Speaking of Rob, Foster's song "Let Me Sign," which was sung by Pattinson but co-authored by Foster and Bobby Long was a big hit in the U.S., yet Bobby Long said that couldn't play it today if someone asked him to. I asked Foster whether he could, and he said "I have some recordings of me Bobby and Rob singing that song on New Years Day really drunk. They sound really good, I will probably only do that again if it was with them."
Again thanks to Rocio for scouring the net for these goodies and sending them to me.
I HOPE he and Rob can record and play together soon. I'd love to hear more!
I'd love to hear more music from Rob!
Our boy needs some day off so he can spend time with friends and family. Lets sign petition for Robs 1-week-vacation. If Summit doesn`t give him some slack, we won`t go see robs movies. (I know it will be hard)
Love Marcus.
He will be touring this summer.
Check out his MySpace
so far he is only scheduled for
Dallas, Austin, Denver and Colorado Springs with
more shows to be added.
He's also Twitted about spending time W/ Rob when he is filming in NY in August.
Oh sweet jesus help me... Rob recording with Marcus, SINGING with him in NYC?!!
Rob + music is just too much for my poor heart. It's over for me, I'll never get passed the Robsession...
The good news however, is that Rob will have a friend in NYC this summer. Good for him!
Also NYC is not as far to fly home to London if he gets a few days off during "Remember Me".
just say hello as it's half past noon here
so good morning or good afternoon - whichever suits you !
btw today is Mother's Day here and I'm going to my Mum hopinog no zygotas occure this time when I';m back ... just hopin'...
:P bye, see ya later
Ohh that's such a sweet news! I love Marcus, he's my favourite (after Rob). Love his myspace, his music is really good and I'm not surprise he'll do something with Rob cause their kind of music seems the most similar, comparing with the others (to me at least)
Plus he put the lyrics of Let Me Sign on his myspace and I'm really thankfull for that. Rob has some articulations problems, but that just makes him more sexy *sigh*
ok I just need to tell you guys, that today my tongue slipped, as I admitted to have a tiny (euphemism) thing for Rob when commenting on someone's post on Fcaebook! Yes I did say Facebook. It means now my friends won't see me as before.And no I wasn't drunk. I'm coming out of the closet.
Oh God be with us.
@ riddle, hi :))
sooner or later ... obsession is extremely difficult to hide :)))
oh, hell... why, not ...
cannot fin Marcus Forester on MySpace, is he as Marcus Forester ? if you , riddle, read it plz help a little bit :)
have a nice day
marcus' myspace
I'm thankful for the lyrics of let me sign too :)
Hey margot
babs art already answered your question :))
enjoy and tell me if you think his and Rob's music are quite similar or not :))
have to check better on music of the Brits Pack ';cuz know Sam Bradley and like it best, Bobby Long and like it, def, Rob';s music ... still not quite sure and don't know Marcus but 1 song
they are an interesting phenomenon, not because of Rob, not only because I'm talking about music and not about acting and stardom , I'm going to follow them to see what happens
thx for help
I agree, Tess~~
It would be great if Rob and Marcus could record together!
Good morning, ladies!
(evening for you, Tess, right???)
*like him, of course, Sam, best*
Hi, Ellie :)))
to me it's good time for dinner (if I'm not at work, as today) it's 2.45 pm here
need to by myself a new keyboard and a wirelss one... this misse letters ... and id "fed up" with crumbs... I'm nasty
so it is again
this blog improves my mental health but it crashed my keyboard ! aggrrrrhhh
Morning everyone... Ellie...waves to you!!!
Wow druck Rob and Bobby singing together that would be priceless...
Cant wait to see that these men can do together... hopefully its soon...
After the zoo that was the 100 monkeys show on Saturday, I can only HOPE and PRAY that those who attend these gigs will be about the music and not about the Twi and RobStalking.
I can't even begin to describe.....
lol @ riddle's efforts to come out of the closet, you're braver than I am!
