Kellan Lutz (and his mipples) Denies ALL Rumors

Wow, that shirt is not covering his mipples at all :))

And the girl that is interviewing him sounds "like soooo stupid. OMG!"

Thanks to for sending me the embedding code and saving my sanity :))

I'm sure this won't stop the gossipers. Nor will it stop Laimey and TeddyPoo because they NEED Robsten and RobKi for hits. Watch Ted write about it tomorrow(oops he already did, oh Ted, so sad!) followed by Laimey the next day....SO LAME and A LOAD OF CRAP...

Thanks to "Fine" for the scans :))


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Mechevpao said...

OHH hahahaa.. I was imagining something like that for peen, but had to check

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - Now a talking donkey would be a reliable source.

Yeah, I heard PE used to do open mic nights. Now he's just hangin' in Vancouver writing songs with G.I. Joe.

TwiHartRK said...

Oops - I meant to say the commentary really shows Rob's self-deprecating humor and personality. A lot of reviewers comment about how it's an outstanding extra for a DVD to have the commentary for the whole movie.

And I wanna be the person who rubbed out his pulled groin muscle. Robsessed LIT up with comments after that little gem!

Unknown said...

awww bouffant is so sexy... with his little bouffant and his baseball outfit... i love the commentary!

yes, kk! get on that

leann: have you listened to the commentary...? hmmm? hmmm?

Gemgirl65 said...

GASP! NO Effin way...KK! You must watch the commentary this weekend! Eff school. Eff work. Eff the police. You haven't fully Robsessed until you've heard his mad ramblings and self-conscious put-downs and slyly snide remarks througout the movie. You simply must.

Tenneil said...

Twi~ seriously i am lmao...

KK ~ gijoe the real american hero??

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - If you want me to listen to the commentary, you're going to have to read ff. That's the deal.

Listen with my headphones on? Remember the story about the women who self-combusted and all the police found was her foot? There won't even be that much left of me if I use my freakin' headphones.

Gemgirl65 said...

C'est un bouffant, n'est-ce pas?

The dude even speaks French. Eff me.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, don't get me started on those baseball uniforms.

TwiHartRK said...

30s - LMAO - the first step is accepting you have a problem. Is that a problem? At least you aren't in denial...when was the part where you looked for the battery compartment?

Gemgirl65 said...

Tenneil! Note to self...must get earphones. *dies*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Yes, the real American hero. He also doubles as PE's bodyguard when PE is walking down the street with a coffee and a sandwich.

Diane said...

Do you suppose Robward was gentleman enough to give Kristen's stunt double something nice - to make it up to her. If so what?

Unknown said...

oh shit leann! damn the french from him... aaaaahhhhh

now guys...let's be simple about this.


kk and leann: you need to shake on it... or pinky swear

Mechevpao said...

Ohh TH, is there a list to join, to apply to that duty.. I want to massage that muscle on Rob too hahaha

And the dvd commentary is hilarious, one of the best I´ve heard, the are generally very boring, but now a commentary with Rob, amazing!!! He laughs of himself and the movie

Tenneil said...

KK~ you must... hearing rob that close to you...OMG...

Leann ~ put reading FF on your bucket list now... yes he does speak french but he could read a toilet manuel and it would cound effing hot

Tenneil said...

KK ~ was that him in the pix from the other night at the concert...where he looked totally out of place that finely aged man???

Anonymous said...

ts~ "Cheeseburgers" is my favorite one-worder.


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Rob should sign up to record some audiobooks/toilet manual/street signs...

Unknown said...

alie: i have a problem... hmmm battery compartment? fucking brilliant! i never thought of that... where's the switch though? behind the peacoat?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - That was him right before he went backstage, made out with PE and then smoked some weed.

Diane said...

And a Hallmark card that says "Sorry I broke your coccyx."

TwiHartRK said...

T - I agree - oh Rob read me the yellow pages...

That's it KK = commentary
LeeAnn = FF
shake on it!

Unknown said...

boli: i love the way he says cheeseburgers...

t: no... that was him in the hoodie outside in the street shots...didn't you recognize the camo?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Still commentary for ff...what do you say???

Tenneil said...

KK ~ agreed...

TS...LOL gay voice rob is hilar...

TwiHartRK said...

KK - are you starting rumors again? Sheez - Goz is gonna be so pissed when she sees this thread. Who is this GI Joe - is he good? Where can I get tickets to his next show? I am planning my trip to Vancouver now...

Unknown said...

diane: a hallmark card lmao! i could think of something nice he could give me to make up for it...

flowers, i mean flowers

ky: where'd you go?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

PE is really getting around, isn't he? He'll f*ck any action figure that looks his way.

Tenneil said...

Okay did you guy really notice that creepy old guy in the photos???? why was he there...

GI Joe better watch his back I hear PE talking to HE MAN the other day???

Diane said...

He would if Jean-Luc hadn't stolen his little peacoat-wearing plastic peen.

Gemgirl65 said...

Tenneil, you are right...even a toilet manual. "Sit gently on the toilet seat, centering your anus over the opening, and gently let the poo drop into the water below." Sexy!

