos!!
^^sorry, that message was directed to shani.
Laney is a gossip teller as much as L&S mag, we know what we can see, we know by the pics he was in a group and he took pics with this girl, and that these are no pap pics, so someone in the group he was hanging out sold them.. then what happened if he just hang out there for a while and then went to the room alone or with the girl.. we can only guess.
I think this is bad not because he was with a girl (if he was) he deserves to have fun, but it is bad because it really narrows the amount of people he can only trust.
I never believed it to begin with, he hardly looks like he enjoying himself.
If everyone went off the deep end every time he put his arm around a fan for a photo then we would all be on medication.
Thanks for the debunking, I'm still hoping for him that he finds someone, like(KS).
bol- I think Hoodie Woobie would disagree. It's softness on one side and rough on the other would help with some great HJ's.LOL
fucker totally agreeable real fucker so mean and so total dork and so totally moron
Mech- Exactly!! Next time it will just make it harder for the next girl that comes along who may be the right one for him. Regardless, he got a life lesson out of this one. Not to trust everybody. Definitely no one in his business. There are to many agendas with those Hollywood types.
i leaned so far forward when i read your comment that i lost my balance and nearly fell off of my chair! someone's trying to give me a concussion lol.
now, let me ponder this...
i don't think that it would work.
a dry hj might cause inflamation, and we all know how much rob hates terminal groin chafing.
a lubricated hj might get too sticky, what, with lint and such.
bol- Dry clean bb!!!
okay, you got me there.
but this is not over, not by a long shot.
Hey all! Sadly, I kinda think there is some truth to both stories ... altho Lainey's does have some holes. I am inclined to believe Rob wasn't going all crazy over the girl at the amFAR event, cause it was charity and all the journalists, etc. She insists these are from the night before ... who knows. The only thing that's obvious is that he was sold out by someone in that little group, whether he got any or not, and I gotta say, something in his expression in the pic with her tells me he figured this would happen, ya know? To me, it's more a look of disgust. Oh well, live and learn.
Hmmm, so it's miserable in Italy, huh? I'm surprised we have no pap photos from there yet ...
Oh, and Mrs R., you put into words what I was feeling SO WELL, in your 4:30 pm post. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I have no reason for it to. I'm just glad I'm not the only older fan that felt that way, lol.
i liked your approach to the hoodie woobie lovin'.
i was, honestly, thinking about him stuffing the arms and body with some sort of foam-rubber...
i guess that's a little complicated...
bol- Just know Hoodie Woobie is satisfaction guaranteed.LMAO
bol- Girl that's far out.LMAO
I leave you for 40 mins and another hundred funny comments descend :D
@ Shani - Avard of the day for HW .. I'm drop dead :D
@ Mrs Robinsane - me too ! me too ! I also (look up) would like to know what you are writing, if you have a blod, when you'll have a blog :))) 'cause I love reading your comments, too
i'll never look at my hoodies the same way again!
...ohhhh no. this is dangerous.
"Girl that's far out.LMAO"--right? lol
bol- You just made me think about Sophia who always say "Hey Lover".
Hoodie Woobie other name could be "Foam Lover" LOL
if there isn't any GF around, let the BB love and be loved ... HW is his safe blanket and makes him feel embraced
*ahhhh snap-clap!*
i know that my face is red, i can feel it!!
ahahaha you're good.
I would just like to say that I love the "label" this post got. Good shit! Nice Dani! =)
i've been reading too much fanfiction. i think that's where the foam-rubber comment spawned...from. you know...getting creative...
bol- Shit is just popping in my mind right now. I don't know how???
