Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will present the trailer live on Sunday at 9 p.m. ET.
By Eric Ditzian
Last week, we dropped a bombshell of OME proportions when we announced that the CAST OF "NEW MOON" WILL BE PRESENTING EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE from their upcoming "Twilight" sequel during the MTV MOVIE AWARDS. Now we can reveal that the never-before-seen video that Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be introducing on Sunday's live show is the movie's first trailer. The stars will present the premiere of the "New Moon" trailer on the Movie Awards, airing at 9:00 pm ET on Sunday. Then at 10:45 p.m., the high-definition video will debut online To make sure you don't miss the big premiere, you can snag our Movie Awards countdown clock right here!
Thanks to Rocio for the tip you're fabulous as always.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1174 Newer› Newest»OME is right!!
Wow, I can't wait for Sunday!
Is that a fan made poster? That's awesome!
This has been one heck of a week!!!
Cannot wait!
That is one fast job!! Some editor drinking a lot of coffee is staying late at work in the edit bay to cut this thing. Thank you Mr./Ms. trailer maker. I hope your Avid doesn't crash during a render. ;)
oh I so hope Rob wins best breakthrough award and won't have to endure watching Tay accept it instead.
everything rob was nominated for, he better win!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Are you kidding me? A trailer already?? Yiiiiippeeee!!!
Wow, this is also something I'm marveling at- they aren't even done filming, so they don't even have a final edit of the film. That's a ton of raw footage to go through.
(can they leak some bloopers?)
omg! this is one hell of a week news wise!!! i mean...yesterday tons of pics of shirtless rob and now a new moon trailer????
im losing my voice form screaming my lungs out every time i come to this site...
so many goodies!!!!!!!!!!
i seriously CANNOT wait for sunday...although itll be monday morning for me :( bohoo!
hopefully a shirtless scene will be in the trailer... I got to record this...
huge silly **smile**
A/LA- oh i agree that is fast!...i hope fast job does not equal bad quality job though...
im so excited to see what music the lovely alexander desplat has composed...hope its really epic!!
I just squeeeled out loud!! I am soooooo excited!!! :D
A/LA - "Thank you Mr./Ms. trailer maker"...lol...I concur!!
i almost don't want to see the trailer...it's only May! i'll have to wait soooo much longer...
patience is NOT my virtue...
SORRY i meant im excited to hear what music...not see...
im so stupid lol :)
Oh boy, I love my BF... but he is arriving home and i have to stop Robsessing now...
ok girls, robsess for me 2!!
I'm thinking, too, that since there's no way a final cut is being worked on, we might see some footage that eventually will not make it into the film.
Have you ever seen trailers like that? You'll be watching the movie and think, "Hey! What happened to that one scene in the trailer where Edward was doing jumping jacks at lightning speed to one up Jacob in the forest?"
I'm so intrigued now!
LOL A/LA...i have absolutely seen trailers like that where you wonder what happened to that footage....
Edward doing jumping jacks in the forest...very witty
i'd rather see Edward doing crunches though LOL
I can't wait till Sunday!
i doubt theres gonna be italy scenes! unless they are superman or something and can work superfast! to edit that stuff...reallyyy doubt it though! pity...
itd be great to see shirtless edward actually in action!!
we might still get some volturi scenes though...those were shot in vancouver right? oh gosh i serioulsy CANNOT WAIT...ITS TOO LONG!!! :D
Edward doing crunches ....
[ cue soft focus visual and sexy music ]
LA- wasn't there a trailer like that for Twilight? I'm pretty sure I saw one where one of the vamps (can't remember which one now) was talking to Edward and saying she's not one of us. I have seen the movie several times and never seen that part.
I have no idea! I went into that movie cold- never heard of it, the books, didn't know who was in it, what it was about, and never saw a trailer.
But that scene... I feel like I saw it on YouTube. YouTube, where you can find anything you never thought of looking for... it's there! :D
remember, they already did the other 'after edward's back scenes' like the one in bed, so they could do a clip of that one.
although i think a trailer would be missing something without kristen running
I'd rather see Edward doing me.... heh ;)
Can't wait for Sunday! And then I kinda sort hope there's a tiny Rob hiatus. This is has been a helluva two weeks and I have stuff to do, damnit!