I tried to tell my bf I wanted to see Little Ashes "because I love Dali", but he wasn't buying it. I think he's on to me :p
i can't wait for more studio versions of songs from him...
btw, Lainey posted the filming schedule--
First two days will focus on Bella trying to make her way through the throngs of festival revelers to reach Edward. She jumps in the fountain, wades through it, towards him. Of course she makes it in time at which point he pulls her into a building.
By the way – if you’re wondering, yes, they’ll be trying to include the “slamming” into his body.
When they reunite, Bella and Edward do kiss followed by the arrival of Jane and the others.
They’ll also film something from Alice’s perspective on these two days. She “sees” Edward sparkling in the sunlight.
Some the driving sequences will also go ahead on Tuesday and Wednesday, schedule permitting. .
On Thursday they’ll be jumping into a hole in the ground. This will likely be Robert Pattinson’s final day barring any major delays – heads up to you twi-hards who’ve made the journey.
Friday is more driving and Porsche work.
After that…a Twilight break. Until August.
yeah, I read this ...
apparently not a single word when he's shirtless :))) pulling her into a building ? lol, they are afraid of either we might explode with anticipation or run in a herd to Italy ? crap .... :)
margot - if he's sparkling in the sunlight, he's shirtless. I choose to believe !!!
(is there still time for a "we want our shirtless Robward" petition?..)
I, too, want that shirtless scene!
I don't know why they want to change such a wonderful story...it's what the fans want!9Well, me and a million other women, at least...)
i think alice will "see" him shirtless....bc in alice's vision he completes the big reveal..
*crossing fingers, hope hope hope hope*
omg, if i don't see a completely shirtless rob i'm going to forever haunt chris weitz
LB~Let me know about the "shirtless" petition when you find out. I'll be first in line to sign. ;)
Good morning ladies,
Rob shirtless, I'm sure we'd all love to see that. It would stay true to the book, and I thought they were trying to stay as close as possible.
As for recording music with Marcus, that's great. Rob loves music and I'd definetly like to hear more from him.
How long is he staying in Italy???
Oh I want to hear the recording from new year eve.
i'm freakin. he looks so hot in that button down white shirt...ugh....
i think he's already in makeup. the pants look extra clean and fresh, so they're prob not his (although i'm sure he'll claim them after shooting LOL)
oh rob...
wow ... *gulp*
thanks for posting
1. unevenly buttoned shirt - sweet and meaningful
2. cutest smile
3. that hand, that hand .... Rob your hands are really beautiful
I think that smile means "Ha! I did it ! And now... drool, women" (drool on Edward and leave me alone ? I';m afraid, Rob, it won't work ...)
isn';t sparkling :) so make-up off or another scene ... underground ?
on second thoughts, is Edward sparkling in finale of NM ? I have to check in a book in a sec but I remember he wanted to go into the sun but he was stopped by Bella in the last sec, he even told so to Demetri ?
LOL Margot...
i echo your sentiments exactly...
those pics did more for me than i want to admit...
he definitely sparkled...the part that bella wasn't covering
but they wouldn't put sparkles on in reality...i'm sure they'd cgi it again
and , thx god Rob hasn't got his chest waxed! I seriously think, he changed the standard and the way especialy very young girls see boys and men, as they naturally are : chest hair, scruff...
Marcus IS my favorite. Love that boy, and it makes me feel like a dirty old cougar. His art is amazing, his songwriting is perfect, and his voice is one of the most appealing I've ever heard. Can't wait for his US tour.
checked the book
def. didn't go into the sun
told to Demetri "I didn't break any rule"
thx god , no sparkling
hate this after pony-gloss in Twilight
ooh, i thought he barely went in and bella jumped on him covering him....
I know you guys are already on it, but...
I think the fact that Rob couldn't get his shirt buttoned fast enough (hence getting it all crooked!) is all the evidence we need of Shirtless Robward! BOO-YAH!
Back to work now....
Meanwhile, “Twilight” vampire "Robert Pattinson admitted he’s been mostly sticking to daylight hours during the festival. “Every party I go to, I get mobbed by the paparazzi,” lamented the Brit-born actor. He’s signed on for the fourth movie in the “Twilight” franchise and said Los Angeles living is having an impact. “I’m losing my accent,” he drawled."
on Spunk-ransom.com
awww, rob, you CAN'T lose your accent honey
Didn't he say that Marcus is his music soul mate and he's the one who taught Rob to play guitar. I think it was in the EW interviews. So excited, Marcus is so talented. I would see him even without Rob.