"foam lover" was beautiful. i died.
omg is there more in there? like what??? i'm very curious, now.
bol- Two really good FF to read are Wild Swan and Intersection. Both heartbreaking stories.
bol- Your my partner in crime with out you nothing is possible.LOL
*makes brief note on Shani';s FF advice ...*
why is everyone o sure it is this Erikagirl who sold the pix?! why would she, it´s crazy stupid, anyone understands that! can´t it be another hangaround who took the pics and sold them??
just imagine you had the fucking luck to know someone who knew someone that knew rob so you ended up having drinks with him like this, taking pictures having fun, planning to snog him (which anyone in their right mind would do) and then this happens and everyone thinks YOU sold them, even rob probably! how humiliating! (and worse, imagine she has a boyfriend and this was only amicable..)
we aren't sure, nobody knows anything fo sho
I don';t believe that Erica';s sold-crap
oooo. i will add those to my ff favorites list. it's long lol. thanks :)
i've, pretty much, been reading a lot of the recs given on here. there's also this author named dictums. she has some shorts that are interesting, and a lot of the longer stories are about two broken spirits coming together...or something. kind of depressing, but (again) interesting. i've read one called "a nasty experience" and there was a bad boy edward. but it hasn't been finished, i don't think...and she hasn't updated since last year. either way, i was into it.
aw shani! *happy* <3
Maria- We already said that it could be someone else from the group. Now I'm forgetting, but didn't Lainey even say it may be someone out of Em's group as well??? All we know is that it was SOMEBODY who sold him out. That's what matters most.
bol- Thanks, I'll look up that FF and I have read a lot too. I'm reading "His Personal Assistant" it has a lot of lemons. *Hot sex on the platter*
I never believe hook up stories anyway.
And although I don't actually know Rob, I'd like to think I know enough about him and where he is now, that he wouldn't be stupid enough to get drunk and have a one night stand with a random nobody.
Sorry Erika. I know, we all want a piece of him too.
Hey ladies, while you're talking fan fiction, my favorite so far was I Love LA, and I read the Office and Wide Awake. Got other suggestions, preferably one that's finished and doesn't leave me hanging?
my favorite one shot by dictums is "nobody know you and nobody gives a damn" lol
and urmybrandofheroin wrote "a nasty experience"
you had me at lemons. *chuckle*
hm, i don't really have any other suggestions. if you find some authors with one chapter stories, give them a try and if you like the style of writing, go for it!
some of mine fav
Apples and Oranges McVampy
Cocktails & Dreams fatallyobsessed
Life In Technicolor SpyKid18
The Dominant tara sue me (read first The Submissive)
The Ex Factor : Edward & Bella AngelAtTwilight
The Red Line WinndSinger
Two Stepping Jewels64
DID by dollegirl
Cullenary Coupling by booksgalore on Twilighted Wide Awake & new : Of Gemini and Gypsies
Boycotts and BarFlies hpa, did i just see a chapter called lobotomy? lol
i'll give that one a try, for sure lol.
mcvampy is very good. i, definitely, agree with that suggestion.
i think she's gone, though.
Sara- Rob is no saint nor a virgin. He will tell you that himself. He gets drunk, I saw the TMZ video last year with him and the 4 or 5 girls coming out of APPLE or whatever that club name is. The girl asked if he wanted them to get the car. I saw the pics were another girl tripped and fell on the ground that he knew coming from somewhere. The boy flirts, the video of him at Ryan Seacrest radio show in the green room with those two girls. He has a video camera staring at the big boobs on one and telling the other she's beautiful and to become an actress. ETC, ETC.....
My point is he is a normal now 23year old guy who does sleep with random chics like any normal guy does his age. All last year and up until he started work this year he had all the time in the world. Bars and boobs bb!!!
you just broke my...
*uses fingertips to trace shape*
:( LOL
Dani - Best label ever!!! LMAO!!!
Regardless of which night it was taken, it's obviously b.s. I feel so sorry for that man...
honestly, and i know y'all are all going to yell at me (probably), but i think he and kristen actually do have something going on, or are about to, and they are keeping it on the ultra down low.