Mandy - that clip landed in the special features on the Twi DVD....I remember being ticked it wasn't in the movie....Edward looked so dark in it.
Thanks for clearing that up for me ladies, I didn't see the movie till it came out on DVD. At the time it came out I hadn't even heard of it.Read it in February and just had to see the movie. My husband went to buy it for me on the first day and only bought me the one disc version. So it's not on the extras on my copy. Have to go check you tube.
Is this another official poster or is this one fan made? I like this one, so I was just curious.
There were 3 or 4 different teasers or trialers for Twilight. Some of the footage didn't make it into the movie.
At this point I'm just excited to see what they've come up with so far.
My sis and I are having an mtv movie night, we're kicking the DH's out of the house so there will be no distractions or snickering.
'Spoke to kristens double. She confirmed rob finished filming today'
Hi Mon! That's very cool-and great news.
HI RP!!! Can't wait 'til sunday-it's gunna be AWESOME!
Anyone still on? Over 1000 hits ended up on last night's blogfest! Too cool.
Rp-you still there?!?
This week has been a Robsessed cornucopia of goodies! :)
The Awards is going to be the best ever-MTV won't suck, for once. Especially if Twilight wins for everythign! ;p
I can't wait to see Rob, Tay, and Kris. They'll look fabulous, lovely, and NEW MOON HOT!!!
I'm still here... went to you tube to find the clip I was looking for I found it. It's under Twilight official trailer.
Well-I just had to gush that much-I've said my peace. Sorry I missed you, RP, and Monika. Everyone, in case I cahn't get back on later-enjoy this weekend, and WATCH MTV MOVIE AWARDS SUNDAY! (As if any self-respecting Robsessor wouldn't! ;))
Hi Mandy!
You were on last night, yeah?
Last nights blogfest was fun. It was great actually talking to everyone when they were actually on.Too bad I had to log out kinda early though.
It was pretty crazy, so many people blogging, and it went so fast!
Blogfest for sure. It'll prob be lighter tonight-all those Italy pics from Montepulciano had everyone hot and bothered! ;)
Especially shirtless Robward! ;) *THUD*
Hi Cullengal,
Wouldn't miss the Mtv Awards for anything. The ony reason I'm watching is to see if all the voting I did helped Rob win. Well that and to see Rob in all his glory.
He looked so amazing-I have downloadedd so many pics in the last 2 weeks-it's awful. My "My PICS" file on my pc is about to burst with just those! ;p I had to delete some older ones I'd had a while to make room. i hate having to do that, but i had no choice! :p
Yeah, I won't be able to be on anyway tonight. Promised the kids we'd take them to the drive in movies to celebrate their last day of school.
It's a must-see for sure. My calendar is def open. My hubby is already ready for it! ;) He's been warned....;)
hi CullenGal:)
ok I'm out,it's almost 1 am over here,gotta get some sleep
night night
Really? sounds fun. What are y'all seeing? Disney/Pixars UP?
Wolverine maybe?!?
Good night Monica, hope to talk to you soon.
Monika! YHi and Bye!!! ((waves night))
We saw Star Trek a couple of weeks ago-it was good.
Terminator Salvation looks good too-we want to see that.
No we are going to see two movies actually. We are seeing Monsters vs. Aliens and Fast and Furious.They get to see their movie and then we get to see ours.
I can't wait for NM and Rob's next movie, Remember Me. It opens the day before my B-Day-Feb. 12,2010!
Those both sound good! We wanted to see the new Fast and Furious, it looked really good, but we missed it. Have to catch it DVD.
if anyone who doesn't know this site enters NOW and sees all multiple avatars of CullenGirl (HI ! Honey) he might think it is a porn site .....
Well-hope you all have fun. Nice way for your fam to start off the summer, especially with your kids.