Diane, I think the only chivalrous thing to do would be to offer to rub scented oils onto her broken bum while crooning Van Morrison songs (and some of his own compositions) to her.

Gosh Twi, we're gonna ruin all the best stuff for KK! "In this scene I'm talking about how much I don't like cookies." "I wonder if vampires' eyebrows grow back?" "Well that's a bit saucy!"

KK, just as long as we don't get into Bella and Edward-type deals here. I haven't watched THAT much Little Ashes.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - He-Man and PE had something going on during the first film. Summit sent He-Man back to L.A. because they didn't want any more rumours about them going around.

Diane said...

Wait - I just remembered! I'm Kristen's stunt double!

~KY~ said...

sorry, still lurking
playin on FB too

TwiHartRK said...

Pffft - flowers 30s - REALLY?

Wouldn't you rather have a "ride through the trees" ; )

Unknown said...

leann: that was snort worthy toilet commentary!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Does this mean we are shaking on the commentary/ff deal??? (BTW - the best part about the commentary is going to be Rob's voice, so don't worry about ruining it for me. Impossible).

Do we have witnesses to this agreement commentary/ff agreement between Leann and KK?

~KY~ said...

heres a treat for ya...

j'aime quand le rob indique des cheeseburgers. il m'incite à vouloir le visser insensé.

Diane said...

KK - Did they send He Man back to Los Angles or to Little Ashes. Please clarify.

Mechevpao said...

Ok,I´m cheking out for tonight, short visit.
lovely talking to you, really fun.

Tenneil said...

KK~ PE told HE-Man that Skelator was anger about that situation and told him to work it out with Summit?? IDK I cant keep up with him

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - BTW, your toilet commentary almost caused me to need oxygen for a moment.

Unknown said...

i do hearby witness the shake on the ff/commentary agreement between kk and leann

TwiHartRK said...

Shit damn Leeann - talking french, crooning Van Morrison, scented oils?
Get out of my fucking head!

You don't need to read FF - you need to write it!

You and KK: a collaboration.

Shake on it!

Tenneil said...

Bye Mech....

witness here...

~KY~ said...

i really have no idea if that made any sense...

but it sounded sexy!

Diane said...

Vraiment, KY.
KK/Leann - I'm willing to testify to this agreement if you're willing to convince Rob I'm Kristen's wounded stunt double.

Unknown said...

alie... busted once again... flowers are overrated... riding rob is what the doctor ordered

i'm like fucking george washington up in here... i cannot tell a lie

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - But then Skeletor showed up in Vancouver for some staged piggy-back pics with Polly Pocket.

Oh God...I'm even confusing myself now...

~KY~ said...

i dunno, diane, did you actually get what i was tryin to say. im not so good with the french!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Diane - Deal. I'll even throw in some edible body paint...errr...I heard it's good for muscle pulls...

Tenneil said...

Where does SHE~RA some in the play... is she the driving the clown car???

Unknown said...

what has this become? i love the 80s toys?

i'm so confused...

TwiHartRK said...

Bye Mech!
What am I witnessing - KK and Leeann's agreement or Diane's ass???

Diane said...

KY - well, it sounded dirty, it sounded wrong. Voila - French!

Diane said...

Bless you, KK, for you have made me very happy.

TwiHartRK said...

K, I witness whatever you all want.

I need to go to bed but the suspense is killing me...

Tenneil said...

Sorry back to the task at hand... Rob reading the toilet manuel, telephone book??? gah... wait while dripping wet like in the forest scene... TWi fav right??

Gemgirl65 said...

KY, I don't remember my French vocabulary very well, so it looked good to me. C'est bonne!

KK, I actually laughed really hard at my own damned self, how pathetic is that? OK...I will try to find time to read some ff in between constant posting here and voting for Rob and watching Rob videos. Oh, and there's that pesky job thing during the day.

Twi, I have often thought of writing ff. Or just fic. I used to when I was young. Stories about a teenaged girl who went to London to be an exchange student, and ended up having a famous member of The Police as her host family. So yeah...I was writing fanfic 27 years ago!

You know Blunkhead is on here right now, getting ideas for his next column.

g'night Mechevpao!

Unknown said...

bye mech :)

geez i'm so late with that

diane did you say feel like it's dirrrrty...feel like it's wrong?

~KY~ said...

it was supposed to say something along the lines of, i love when rob says cheeseburgers, it makes me want to screw him senseless.

Gemgirl65 said...

Diane, from over here, you SO look like Kristen's wounded stunt double. I think you need immediate medical attention from Dr. Robert. (Hey, that's a Beatles song!)

Unknown said...

ky! hahaha he's a smart guy... that might take a while

Tenneil said...

Hey gals.... I must go...almost 2 am here.... need sleep the necessary evil??

robbie loving to you all

Tenneil said...

Nite Twi....

Unknown said...

t: night sweets :)

peace, love & rob

TwiHartRK said...

Oh T!! You are a woman after my heart indeed!

Leeann - all the more reason you should read it. I recommend starting with Wide Awake - KK is the English prof...

