Open shirt Rob YUM!

Thanks to Kate and Rocio for sending me the links.


Ash7586 said...

That better be in preparation for him to take it off for that pivotal 'New Moon' scene. :)

Yum indeed!

Anonymous said...


THIRTYGIRL2009 said...

Oh my, what is he trying to do to us????
When will he be in NYC to start my stalking spree! Can't take it!

Georgie said...

The shirt looks as if it's been buttoned in haste - unaligned - so must have just been shooting "the scene" alight! Wow, gimme more!

Anonymous said...

For once Rob really looks like a boy in these photos. He's 15 years younger than I am (cougar snarl) and for shows.

Soooo delicious!

Anonymous said...

He's wearing the Cullen Crest, so it's definitely THAT scene ^^

Unknown said...

he looks like he is only seventeen . . .

MandyW said...

He's supposed to look only seventeen, so I think they're doing a great job.It definetly looks like we are going to have shirtless Rob in NM. Can you picture me drooling yet?

Dahlia said...

oh yum yum!! definately heading in the right direction rob <3

Sophia Z.86 said...

Hey, that open shirt is not fair with a girl so, so far away from Italy!

Melanie said...

What a sly grin on his face!

Unknown said...

He's obviously thinking "Thank God that's over, now i can start eating cheeseburgers again"

Martina said...

this looks like a material for a "playgirl" cover. :P

Yvonne said...

Did you just say PLAYGIRL???!!! Are you trying to kill me woman?!


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Buttoned crooked? Awww, sweet, normal-guy Rob!

Shani said...

Yvonne- I commented to you in other thread. But I say it here again . I talked to KY aka Kristen yesterday and she told me to tell you HI.

He definitely just did that scene. He had Edwards leather bracelet on and his shirt wasn't buttoned correctly. Yummy!!!

TAKE IT OFF...TAKE IT OFF...*letting it rain* TAKE IT OFF...*letting it rain* LMAO

Back ground music: I Wish I Could F#$% Every Girl In The World by: Lil Wayne

margot said...

no, my background muscic is D'Angelo ... fits very well

Rob is laughing at the thought of us gasping for air ...

TO Twicat said...


That is all!

Anonymous said...

Oh please let him keep the pants :)

Rominiwi said...

That was our glimpse to shirtless Robward :)

Gemgirl65 said...

He looks soooo happy! I'm sure that's because these scenes are his favorites out of all 4 Twi-books...the Edward Almost-Suicide scenes. This is like the pinnacle for him, as far as playing Edward goes.

For some reason I still wonder if Rob will actually be totally shirtless, or if we'll just get more "teasers" a la Twilight. I guess I'll believe Rob's shirtless when I see it! MONTHS from now...*sob*

...wowie! said...

He's so pastey. Like colgate toothpaste.

Having said that, why in the world can I not get enough of his open shirt, chest showing self? ay carumba! I am dammed. lol

kristen said...

Ahhhhh, he looks so gorgeous and happy and wonnnderful. Seriously, nothing is better than seeing a genuinely happy Rob... especially when he has a mostly-unbuttoned, slightly crooked shirt on :) So cute.

Oh, and LMAO @ Caragh's comment! Now that he's done with his big reveal, I bet he's SO jonesing for a cheeseburger right now! And lots and lots of hot pockets.

Tess said...

Oh! This picture is such a tease!!!! I'm already imagining I see so much more..

who knew 6-8 inches of skin would drive so me crazy?

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob,

That is all


Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness. So cute. Kinda looks like there might be pecs under there.
I simply cannot wait. The release date is too far away. Hmph.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I really hope he's shirtless in THE scene, but I have feeling he won't be. I'm thinking his shirt will be unbuttoned, but not fully removed. I hope I'm wrong. Please let me be wrong.

Kathy#1 said...

He looks so gorgeous and sweet in the 2nd picture..yum is right.

Kathy#1 said...

Ok, wow, you guys don't miss anything! I had to go back and look at his shirt (no I didn't miss that is was unbuttoned) to see that it was buttoned wrong. How cute...

domisgone said...

I am going to absolutely DIE when New Moon comes out... A shirtless Rob...

Oh sweet Jesus... I can't wait!

Babs said...

please please make him take that shirt off in the movie!! I'm really looking forward to that scene, they don't want to disappoint fans right?

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