I want to see both of those movies too. I'm sure they'll come to the drive in soon and then we'll go. It's a lot cheaper then going to the big theater chains, and you get to see a double feature.
Margot! Hello! ((waves furiously)) Howdy! My Avi-LOL (Don't you luv it? ;)
Mandy-that's excellent recession time fun! Works for me.
Sorry it takes me so long to reply, I'm a horrible typer.Now when New Moon comes out there is no way I would miss it, so I am definitely going to a major theater, so far the only one willing to go with me though is my 8 year old daughter.
MArgot-how are'ya? I had a crappy day kind of-and my HTB and BMH dvd's still aren't here yet-:(
yeah, yeah... oh, yeah, CGirl :"D
*wide grin"
porn,porn and thank you for this :)
Mandy-hey, that's ok! More for you, right? ;)
"It hurts to look at him", Margot! ;)
they will, they will - chill out bb
Margot-Rob porn-ooohhh-sounds good to me!
Mandy-don't worry about your typing, hon. Just glad you're here.
HI Margot...Good point Cullengal I hadn't thought of it that way.
You're in a chipper mood today! :)
Mandy-fringe times are crucial, sweetness! ;) Gotta embrace those Rob moments-:)
Margot-you must have had a good day! I wish I had-well, today's posts on robsessed cheered me up a bit, as always-LOL
Margot-so, are you all fired up about the MTV MOvie Awards?!?
Oh I'd like to embrace Rob alright. Wait that didn't come out right. Oh who am I kidding yes it did.
Everyone's worn out from yesterday's shirtless Robward pics...;) Think they killedeveryonedead. LOL
Hey, CullenGal, I think I'm finally catching up with you. Last week I was typing away at a post (slow 2-fingered typist with slower brain). When I came back there was a slew of questions from you to me followed by a good night. I never got to reply to you and I felt very rude although it couldn't be helped.
So finally, hiya and how are you doing?
Mandy-sweet Mandy-wouldn't we all......thud....again. LOL
Your probably right, I know I was just barely breathing when I saw all the hot Robness available to me.
Jala!!! Hello. WElcome back. I'm ok-had sort of a crappy day, but i'm ok.
As I just had said, today's Robsessed posts cheered me back up somewhat.
Mandy-LOL So true.
Hi Jalarag I don't think I've talked to you before but I've read alot of your comments.
Jala-don't worry about your typing skills. Like I told Mandy-girl, it's all good. Just glad to have another Robsessor to chat with for a bit.
Jala-where are you from? Not from the US, I am taking it?
Mandy-where are you hailing from?
I'm from TN.
Southern belle born and raised, i'm afraid! :)
I've been around all the time. I just spend so long trying to catch up reading all the posts. You're always gone by the time I get to the end.
Well, yesterday, I was just struck dumb. Didn't make one post.
I like the south, though, living here is pretty cool. Halfway between Nashville and Memphis-music central!
Don't worry about your typing Jalarag, I can't type very well at all. although I have to say I'm getting practice thanks to this blog.
Jala-LOL-last night was pretty wild indeed.
You guys are doing great! :) Glad you could be on-that's the main thing.
I live in Nampa, Idaho. It's pretty nice here, lots of mountains within driving distance.
Hi MandyW. Yes I always read your posts here. So many eloquent ladies here.
CullenGal - I'm English - a Londoner born and brought up just a very few miles from Where Rob is from. But I've lived in the Caribbean for nearly 25 years. Presently residing in Trinidad.
What about you?
Everybody seems to be getting on later, or not so much tonight. Like i said-worn out from yesterday's blogfest!;)
You know I was looking at this, Cullengal you post like two to three times to my one. Well at least I'm starting to get better.
Jala! That's cool. Too bad you never ran into him-hehe. ;) Trinidad must be lovely.
Mandy-That sound svery nice too.
I'm from TN-southern belle!
Mandy-LOL-sorry! I'll try to chill. Took typing several years in high school and college-guess it stuck. Plus, i'm hyper!