I'll send my link to my faves. brb...

Anonymous said...

KY~ .... =D

And on that note, goodnight ladies!

~KY~ said...

oh i gotta WHOLE lotta time to give to that particular task 30!

Unknown said...

oh! night alie... i didn't realize you were leaving too

nasty, naughty rob dreams to you :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Here is the link to "Cullenary Coupling":

You will need to register to read stories. It reads like two different stories, but when you get to the "Heart of Darkness" out. You will experience Edward's neuroses in abundance.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

And I agree with "Wide Awake" as well. Excellent ff. Read that one too.

Gemgirl65 said...

KY, everything makes you want to screw Rob senseless. And you are not alone, sistah.

G'night, Bolide!

WTH, most it's 1 a.m. here for most of us...I have to get up at 6:30...kill me now.

Unknown said...

night boli :)

ky: that is one task i would give 110%

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Night TwiHeart and Bolide!

I'm having my last smoke ladies, and then I'm out too. I've got some folks from a national reading initiative coming out to observe one of my reading classes I best be on my game.

~KY~ said...

about that you are absolutely right leann!

Unknown said...

i agree totally with wa... that was my first ff. it's pretty effin awesome!

leann: me too... i was up til 2am last night robsessing... job, what job?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

And I solemnly swear to listen to the commentary this weekend. With headphones. I mean, if I'm going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly, right?

TwiHartRK said...

Night T!! Good to see you bb!
Night Bolide!

Here are my favs -

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - I gotta check out your list too.

Unknown said...

kk: can't wait to read your email ;)

good night!

talk soon xoxo

~KY~ said...

off the puter now. will be clutching for a bit which means i will be slower =( until i succumb to my nightly ff fix!

Diane said...

30 - oui, I did say that thing.
Leann - so's Octopus's Garden, but it probably wouldn't help my case. Between you and Dr. Robert, I've got it made. Unfortunately, you also said the word "job," totally reminding me that I have one and better get to bed so I can get there in the morning. It's so funny; I'm the other one resisting ff, and the truth is I also used to write same in another fandom long ago. If you have to do it, I may give it a try too - it's the least I can do after you were nice enough to convince Rob he should feel really obligated about my ass.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Night 30!!!

Unknown said...

ky: my fellow clutcher! good night dear.

i'm sure i'll see you on fb ;)

~KY~ said...

je suis amoureux de toi Rob!

TwiHartRK said...

30s - we both lost our FF virginity to WA huh? God you and are like this:
*squeezing fingers together really tight*

Night KK! I'm out to for realz...

It was fun spider monkeys -Sweet riding on Robward's back dreams to you all!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann and Diane - I'm happy to be an unofficial Beta if you need one.

Diane - Read ff. READ IT! READ IT! Start with TwiHearts list.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I meant TwiHeart's list. Despite the fact that I forgot the apostrophe to show possession, I am a good writer.

Lord...why read "Cullenary Coupling" for neuroses? I've got plenty right here in my brain!

Unknown said...

diane...holding out on us! ff is like therapy... well maybe sex therapy, but it'll make you smile

good night! sweet dreams

Gemgirl65 said...

Heehee...I don't even know where to begin to answer you all and say goodnight to everyone. Me so tired. Me have had only 4 hours of sleep a night the past two nights. Me drunk on Rob waaay into wee hours of night. Rob is devil.

Okay, enough of that. Thank you for the link, KK! I have the page opened but I haven't actually looked at it yet. Registering may take some time. Oh crap, I'll be at Mom's for the Robsession withdrawals will be severe! Gah! But I will get around to the ff soon, I promise.

Unknown said...

awww alie ;) darkward was my first... and i still love him

night girl...for real this time!

Diane said...

Sadly, apostrophes are the first thing to go when the Robsess fever takes over your life. Nite everyone. Damn you, Jean-Luc!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Goodnight TwiHeart!

Goodnight Diane, 30, Leann, KY. Goodnight Johnboy.

Diane - READ IT!!!

Had a BLAST tonight! :)

Unknown said...

and now it's time for me to fade to black....

good night girls!

see ya soon :)

Gemgirl65 said...

Je t'adore, Rob. Je t'aime. J'ai desire pour ton care, ton physique...tu es l'homme plus magnifique dans tout le monde!

Take that, KY! ;)

someone who really knows French is going to come on here and kick my ass.

Gemgirl65 said...

I had a blast too. We should print this one out and mail it to Rob. He'd be impressed...amused...freaked out...okay, never mind.

A demain!

Maryann said...

To whoever who said it is weird that Rob has been single for the last two years..and maybe that could be fueling the gay/bi rumors. IF that is the case that is firstly just plain crazy and quite insulting IMO. I personally have been single for years and I have friends who have been single for years too. Being single for a long time has nothing to do with what your "orientation" is. It couldn't just be that he simply does NOT fall in love that easily? I know I can have a crush on someone but I do not fall IN LOVE easily. I just don't. Maybe I am still waiting for that certain someone I am willing to give up my single status for.

It really isn't that unusual to be single for a long time.

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