I think this for many reasons. firstly, she hasn't been seen out with her b/f since April, which is weird, not in vancouver or when she was back in LA on weekends or whatever (at least there aren't any pics which you would think there would have to be). Secondly, the pics at the sam bradley concert plus her moving to his hotel with a week to go of filming(way strange--reportedly, bc she was 'done dealin' with the twi-hards, but why bother with a week to go...doesn't make sense) are what finally made me think it might be true.
the way she was looking at him (when she thought no one was looking or taking pics of them bc they were in that anterior room in that big crowd when they were prob drunk)...well those were "f-ck me eyes". you just can't hide that kind of attraction.
i hope they end up together, not bc of some freaky edward/bella fantasy thing, but bc they obviously really like each other and can relate...and i like kristen. i don't agree she's a 'wet dish rag' like perez says. he's such a dickhead.
soooo, i think this whole erika story is bs on many levels...
bol- Mcvampy is still around.
"Angry Badger Girl"
haha scoreeee
Y'all let me do something right quick and I'll be back. K!!
shani~ ah sweet.
when I paste this mcvampy address I get redirected to
WTF ???
isn't it half an address ?
Why am I happy about this...but I am. Not about his being "screwed" by them and not being "screwed". However, I would like to see him happy and with a really cool, talented girlfriend. Of course, he keeps commenting that he doesn't want a girlfriend because of all the craziness (no doubt we all contributing) and having no time. With all the movies he is and will be making all over the world, he probably doesn't have time. That girl was pretty, but she really made a mistake (if this is correct). Wow....
if you go to and put in "angry badger girl," she'll pop up. and then look for the livejournal name that she gives.
i would copy and paste everything exactly for you, but when i went there just now my computer froze! lol
Shani ??
do you say that Angry Badger Girl is actually McVampy herself ? because I'm about asking the access ?
Bolid ;))
I'm right there
on the other hand, I got last chapter of A&O via subscriptin like 10-12 days ago ...
i need to make a livejournal, for the soul purpose of reading her stories lol.
i guess i shall attempt this once again, even though my computer is begging me to stop this madness.
I'm back!!
Margot- You have to put:
hey shani,
if i want to get in, do i have to dazzle her or anything? because, if this is the case, i'm screwed. i'm not good under pressure lol.
I'm there, I understand I should PM for the access - I'm gonna do it...
I got her i Story Alert and Author Alert ... I hope i will get it
Lainey's suggestion for Rob to date Peaches Geldof makes me want to puke. Peaches Geldof is a self destructive party girl. One of the last people I would want Rob to be dating.
Showme- It would be great if only it were true. We need evidence like pics that look like this one. His arm around her looking cozy,them kissing or holding hands. Something that shows I'm into you and no one else. Like any other couple. The eye fucking has been going on forever and a day. We need physical proof. Without it we have nothing.
bol- Nope, I had her already in my address bar and some how it updated to her new fanfiction profile.
i eye fuck everyone.
whaaat? like you don't?
lol i jest, i jest...
what did you say when you pm'd her? just, "hey i need some lemony goodness," or something?
Victoria- Exactly, and with all that makeup on and boobs out. Oh hell no. I don't even have to Google her ass to know she isn't about anything.
bol- I haven't PM McVampy ever. I only have ever written reviews and talked to her here.
as English isn't my native language I must tell ya that there is many funny "inventions" in this lang. that aren't present here
eyefuck is def. one of my fav's...if only I could use this (word) around :)))) it's so..right
Margot- I don't know who started saying eye fucking, but it's true.LOL
who cares
Just popped on for a second again folks.
I've been thinking about this whole situation and here is what I believe...Rob has been adamant about his fear of his crazy life f*cking up the life of someone he might want to be involved with not famous. He is very smart. I don't think he is overly trusting of anyone he meets right now due to his celebrity status. He knew people were taking pics, and I have no doubt he suspected they would probably end up on the net (he didn't even really know the people he was with). That being said, he would also have thought about the backlash to this girl if the pics did get out. He's obviously thought of these scenarios.
Based on this, I don't think these pics necessarily show the truth of the situation. Did Rob mess around at all in Cannes? Hopefully, but I don't buy this story in any of its versions. I think Rob is very, very careful right now and is savvy to what people are capable of regarding his fame. Someone did screw him, but I think he probably knew this would happen. I don't believe he would put someone in the position of being torn apart by the public, especially someone he really likes.