Sow, thanks for the awesome pictures. Now I can't comcentrate on work. Can't wait to see clip on MTV awards. Got my DVR set.
book says like" Edward, step back 'cuz in a sec you'll be in the sunlight"
It's after she bumped into "marble chest"
there's also more pics from yesterday of him wearing the plaid shirt and a big smile that are really cute.
scan down past the new 'on set' ones
I agree margot, no sparkles. I want chest hair and happy trails please!
Show, I also hope he doesn't lose that schmexy accent of his. But you can tell in the GOF interviews, his accent was much heavier.
Hi leann and a/al, how are you guys?
If they do a tiny second of sparkle, I don't mind, because it's part of the canon. They just need to make the sparkles NOT look like he went to the Sephora counter and rubbed on some BeneFit powder all over himself.
And.. if Rob records some music with Marcus Foster soon, I will be so thrilled!
Hi Margot, no he shouldn't sparkle unless in Alice's vision
Morning, WW and Leann, and Margot, and all the lovelies here. :) I ought to go make some breakfast soon and start my day, but Rob seems to have given better nourishment this morning. ;)
--> death by Robward chest <--
WW, yes chest hair and Happy Trail for sure!!
Hi girls ... :D *big grin*
I have always been feeling that even at the strangest hours, even if you say anything you keep an eye on the blog and refresh, just in case ... right ? 'cuz , I dooooo ...
I think SMeyer';s idea is he doesn't sparkle, he doesn't break any rule, he';s innocent, Volturi don't have any righjt to punish him, and Volturi are not fair (vide BD finally)
I know you guys are on ff so I wanted to ask you if you could recomand me some of the ff story? that would be great.. thx
Estelle I can and in a sec I will, ok
That second pic where he is looking
down he is thinking
"Ha ha, my shirt is half undone, how many women will I kill today?"
Wide Awake
Apples and Oranges
The Office
The Dominant tara sue me (read first The Submissive !!!!!
also for example (cuz everybody's taste id different)
Cocktails & Dreams fatallyobsessed
I Love To Hate You An End Has A Start
Life In Technicolor SpyKid18
My Secret Sin An End Has A Start
The Ex Factor : Edward & Bella AngelAtTwilight
The Red Line WinndSinger
Two Stepping Jewels64
DID by dollegirl
Cullenary Coupling by booksgalore on Twilighted
I Love L.A. by feathers_mmmm on Twilighted
depends on what you like, but classics are classics
Sorry, I didn't mean to leave anyone out.
Hi littlebear, tina, margot and everyone here. Someone had said that you gals are just as addicting as Rob and I just want to agree. I love sharing my comments and hearing your thoughts.
oxoxo to everyone!
Margot - Do you have a PHD in ff? :)
Yeah, I am pretty sure he is thinking of us and laughing at that thought
Tina, I'm so seriously dead, between chest, trails and all that talk last night about his rear. Not very productive today.
oh margot, I'm so tempted to check out ff right now, but I'm at work and it would be dangerous. lol
What?! I missed a conversation about Rob's butt?! Damn it, I knew I shouldn't be living in Europe :(
Hey WinWin, hey everyone!
I see evryones been transfixed by naked chest porn, a half undone shirt and sunshine.
I'm pretty sure Margot is our resident FF expert. ;)
Just have to say that I listened to Marcus all morning and I think that he sounds a lot like Rob.They have an simular style.
I'm going to try to go and see him when he's in Denver in August.
Margot is definitely MY source/dealer :)
Love you Margot
WW - FF @ work... can you pull it off? The heat, the flustering, the squirming...
I hope, Rob and Marcus would record something; I would like that he could get mare into his music as well.
Those friends that Rob have are very talented people.
Now about the pics, thanks for the links!! I´m dead!!! How can he be gorgeous. Those pants are fitting incredibly great and that shirt buttoned up like that.. perfect!! we need to see that chest!!
