Hi guys,
I wanted to share this comment from Alayne because I think it represents the love and dedication people have for Rob and his work. It shows why Little Ashes Movement worked. Maybe it's the birthday blues, maybe it's waking up to a love fest by all of you but I was really touched and had tears when I read it. (Thanks for all the BDay wishes;))
I am not encouraging you to follow Alayne's advice nor am I discouraging. I am however encouraging all of you to go to the cinemas tomorrow, Saturday or Sunday to see Little Ashes, I wish I could ;)
Here is Alayne's message unedited ;)
GODZE (love your blog), I would love your opinion and the opinion of the wonderful ROBsessors on this thought I have. I live in Wilmington NC and Little Ashes is not playing this weekend anywhere even close to where I live but I want to support the movie, especially on this opening weekend. So I was thinking of purchasing tickets to a showing, via Fandango, at a theater that is showing it in another state. Obviously I won't be able to use the tickets but atleast my purchase of the tickets would go towards the opening weekend "stats". I am just concerned that my purchasing the tickets would keep someone else from seeing the movie (if it sells out). I thought of purchasing the tickets last minute to either a early matine or really late night showing.... what do you think. I really want to support this movie and Rob and am so frustrated that I can't do it locally.
Also, it is driving me crazy as I look at what is playing at any theater within 400 miles of my home this weekend to try and find Little Ashes and I keep seeing 17 Again and Hannah Montana ARGGGHHH... makes me want to rip my eyes out... hehe
Any opinions and thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
Hey España,
I appreciate the articles but can you post the link instead of the whole article? Thank you so much ;))
gozde tienes razón
'Me incomoda mucho desnudarme ante la cámara'
Thank you ;)))) If only I knew what the articles said :)
Are they good or bad?
this is good
'Me incomoda mucho desnudarme ante la cámara'
I used the google translator and am reading them now. Thanks ;)
This girl (Alayne) sounds so sweet... Rob is one lucky man to have such supportive and loving fans.
I've read a couple reviews of LA, and, it's not looking so great :( So far the reviewers seem pretty unanimous in saying the movie is not amazing, and are split 50/50 on Rob's performance. I am grateful for the praise, but the criticism makes me feel angry and super protective of Rob...
YAY! Tie guy is back for your bday! Woohoo! I think it's awesome that she wants to support Little Ashes. But maybe she should save her money to buy the DVD. I don't know, I guess I'm frugal. It's really sad that she can't see it. There are so many people who can't, it's not fair to any of you. I wish there was something I could do for you, Goz and Alayne. Everyone should be allowed to bask in the Robvador goodness on the big screen! dammit. :o)
LittleBear - My opinion, Rob is FAB in it! Really truly amazing. The only little thing was his accent in some parts of the movie but thats minute in comparison to his performance as a whole. Javier does a fantastic job too.
I was bowled over by both of their performances and the direction of LA.
I responded to Alaynes comment on the other thread. I think its a fab idea if there was a particular theatre that LA wasnt doing so well in perhaps?
I think the film looks great but I think I am seeing it through Rob tinted specs.
Thanks Hannah! See, the issue is, I haven't seen the movie myself... so I can't just dismiss the criticism as BS, no matter how much I want to!
So, thanks again for sharing, that's great to hear :)))
justoffsuffolkroad - same here. We will probably have to accept at some point that Rob will not ONLY play oscar-worthy performances in amazing movies... but I'm not quite ready for that yet :)
LittleBear - I hope you get to see it soon babe. Dont listen to the critics, watch it when you can and make up your own mind :)
Anyway, critics cannot deny that for a young actor with only a handful of acting work under his belt at the time, taking on the role of Salvador Dali is beyond impressive.
Living in Charlotte, I have the same problem. I hate to say it, but there is zero culture in the South. I like the idea, but again, worry about the chance of taking away seats from someone who can see it. (I contacted the local places and a few of the chains and responses all indicated that they would NOT carry the film now or ever.)
I miss my Landmark theatres...but I may purchase tickets...I like the idea! :)
I too live in Raleigh NC and have had no luck getting this movie played anywhere near here. Maybe they will surprise everyone and show it last minute.. I hope so, but due to my seriously robsessed partner in crime who lives in Indiana, I will get to see it next thursday night in Chicago. YUP. I'm flying to Indiana, to meet my besties, and then we're driving to Chicago to see this movie! I cannot NOT see a Rob film, I will do what it takes and so will my friends! Everyone goes to different length's for their obsessions.. I don't think I have a 'length' when it comes to Rob. It's infinite! On topic.. I think the idea of buying the tickets to an obscure time showing are a great idea! I would do the same if I were not seeing it! I hope as many of you as possible have the fortune to get to this movie!
Alayne/Gozde, how about this
Alayne buys 2 tickets (or shares with someone in her town) and instead of them going to waste, donates them to Robsessed, and Gozde makes a competition for Twilight widowers' TRUE stories about their Twilight wives' obsession.... in that way Alayne (and co) support Rob, the widower scores points with the wife (taking her out to see Rob) and can we all can have a good laugh... (and feel a bit ashamed as well)...Would there be time for that plan to work out?
of course, you can join forces with twilight widower's blog or something...and of course, the widowers should know which towns in the US play the film before they apply (cause they might not be able to see the film either)- but I guess Alayne can buy the ticket(s) after the award is won, and chose the respective nearby theathre for the guy... you'll figure out the logistics
Great idea tina! I wish we had time to do that but by the time we hold the contest, ship the tix etc. the first weekend will be over :((
If Alayne and others who can't see the movie can spare the cash, I think this is a really sweet idea!
Maybe the best bet is to find a daytime showing, wait as close to the showtime as possible, and then purchase tickets. That might reduce the possibility of taking away someone's chances to see the film.
Luckily I live in Los Angeles, so I have 3 options of where to see it tomorrow. yaaaaay!
I love this idea! great way to show support~
I will see LA on Saturday in NYC, and i WILL buy an extra ticket.
Go LA Movement!!!
Happy Birthday Gozde!!
You can imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and checked ROBsessed (as I do every morning, noon and night) and saw my comment posted on the main page. Thank you! I hope the idea helps increase the take at the box office this weekend. Unfortunately, In the eyes of the industry it is all about the money.
I also love Crazy's idea of purchasing an extra ticket for the showing she is going to see. So ROBsessors if you are one of the lucky few to be able to see the movie this weekend and the theater is not packed full, and if you have a few extra dollars... purchase an extra ticket. You can frame it and keep it as a momento!!
LizConno: I got similar responses here in Wilmington. One person even said "I don't think we will be playing THAT KIND OF MOVIE". As if it were a porno or something! ~~~ As my mind wanders to Robert in a porno~~~ oh my! oh the sin~~ Ha
All is not lost though, I WILL see LA on the big screen. My friend (who thinks Robert is hot but is not obsessed but supports my obsession) and I are planning a trip in mid-June to Norfolk Virginia to see the movie (a 6 hour drive) and have a fun girls weekend away. Who knows maybe even catch ourselves a few pilots from the Air Force base there!! ~~ As my mind wanders to Robert in a white Air Force dress uniform~~ Ahhh the Glory!!
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