Yeah I'm so slow that by the time I've sorted out my thoughts and typed them out, the conversation has usually moved far on to something else. completely.
Jalarag, Ive always wanted to go to London. Sadly never been, hope to go someday.
Wonder what interesting ensemble Rob will wear to the Awards?!? ;)
Mandy-Jala-me too. London would be fabulous! Love to go.
England and ireland both look just lovely.
Actually, I lived in Soho where he also lived for nearly three years, but I left before he was even born.
When I realized that it really made me stop and think.
It was like, "Wow, we both lived in Soho." And then "OMG, he wasn't even born then."
Money, unfortunately, is always an issue for that kind of trip! ;p
Jala-LOL-i know what you mean. I'm 14 years older than him-it's terrible!
Oh I wasn't trying to say anything bad about it, I was just making an observation.
I'm a huge country music fan so I would also like to come to TN one day. There are actually alot of places that I would like to travel to.
Sorry to hear your having a bad day. Glad that I could be here to talk to you.
I can't wait to see him, with Tay and Kris on MTV Movie Awards.
hi ladies...it took forever for people to come around today...
people are comotose
14! - you're just a youngster! I'm twice his age - could be his mother. And still Robsessing.
Robsession knows no shame.
Mandy-no offense taken at all-LOL The South can be an acquired taste if you're not from here, or used to it! ;)
Oh, and thanks for the kind thought. Talking on here with you all def helps!
cullen...i'm sure rob will be wearing a tailored tux with a long black tie
I'm like seven and half years older then Rob, and before I found all of you ladies I thought I was a dirty old women for lusting over someone so much younger then me. But now I know I'm not alone, I have found kindred spirits.
Jala-LOL-that's great! Robsess on, dear.
Shome-What up, my friend! Comatose is right.
MandyW and CG, you wish you could visit London? I wish I could visit London - at least more often than I get to. I actually miss it a lot. I could so relate when Rob said he missed the smell of it. Knew exactly what he meant.
Hey, girls, good evening.
I am popping in for a minute only.
Hey, Cullen, they left you alone today again, uhg? I love when you are "blog alone", it is so funny!
You remind me of Crazy... Does ANYONE have any idea what the hell happened to Crazy? I miss her in the blog!!
nice little blurb over on robpattinson life
about chris weitz moving the trucks for rob...
HOLY SHIT!!! I go away for a day and come back to find...HOLY SHIT, a half naked man runnin' around. And what a fine half naked man he is. I know some are questioning whether the abs are real. Who gives a shit about the abs. Would you look at that V? Now THAT is the sexiest thing on a man's body...er...well...that is, the sexiest thing we can see. I've never understood the obsession with the six pack. Give me long and lanky, nice arms, a nice chest, a fabulous V and a delectable treasure trail. My God, I just described Rob's body. Speaking of God, would you all excuse a moment. I need to have a word with the Big Guy...
Hello? God? You there? How ya doin'? Uh God? I've just got one question for you?...
HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND? What the hell were you thinking in making him the way you made him and then setting him loose in this world on an unsuspecting female population? Then you give us commandments and tell us to be good and think you good thoughts and...and...you think good thoughts. When a woman looks at something like that she can only think one thing, and you know it God. Oh. And it gets worse. Not only do you make him so intoxicating that it literally hurts to look at him, no, you gotta go and give him talent. And not only talent, but the ability to express that talent. And then you went and made him famous. And then you go and come up with this goddamn internet (ooops, sorry 'bout the goddamn there) where we get to sit and stare at him 24/7. But you know what God? You're mean. Yes. You are. Know why? 'Cause you only made one of him. That's right, just one Rob per planet. And that just wasn't nice God. Because all were gonna be able to do is sit here and stare and wonder and dream and wonder some and we'll never know the joy of knowing or having that exquisite creature. Mean, mean God.
Okay. I'm back. Just had to get that off my chest. Poor Rob. If he ever does read this nonsense, what must he be thinking? Don't worry baby, were just kidding. No, really. Just kidding. Okay. Were not kidding.
