RobPattzNews: Rob leaving his birthday dinner at the Glowbal grill in Vancouver's Yaletown. You can see Kristen on the bottom corner. Also there to help Rob celebrate his 23rd birthday, Ashley Greene, Jamie Bower and Rob's best friend Sam Bradley. Rob seemed very happy, relaxed, and looked like he was really enjoying his birthday. Outside he stopped to take pics with fans and thanked everyone for wishing him a happy birthday. Rob, we hope this year brings you lots of love, health, luck and success.

RobPattzNews: No I wasn't doing this on purpose! My camera was zoomed in all the way. I'm with Rob in this picture. You can't see me of course. This pic reminds me of something @Robsessedblog would post! Happy birthday Rob! (Gozde: Oh hell yeah!All hail to the JAW PORN! :))

Thanks to Melissa, Coral, Nikki and all who have sent them for the tips ;)
Sources: celebuzz, Socialitelife, Justjared.com
The last picture says it all really.....
He is so freaking gorgeous, i just got on and saw ALL of the pictures, WOW!!!
no more words, just drooling over the pics, thanks for posting all of them.
I can't really decide how he looks in these pics, slightly happy or stressed out?? I just hope he had a great birthday.
I just wish people wouldn't cling onto him like that (being envious here:))
Oh, I think Rob looks mostly happy, and mostly NOT sober LOL. Obviously he's annoyed with the constant pap flashbulbs and I'm sure one can never really get used to it, but he also knows it's just part of the "biz" (unfortunately) and at least it's blessedly short.
He actually looks pretty unperturbed considering his parents were there...I would have been freaking out and worried for their safety with all the stalkerazi near the car. The Pattinsons seem to take it all in stride though. Good stock, that family! :)
gotta love Papa P!!! hehe
and rob of course...pure godlike hotness...
i love his face to the taxi driver...hes like "dude dont smile to the papz! just drive off!" hahaha i love it...
He looks slightly uncomfortable in the pic with the dark-haired woman who is touching his tummy. Sorta leaning away from her.
Hrmmm. Poor Robbie.
well, Papa P and Mama P and KS and RP were all in the same cab?! awww I bet that wasn't kind of Meet-the-Parents they had thought in mind. agree??
the last picture says it all. Rob should have worn a shirt saying: "today is MY day so fu** off!"
OH the Jaw!!!!!
this is for Gozde:
I think he's just tired on the last picture,on this one he's also in the car but seems ok...well more than ok!!!Rob is f***ing gorgeous in a car don't you think???
@anonymous rambler
LMAO, you're defiitely right about the taxi driver, I didn't notice that one, the pic I saw was focused only on Rob's face (which suits me just fine *sigh*)
Oh the jaw porn!!! HELP ME!!!!
Wait, there is no help. Why am I asking for it? Hell, I dunno....
ANyhoo...I hope he had a great b-day...even if the poor guy was blasted by the papz.
I'm loving the taxi driver, he's a star!
And boy, that white tshirt sure is tight in all the rights places :)))
Pop sugar says that it is Kristen but who cares it's not like they are together. It seems like they are just really good friends, smoking buddies LOL.
He's not so cute after all. So pale and plain. Too bad my tickets for Italy are non refundable. Anyone interested in going to Tuscany in my stead?
NAAAAAHHH! You wish :))))
I'm still game for my chance encounter (THOU SHALL NOT STALK) with this irritatingly, gallingly and breathtakingly handsome sonuva (sorry, Mama P) somewhere under the Tuscan sun, or maybe at dusk, in an orchard perhaps, and say he'll only be wearing a pair of white linen trousers, while the setting sun will be casting rusty shadows on his bare chest... what? A girl can dream :))))
Back to real life, there IS something weird though in these pics: as much as I hate to agree with Laimey, he does have a way of posing with his mouth open...
Wow picture overload, jaw porn and Papa P what more could we ask for??Looks like a great time was had by all! So happy he enjoyed his Birthday!
Me, too, Kate! Now he can get the hell out of Vancouver, hang out at Cannes, wrap up NM in Italy and get onto NYC with new castmates and a new city. I'll bet Rob is excited about a change of scenery.
OK that t-shirt of his is so showing off that there is a six pack in the making there.*drool* He's been working out for sure.
I bet he isn't quite sober there and I love it. Let the guy have some fun hehe.
Is it just me or has nobody noticed those luscious eyelashes of his? Seriously I am so envious of those! His lashes are so long!
Not sure if this has been mentioned but is anyone else seeing that he has a suit jacket on over his hoodie? Ah, Rob. You are the ONLY one who can make literally anything look sexy.
As a side note, I happen to love that grey button up shirt with the stripes he has on. It reminds me of an 80s bedspread.
