"Erika was introduced to Robert by a mutual friend at the beginning of the night and he was smitten with her from that point on," an eyewitness tells Life & Style. "He took pictures of her, sat with her all night, and the two of them were even seen kissing! There was serious chemistry between them, and they looked like they were having an amazing time."
And it seems the night didn't end there for the two: "Erika and Robert even left the party together!" the eyewitness reveals.
i hope they're wrongg. )=
hmmm, why are his arms around her?
Atta Boy.. lover
get all the practise in you can..
I am very demanding.
work on building your stamina!
omg suz you crack me up....as much as this would bother me, the guy has a life. he needs to be happy even if it makes us "unhappy: :)
well, it's life and style... so who knows if they actually left together?
But they obviously have spent some time during the evening together. She looks nice, she might be nice too. As long as he has a good time!
gonna use people's favourite line
'pics or it didn't happen'(wasn't that everyone's excuse for calling bullshit on R/K kiss?)
this is L&S,think this is pretty much self-explanatory,like I said in the previous post,he left that party early to catch a flight to Italy and in no way would he act like that with a girl in public. thought it's common knowledge he's a very private guy.
he doesn't look very happy! in the post above and this one.
but then again, once the chick he hooks up with isn't Kristen, I don't care! :D
Suz -awesome post ever, can't stop laughing
Monika... get over it
He sooo nailed that Blond!
C'mom.. slightly pissed male at a party with a gorgeous blond on your aim..
Early flight or not.. everyone has 7 minutes..
i so meant to say
Blond on your arm...
but in your aim works better!
Suz:"He sooo nailed that Blond!" ..
This is the best line!!!
As it was said, this info comes fron L&S, but who knows... after all the boy deserves a good shag after all those days of hard work ;) =P
Actually Monica, I don't really want to see pics "in action" (with Kristen or anybody else...).
I agree that he seems like a private person, and it's "life and style", so everything is questionable! But he won't stay single forever.
Ahhh.... whooo cares!
He's young. He has a penis! Of course he is going to bone some models...
;P Way to go Rob....
I'm routing for you!
And Suz, you crack me up!!
@Suz,hope you're joking,if you didn't believe L&S when they're saying R is with K,why do you believe this? it comes from the same rag you know. like I said gonna be like you guys now, pics or it didn't happen...
His flight was at 11.10 a.m. That is not an early flight, he had plenty of time for a little interlude. I hope he got some while in Cannes.
He is 23, gorgeous, so he is going to have one night (or a couple of nights) stands once in a while.
Europeans are not puritanical.
my sweet little lamb
There are photos
and I am very good at reading body language..
And those bodies are saying
We are bumping uglies before we leave Southern France.
I don't give a shite what the article says, I didn't read it..
I read the pics.
REMEMBER.. we like pics.
and people are calling R/K shippers hypocritical,naive and stuff,well if so then some people on this site are just like them.
Monkia, Monika..
please.. don't
this is all in fun.
sarcasm on the net,great thing,not.
monika, do you need a cuddle?
I'm sorry Ladies, I don't believe it. Maybe I'm being naive, but I really don't think he is that kind of guy. I mean, he has said before that he respects woman. He is like Edward, because of his gentlemen ways. Do you really think that he would be at a charity auction or after party with his manager and agent kissing someone he just met earlier in the evening. I don't think so. He would not have respect for someone if he had that night. Yes, he is gorgeous, yes he is 23 and yes he has needs, but he is a gentleman and he said himself in an interview that he is not the guy to be with a different woman everyday. Life and Style will put anything for it to sale, hell, on the cover it said that him and Kristen went to Italy for a romantic getaway..Please...to finish filming. And the body language==clearly obvious he's not into her...If he was he would grasping her shoulder more than just laying his arm around it letting it dangle...Nope, I don't believe it..
Hey girls, chill!
IMO there's not much to see here.
Rob had a pretty stressful night - i don't think he enjoyed that auction one bit and probably had more than a few drinks to wind down at the party.
And remember Taureans are very tactile - especially after a drink! - so I wouldn't read too much into it.