Now, he could've been really, really drunk, and that may have made him do something really stupid. In that case, he's a big boy and can deal with that.
Re: Kristen and Rob - Remember that the deadline is rapidly approaching post-Italy. Rob is going to NYC and Kristen back to L.A. to film "The Runaways." She will either be back with M.A. or not. The fact that he hasn't been in Vancouver (that we know of) doesn't mean anything to me. When I was in a serious relationship with a guy 4 hours away, sometimes 2 months would go by when we didn't see each other because of our schedules. No matter how insulting people are to Michael, he is a working actor who obviously doesn't need to be around his girlfriend 24/7.
This Kristen/Michael speculation is going to get cleared up in the next week or two one way or another.
Margot- Yep, no big deal.
about the pm. the reason i was asking is because when i put that link in, she doesn't have any stories up. i added her as a favorite and to get updates, or whatever. but then she has the link to her livejournal, and she wants you to add a pm to gain access.
KK- Rob is a big boy and just like how I think he dealt with Anna Kendrick and her boyfriend putting those pics of him sloppy drunk licking her face on the internet. He will deal with this girl, Em or who ever put these pics on the internet and told that story. I definitely believe he knows how to stand up for himself. Remember SM saying how they would get into it about how to play Edward. Our boy is fierce. He is no push over. They will be dealt with.
bolid wait a min
I'm writin PM and checking the whole situation
Shani - Hold the phone. How did he deal with Anna and her boyfriend?
bol- Wha...I haven't been on it lately. Just say hello and tell her you want in I guess. Let me see for myself the deal. And I'll be back.
Thanks for all the tips, and the link Shani. Guess I need to set up an account to get through to our Angry Badger. I really with Feathers would write something else, that girl is so good both psychology and lemons!
yeah! thank you, again!
i'm such an asshole sometimes.
where are my manners?
Showme, Shani, KK
Eventhough I think Rob and Kristen could have developed some serious feelings with each other, I don't think Kristen would leave her boyfriend this way, she's a tough girl, grounded, not the kind who stop a long-term relationship just like that. I think she would be more of the kind of person who resists and even be afraid of changes: I mean for us it's not a big deal, if you have to choose, choose Rob :) but in reality it's quite hard, and she obviousely loves her boyfriend. I don't see her leaving him for another (even if it's "The" other) that's why when I perceived the connection between her and Rob, I never believed them dating or even doing something in secret.
bolid !
Say it ! Out loud! SAY IT !
AngryBadgerGirl is at her computer right now :))))))))
got the access
IÄ…m reading chapter 22 A/O
upsss .. keyboard out of order
Thanks for the heads up Margot. I created an account and added ABG as friend but still can't access A & O. Maybe she has respond back to me first?
i'm...ughghghghg lol.
my computer is not responding well to the livejournal. it keeps slowing when i go there!
man... lol
all i can do is laugh about it. i have bad luck sometimes. i shall try again, though, later.
I did it this waz
I sent request on
She answered immediately, said add me on LiveJournal to friends, then I add you to my friends and give me your LJ nick
so we did it
thats it
Ok, first off, what do I need to do to read the rest of Apples and Oranges? Is she no longer on
Second, wasn't MA in VC sometime during shooting NM? Weren't there a bunch of pics of him and Kristin out? I think I am one of the few who don't think there is anything that's gone on between R/K, and I doubt there will be. I just don't see all the chemistry everyone talks about. I mean, yeah it's obvious they are friends, and I'm sure they're close, cause they've been thru a lot this last year, but I think people read a lot into their looks, etc.
Riddle and KK et al--I know what y'all are saying about 'no' hard evidence. I agree, but see, i think, obviously, they can't and WOULDN'T way. They know that would be fodder in 2.2 secs on the internet.
Kristen, i'm sure, would never do that to her boyfriend. but i think, exactly, as someone pointed out, We are going to see what happens in a week or so.
2 theories--1) i wouldn't be surprised if one or the other visited NY or LA while filming, for a very short period of time.
