More of Rob from this weekend...

These are from the casting studio Rob went to on Saturday. So adorable.

Thanks to PattinsonUnlimited for the pics.


MandyW said...

I love, love, love the expression on his face in these pics, soooo adorable. Is it any wonder that we are all Robsessed.

DD said...

He looks relaxed and happy. Too bad he had such a hard time at LAX on the way back to Vancouver. He is just so wonderful to look at at.

MandyW said...

I agree, I really like seeing him relaxed like that too, lately it seems like in alot of the pictures he looks stressed out, who wouldn't be if you were constantly stalked by the papparazzi (spelling?). At least it looks like he can get enjoyment somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Last caption:

"I can't help it, I'm adorkable. And you know you love it"

MandyW said...

Jenny, LMAO, that is the perfect summary to these pics.

Anonymous said...

i love candid shots of rob! they are my favorite...when he's just natural and happy.

so damn cute! and he's looking quite buff these days... mmm mmm mmm

WinWin said...

AWWW, there is the sweet adorable Rob we all love. He looks reat and relaxed here.

Just saw a promo for "nurse Jackie" and Peter F is in it. I can't escape Twilight which makes me think of Rob. Earlier Prom night was on with Kellan. There's no hope for me.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - Didn't you sign off for the night????

Jewels64 said...


DD said...

And look at the great shot of his hand in #3. I love goofy Rob. He is sooooo cute. I like the candid shots because you get a glimpse of how he really is.

Gemgirl65 said...

DD, I was just thinking the same thing. He talks with his hands. Love that.

He's so pretty.

DD said...

Leann - He is very expressive. He uses his hands and thousands of facial expressions. You can tell when he is bored or stressed because his face face is just sort of blank. (but still uber beautiful)

Babs said...

So cute! It's literally impossible to find a picture where he looks less than adorable :)

Silmarienn said...

awww he is better than morning coffee :D

MADEinPARIS said...

Hey guys, did you see that? I just found it:

Cedric Diggory.

Looks like a very blurry old picture and she is calling him a "boyfriend"...LOL
Is that him?

kristen said...

These photos are so freaking cute! Why must he be so damn adorable? He makes it just about impossible to stop liking/fantasizing/robsessing over him!

MADEinPARIS said...

Here is another one what I loved (I'm sorry, I don't know who is the owner of this photo):

Both are very cute

Kate said...

I love waking up to new Rob pics.
Good morning everyone and thank you Dani!

Anna said...

Good morning to you too, gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Whooa, the last pic really cheer me up.

Mariya said...

Cute and happy Rob, that's how i like to see him

Suz said...

Wow, I was kinda hoping to see him dangle that baby with the pink hat out the window...


Ellie said...

Ah, hand porn at its best~~

Rob's such a cutie!

Good morning, ladies!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ bbwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhh....

morning sunshine....

Wow Robert you loook soooo fine...
I love you in a white t btw...
phew... is it getting hot in herrrree??

Tenneil said...

Ellie~ *waves frantically*

hey you!! have a great day teaching if that is where you are at.... enjoy white t smiling Rob..

Gemgirl65 said...

MadeinParis, thank you for your kind words in the last thread! Mrs. R always gets me pondering the serious stuff.

LOVE that second pic you posted! Rob looks like, "What do I do with this child?" LOL! It was obviously taken during Twilight filming last year. So cute!!!

tracyvanhorne said...

OMG those are awesome! sigh....

Yvonne said...

ahhh, happy pictures, makes my day. So much better than those wretched pics of him @ the airport. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate any pictures of Rob that are posted here....but it is so much nicer to see him smiling :)

Victoria said...

Could he be any more cute?

LovetheLips said...

Yvonne - what a nice avi you have!

Happy to see him smiling in these pics too...doesn't take much to make my day.

crazy said...

Oh he is just so adorable. His positive energy must be infectious!

hello everyone!

crazy said...

OMG it's Yvonne again?!

Diane said...

MadeinParis - actually that's Dakota Fanning. She just photographs younger when she's not in character. Suz - what baby in a pink hat? I to to sleep for a couple of hours and Rob's got a pink-hatted baby? How do three little pix of a guy I've never met looking happy absolutely make my morning?

Yvonne said...

love...thanks, it's hard to read though....too tiny :( I'll have to work on it!

crazy, I am unstoppable these past few days. And by that, I mean all I have been doing is Robsessing, completely ignoring my house and family and being a total slacker. But completely devoted to Rob, and really, what else is there?

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this side of Rob!!! So human and not being stalked! He is so adorkable, you cannot help but not love him!!! I can just admire these pics all day!!! Thanks for making my day!!! College Algebra was hell last night LOL!!!

elaine said...

He is so cute it makes my heart sing! Hello, ladies! Love these new pics!

Anonymous said...

Do you think poor Rob has a cold in the photo? He is covering his nose and there's a box of tissues on the car seat behind him! Maybe he has swine flu and he is exercising the proper precautions (Catch It, Bin It, Kill It)

Yvonne said...

soprano girl....LOL!! Swine Flu :)
those "precautions" are too funny :)

Yvonne said...

He is just so precious....

Suz said...

Last year some TWIMom wanted Rob to bite her baby or some shizzzz

I think she had a pink hat..

(dang, I hate having to explain...)

Tenneil said...

I freakin puffy heart you Suz...
really I do...only you would think of MJ at a time like this....


margot said...

soprano grl

your comment is on another thread

margot said...

now I wrote to soprano here instead of THERE roftl

tinababy1 said...

God I love this man!!!

faithisobelle said...

i just LOVE that dorky smile!!!

Lynnes said...

Tina~"That's why we're here."

Ms. Bonderson said...

I've been away from the computer for awhile...where was this? Don't tell me it was LA this weekend??? I was there for Little Ashes! LOL Should have I been on the RobHunt, too??? Rob never has to worry about me finding him...I'm so out of the loop!

Ms. Bonderson said...

Those pictures are great - Rob looks so relaxed and happy... and his hand - don't even get me started on the hands... :D

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