I've looked and looked and all I see is wrinkles on his shirt!
you girls have eagle eyes ... menotsee 50% details untill you point at them :((( perhaps you simply love him more ???? *in tears*
gorgeous, you say, huh ?
SO, DELETE COOKIES AND VOTE MTV AWARDS ... I hear a wolf's howling
Again I feel like its my birthday... a buffet of jaw porn...
His smirks and smiles are priceless..
He looks for the most part he enjoyed his special day...
KK - Sure there are wrinkles, but his body looks so tight under them...yummmmmmmm
The man has got it goin' on! I can't say enough about how damn beautiful he is...I am loving these pics.
The jaw! All hail THE almighty jaw!
*bows down*
Wow. Who knew such a pic could induce rapid panting? AND I'm at work in a tiny lil' office, not good.
KK - Especially the one on the stairs...
LovetheLips - I'm trying, but I just don't see it. I'll take your word for it ;)))))))
Yes, Em, I noticed the suit jacket OVER the hoodie, and he even has the cuffs of the hoodie yanked out the bottom....like a little kid :) So freaking cute I can't stand it. and those jeans, again. Well, I guess if you wear those expensive jeans every day, it's like having 7 pairs of Levi's....huh? Oh Rob, you make me smile.
Love the look he's giving the cab driver...It's like he's saying,"really?" in that adorable little accent of his....
Sorry KK - maybe it's my x-ray vision?
I love his expression in the blurry pic inside the restaurant...looking so impish.
Yvonne - Maybe he wasn't sure if it was a "dress-up" occasion or not. Better throw on a suit jacket, just to be safe. :)
I agree, the picture in the cab is hilarious. Maybe he's asking the driver how much more it'll cost him to just run the photographers over.
Oops - my post at 4:30 mentions "stairs"...I think my fever has my eyes playing tricks on me...it's actually a curb :-0
Another year definately hasn't done him any harm, could anyone possibly be sexier!
Hope you had a great birthday darlin! xxx
Emily - I noticed the blazer OVER the hoodie as well, and all I can say is he looks freaking HOT in it! Just goes to show that he can pull off any outfit and look gorgeous doing it.
And he has most definitely been working out... he's sporting quite the rocking body these days! And his jaw, chin, and neck seem to have become even more defined, which I didn't think was possible. It's ridiculous how good-looking he is!
oh this is just the best.... he sincerely is the most attractive man on the planet... wow... he's becoming such a wonderful man
Emily - LMAO!! Run the photographers over! Too funny. I bet it's actually pretty tempting with all those flashing light bulbs in your face.
Lyla! Yeah, he's looking even better these days...if that's possible. And his outfit cracks me up. What are we on, like day 7 with those same pants? I love it.
Seriously. It has been something like 7 days in a row with those wonderful hugs-all-the-right-places black pants :) And he's been wearing those black shoes every day, too - I wonder what happened to the shiteous nikes?
One thing is for certain though. If he gets any more good looking I'm going to spontaneously combust.
Ok ladies, I luv all these pics. and specially that Rob had a nice bday w/ family and friends. I was really hoping for him to either fly to London or have his family come down to BC. maybe that's the surprise Kellan was talking about....maybe.
That said, I do have one question?...and don't hate appreciate I'm only curious since I can't come up with an answer....why is it that we haven't heard or seen ANYTHING about "Oregano & KStew"?...He used to come often to the set of Twilight(portland)...no?and he has only shown up once in Vancouver all this time.
So I do wonder if the rumors about Kristen and Rob ARE IN FACT TRUE??!!she does spend a lot more time w/him than the other cast members do,they're always 2gether(joined @ the hip if u must)...maybe it's just one of those friendships where u click and there is really NOTHING THERE.
Could it be that KStew and Oregano are in fact OVER!!??? maybe he's just busy and doesn't have time to come see her,but if u ask me I wouldn't leave my girlfriend alone so much time communicating only thru phone calls...specially with HUNKY Rob!..HELLO??!!...while distance may sometimes be good in a relationship, then again it may not.
Well what r ur thoughts?...I'd really like to know cause I'm confused about this whole thing...body language and looks are there to say: 'yes' there is something, but ....what d'ya think?...and like I said don't hate appreciate....I'm just asking. WONDER WHAT SHE GAVE HIM FOR HIS BDAY....HE GAVE HER A GUITAR FOR HERS...
Mmm-hmm "Hugs-all-the-right-places black pants" indeed! I love those things almost as much as I grew to love the gold zip zip pants. Wonder if he finally had to retire those... I guess you can only repair a zipper so many times.
Yeah, I gotta say, those golden zipper pants hold a special place in my heart! But you're right, there is only so much abuse a pair of pants can take, and when zippers are flying off at an alarming rate, it's only a matter of time before they can longer be repaired. Bummer.
RIP golden zipper pants.