2)however, even if they don't, they know they'll be seeing each other in like 2 or 3 months on the set of Eclipse
What WILL be telling is if we don't see Kristen with Michael in LA. As far as I know, he's not working on anything in another city is he? And why isn't he with Kristen in Italy? I dunno. it's sketchy.
I promise, i'm not one to latch on to gossipy rumors or wish for 2 actors paired in movies to get romantically attached, but robert's comments from the past year are VERY VERY telling...i know he's playing a lot of the time, but there's always truth in that banter he does. Like when he told Ryan Seacrest that he could definitely fall in love with Kristen, and then qualified by saying "i just like to make her life hell". i think that's true...
But ok, example. I fell for my brother's best friend back in college. My bro was VIOLENTLY opposed to it, saw us flirting, and warned me within an inch of my life to leave it be. so what did i do? Tried my best to not flirt, but what i ended up doing is teasing the living HELL out of him, making fun of him, etc.
when we did hook up LOL (and btw, my bro didn't talk to me for 3 mos, it was horrible), anyway, the guy in question said, "i don't get it. you made fun of me constantly"
and i said, "yeah, foreplay."
There is abosuletely some serious chemistry there. Catherine Hardewick practically admitted they lusted after each other from the first audition.
My educated guess is that kristen is probably heartbroken she has feelings for him, does love her boyfriend (as anyone would after dating so long) and is prob scared to death of everything about being w Rob would entail--not only the publicity (btw, is it true Rob and Kristen had to sing a contract ab not dating with Summitt til after all the films are out?), but also prob bc Rob is so flaky.
He's said himself he'd make a terrible boyfriend. she'd prob be freaked. but i think all it was was a deep friendship and heavy flirting until about midway thru filming New Moon.
we shall see, ladies...
(yeah, i haven't thought about this AT ALL...wishing I was kristen stewart....ROFLMAO off...i'm so sad)
Angry Badger Girl
thats her
then as above...PM...and the rest
stacy--michael was in Vancouver in April, but not since then.
Hi ladies—I shall check out the threads above, where I suspect most people have migrated.
But to Hande and Kim:
I realize it's been hours since you posed your questions to me (sorry!), but if you return, and read this:
No, I don't have a blog, and I am so computer-illiterate/distracted by other matters (and no, I don't just mean RP!) that I have never even considered starting one. But it was sweet of you to ask. :)
And I am working on a novel at the moment (not fanfic). In fact, I wrote eight more pages since I last checked in this afternoon...bringing my total page count to 105. Victory! More than halfway to my stated goal!
And, if anyone cares, my eager young protagonists were too preoccupied in the bedroom to climb into the aforementioned "bathtub scene." ;P
*scene in which one becomes dirtier in the tub, rather than cleaner*
nice to read it !
I checked your profile while zou were away and found out what you are writing
Hi Margot!
I said last night that I was going to say a prayer.
Thank you God.
(Not that any of it was true in the first place and not that this is true either. But it makes me feel better to think that THIS report is the true one :) )
Hi Yvonne!
And amen to that. ;)
Not to be rude or disrespectful at all, and I suppose you could be right, but I think you are way off, especially with Kristin. We have NO idea why MA wasn't in VC more ... he could be working, or just didn't want to deal with all the attention, or maybe Summit didn't want a lot of family members/etc. tagging along. There are any number of reasons it could be, and I don't see how you could surmise that Kristin is prolly heartbroken cause she has feelings for Rob. I don't think she's done anything that gives any impression she has any kind of feelings for Rob, and I think 75% of what he says is just joking around, so who knows how he really feels.
IMO, the fact that they are NEVER seen together outside filming says a lot. And even if they do show up in NY or LA while the other is there in the next week, IMO, that's still not good evidence, cause those are big cities, lol. There's a lot of reasons they could be there. Now, if one shows up in the others city and they suddenly start going to dinner, etc., then ... maybe. But I still think people read waaay too much into things.
That's just my opinion, and I don't mean to be bitchy about it!
SO I need to PM AngryBadgerGirl on I don't see Apples and Oranges listed there ...
