Release Date: February 12, 2010
Director: Allen Coulter
Cast: Robert Pattinson
Producer: Nick Osborne
Infused with humor and romance, "Remember Me" tells the unforgettable love story of two young people who learn how important it is to love passionately and live loudly everyday of one's life.
Source- Summit-Entertainment
I'm already tearing up...
ooooh I cannot wait for this.
So excited I can't stand myself. Just a few weeks and they start shooting. I wonder who will be the leading lady.
If shooting is starting soon, why the big secret on the leading lady? Surely they have cast her by now? I guess I need to keep a link to Variety in my favorites?
Whoever the leading lady is...there will be all kinds of new "romance" speculation there. It will probably be refreshing for Rob. If she is beautiful, intelligent, talented and single...go Rob!!!
me too Tess...does he die or does she? if it's like Love Story then she dies...i swear, i know i'm gonna completely lose my shiznit in this movie
yeah, you're right KK...the speculation will start the moment she gets cast...
(but i know whose really in his heart LOL...no, not me. i wish ha)
AWWW!!! I'm so excited. Wow, this film is probably the most anticipated for fans and critics who are waiting to see what he's made of. I bet they will wait until after MTV movie awards to announce costar. They probably want people thinking Edward/Bella and New Moon exclusive clip. This sounds really good. I hope supporting cast is up to par too. Hoping for some great veterans for Rob to work with and learn from.
What's in Rob's heart is his wardrobe-in-a-bag, good beer, books, his smokes, his buds and his music. And his beanie. Hahahaha
BTW - I actually miss the beanie...wait...whaaaaa????
I suppose it will be quite refreshing as it will no doubt be an all adult cast... any speculations will be actually worth speculating about!
I'm wishing time away - I can not wait for this to be released.
Shooting starts, after he finishes with New Moon.
........ I miss seeing him in a beanie : )
I sat up until 5 am the other night reading this entire script and all I can say is...be prepared.
There's gonna be alot of heartbreak
around here and this one is going to haunt you for a very long time. A word of caution though...
Should you stumble upon this (and I did not. It was given to me from someone on the inside. I'm a writer this person respects and they wanted an opinion), but should you stumble upon it...DO NOT READ IT!!! Knowing the ending will only ruin the impact of the story for you. Had I had an inkling as to how this story was going to end, I would not have read it. My fear is that this is going to somehow get leaked onto this damn internet and hurt the film. There are just some films you do not want to know the ending of before you see them; The Crying Game and The Sixth Sense to name just two.
Yanno...there used to be a time before the internet when audiences knew very little about films before they sat their asses down in theatres to watch them. And I think the movie going experience was the better for it. Just an opinion.
I also read Unbound Captives and while it is very good, Remember Me is the one you're not going to forget. Trust me.
This is interesting. The color does represent something light.
Nik...so is that a good or bad thing...the part where you said this isn't one we'd forget?
I'm scared now. =/
Thanks for the heads up. I will not ask you details because I don't want to know. Your comments just make me very happy to anticipate Rob's new projects!
Nikola - It already was on the net and several people from here read it (I didn't...I have no desire to know how it ends until I see it actually end on screen). Thanks for not revealing the end to those of us who just don't want to know.
I really am excited!!! about this movie. Rob is so dreamy he will be perfect!!
Hi guys.
sorry for budding in... but I can not wait for filming in NYC. I am glad I work in NYC...I wonder if he will see his friend Bobby Long on July 27 at Arlenes grocery.
Well there ya go...it's already been on the net. What would possess someone to post a script in which not knowing the ending could prove extremely crucial to the success or failure of the film?
Why must we know everything RIGHT DAMN NOW? What a script contains. What a movie star is doing every 5
minutes (hello Twitter). Why? Because the technology can now give us such information?
Sorry for the rant, but sometimes us dinosaurs can get a bit grouchy having to endure the absurdity of this modern world.
As to whether or not it would be a good thing or a bad thing that this story is most likely going to be one that you're not likely to soon forget...
Well, I believe that any story or film that haunts you, is a good thing. And yes, if something haunts you it's almost exclusively because, it's broken your heart. That's why we remember it. The stories and movies I love most are the ones I've never been able to forget and almost all are tragedies.
Don't be afraid. If they capture that script onto film, Rob is going to have another success under his belt. And that's what we want for him. The more successes he can amass that have nothing to do with Edward Cullen, the greater the longevity of his film career will be. Not to mention, the credibility of it.
Nikola - Thanks for your post. I agree with you COMPLETELY!! :)
This Movie...
I don't even think...
I can..
Oh Rob... why?
Wow, Feb 2010? that's not a lot of time seeing as that's only 9 months away and the filming hasn't even started yet! Leave it to Summit to rush another damn movie. For Rob's sake, I hope it doesn't suffer....That said, can't wait to see romantic Rob. Yum.