But who would blame him anyway? He's young and beautiful and should be making the most of it xx
OOPS!! Revision of first line of my comment..He isn't that kind of guy...Sorry.
Oh Suz you giving out hugs again cuz I could use one...MB
C'Mere Ten..my mortal beloved
We SERIOUSLY needed this dose of reality after the week we had
SMACK us all back into a sense of ..
It sure looks like he's into her...she's pretty cute...and I'm pretty jealous. Ridiculous really, cuz I want him to be happy, happy.
after this story plus photos (true or false, doesn't matter, cuz I don't care - remember "If he doesn't shag me ...") - I DEFINETELY need a hug ! Or two. Or six :((((
Anybody ? Hug-police ?
Suz, you are so hilarious...love your posts. I agree that he had plenty of time - we have no idea what time his flight left - could have been the "red eye"...haha..
I LOVE you! The man sure needs to have fun once in a while and if he did, who are we to judge? Just remember to come home to me at the end of the night Rob, and things will be just fine.
okay I know your not lainey fans (neither am I) but she posted a blog entry from her friend which shows he was out until at least 5am on the night in question lol....sorry I hate L&S and I'm willing to come out of lurkdom w/ said evidencehttp://www.laineygossip.com/Laura_perspective_on_the_terrace_at_the_du_Cap_and_Robert_Pattinson_at_amfAR_in_Cannes_on_Thursday_n.aspx?CatID=0&CelID=0
Doesn't prove it didn't happen...just make's it seem a lot less likely to me...not that I don't want him to get laid...because it does suck when your not LoL!!!
Monika,I think this is a little more obvious. There ARE pics of him and the blond..and with his arm fairly casually around her...he deserves a good time.
I wouldn't be surprised by this. She is very pretty, he is incredibly handsome, and if I were in her shoes (young and single and gorgeous and in his orbit), I wouldn't have a second thought about leaving a party with him if I felt a mutual attraction! Yes, I am jealous, but yes, I want him to be happy.
Now, maybe this will start to help cure me of my Robsession...
...nah, didn't think so. ;)
I have 2 theories:
The 1st Emili is a friend of Kris and MI.Ang NIKI and may have misled Rob
2nd girl is a fresh (MIRA WITH THE FACE OF THE ASCO And with an open hand) and is BORRACHOS)
Suz~ Mortal beloved...
I heart you sooo.
Reality is good in small doses...lol
And what a week it has been...
Ok, I guess we are all on the correct site - Robsessed - because these pics are really sending some of us over the edge...
oh....we knew it would happen!!!! He is to hot and young to not hook up with some young beautiful women!!!!
Yes it makes us all jealous.... I honestly felt a little sick with jealousy when i saw the picture.... I believe i said B**ch!
Everyone is going to hate her now, but if i got to f**k Rob I wouldn't care if another soul never talked to me again!!!! I'm sure he is worth it!!!....
Remember...that was last night...now he is back to work on nm in italy and Krisen will be there....I'm sure boyfriend or not she feels a little jealous too....she's got more claim on him than any of us and look how jealous we are!!! I'm sure there will be many Erika's in the future that we can all be jealous of!!
He deserves to get laid !!! you go Rob.... (even though it hurts us..lol..)
So I guess this blog does post gossip and speculation. Bummer, I liked it here.
Geez he's a 23 year old guy, she looks like a really nice girl. He looks happy. I hope he had a good time either way! ;-)
So, she's on facebook...
Szu..."everyone has 7 minutes"
OMG I can't stop rolling on the floor laughing. That is so true. hahah
A/LA - good point...I don't think any of us want to promote misinformation or gossip - I know I don't. He has enough of the crap being said about him.
If he "got some" hey about time he had some FUN in that crazy paparazzi hell he's been in all this week. All work and no play makes Rob a very....nope he's not boring lol. All work and no play makes Rob be very TIRED! That's what I was gonna say lol!!
Hi ladies! Who's on this eve-from what I've seen so far, it's like a bad hot topics on THe View-bahaha.
Whatever happened-it doesn't matter. rob deserves his privacy. He's young, single, and FAB-U-LUSTFUL!!! Not to mention rich and famous-so of course, he's the unltimate bitch magnet of the moment.