Oh, I wondered about where the Nikes have been, too. Are these black ones his Edward shoes? Hard to tell.
The first time I looked at these I didn't realize it was raining and I thought his hood was covered in dandruff. Not that it would be the first time...
I imagine he's having to wash his hair with a little more frequency during filming.
janny73: i thought he gave her a guitar on last year's bday.
i really dont see them together, i really think they are really good friends. she really seems to love Michael (from the interviews). But honestly i dont know cuz i dont know them personally. If they are good for them and if they are not good for them too.
Haha - I know, I was wondering what those flecks were, too, until I realized it was rain.
The black shoes may indeed be his Edward shoes... we know how much he likes to "borrow" his set clothes. I'm just so so happy that they aren't making him look as prissy in NM... I like that his eyebrows aren't overly plucked and his hair isn't as bouffant-like. He's going to look more like Rob rather than an overly made-up Edward, which is awesome. So excited!
Lol! Rob does have a habit of borrowing his wardrobe, doesn't he? I totally agree about the new and improved Edward. They plucked the hell out of his poor eyebrows for the first one. I think all the make-up and everything will be better in NM. They definitely needed to ease up on the lipstick. I can't wait to see it!
Yeah, I have a feeling Rob appreciates these changes in Edward's look as well... He was clearly not overly fond of the magenta lipstick, plucked eyebrows and bouffant hair, so I bet he's quite happy with the new and improved Edward.
Anyway, I've gotta run, but it's been fun chatting with you, Emily! Have a great rest of your day! :)
You too, Lyla! It's been fun!
Yeah this is true, I do not see them as a couple either..well sometimes I do..:) I didn't mean it in a bad way, I luv Rob as much as all of you gals, and I think she's really pretty also. I was just wondering since someone posted that Michael had come to BC recently and proposed & apparently KStew had rejected Michael's marriage proposal. Good for her I say she's too young to take that step...she's got her whole life ahead of her.And also if I were her...ehem I would love to be Rob's girl...haha ;) I don't blame her.
Janny73- We can only take their words for it. She said their friends and that she has a boyfriend and he said their friends.We've seen the pictures with her and her boyfriend smiling having a good time. It's just simply all there is, nothing more.You know. No matter what an OUTSIDE(key word) person has said. They've said "NO" nothing is going on.
It's so funny how he's looking at that taxi driver like, "damn man can we leave already". That taxi driver acting like his the star.LMAO
I think that hoodie is connected to that blazer as one piece. You know you can get it like that.
Looking at Papa P, you can see where Jaw Porn came from.
Janny73 - It's okay to ask questions. It just becomes difficult when speculations/gossip get spread all over here. Most of us try to keep it out. Questions like yours are different than spreading unfounded rumors.
STAR magazine is running the story about Michael's proposal. Nothing they print is anything but hearsay. K and R have repeatedly denied that they are dating. Michael not hanging 24/7 around K means he has a life. K will be back in L.A. soon enough. People seem to assume he has nothing to do but worry about his relationship with K.
I think that sometimes people view these things through a lens of what they are able to tolerate. Many people can't handle long distance relationships, but M and K have had to handle this on and off through all the years they've been together. I currently know a few people who are in long-distance relationships and it's tough but working. You can't fly out to check on things every time a rumor flies around or you feel insecure. If this is the case, break up.
If K and M have a good relationship, there is trust there and we don't really know what's going on between them. THEY do, and I guess that's all that matters.
I always think...how many of our own relationships would be speculated upon if under such a magnifying glass where every pic, every rumor, every facial expression and handholding event was scrutinized? It would suck.
All we can go on is what the people in this situation have said. If there is something going on, they will reveal when ready.
Janny73 - Oh...that's just my opinion.
it's sweet that Kristen had a dinner with Rob and his parents, 'Meet the Parents' anyone? lol
Love all the still pics of Rob but am anxious to see some clips from NM.
U know... next time I try to RESPECT ROB but not taking a pic with him....remind me to shove it... and take one. It's Like PROJECT RUNNWAY last night... wtf could he have taken any MORE pictures?
Jaw porn is the best, after the happiest happy trail...
So good, it seems that his father was there too. Family and friends... Love you, Rob. Hope you had fun.
There's just something about him! He is just simply refreshingly different and gorgeous!
Suz {hearts} BirthdayRob
Hey, Suz!!! I heart birthday Rob, too. Isn't it nice to see our boy out with family and friends having a great time? I am soooooooo excited for this next year. He deserves all the success that will surely come to him!
I am so glad that he was able to spend time with his family and friends. He seems like he was enjoying himself. There are only good things in store for this lovely man.
Well...Papa P looks so much better than in the shadows on "Ellen." I can see the famous jawline on him, though softened with age. Handsome dad for Rob!