I want to see it - but this is the 2nd time I have read someone from the "inside" say what heartfail it is - which makes me scared - scared it won't turn out well
I agree with Nik. Even if it breaks my heart, I can't wait to see Rob in a serious romantic role. I am excited for this movie and hope it is well received. Regardless, I will be one of the first ones in line at my local theatre. I want to see lots of Rob movies.
I'm ready to weep buckets, just the title reminds me of one of my favourite poems by Christina Rossetti -
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you planned:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
Christina Rossetti
Can't wait to hear the cast for this.
Could the poster be more heartbreaking? I read the script and baaaawwwwled my eyes out this weekend!
Rob is going to have legions of fans crying for him like Leo did in Titanic....
Loved it, can't wait to see him in it...and I so totally vote Emmy Rossum as his leading lady...she would rock it!!!
Nikola, I am bugged about the impatience of people nowadays. I love the element of surprise. As much as I can't wait to see him onscreen, I am willing to wait and be surprised. I trust that Rob will put in a great performance and I think he will have a lot of input in the integrity of the film. I'm still worried that they haven't cast the leading lady.
I also think he has a lot riding on this performance. This would be the first non twilight film after twilight. Critics are going to be watching very carefully to see if he lives up to the hype. I hope they fana can stay away long enough for him to concentrate on his work. I also don't want him scared away from us. It must be so distracting.
Christy...what does "heartfail" mean because I'm talking about
"heartbreak" and some of the greatest and most successful films in history have been heartbreaking; Casablanca, Splendor In The Grass, The Way We Were, Out Of Africa, The English Patient, Titanic, Shakespeare In Love, American Beauty, and on and on. Stories in which the lovers either through death or other circumstances are tragically parted.
I'll tell you this much about it. The actual story itself is not necessarily extrodinary. In fact, it's a rather simple story. Young man with some family problems meets young woman with some family problems. They're young and beautiful. There's humour and passion and love. And it's really a story about living everyday to it's fullest because we don't know how many days any of us has. And there's nothing earth shattering or ground breaking in such a premise. No, it's the ending. You don't see it coming and when it does, it slams into your gut and makes you grab your chest because...it just hurts so much. Not just because of what happens to one particular character in this film, but because...well...it just rips some wounds open. For all of us.
As I said, if they can get this story up on the screen, I think it could have quite an impact. And I'll tell you this too. After having read both Unbound Captive and Remember Me, it's the latter I'm most looking forward to.
Now...if they fail to get this up on the screen, it could be seen by some as explotive. They've got to be careful here and we absolutely MUST fall in love with these characters. If we don't, the film will fail.
I love heartbreak movies and books. I feel like it is an outlet for me to release and let loose of things that I put behind me. I am highly antici[ating "My sister's keeper" after reading the book. It's the best book I've read in a while. I loved every single character in that book. I think heartbreak is good sometimes for us to put things in perspective and not take life for granted.
I love heartbreak movies and books. I feel like it is an outlet for me to release and let loose of things that I put behind me. I am highly antici[ating "My sister's keeper" after reading the book. It's the best book I've read in a while. I loved every single character in that book. I think heartbreak is good sometimes for us to put things in perspective and not take life for granted.
oops, not sure why tmy comments posted twice.
Win win, that's my next book to read. I heard it's really good but sad and the movie preview looks good too. I've been looking for a good book to fill the twilight void. Can't wait for Rob to be in NYC!!!!
Thanks Nik for responding.
I often wonder how I'd react to certain storylines. Heartbreak is scary. And it does change a person. I think this movie might hit home a bit.
Can't wait to see it!
I know...
Me too...
Come, lets hold each other..
Where is Rose, she has to be in the middle.
I just .... can't .... deal with this one....
S, great book, I read it on my commute on the LIRR and it was a tearjerker. I went into work with such headaches from holding back tears on the train. "History of Love" is another great book.
Now after seeing this info, I am highly anticipating this more than New Moon. (ducks tomatoes) Not looking forward to Jacob scenes in the next few Twilight movies.
seems a lot of people have read the script,I'd love to read it too,does anyone by any chance know where I can find it?
hmmm.... all 've read about the stopry here brings The Lake House to me... the end was really painful
I can't wait to see this movie, NY has a special place in my heart and Rob, well he's Rob!! I hope it's not too heartbreaking though... I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cry when Edward leaves Bella in NM, so by the time RM comes out I'll have been practicing a lot LOL
All I meant was that I have now read in MANY places that so many people have read the script and they keep hinting around at the ending and of course, it leads me (and I'm sure others) to wonder what happens.
sounds fantastic and i can't wait for this film.
But, I think Unbound Captives will be a much better film for Rob.
Yes, many people have read the script since it leaked and it definitely breaks your heart, and not only because of the main characters love story but lso cause it deals with a tradegy that changed the way we see the world and our lives as Americans.
what everyone wants to know is who the hell is the female lead already?
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