I just want him to be happy, and successful, where he'll continue to make these fab movies and be endlessly and wonderfully entertaining, provocative, and just damn fun to look at as always.
Hello? Anybody there? Suz? Your comments-LOL. you're trippin', gal.
Did everyone leave?!? I hope not! This is a hot one, y'all. Rob and some big boobed blond-things that make you say hmmmmmmm.... I say, you go girl-that look he has in that pic-damn he's sexy.
I'm just sorry every thing he does has to be photographed.
Is anyone there?!?
I 100% agree with Suz! I'm actually excited that he's gettin' some! Poor guy needs at least one perk from all the paps he puts up with. Go Rob!!! (But save some for me...ha,ha)
I 100% agree with Suz! I'm excited that he's gettin' some! Poor guy should at least enjoy one of the perks with all the paps he has to deal with. Good for you Rob...just save some for me!
That's why I love coming here. You guys never seem to lose your sense of humor. Suz, I like your point of view. ;) ;)
Cheerio, everyone!
Aw, that's cute. I think she's really pretty. Good for him if he got a little bootie that night, nothing wrong with that! He's 23 and single so... vive la France!!
I got a little myself the other night from a very sexy man who is 15 years older than Rob Pattinson so of course I am not suggesting that only youngsters get all the action ;)
lol i think its just a party and you do what you do at parties... no big deal... he's got a life and he's definitely living it :-) good for him....
Personally i don't believe most of this... i mean look at the source. LOL
You guys are horrible!!! Your turning thsi page into a BIG gossip column, when anyone posted anything about him and Kristen you told them to go somewhere else. Yet here you are being much much worse. Lets face it you guys just dont like K, because shes got his heart and not just his dicks! You are a bunch of hypocrites.
hey girlies!
awwww, i read that he didn't shag about...he said its not his thing. oh well, am not sure i totally buy it coz we never see these "kissing" pics so they could just be hanging at the party and thats it... (this is what am telling myself, hahahaha, grrr) but i hope he had a good time..he deserves it!! xx
Wow, considering Rob is at an AIDS event he should remember that one night stands can be dangerous lol.
I hope at least that he's been careful....
that's the problem with gossip discussion, it turns to arguments too easely.
I sort of agree with A/LA against posting this type of gossip.
Even if most girls seem to be joking about it and not taking it too seriously...
Does anyone actually believe that Rob and Kristen made out at that concert?
Come On! No matter how drunk Kristen was I highly doubt she would cheat on her BF in PUBLIC!!!
Especially when she KNOWS that there is ALREADY rumours.
No-one is THAT dumb...are they?
If its true, then shame on Rob for kissing Krisen when she's already dating someone!
Thats one of my pet hates!!
I think it's quite amusing how we look at three photos, hear a little gossip from an unreliable source and then construct an evening of events for him based on our particular take on what we see and hear. And we are prepared to do verbal battle over the matter, when the reality is none of us really knows what happened and, IMHO, it's none of our business anyway.
Yes I loved to think of Rob as innocent too.
But he's clearly not.
I bet he has one night stands at most parties and events.
I don't blame him, he IS British, and in a strange way its part of his culture lol.
But it does burst my bubble a little bit.
I really enjoy seeing him as the shy, funny, smart, adorkable guy. But I think that guy has already dissapeard sadly.
I hope Rob doesn't loose himself in fame and become a man-whore...that would break my heart.
hey! am british and am not a cultured lady whore! lol.
A/LA @5:26 ~ yeah I know.
Don't be mad. He looks really sexy in the photo. I'm happy if he's happy.
About his flight, he landed in Rome at 12.20 or 12.30, that's the 11.10 flight from Nice, so yes he had plenty of time for a little "love and affection".
I hope he had some in le pays de l'amour.
He looks so thoroughly disgusted with having his picture taken yet again.
I hope he at least got himself some, the dude needs to release some pressure.
Oh Robsessed, how I missed thee!
I've been off the computer for about 4 days and all I could think about was what I was missing on here. ahahha
Hiya ladies <3
And regarding this story, I'll believe it when Rob comfirms it himself.