Yanno, if I didn't love him so much, I could just hate him. Man oh man, if I ever catch up to God one day, me and him is gonna have a chat.
And it ain't gonna be pretty.
Mandy-awwwwwww-hugs-kindred spirits-it's a lovefest for Rob and each other here. gotta love it! :)
Shome-LOL-my thoughts exactly!
Hi showme, I would love to see Rob in a tailored tux. I love to see him in anything actually(or nothing).
even on sunday we˙ll have dirty thoughts. XD
And CG, sorry to hear you've had a bad day.
But Rob in his glory is here to cheer you up.
i'm 11 years older and PROUD of it LOL
i made the very serious decision yesterday that any man that looked like that could handle a 34 yr old woman ;)
i love London, too, btw. i lived there for a semester in college...i also lived in edinburgh after school
i love Great Britain. i'm sure that ads to my robsession
Jala-that's cool! I understand. London seems liek home, huh?
Soph-hello, my lovely! I'm glad i'm here for your amusement-bahaha.
Nik-LOLOLOLOL!!! Great soliloque.
Mandy-lol-wouldn't we all....;)
Shome-I hear 'ya!
Nikola, girl you crack me up. I couldn't stop laughing. The man is as near to perfection as it is possible to get though. God must be playing a cruel joke on us to only make one.
LOL Nikola
i feel very similarly...esp about there being only one of him
cloning is an option. in fact, i might have to write Obama. "Mr. President, it would be an act of mercy for you to allow human cloning, but only of Robert Pattinson. Want to get re-elected? This guarantees it."
hi everyone who said hi :)
Oh, and Jala-thank you for the kind words. Rob always makes me smile....very widely. :)
Cullen, yeap, you all are funny.
Have to go. BF is finishing cooking. It is his day in the kitchen... He will have to do some work in the bedroom as well, after all that shirtless Rob in my mind... well, well...
also, about the V...said it before and say it again....that's all i need, the V...the treasure trail...moan.
rob would laugh his ass off if he read that btw, i'm sure. LOL
Nikola, what an inspiration you have. :D :D :D
I will give my rib to God so he can make one Rob just for me. :)
Mandy-LOL! You said it.
Shome-are you kidding? He should be the poster child for cloning! His DNA would be rediculously expensive, though. Talk about supply and demand...;)
Nikola Six - LOL!
I read your comment the other day where you described your meeting with Rob, and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful it was and how much I appreciated you sharing it with us.
If I ever meet Rob, I wouldn't want his photo or an autograph. I would want to connect to him, however briefly, as a person.
You know I think you should be a political strategist Showme. Sounds to me like you have got the key to Pres. Obama's reelection.
Soph-well go on then,with your bad self! LOL
Shome-LOL-V-Treasure Trail-holy shite
Sophia~FYI she is still around at times. She's been trying to catch you. ;)
LOL Martina...me too...or several ribs, or a kidney, or half a liver. anything that would still let me stay alive to enjoy him
well, since it's the MTV music awards, he'll prob wear something more casual...what would i like to see him in?????hmmmmmmm
this requires some thought.
ok, a black V-cut shirt and his worn out, contouring jeans that he likes so much...ummmmm
Ok. Gotta run. Hungry kids to see about. Be back later hopefully.
Nice chatting with you all.
Jala-me too. I'm an old married woman Just talking to him, listening to him, hearing him play piano-holy crap-that works! Oh, ok, and maybe one hot smooch before he had to leave! ;)
Jala-bye! ((waves))
Jalarag- Even though I think Rob is one sexy man, I wouldn't want a picture or anything either. I think it would be better to just talk to him, try and be is friend, however briefly.
NIKOLA...you met him??? really?
i'm typing fast. tell me everything. start at the beginning. leave nothing out. i will refresh til i see it.
Shome-we can only hope...;)
i agree. could care less about his pic or signature.
just want him to look at me in the eyes and smile one time...that would be enough sigh
ok, i want the story now.
Bye Jala- its was nice talking to you too.