Wow thanks for the FF list I'm always looking for good ones. Hope you all have a great day. I just wanted to pop in and say Hi.
wow thanks margot
WOOOHOOO what fantastic news about Rob and Marcus....i hope they do play somewhere together, just some small out of the way place.
I love the brit pack i have seen Sam live when he came to Toronto (he was so good and i love his voice) and i'm going to see Bobby when he comes here later this year too, now if Marcus would book something in Canada then i would love to see him in concert.
From what i read in the "leaked on line script" if it is the true script (which i doubt) Rob will keep his shirt on but it will be unbuttoned. Lets hope that this is not true or there will be murder and mayhem in the Rob world
Ladies it's the last day to vote for ROB at the MTV Awards, lets see him get this award on sunday when he's there OK....GO ROB
Bye RP! I'm off as well;. Thanks for the pics, esp. this one. --->
That smile melts my heart.
xoxo ladies!
Tina - whaaaat, what butt crack picture?!! Don't tease me!!!
*shuffles feverishly through her enormous stash of Rob pictures*
LB - check the 400+ posts thread from last night, I think in the second half
Thanks Tina :)
Littlebear, it's on AJ's blog. check her profile. I think it's www.adorkablerob.com
Show @11:16 Thanks for the link!!!
Yup,I think those pictures are PROOF POSITIVE of shirtless Edward! Looks like the buttons are all crooked, he must've just thrown the shirt on. Oooooo, can NOT wait for NM :))) He looks awesome, and happy (bonus) !
aah, found it :))
Ok, turns out I had actually seen it (of course I had!). But when Rob's butt is concerned it NEVER hurts to refresh one's memory. In fact, I've already half forgotten what the chest picks look like --> I think I need to go back and stare some more!
Y - he's trying to kil us.......
This is the link to AJ's blog....she's so funny :)
T- too much for the middle of the afternoon!
And I SHOULD be doing housework! Gah!
But nooooo, I wanted to check here first to make sure I haven't missed anything....see where that gets me :/
hes got the edward wrist band on!! so are those also the clothes hes wearing in the movie?? hope not...edward should wear something more...ahem...tight shouldnt he girls??
to show off his beautiful marble hard chest...oh my...
these pics are killing me... i need to get work done!!!
that chest...those hands...im melting like the witch in the wizard of oz movie...
rob thats not fair!!! :(
worth watching also
Margot - please come to my funeral and explain tomy family that you killed me by video.....
I AM DEAD, again
hi margot
sry if I bother you but do you know a ff story about edward and bella? Like breaking dawn stories?
that would be very great!
Just explain to me how come I just moaned when I saw the first picture of Rob on set. I mean, how come this could happen without having any control on it. I knew the screaming temptation, but moaning? seriousely? I'm really concerned about my state of mind at the moment. And that shirt not bottoned evenly? what does that me? no, don't play with my imagination, pleaaaase!!!
thank you ladies for the links, you guys are awesome, we're all awesome because we rock!!
ok take a deep breath riddle
{colletcltin herself}
@Winwin: really? Rob said that about Marcus? wow, I'm so happy!!! Marcus rocks!!!
think Edward may sparkle in Alice's vision (that's how she knows what he wants to do). let's hope the sparkling will be better this time.
Had to go look @ those again....we need them in HQ (are you listening God?)....
And that boy makes pasty white look good. Don't know how he does it...
hey riddle! I love this particular bit in your post: "{colletcltin herself}"
Pretty much sums up the futility of our efforts to collect ourselves, doesn't it ;)
riddle....I srsly whimper like a child every time I see new (and sometimes old) pictures of Rob....I have no control when it comes to him. Don't feel badly, he does this to all of us :)
sorry haven't answering for long minutes - was in zombie mode ...
too many sitimula , I am unfortunatelly one-diamention-minded, that's horribly unfortunate
as to FF - my first proffesion is physicist so right after being informed 2 months ago about FFnet etc I did a little research with criteria: 1. most reviews 2. fav of my fav authors and dear ladies ... voila ... I made a list that will get me reading for the next millenium without blind wandering
if anybody wants this list (6 pages) and remember about how it was chosen - I will gladly share, twit me on email, it's in my profile
*scared a little of the effect*
5th picture down...look at that smirk, he TOTALLY knows that these pictures will be EVERYWHERE in a matter of hours...he knows what he's doing to us....with that shirt all unbuttoned...you mean to tell me he couldn't have buttoned up that shirt, yeah right...evil man.
hmmm Estelle ... they are all about Edwards and Bellas but various stories, not only Twilight-typy, not only
I'm afraid you'll have to do your own research on FFnet with your criteria
F*** you caught me!