This is only because everyone seems to think him and Kristen are a fully fledged couple and we all know that is false, otherwise I'd be like 'Atta boy!'. He really needs to get himself a girlfriend.
This doesn't mean that I won't find every girl he's linked to inadequate.
He really is too good for most celebs <3
Okay, I went shopping, and what I did find????
Robert with his arms around a blonde????????????????????????????
Well, I am happy for him. He got himself a girl. But, but, but, but, that is not good for New Moon !!!! A lot of girls may girl jealous!
Okay! I said (and perhaps I regret it now) that it is a good thing he went to Cannes!!!
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, now. This is going to create more papparzzzi circus!!!!
who cares? hit that shit rob!
I counted to 10; took a deep breath. Walked around a bit; looked at the picture again
. . . and it looks like they just posed to get their pictures together. He has some pictures also with fans where he put his arms around them also. So...
Robert looks not really happy about it at whoever is taking the picture, could be papparazzi.
Methinks Rob tapped that, or at least tried.
what the heck, he shouldnt be playing with girls hearts
Boo....I want to hate this girl, but I'm trying to rise above it!He does need all the practice he can get :p
Nah! i don't really see anything in this pic. except that rob looks a little bit wasted, he isn't leaning towards her, she is the one leaning all the way towards rob and rob had both of his arms on the side of his chair. looks like to me that the girl tried to worm herself into that stretched arm. as rob would always put it anybody he speaks with people will presume he is dating them
im hurt
really hurt
NOOOOOOO hes not supposed to date anyone remember. does anyone remember or is it just me! please remember!!! hahaha
On a philosophical note: think about his life right now. There are/will be so many beautiful women who WANT him and will get to MEET him.
The story may or may not be true.
At some point he will be seen with a "girlfriend" and I just hope whoever she is, she's not a bitch!!lol.
I agree with the sentiment that he is too good for most model/ hollywood/celeb/ starlet types.!
Ma, dis guy !!!
(As I would say in my native italian-slang accent)
But did he have to go all the way to FRANCE to meet a girl from L.A??? LOL Omg I can hear the twi-hards crying now...lol... I dunno. People always say: Where are the pics? I need to see pics for proof. Then when they get them people are like: Oh this was a friendly "I'm ur friend" eye moment... who knows whats going on... if he and k are an item Im sure KSTEW will be pissed. if Not.... more powert o him.
Well, all I can say is say we cannot judge that they slept together. She looks like a pretty nice girl & beautiful. Maybe they decided to become friends and see each other again.
Why can't he have a close female friends? Kristen and Michael A. are seen holding hands and Michael hanging around the set. Robert is allowed to have a girl.
Come on ladies, I wouldn’t believe anything Life and Style say. They make up a new lie
everyday. They don’t know who is together and who isn’t. I get my news from somewhere else. They copy other people’s stories and make up the rest. As many Paparazzi they had at Cannes taking a picture of Rob’s every move, you know they would have had pictures, use your brain! Oh my he is sitting with someone at a charity event.
Check out his body language. He may "like" her, but she's more into him. While she is leaning into him , he's pulling away and his hand is only lightly resting on her. He'll have a good time, I'm sure ;) But doubt it's the love of his life....I better go knock on some wood!!
I wouldn't read too much into those pics, he could look mad because he was thinking 'I'm trying to get laid here so get the hell out!' who knows? :)
if they did have a one night stand, it doesn't mean that he disrespected her in any way so he's still a gentleman to me
I don't think it has anything to do with him being European/British, boys will always be boys right? :)
I'm not judging anyone, this things just happen. Would I normally do it? probably not. Would I do it with Rob? I think, hell yeah! right there on-the-spot! LOL
After all the gorgeous pics and video from Cannes, I've been in my happy place with Rob far too long this week, so I really needed this reality check :)
just my two cents...
Wasn't this the same thing with natalie portman? the going home part at least? =S
Damn, I hope this rumour isn't true. I rather he got it on with Natalie than some random socialite. It just seems so off coz he's such a shy guy. Then again, alcohol sure does surprising wonders to the most introverted people.
Rob, just don't do anything stupid.