Shit, I'm back. I went to go get something to eat. But before and now I still can't get in to read Apples and Oranges. I set up an account,added her as a friend, clicked on stuff, and still couldn't find the story. WTH did y'all do to see it???
KK- I have no clue. I'm just assuming(my bad) when they never again went out with him. Then he made that comment about associates talking through the grapevine and learning who they really are as people.
Oh the Drama
no worries. it's just my personal theory. i'm imagining what i would feel in the same situation, that's all.
but i think you're WAY off about the not hanging out offset. all they do as a whole cast is hang out with each other. every public outing robert goes on is with her (maybe w other too, but always with her)...his birthday, the sam concert...
anytime you saw him out in public in vancouver, she was there...
yeah, those are big cities, and rob might have a reason to go to LA (obviously) but kristen wouldn't have a reason necessarily to go to NY. and you can bet your bottom dollar, that if either of them are in the city with each other, they'll be seen together. i mean, why wouldn't they? regardless of anything, they're great friend, so, of course, they'd see each other. it would be wierd if they DIDN'T..
i'm stickin' to my theory though LOL
this is what margot told me, before she left...
"I did it this way
I sent request on
She answered immediately, said add me on LiveJournal to friends, then I add you to my friends and give me your LJ nick
so we did it
thats it"
i'm having all sorts of trouble. livejournal is slowing my puter. it's probably because i need to reboot or something, but i'm not ready to do that just yet lol.
I met the only time we see them together is during filming ... yeah, we saw them all hanging out offset, but I don't think we ever saw R/K hanging out together in between filming of Twlight and NM, unless it was during promo stuff. Like we saw Rob and Nikki and whoever out and about a lot when they weren't filming, and Nikki and Kristin, but never just Rob and Kristin. That's what I meant, lol.
Even if they are seen together in NYC, like you said, they are good friends ... and I just ... I dunno. We'll see. I guess the bottom line is we can speculate all we want, but none of us knows how they truly feel about one another - they could be a lot more apathetic then we think - because we aren't them, or in their inner circle, ya know?
stacy--absolutely i agree.
and yeah, i don't think they would have hung out betw filming (when not promoting together, which was like 2 or 3 months in the fall though before the premiere, which...i mean, they literally travelled together for months)...but they wouldn't have done that, hang out by themselves, bc i'm sure kristen would be sensitive to that with michael...any girl would.
but yeah, who knows...i don't. i just have a gut feeling about this...from their interviews separate and together...really...
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, lol, cause my gut tells me just the opposite:)
I just feel bad for Kristin, cause, she does have a boyfriend, and even if there is NOTHING between her and Rob, unless MA has no insecurities, it's got to have caused some strain, ya know? I wouldn't be surprised if they broke up because of those kinds of issues, even if R/K was totally platonic, and that's too bad.
yeah, about your last paragraph, i thought the same thing.
that would be VERY VERY sad if they broke up bc of these speculations and it's not true.
that would be awful. i feel bad for her regardless, bc whatever happens, it will be hard going, esp for her.
showme - exactly. I mean, it's got to be frustrating, especially if they aren't true. Even if MA believes they aren't true, the constant speculation would be a strain, and that sucks.
I just hope that Rob can be happy with or without someone!
Ah. Poor guy, can't even have his picture taken with some random girl without huge rumors being started!!
Until I see him out there with his arms around another girl (and not this arm around the shoulder crap) I'm talking like Taylor and that Selina chick being seen all over B.C. type thing!! Then I'll believe it. Until then....
wow KK , i really agree with what you said. i just got back form a memorial picnic party. hope you all have a great weekend, whats left of it.
ok... ok..the only thing i don't believe or get if it is true on the 'real' story behind the erika pics- is they say the pics were suppose to be taken wed night cause they said that Erika had that outfit on... ok.. i understand... BUT that jacket Rob has on in the pic with her is NOT the one he had on Wed night- the lapels on the Wed night jacket were smooth on the edges and the jacket he had on in the picture had raised edges (and actually looked like the stitching was a shitty job- but its suppose to be a D&G - whatever)... so thats my only question. the jackets he wore wed night and the night in question were not the same... anyone else notice... HOWEVER- i could care less if he was banging her- hell we all gotta get unless he changed jackets after he left the premiere wed night- that is the only way that picture and story match up.