Janny~Please, no speculation...:).
Hello KK, Sophia~
I really think Rob is just wearing Edward clothing, especially the $300 Burberry jeans.
I love these sorts of pics with Rob making his normal faces...
Hello??? Anybody around?
KK,Shani & Chicago girl....
I understand. I now feel very bad, only because I was not trying to spread rumors or speculate or anything like that,on the contrary just like you I'm sure,I feel very protective of Robert and do not like it when the tabloids generate all that gossip only to make a few bucks. I'm sorry I came across that way.I respect your opinions, and thank you for clearing those rumors for me the best way you can, I appreciate it...I just felt confident in asking since I like the way you all express yourselves about Rob. Sorry if I offended anyone, it was certainly not my intention.I'm just a fan and like I said before... just like you, I admire him and wish only the best for him. Peace ladies. :)
KK, I totally agree with your comment on speculation. I try to think of how I would feel if me or people I am close to were in that kind of situation. I would do everything I possibly could to keep it as private as I could because it is nobody else's business. I think people seem to forget that they are normal people with abnormal jobs; they are going to go through the same things and feelings that everyone else does, but unfortunately on a more public level.
No offense taken, Janny73 :)
;) none taken Hanson Ranson, really, no worries. I share the opinions of all the girls here. It's just that sometimes it really gets confusing, that's all.
One can only imagine what they are going through, specially Rob(it's overwhelming I'm sure) like you said they go through everything we all go through, only @ a public level.I even cried and didn't even finish watching that video with those papps.....it was simply so invasive & offensive, I felt like crying after that and kudos to Danni for taking it off!.Surreal
janny73 - Are you still here?
Yes, I'm still here.;)~ I have another question???do I dare???? lol...JUST KIDDING?
Has Stephenie Myer writtne anything else so I can sink my teeth into...I just finished Breaking Dawn and am thirsty for more...lol;)
janny73 - I just wanted you to know that I wasn't offended by your questions. I'd rather you asked than assumed. There's so much crap shooting around the net right now with rumors surrounding Rob, and the people who are spreading them feed off of each other. This site really tries to be respectful of Rob and his personal life. If you want to talk about Rob and how talented, sexy, absolutely amazing he is, you are definitely in the right place!
I believe that as soon as New Moon wraps and the cast go their separate ways, some of this will die down. There will always be rumors surrounding Rob because people want to know about him. I think the best rule of thumb is to go with what he is saying, and if something changes, he'll say something different.
Stephenie Meyer also wrote a book called "The Host." I haven't read it, but I think many of the gals here have.
I wish she would finish Midnight Sun. Stopping cold turkey is just not right.
Midnight Sun is such a WAY sore topic with me. I understand that she felt betrayed, but another part of me says that she may as well continue with what she started. I liked Edward's point of view better than Bella's, and I was absolutely engrossed with her first 200+ pages. Loved it!!!
Agreed. Bella really annoyed me at times throughout all of the books (sometimes warranted, but most of the time unnecessary). I have mixed feelings about Bella. Edward is such a multi-faceted and interesting character; I really love reading through his perspective.
KK- Exactly I know, the rumors and shit going on...but let us let it die right here.NO WORRIES I like you guys only ,well cause we have the same mision and opinions I see......only good things for our Rob...**wink, wink**.The Host you said...mmmm,ok will look it up.thnx
I really want her to finish midnight sun and am not really informed as to what happened there(would like to know) but do wish to read the book once it comes out.
She claimed that if she continued writing it, the Cullen family would have ended up dying. Well, the story is already written, dear. All it takes is a pen, paper, and a little creativity :)
Janny73, someone in her circle leaked it.
NOOOOOO pls.... now I really want to know what happened....and where can I read what u have.
mmm who? does she know?
janny73 - As far as I know, someone she knew got a hold of the manuscript and put the first 12 chapters of the book online without her permission. She felt extremely betrayed and posted the chapters for her fans to download legally rather than have them search all over for them. I would like to know who posted these chapters and ruined it for all of us...wonder if Stephenie has an address....:O
Oh. that sucks, she would've been done with Midnight Sun already and I would be reading it at this very moment...damn!So obviously u've both read it, where can I find these 12 chapters?
Scroll down the page and you'll see "Midnight Sun Partial Draft." This is her official page and she put it out there, so I think it's okay to pass the link on.
Enjoy at your own risk...there is pain at the end when there isn't any more.... :(
my butt hurts from sitting and I am tired (cleaning pools all day with your mom isn't recommended). Nice talking to you ladies and I will be on tomorrow!
Goodnight, Hansom!
thnx. Huh so this is from Edwards point of view. Cool. I'll look it upp & brace myself then...it's not finished.:( Ok then I think I'm out too nice talking to you both KK & Hansom Ransom :)
Goodnight, Janny!
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