Yvonne ? "sexy devil" ??
margot...uh huh, sent from heaven or hell?
new avatar, in honor of those beautiful pictures :)
yeah I htink so too. Oh man there so many... I don´t where to start. lol
margot...I see you are in Poland...my family's heritage is Polish :) I have a Babci :) Is that the term you use in Poland for grandmother, or have we Americanized it? And I can't spell them, but she has taught us some very "interesting" curse words over the years :))) ha ha ha
Yvonne! Hello! Margot-howdy, girl!
riddle-are you there? If you are-hey, hey!
Anybody on? did i miss everyone?
ANYONE?!? Crap. I think i just missed everyone.
Helloooo! Anobody on?
Well-i was popping in to say hi for a few, the only chance i'llprobably get today-busy day and evening ahead for me.
Sorry I missed everyone. Looks like i just did too. Bummer. :( Well, maybe next time! One last chance-anyone? Margot? Yvonne?
I was hoping to catch up with y'all, but oh, well! :p Tomorrow is another day. :)
I'll try to popin again for a minute later if i can. If not-tomorrow afternoon then.
actually it is Polish Granny but it is exactly "Babcia"
pronounciation hmmmm
have no idea how to show it :D
"ci" is very soft "c" like ... in Italian "ciao", even softer, and "a" is open like ... maybe to my ear "mOther"
Well-bye then! Yvonne-your avi rocks! I love those pics too! OMG the open shirt-leaves me speechless and breathless. They're almost just what i've been waiting for! Clocktower, here I come....;)
Margot! HI!
How are you?
I thought i had missed everyone.
Cullen ... *hands a glass of cold, sparkling water*
I'm here :)))))))))))
Everyone busy today, i suppose?
Margot-LOL-thanks! Glad i caught you. ;)
Talked for awhile to Suz (she rocks!) and Mechav and KK last night-it was fun! Leann too-she was so bad-she was making up dirty Rob limiricks-hehe.
Can't wait until she sees these new pics of Rob on set in Italy-ha. She'll have a field day! What are you up to today?
Everyone's back to work after the holiday-blah, blah blah. :p
Still there, Margot?
well, I understand that ppl are different and not everybody is like me so I know it';s a judgement Only IMO Only for me....
I do think there are very nice witty intelligent women on this blog
My hubby will be calling during lunch soon-can't stay on too long. Thought i'd see who was on right now-guess most everyone was on earlier, and will be on again later.
Margot-absofrigginlutely! The peeps on here have been very sweet and welcoming.
I enjoy every time i get to be on for a little bit. It's a bit of a breath of fresh air, you know?
I missed LB! Bummer again. :( LB is a trip!
So, Margot, how are you today? Are you working-at home-what's up?
I'm at home for the time being, a housewife-blah, blah! :) Always plenty to do, though.
MArg-are you still there? Did you have to leave?
I guess i better think about going anyway. Hopefully will get to check in later, or if not, tomorrow afternoon. Maybe that will be a better time to catch everyone.
Margot? If you're there-it was nice to chat for a bit-hope you're having a good day!
Take care, Margot. Bye!
sorry I didn't answer right away ... hell ... I've got 3 chats with ppl at the time - necessary to set things rigt, to comfort bla bla bla
and I'm not very chatty person , apart from here
I know this is unrelated to the post, but for all those in NJ....
for Little Ashes in New Jersey!!! It's playing now at The Clairidge Clearview Cinema, Montclair, NJ
wow !