Shome-you're so frisky tonight!-LOL
CG, where you been? I'm frisky every night LOL...well, since last night to be specific..
i literally felt tingly, like my body was on fire yesterday
I read your story last night Nikola, I think it was great.
Showme, Yeah I definetly would want to see him smile at me,
Well guys, I hate to leave here, but real life and my husband call. dinnertime approaches quickly. Gotta feed the hungry humans! Hope to catch up some with you tomorrow. bye!!!
like there is a sign all over robs face: quality DNA inside!
Shome-LOL That tingle-sweetness-we all felt it yesterday, as the over 1000 blogs last night attest. ;)
Mandy-that smile-dear god-perfection. LOVING IT! :)
bye CG
oh i want to read Nikola's story???? it was last night?
Bye Cullengal(waves)- thanks for chatting with me today, it was fun. Maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow.
nikola, please just copy your comment! I also want to ready about you meeting Our Precious. :)
Martin-LOL! Precious DNA indeed.
Everyone-have a great night, I really do have to go. Good-night and happy Robsessing! Muuuuaaaahhhs all around!
Bye Mandy, ShoMe-Martin-everyone! I'm really out now. Chow-Bella....;)
Well there were so many entries last night it is hard to remember who exactly it was but I think it was Nikola. It was on the post with over a 1000 comments so I don't exactly remember.
Nikola...i just read your profile and i felt like i was reading my own in many ways...
you may be gone, but i'd love to hear your story :)
Nikola's story was extr. interesting :)))))
Hi, again girls
I left you for 30 mins and there is twice as many posts
good night cullen gal ;)
it`s 1:20 AM and I refuse to go to bed until I read Nikolas comment.
margot help me
what did she say?
All right ladies I've had a good time but the real world calls. I'm sure my kids want some dinner and its not going to get done if I stay on the computer all night. Although I'm sure I will miss all kinds of good stuff. Talk to you all tomorrow.
I will find her story in 5 mins ok ?
meanwhile, dear Ladies, again ....
my fav cure (drug) today ...
after yesterday, for bitterness in the dry throat (shirtles hangover)
something sweet ....
I effing love you!!! that was SO funny, i'm still laughing here. And so so true!
bye margot
ok, i just scanned all 1000 whatever of those posts (which i was there for almost all of) and i still didn't see a single post from Nikola
sigh, guess i'll have to wait til she's around again
Hi Liza :)
showme, I didnt see it either.
Showme, neither did I.
feel free to correct my grammmar mistakes.
oh really Martina? then i don't feel so bad...
obv it was another thread
i wish they had the thing on here where u could click on someone's name and see all the posts they've done
I found Nikola';s story and I';ll paste it right away here
anyway it's under link
but I'll paste it
I tried that too.
Omg, because of Rob I`m becoming a spy. :/
Blogger Nikola Six said...
The first time I ever laid eyes on Robert Pattinson, I had no idea who he or Twilight was. It was at Comic Con last year. I'll try to make this short (yeah, good luck with that one sister). I'd never been before and I went with a friend who is a Wolverine nut and she was hoping that Jackman would show up (he did).
I could write out a 10,000 word disertation on that day, but I won't. Suffice to say, we were only about 10 rows from the stage as my friend is disabled and they took us right in. I have been to many, many BIG concerts in my lifetime and I cannot remember ever being in a room/stadium where there was such a REACTION as there was to Robert Pattinson that day. I
knew I was witnessing the birth of a star. He just had IT and I remember thinking..."this is pretty big damn deal. Who knew?" When he first walked out I couldn't decide if he looked more like James Dean or the very young Elvis Presley (actually, I think he's a hybrid of them both. Had it been biologically possible for Dean and Elvis to make a baby together, they would have made Rob). Just as I thought this, my friend leaned up and yelled in my ear (you had to yell if you wanted to be heard in that room), she yelled..."James Dean."