Thank God! Ladies, don't worry. This prost... sorry, model, is just a gift to Robbi from his team as thanks for the good work in Cannes.
Oh I hope that girl is easy... my boy needs to be getting laid...
Yeah? like he really looks impressed!!!!! She's probably just another pushy friend of a movie mogul or the management team taking advantage of a man who doesn't want to offend or torpedo his career.
Not only does he not look impressed but he looks exhausted and a little inebriated (drunk.
so the speculation about him and Nikki or Kristen is not allowed but about some skank who sold him out and her lies to L&S is,okay...there are people who were at that party saying he left early and alone and there were cameras everywhere where are the pics of the supposed 'kissing and canoodling'? he was there with his manager,bodyguard,publicist,you think they'd allow it? to me it looks more like a fan photo and the girl took advantage of it.
the guy was set up,he needs to be careful,not drink too much when around social climbers like her.
even lainey calls bullshit on this on her twitter
'travelled for 24 hrs straight. then passed out. woke up to an inbox full of panicked Pattinson fans about some girl. That story is a lie.'
L&S if full of lies. first the story of him and K at his bday and then this. they realized that making up any kind of story involving RP sells so they're taking advantage of that. it's obvious that Rob has his other arm around someone else but of course the magazine cut out the other person making it look like they are alone.
I really just hope that Rob had a great night!! he looked like he was really having fun. I guess that is one of the things that I like...er ..love about Rob is that he just likes to laugh and have a good time.
'Being crushed under the weight of over 8,000 twi-hard emails...'
lol people are crazy
Okay ladies, Lainey just said this story about Robert Pattinson and this girl is a LIE!
Lainey doesn’t like Rob and she said it was a lie. She was at Cannes in France; I knew it was a lie. Just like I said Life and Style make up a new lie every week. They don’t know who is together and who isn’t check out what I said before. Don’t let them trash our Rob! He isn’t that kind of guy, rest easy girls, Lainey said she would have details Monday.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Dear Gossips,
Am back from Cannes. A gruelling day of travel. Passed out, slept for 10 hours - the most in a month! - and woke up only to be crushed under the weight of thousands of email from panicked Robert Pattinson twi-hards about some girl, some photo.
It's a rare Saturday blog in order to calm the crazy and rescue my poor inbox. In short, that story is bullsh-t. Total bullsh-t.
Also, really wanted to show you that photo of our favourite restaurant in Cannes. It's an Asian one. Called Chinks.
OK twi-hards, promise no hate mail especially after this, right?
Yours in gossip,
First rule of ANY RUMOR: "Consider the source." If the source isn't reliable, then do not believe the rumor!
Secondly, Rob looks smashed here; nothing against Erika, though don't you find it interesting that she looks a bit like Rob's ex-girlfriend, Nina Schubert? Also, like his mom, Clare and sister Lizzy...
Thirdly: Kerr-Bear...didn't Gozde politely suggest you go elsewhere? Please follow her advice and stop calling Rob names. Also, learn how to spell--lose, not loose and disappeared, not dissapeard.
All I can say is wrap that boy...wrap that thing GOOD!!
You know, he totally risks a chick going to the press and dishing about his "manly" abilities so he may just flirt but not follow through until all of our obsessive attention for him dies down. Could you imagine what would happen if this chick says he's "not packing"? I for one would be CRUSHED...it would destroy all my hot cougar fantasies!!
Yes it is nonsense! Rob is not a one night stand kind of guy, even though he drinks a bit he should be careful who he drinks with! What people won't do for fame and money, he probably thought he was among friends but got sold out by them so says someone who was there! Rob has taken plenty of pictures with women pushing up on him why is this one so different? The editor of Vogue was pushed all into him why is no one talking about that cougar picture!
ugh, i can't believe that i even (jokingly) speculated on this photo yesterday. i'm pissed at myself.
since i believe rob to be more honest about himself than he lets on, i choose to believe what comes out of his mouth. pictures can say 1000 words, but what those words are depends on who's looking at them. analyze his pictures to death, we still can't determine, one way or the other, "what rob MIGHT'VE done" with this girl or any other person.
i feel dirty about it. i feel like it's wrong. in a bad way.
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