Margot: thanks, I was looking for ABG on LiveJournal, but found and pm'ed her on FF. Hope to be able to get throug to A&O as soon as she "friends" back.
Emile is a f**king jerk!!!!!
Erika is stupid for selling out, i mean come on just be lucky you got to meet the guy....some people are sooo gready!!! what a b**ch!!!
My guess is he turned her down.
Who's your "celebrity doppleganger?" Mine is Olympic skating gold medalist Peggy Fleming. For most of my life, whenever the winter olympics are going, Peggy is there and that means I'll get comments about how much I resemble her. Though the most recent was a very excited Walmart worker came up to me while I was self checking out (here in LA) and thought I was Alyson Hannigan of "How I Met Your Mother."
Well, finally plowed through all of the comments and I'm with Stacy (I LOVE Cedar Rapids)...Rob and K are just friends. I feel pretty sure we'll see photos of her with Mike soon after she returns here to LA. KK is right, it will all become clear soon after "New Moon" wraps.
Also, NOT a fan of Emile Hirsch ( yes, I did see "Out of the Wild.")
Mrs. R.~I do feel some sort of possessive connection to Rob and while I appreciate his appearance, I'd much rather be lifelong friends. That would last longest versus a fling/relationship. I DO realize I'm delusional BTW.
Who gives a crap about any of this, who fucks, who he doesn't - apart from regard for him and nasty people spreading nasty rumours.
But Lainey has to be Laura, and she's been exposed to the 'seething' and dying to just come out and pant like the rest of us.
Hmm. If this is true, if Emile is a douche (which I hope he isn't bc I like his movies) then a couple things pop in my mind.
Emile was friends/close with Kristen a while back.
If Kristin is with Michael, maybe Emile and his friends did this to get Pattinson off of Michael's back.
If Kristen ISN'T with Michael anymore, maybe Emile did this to piss Kristen off, bc he doesn't like the idea of RK or something?
I know I may sound crazy and may be way off base, but the connections do add up. *shrugs*
I don't think Rob would bang the girl. He can't be seen anywhere without being accused of hooking up with all these girls. Poor guy. I hope he stays grounded and doesn't let this shit bother him.
Regardless, Team Rob. All the way.
ps -- ALSO if there were that many journalists out there, you KNOW ppl would be snapping pictures of their supposed kiss and leaving together, don't you think?
Just my opinion.
I'll go by Gozde's motto 'if he's not shagging me I don't care who he's shagging' LOL
I don't care who he's f***ing or not f***ing, that's nothing of my business. He's young, famous and hot as hell so he should have fun and I do hope he did in Cannes.
@ Loisada
if you by any chance come back - let me know, wanted to help you but you haven't got email in your profile
@ celebrity doppelhanger - if I get it right - this is which celeb looks like you ? KStew looks like me when I was 20 (DH confirmed, not aware of what answer I expected), I have never seen anybody so alike ... but I have never had such beautiful skin and most important, now I look completely different because I';m muuuuuuch older now *sob*
lesamara~yes I noticed and read something about that as well. The jacket he wore to the Brad Pitt premiere on Wed night (night Lainey saw him) had a smooth lapel. The jacket he wore to the AIDS event had stitching on the lapel. The jacket in the photos with the chick have stitching on the lapel. These photos are clearly from Thurs night after the amfAR event which took place at the grounds of the Hotel du cap, where that terrace is located. So basically he met this girl on Wed night, when Lainey saw them. And then they met up again Thursday sometime after the amfAR event on the same terrace. Emille Hirsh was at the amFar event and she met Rob through him, so it makes sense. The only thing that sounds strange is it sounds like this Erika wore the same thing 2 nights in a row. The orginal story sounds somwhat true to me. Whether he left with her or not, who knows. It sucks that someone form the group sold the pics. And dang!I'm still jealous
Chicago girl:
Hello! I doubt you will venture back here to read this, but I just wanted to respond to your comment about "lifelong friends."