Now. As beautiful as he photographs, I must tell you, still photos do not do him justice. He is absolutely beautiful in person. Breathtaking. And I'm not just talking from a vantage point from the tenth row. It was fluky and I can't write the whole story out, but I somehow was in the right place at the right time afterward and I met him. I spoke with him for a few minutes. I didn't ask for an autograph (don't collect them) and I didn't ask for a photo (don't own a camera). I was standing next to a woman I'd met earlier in the day and she had just stepped out of the autograph session. Anyway, he walked pass us and our eyes met and I don't know why, but he stopped and asked us if we'd had fun today. I just nodded and this other woman got all flustered and couldn't talk. Then I did the strangest thing. I put my hands on a stranger.
Nikola - the rest
You gotta understand though. What I saw in that hall was overwhelming. He got through it and I know on the videos he looks okay, but you had to be there. That kid was scared. And you could feel that fear coming off of him more than you could even see it (he covered pretty good). I believe he has since said, that Comic Con was the moment HE KNEW that he was in the middle of a phenomenom.
And being older than him, and having been raised in Hollywood myself and having seen what cautastrophic fame can do to a life, watching him that day brought up my protective instincts. I reached my arm around his waist and looked up at him (he is tall. I'm just a shade under 5'3" and I had to look waaaaaay up) and I said to him..."and how are you? How are you handling all of this?" And he relaxed and rested his arm around my shoulder (I think he was taken back a bit when I put my arm around him. Don't blame him a bit, but like I said, I just felt protective towards him), and he answered that "it's pretty scary." And without going on and on, I engaged him in conversation for a moment. There was a real gentleness about him. I didn't get the sense of some great ego at work here. And before he turned to go, he thanked me and leaned down and kissed the top of my cheekbone (I got high ones too). And that was it.
It wasn't till later that I started to do some investigating to find out just who this kid was and as beautiful looking a young man as he is, good looks just aren't enough for me. There's got to be more. And he's got more. It's been in the interviews that I've been able to get just a glimpse into that quirky, original personality of his. And without that personality, I don't care how beautiful or talented he might be, I wouldn't be sitting here writing about him tonight.
Am I older than him? Yeah. Am I attracted to him? Yeah. And that's because attraction doesn't recognize age. Anyway. I've written too much. So Sorry.
May 27, 2009 1:09 AM
Btw, ladies - you know the Japan photo shoot? How can any of us forget, right? Rob in those tight jeans?
Well here's the perfect theme song:
'Looking good plenty tight
Tell me is there any more room for me in those jeans
Looking tasty really scrumptious
Tell me is there any more room for me in those jeans
I'm loving what I see and I'm feeling you
I wanna know, all I wanna know is if I could have what's up in those
Baby can I have what's up in those jeans
Don't get alarmed cause I don't mean no harm - But I love the way you wear those jeans
Levis, Prada, BabyPhat, I love them
Love the way you wearing them I love them can I get in those jeans... Calvin, Iceberg, Sergio, I love them
Trying to get inside of those jeans... '
Ooooh weee...thank-you Ginuwine! I heard that song earlier and instantly thought of thehotsexyONE ;p
Hi showme!!
I've got this Ginuwine jeans song stuck on repeat in my head.
It's soooooooooooo Rob appropriate! Gah!
that story is awesome....
wow, he kissed her? omg, holy cow. today, i would have fainted from that i think...
wow...just wow....
thanks again Margot
Oh and Niks story of meeting Rob is amazing. I read that the other day and was so moved (and just a wee teeny little bit jealous :p)
Okay. I would copy my post about meeting the lad in this thread except for one thing and I'm a little (okay, a whole helluva lot) embarassed to admit it. I don't how to copy and paste. DO NOT LAUGH AT ME. When it comes to technology, I am a total retard. It's all I can do to crawl onto this internet and pee my pants...er...or do something in my pants. Oh. My. God. What has he done to me. I don't talk like that. Okay. I do. But still...Anyway...
If someone else wants to copy and paste it here, that's a-okay with me OR you guys could go read it on the original thread. You're gonna have scroll down the page quite a ways (and if you stop to look at the half naked man again, you're gonna be here till Christmas) and it's under the thread...ROB LEAVING THE SET (or something like that). It's a loooong post (oh that's rich. show me a short post you've written ya dink) and then I think I posted another in response to a comment. And by the...