I'm happy if you're happy !!
hi, crazy baby , missed ya :)
seems to me it's not important if it is thread-related - we apparently have switched into chatting mode and chat more , no matter which thread , about everything lately
Hi Margot!!
i am so happy i get to see it again!! how are ya??
still not a word from Gozde ....
nor from Dani about Gozde ...
dunno if no info is good info or bad one
surgery was today?
I'm very welll , hope you too :D
ooooohhhhhh i hope and pray that rob and marcus record some music together soon!!!
fantastic for us AND them :)
no it was on Monday
HI , 30sth :)))))
have you seen new picks with unevenly (?) buttoned up shirt and devlish smile ?
ohhhhhhhhh :/
Hi Ts! I can't stay long :(
and more but the same links somewhere above
margot :) yes, i have seen them... they are what made me smile today!!
crazy!!! i'm on and then back off in a flash too... :(
have a great day ladies! xoxo
bye TS!! later~
bye Margot!
I'll pray for Gozde's family....
found this and thought it was fun:
"get your sparkle on..."
hmmm it deff has become a global issue ...
I would LOVE to hear that drunk recording. LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear it.
Bobby is heading to America this summer too. Maybe the three will meet up.... sing?!? My heart would explode. I would need to drive to New York immediately when that occurs!
hey new pics! :D
I hope when Edward sparkles... they don't add the sound effects of the sparkles.
Cause that right there... was cheesy.
When do sparkles make sound?
domisgone, when you will be in the cinema, instead of sparkling, you will hear the screaming of female population. :D
well, I've already seen these photos earlier today...
I think he is in a good mood thinking of us "dropping like dead flies" watching todays photos anticipating shirtless Rob
I mean us not only ob ROBsessed but elsewhere
I am convinced that Rob reads us here from time to time - not because we were so magnetic :)) - but I think we must have been spotted after Little Ash Movement...
I do think so ...
so Rob, I know you are reading secretly, laughing your butt off, help yourself, we are dazzled but harmless ...
*damn .... I even can't write properly ... I wrote Little Ass Movement ... sorry Rob, yesterday we were discu.... ah, hell, whatever...*
Martina ... I won't be screaming ... I'm sure I won't be able :)))
seriously - I'm waiting for other films and keep my fingers crossed
other than New Moon and nexties :)))
I have just invented a new English word ! Are you happy ?
OMG the unevenly buttoned shirt! (breathe, just breathe-she says to herself over and over) I am a grown woman, how can these pics affect me so? I came home from work sick, but now I may be just plain old dead.
I also sent today - somwhere above - a link to a very nice vid :))
hi DD
Okay the video is totally killing me...!!
But does anyone know why Let me sign isn't on the Twilight soundtrack? I was disappointed it wasn't on there.
we should have a paper bag to breath-in somewhere at hand ....
I should be hit on my head ... nothing more subtle wouldn't work ...
Replay for Americans :
it seems to me that today I was streaming during the day during European day-time-zone, like a radio ...
Georgie ... I've got the movie and it is a good movie
and Rob is good in it and he looks beautiful
@ margot, dear neighbour, I don't think he does. Hasn't got the time to read all the comments, he's far too busy.
@ dear Ph :)))))
I'm provoking, I am ... it can't be wrong...
...or wishfull thinking ?
on the other hand, there are other interesting readers ....
Am I right that you are right west from me ? This is my assumption ...
Yvonne- If you peek at this thread again. Ky told me to tell you HI!!!
I had talked to her yesterday.
Marcus don't tease us with a possble collaboration with you,Rob and Bobby. Y'all better put something together. We need some more of that sexy sultry bluesy goodness.:)))
Hi margot: the lip porn from Georgie is great! There sure has been a lot of Robilious pics lately...just when I thought my obsesion was easing up.
I'll have to try and get hold of the Haunted Airman instead of drooling over snippets like this - although I keep going back and watching it over and over... I too am revelling in the Robilicious pic overload the past 2 weeks.
the possibility of the musical collaboration has me just about as excited as the spector of shirtless Rob pics!! I do, oddly enough, almost prefer Rob to be across the country from me or even across the ocean as opposed to nyc where he's only 2hrs from me...the magnetic pull is strengthened by the close proximity and I find myself trying to come up with a reason to visit...
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