I absolutely agree: such a friendship, for me, is the pinnacle of human connection.
And, judging from the treatises I have written about RP and his apparently stellar personality/intellect/creativity (not just his exquisite appearance), I would honestly be quite honored to find and retain a friend who merely resembles him, since I will likely never have the opportunity to meet—and, much more importantly, get to really know—the "original." :)
xoRobxo- thank goodness i wasn't the only one who was like uh??? the jacket alone was telling as to which night they were....
I take acting classes from a guy who used to be on a soap and he's done all this behind the scenes thing as well throughout the years- anyway he was telling us that so many of the articles we read are just simply not true- which I know we all know that anyway- but he said even the low balled Enquirer and Star trash mags, who print lies too-BUT they do have to have 2 confirmed sources of truth before they will print- and most of the time the 'source' is one of the star's own family... and even sometimes the star themselves....AND even the entertainment company, like, Summit for instance, will very well start rumors to keep hype up.
Not that Summit has with all this Kristen and her bf (damn that boy is homely haa) and the Rob twist- BUT could very well be a rumor they started.
So we hear so much crap and see pics and 'sources' and there may be zero anything to what really happened. Hell i know you guys all know this- i'm just throwing it out there again....
and i also have a question- i don't get on the blogs a whole lot- but what is it that this Lainey chick does that makes everyone so mad. Is she shit stirrer? What is it she does that is so bad- i have NOT beeen to her sites or anything- so i have ZERO info on this chick- let me know!! Oh and this Ted dude too- they are not high on the 'we like' list are they?
oops on that last one hhaaa
Mrs. R~Yeah, I did get back here. Glad you connect with me on the "lifelong friends" idea. In general, this would be my greatest fantasy. I take this very seriously and have been burned several times by those who take and seem to have a different morality/friendship code than I do. I have a strong impression that Rob has a similar code. But then, like I said, I could be very, very, sadly delusional.
Chicago girl:
Now, I REALLY doubt you will read this... but, re: lifelong friends, once again:
I have known and been close to my two best girlfriends...since before Rob was even born!
this makes my night...
If I were Rob I wouldn’t do Breaking Dawn. I would move on to other projects.
As much as I love the saga I wouldn’t blame him. He takes a picture with someone
at a charity event and now he is suppose to be sleeping with her. The fame whore sold the pictures what a skank. Kristen can leave her BF she doesn’t have to stay with him. I don’t know if Kristen and Rob are seeing each other or not, so what if they are! That would be good for them if they could stand all the BS surrounding them. All this crap would be hard for anybody, but they are learning the hell of show business. I will support Rob and Kristen in their careers no matter what movies they are in. I think they are really talented young actors and have great careers a head of them.
Mrs. R~
Yeah, I did check AGAIN! That's great about your two girlfriends. I still have one girlfriend going back to kindergarten, but we haven't talked in six months. You know, all of that election stuff. I'm a pragmatic journalist married to a global warming scientist so you can guess my leanings. We'll talk again, I'm sure. What was shocking for me is those I lost by leaving the Midwest. There's a mythology about SoCal and also some cannot adjust when you change your course (actually, it is their problem). There's no one here for me except DH. I'm a dedicated friend in for the long haul, so this is devastating for me.
For Rob, it will be interesting to see who his friends are in five years. Will they be able to handle his fame long term? I envy that he has the support of a great family.
Chicago girl:
I am determined to continue administering CPR on this thread! :)
I just had to respond to you again (and would have said this via email, had your profile shown you to be amenable to this ;)): a similar fate has befallen me, re: physical separation from trusted friends. I have moved many times (as the song says, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for"), and consequently haven't seen my three best long-term friends for several YEARS.
At my age, especially, it has become nearly impossible to meet "my kind" of people—thereby forming new, genuine connections—and since I am so averse to the thin satisfaction offered by small talk and fleeting acquaintances, I have no one I would consider a confidante in my daily life.
But I may move (yet again!) to help remedy this. :)
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