I really want to thank all of you who have been so kind to me. I know I talk alot and so far, no one's told me to put a sock in it. I so appreciate your sweat comments the other night.
Okay. Enough of the syrupy crap. Let's talk about that ass. I can't believe I forgot to mention it when I was mentioning all the wonderful and joyous things about that body. If that isn't the cutest ass ever. Don'tcha' just wanna grab it? I kept watching those pants thinking...c'mon, c'mon, just another couple of inches.
Oh God. If there really is a hell, I think my room has just been booked. Can you believe I actually yelled at God? I've never done such a thing before.
What has this 23 year old piss ant done to me? He's undone ya, that's what he's done sistah.
Going in seach of a tranquilizer.
(preferably one that would put down a horse).
nice song Liza...
damn right about the jeans...
i'm still all aflutter from Nikola's experience...he is so amazing.
Download this damned jeans song that I keep yammering on about, open a bottle of wine and ogle Rob pics. You have to just accept and then embrace the madness. There is no other option.
"And before he turned to go, he thanked me and leaned down and kissed the top of my cheekbone."
after reading this sentence my eyes filled with tears. I doubt it was because of my contact lenses.
I imagined nikola and rob talking, touching, looking at each others eyes... why does robbie do this to me? If I ever meet him, I would probably faint. Good thing I`m petite so he can catch me and hold me in his hands (yeah I know, I will never meet him, and even if I do, I`ll end up in arms of his bodyguards. :/ )
Nikola I gave the link to the whole thread with you most interesting post, it's (link) above
the whole conversation was v.interesting
girl, please let me tell you here and now, that i RELATE to your pain....
as i am also verbose, i would never say anything about your posts. plus, they're freakin' awesome!
i said earlier today, i had an epiphany that i am very concerned that my little crush on rob has turned into full blown, certifiable obsession. bc the more i fed the beast (ie, watching interviews, listening over and over to dvd commentary, looking at cute utube videos), my obsession only grows.
i think i might have to take some time off. i'm not kidding. it's scary.
i'm a 34 year old woman who owns her own business, graduated from a prestigious university, lived abroad all over the place for years, worked in the PR world (dealing with celebs i might ad, theater ones, but celebs none the less), and this man has done something to me i can't even fully verbalize.
the combination of his personality, humility, grace, intelligence, wit, and, of course, lanky, langourous, sensuous beauty has left me befuddled and dumbfounded.
so there's my confession. don't feel alone. certainly not here...
OY VEY!!! On Extra a minute ago they brought up Erica famewhore ass. They had the lady from US Weekly telling the lie that Rob left with her at 4:30 in the morning. Does anyone anymore know how to do research??? US Weekly is just another rag magazine talking up the BS. Ughhhhhh!!!!!
Thought for the moment: In the NM shirtless shots, imagine instead of the saggy, horrible grey trousers, Rob wearing the tight jeans from the Japan shoot and a ciggie hanging out of his mouth.
*THUD* Way hot.
there is NEW THREAD
Thanks Margot for posting it for me, but if anyone wants to venture over to that thread (the one where Rob is leaving the set), there was more conversation that went on about it. I think. I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. Except...the letter V, the shape of a V, anything to do with a V has now become my reason for living.
I think I shall away and pen an ode to the V. Either that or just have one tatooed on my ass.
This kid is going to KILL ME!!!
Lizalou... srsly... I';m warning you ...
I survived yesterday only because those fugly trousers and stepping back from postig...
don't do this to me
even if there was something between them, it`s all over because of her big mouth
Sorry, girl ;p But that's the beauty of this, eh? If I said that anywhere else, people would think I was nuts. But on here, we GET IT!
Rob shirtless/tightjeans/ciggie
robs fans will start buying defibrillators! :D
this is link to the thread with the whole Nikola's conversation - if you wish
good night girls! I wish you sweet robertfull dreams! :)
Nitenite, Martina!
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